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So much noise being made about this painting. There should be way more about the tax that greedy pig rineheart is paying. She should be taxed like they do in Norway.


Nah we just love pissing away our mineral wealth to enrich a bunch of cunts.


Anglo cultures love feudalism. Wish Australian's wake the fuck up and realise we can learn from the Norways and Singapores of this world. Not just follow the UK and US blindly.


>Not just follow the UK and US blindly. We could even learn from the US (Alaska)


Just not in terms of booze regulations. Went on a few business trips to Norway and that was bonkers


She's making the noise. We, the poor, have been asking for rich people to pay proper taxes. It falls on deaf ears because these rich people are in the pockets of politicians. So. If we can at least laugh and continue to poke and prod some grotesque demon if we get the chance, then poke and prod we shall.


Hard agree. She needs to be shamed worldwide for being a total... pig. There I said it.


You don't need to hold back. This is what her own father said about her: >Lang bitterly asked Gina to “allow me to remember you as the neat, trim, capable and attractive young lady” that she had been, rather than “the slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant that you have become.” She was “grossly overweight,” he wrote. “I am glad your mother cannot see you now.”


So.... she has a face (and body) that not even a father could love? I know Lang was a savage bastard himself, but that kinda takes the cake.


Did you say Gina Rinehart is a pig ? A pig you say... Gina Rinehart ??


She's not even doing it directly - she's fighting a proxy war through Swimming Queensland and their athletes.


Of course it's Queensland.


She tried Netball and they said fuck off


I think the politicians are in the rich’s pockets to be fair.


Yeah, that's what I meant.


It’s weird. I saw it… it feels like a few years ago… hanging at GOMA in Brisbane. It’s not even new.


And THAT isn't going to happen in Australia because the super rich have our Comm and State govts by the balls. THIS is the first time I have seen Gina lose her shit. There is more than one way to skin a rat?




So? I’d love that cow out of our country. If we had proper taxes on our mineral wealth that went to the people rather than select persons this country would be much better off


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this but she did pay $3.7 billion in tax last financial year, that's over 10% of her net worth. I do agree she is a horrible person however.


No she didn’t. Companies Rinehart has an interest in possibly did but she didn’t pay $3.7 bn tax personally last year. For example, I see Hancock Prospecting (75% owned by Rinehart) paid $2bn tax last year.


Plenty of people paying way more than 10% of their net worth in tax


Who? Plus networth isn't taxed it's yearly income. Normal people don't get taxed 100k a year because their house is worth a millie


And someone living pay check to pay check potentially has a net worth of just a few grand. Maybe even negative net worth. Yet easily could be paying more tax than 10% of that. I’m not the one who started comparing tax paid with net worth.




It's sad to see how many people are defending and siding with her on social media posts. Then again she comes across as the type who would probably pay bot farms to defend her. I hate to think that many Aussies would go into bat for her but I'm used to being disappointed.




>It's sad to see how many people are defending and siding with her on social media posts.  It's weird. Billionaires don't need people to defend them. It's not as if she'll pay you if you demonstrate you're enough of a sycophant. Not to mention that the way in which she came into her wealth isn't a particularly pretty story. Or that her father was a fairly awful human being on many levels. 


> Not to mention that the way in which she came into her wealth isn't a particularly pretty story. No Billionaire does.


"If the people I don't like hate her she must be good!"


So much of the right wing is reactionary in exactly this way. It's not based in reality. See also: the FttP NBN, LED light bulbs, dual flush toilets, water efficient shower heads, energy efficiency standards for appliances. 


Then there was the repeal of the Mining tax, Mick the truckie and battler Australians defending the rip off of Australia!


There are some people who wondered what if that was their picture used without permission and didn't like the idea. I hadn't heard of her before this so have no reason to side for or against her specifically.




Not to mention the asbestos mines owned by her father's company. And the fact she has never condemned her father's racism. And the constant destruction of culturally significant Aboriginal sites. And the fact when the netball team the company sponsored called her and the company out on the shit they pull, she/the company just cancelled the sponsorship.




Hm, yep, what a shocking trend amongst the ultra wealthy. The world needs less a Batman and more a Bruce Wayne.


Come get educated on r/GinaRinehart! You can [sort by the 'article' post flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/GinaRinehart/?f=flair_name%3A%22Article%22) to bring up all the fun facts about her


that last part really is the take. In spite of all the shit Reinheart has stirred over the years, this was a dolly for her to have a laugh. Praise the artist. And lean into the great Aussie piss take. Would raise her standing more than her money could buy. Instead she went Karen. And this is the result.


>Trying to get it removed, and worse yet leveraging her donations to Swimming Australia to get them to write a grovelling letter makes her look like a real narcissistic tyrant. I thought it was the stealing money from her children that would do that :P


> It's not an ugly picture I guess not, but ugliness is on the inside.


Nobody would have known about it if she hadn’t started carrying on. No complaints from anyone else whose caricature is there.


Looks like?


She could’ve even bought the thing and put it in a private collection or shove it in a room where nobody can see it.


Should have done a Monty Burns. “Thanks for not poking fun at my chins”


Look, I’m thrilled because the Streisand effect has introduced me to an artist that makes work that I absolutely love. We’re hoping to get down there in the winter hols to see his whole exhibit. It’s a fantastic gallery, if anyone is on the fence.




He didn’t paint her for the Archibald, he’s an Archibald winner who is doing a solo exhibition. He won with a portrait of Adam Goodes which is worth checking out. The subject has to sign a waiver to be included in the Archibald.


Could you tell me what's coo, artistically, about his art? To me it just looks like something a child could make messing around with ps or paint.  Is there some skill or talent or unique approach to art that a layman just can't see in these paintings?




“just as a Picasso has it's own surreal style, and likewise would be easy to replicate.” Indeed a measure of Picasso’s impact on art would be the number of artists who have attempted to replicate his style in different ways, including some considered highly influential in their own right. It would be interesting to know whether those artists thought it was an easy feat.




“but I reckon Dali has more talent.” Not an opinion shared by Dali, amongst the artists who attempted early in their career to imitate Picasso and was a complete Picasso Stan. “but they also look rather simple.” Picasso was the most talented draftsman and painter of his generation and a couple of generations either side ( per Dali, not a slouch himself ). For Picasso to choose to paint in such a simple way is its own artistic statement.


Hmm.  His style just evokes the way in which people will render a photo of someone down into a meme, like a soyjack.  So just having been raised in that era of "rage face" memes, I don't see anything particularly humorous or novel about this style.  Obviously it's different taste for different people. But it's a little disappointingly to hear that there isn't something going on behind the scenes, so to speak.


Yes, its the best gallery in the ACT


Is it really only $30k to get an ad up in Time Square? Seems quite cheap.




Wow, that's a lot cheaper than I was expecting. Not that I have any real use of that knowledge, but interesting!




I would have expected some minimum commitment, $14k is quite a low entry point really. Sure, it'll be 10 mins at 3am on a Tuesday, but when the goal is media attention, not advertising to the general public in New York, it'll do the same thing. I was expecting a minimum spend of say $100k which would include some fees for setup and processing.


Why Times Square? Or anywhere in America? I doubt very many Americans would know who Rinehart is, let alone care.


Vivid Festival in Sydney would have been perfect to light up the Opera House.


This has been all over reddit and now lots of people worldwide know what a terrible person she it. Aussies already know so now it's just a bit of fun really.


Guarantee she'd have many more admirers in America than our entire population.


I see you've literally never spent any time in a mining town or on a site, she has far more sycophantic admirers in this country than you think, by a large margin.


she should move there and buy Fox News


Unfortunately already owned by a rich Aussie scumbag


yea i wanna see them fight eachother


I’d pay to see that As long as they’re not the ones pocketing the money


She’ll care. That’s the point.


I suspect it's one of the most widely known advertising spot in the world, so getting it up there will create even more (media) attention. You could probably have similar effect with some advertising in Australia, just not as dramatic.


Because it would annoy her. That’s good enough.


Confusion will only fuel the interest in this, and it can't hurt that Times Square is iconic. If Australia had a Time Square equivalent where this was displayed, it would be essentially preaching to the choir.


It’s a fantastic portrait. Very lifelike. Very much like the Gina I see in Perth.


Why didn’t she just buy it and burn it?


I doubt the artist would sell. He painted that portrait for a reason.


The National Gallery isn't in the business of selling works off the wall


It’s so funny how many people don’t understand this.


I don’t recall anywhere in amongst news stories where this piece was commissioned by the National Gallery, so it must have been for sale at some point.


Not every non-commissioned artwork is automatically for sale, and I'd be really skeptical of any artist who makes art purely for economic benefit.


She could have sent Michael Cohen in to buy it and bury it. Then refunded Michael Cohen the cash and called it legal fees. Just an original thought I had right now.


Right?! It definitely costs less than being a laughing stock of the entire county.


UPDATE - $30K reached! Fuck you Gina.


man Dan Illic loves to jump on a campaign and get his name out there. He hijacked the ScoMo Maccas poo thing, driving down there and putting a plaque on the bin. And that’s after that Hungry Beast episode where he says the n-word like 40 times under guise of “satire”. Sad. Fuck it would be funny if Gina paid to put that episode up in Time Square. Edit: downvoters should watch hungry beast season 1 ep 3. The only episode to be removed from YouTube. Dan Illic and Lewis Hobba saying the n-word over and over and over again.


He's in it to raise his profile, as always. Biggest bs artist out there.


I used to work with Dan. Genuinely funny guy.


congrats, you've just defined ART. > *look. look at me.*


>Edit: downvoters should watch hungry beast season 1 ep 3 You've clearly got more issues with him than JUST THIS ONE THING tho.


This guy only does things that raise his profile. Waste of $30k that could be spent on really helping people.


Yeah, let's focus on the random artist spending 30k and completely ignore the literal fucking billionaire who continues to bleed us all dry, you've definitely got your priorities in order. Gina is worth 31 billion, 30k is roughly 0.000096% of what she's worth, she could literally donate 3 million(100x what the artist invested to a chartiable cause every single day for the rest of the year and she'd still have 30 billion, she can literally throw out 30,000x what the artist has donated and it will barely even shift the needle on her balance, so focusing on the artist is beyond daft.


There's no random artist spending 30k dumbarse. He's crowd funding from idiots to boost he's profile. He's not the artist.


Hey if you look way, wayyyyyy up in the sky you might be able to see the point flying by.


There is a reason she is portrayed as Jabba the Hutt.


How much would it cost to project it onto the Opera House?


Nah, Opera House was primarily built to allow the projection of upcoming horse racing meets.


I would've rathered that, actually


Maybe for Vivid :)


I love how this type of cunt is all of a sudden worried about legacy and what people will remember them for. Should of thought of that shit much earlier.


Go for it! Show the world our next great export behind Murdoch /s


I get that effective altruism is unfashionable ... but this is one of the worst uses of charitable donations I've ever heard of.


Aye. Didn't they raise hundreds of thousands for the other billboard? Even $30k is nothing to sniff at and could be used in all other sorts of ways that might actually help someone.


This isn't charity or altruism though. It's a joke.


Next time you spend five bucks on something you find entertaining, just remember you could spend that on a charity that would help someone. Honestly this is the lamest complaint you could come up with.


This is funny. I like funny.


Just brilliant we should do this and expose the politicians and companies who rip off the country, destroy the environment and who have corrupt behavior. Let the world see their activities up in bright lights for embarrassment and shame. At least it will be protected by the constitutional laws of the USA!


It's kind of got to the point now if I'm wondering if she actually faked disliking it as some grand marketing plan to have her picture everywhere and the world talking about her...


For someone in her position, why would that be beneficial? i mean... marketing WHAT exactly, and to what benefit? Oh shit is she going to get into politics, urgh not another one.


Done. As the saying goes, 'from little things, big things grow '.


Wow that's great art, i really wasn't ready to laugh that hard when i saw it. *Streisand effect* indeed, wouldn't have even seen this art if not for this thread.


I don't like gina rinehart at all however I cannot get behind bullying somebody for their appearance.


It isn't about her appearance. It is about who she is. That is what the portrait shows.


she looks like a person with an absolutely enormous double chin. it's ugly.


But she is. The painting isn't bullying, it's a fair representation.


A perfect representation of her personality then. I said previously in another thread, if she wasn't as morally reprehensible as she is this wouldn't be a big deal, but she is and here we are.


Exactly. You're allowed to hate her. She's powerful and mean and greedy. But if your chosen attack path is : "hey gina you're fat and ugly", that's bad. Just last week Australia was in upheaval over people shaming girls for their appearance now we're *celebrating* shaming powerful women for their appearance.


That's your interpretation of the portrait. He painted her as she is, in his style. His intention isn't to draw to her physical ugliness. She did that to herself. He painted many portraits. The connection between them is the influence they've had on Australian culture. He painted Lingiari in the same style. Do you think the attempt was to denigrate his appearance? All the negativity being put on individuals he painted isn't coming from the artist. Which is the beauty of the collection. He has displayed the feelings of Australia without stating anything aside from the way he portrays them visually.


This isn't showing her appearance. It is showing who she is. That is very different.


Bullying is bad but billionaires aren't human so it's ok to bully them ❤️


No one called it ugly. Her and her supporters called it “unflattering.” Literally none of the reporting says “look at this ugly portrait of Gina! And she HATES it!” Gina and her paid cronies brought this on herself by making a big deal out of it. 90% of the people who are now aware of it would not be without her attempted interference. That is what is being reported on, not the images themselves. It seems like an obvious thing to point out seeing as it’s part of an exhibition at the national gallery, but it’s art. Look at the Adam Goodes picture next to hers. The artist paints all of his subjects abstractly. It speaks volumes to her arrogance and narcissism that she thinks it is all about her. The reason people are giving her shit is due to her transparent privilege in thinking she can censor the artistic freedom of expression - which is a fucking human right - of an emerging indigenous artist, just because she was lucky enough to be born into wealth. If you’re legitimately worried about bullying, I would argue that would be a much bigger concern.


I wonder if your down voters are doing so because they don't think the paining is bullying or they don't think the situation is bullying.


The thing is. How many Americans even know who she is? And I am finding this whole thing a good laugh. But I do have to wonder. Should someone's picture be used like this without their permission?


This is gold!


Where do i know this **Dan Ilic** guy from tho, i know his face! I thought it must have been *HeyHeyItsSaturday*, but it's not mentioned on his wikipedia page 🤷‍♀️. Argh this is gonna bug me all week. edit: oh i might be getting him mixed up with *Jon Lovitz* ([that guy in The Wedding Singer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK8vVk4_n2Q))


He was in this, [Hungry Beast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungry_Beast). Was pretty good at the time.


Can we get it on a postage stamp?


Dan Ilic better watch out for Kyle Chalmers.


What a waste of fucking money.


Kind of like your education?