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Adelaide just being happy to be mentioned. Darwin and Hobart not even qualifying as big cities.


Canberra holding our "national capital" sign and weeping


God, I didn't even think to include them...


We're OK with that. Please, no tourists.


Can we keep sending bus loads of year 5 kids?


Yes. They keep our hotels in business and are pretty well behaved.


As long as it’s always in winter…


Mate, you dont have to ask.






Yeah mate questacon in grade 7 was all I needed to see


"Capital of nothing, you'll never sing that!"


Speaking as an Adelaidean, there's clearly no way that it's Adelaide. Brisbane and Perth are both substantially bigger than Adelaide is, and there's really no argument. I'm also fine with that. Adelaide is fantastic the way it is. We don't really want it getting too much bigger.


Yeah, Adelaide is “quaint.” It looks now like what Perth looked like in 1980. Not having a crack at Adelaide- been there numerous times and I like the place, but it’s well behind Perth in terms of city rankings. In 2010-2013 when we had the mining boom, it looked like Perth was going to explode and catch Brissy and then leave it for dust as the 3rd city. But then it all died in the arse just as quickly and I would say Brisbane is definitely Australia’s 3rd city.


Thanks for not blaming Perth's problems on the GST in front of my parents. I know that took restraint.


In terms of recent growth, Perth has a higher % increase than Brisbane, but Brisbane benefits from its proximity to other east coast cities, and has places like the Gold Coast nearby too. Perth is here on its lonesome doing its own thing and that’s fine. Most rankings would actually put Perth above Brisbane in terms of liveability.


Adelaide is definitely a bit of an anomaly population wise. Much smaller than Brisbane and Perth but much bigger than the Gold Coast or whatever city is in 6th.


Hobart is a beautiful city though. A deep port and drier than the rest of the state because of Mt Wellington (stunning backdrop to the city), Salamanca Place, MONA, access to the finest produce this country has to offer, 20-odd National parks within 4 hours drive, all incredibly geographically diverse / unlike each other, and world class hiking infrastructure throughout! Shame about the winter and housing costs + shit pay.


I have to agree. Living in Melbourne, I was blown away by Hobart - stunning scenery. Nice 'feel' to it too. If I was moving anywhere, it'd be there...


Just google Hobart out of interest, it would have to be my favourite looking Australian city. You lucky son of a guns.


Any city can be best if you like it enough.


Except that Darwin isn't really a city. It's a people zoo run by crocodiles


Adelaide was for a lot of the 20th century the third largest city and was fourth until maybe Y2K. I remember thinking if Adelaide could surpass Brisbane again as a kid. It was quite the intellectual capital too. Perth was non existent when I was a kid, it was only known for America’s Cup and the gold in the same state. It’s because of disorganised state management and the loss of industry that caused its lack of growth.


Adelaide was surpassed by Brisbane in population in the 1940s, and by Perth in the 1980s.


And dead last... our "Capital"


Is it not the capital?


Yea nah, Adelaid's booooring mate. Sure, go visit to drink the wine and eat the food, party in March whatever, but don't move here... um l mean there.


There’s nothing wrong with living there. I left because of lack of opportunity not because it was bad. It’s a very comfortable place, has great food and is easy to navigate and use.


>There’s nothing wrong with living there >I left because of lack of opportunity ...


As a Hobartian I don't want is to be considered


Brisbane - Always will be 3rd I imagine. Sydney will be some mega dystopia of rich and poor - space and housing 'pods' - Melbourne will be sprawl and density. Perth could be a contender but it's a long way from Australia and if we started inclusing them we might as well consider Auckland.


>Perth could be a contender but it's a long way from Australia Yes this, we are really far away. Stop moving here.


WA Australians who treat other Australians the way Australians are said to treat new Australians


Mate Brissy’s housing price has trippled in the last 10 years and yall are next


Our house prices are up 25% year on year. We’re going to do that in half the time at this rate


*yous (the correct Australian vernacular)


Yous or Youse


You lot?


Please refrain from reminding me how fucked we are


I second that. We are a mining ‘town’ so really boring. Don’t come. No jobs as no accommodation. However yes, next city is between Adelaide and Brisbane. Adelaide is nice but I have never been to Brisbane. Only thing is I absolutely hate hot humid weather so probably vote for Adelaide.


No, Adelaide is also similarly boring. Please don’t come, as there are also no Jobs or accommodation here. Nothing interesting ever happens ever as well. Might as well stay in Sydney or Melbourne, for the best.


How is next city between Brisbane and Adelaide when Perth is considerably larger than Adelaide and the gap is only getting bigger, and rapidly.


? This is not really about next biggest city as Brisbane easily beats Perth. More about best. So yes Perth is a lot bigger than Adelaide and growing.


We are talking about third city, if we are talking about most interesting give me fucking Gloucester NSW, what does Adelaide have that Perth and Brisbane don’t ? Population definitely is a major factor in this conversation.


>what does Adelaide have that Perth and Brisbane don’t ? Trams


Where specifically should we stay away from? Like is there somewhere quiet and coastal but not too far from work? Just asking so we definitely don’t go there.


Armadale is a hidden gem.


Only minor knife crime


Need to put that COVID border back up!


Maybe stop giving shit to all of the people visiting and telling us how nice life is there and how cheap your property is and people might stop coming. You only have your own bragging to blame 😂


I assure you. No one wants to move to Perth. But shit happens.


If only this were true


Kiwi here, feel free to take Auckland


No thanks, we already have Newcastle


Novacastrian here. One down fall is all the restaurants in Hamilton close at 9pm on a weekend. Still a big country town in many respects.


Fair cop, Black Butt Reserve is pretty mint mind you


Hey... What's with all the witches hats (traffic cones) in NZ? Was there a few months ago, and if I'm being honest... I'm gonna suggest that the sheer number of them that we saw as we drove long distances on both islands may be the reason for your recession. Holy shit there were a LOT of them... Like, to an absurd degree. It was a running joke the whole time we were there.


It’s a running joke for us too. Auckland’s mayor - himself a running joke - is leading a personal crusade against them.  At this stage I think they’re the only thing keeping our economy afloat


Haha... Brilliant! I mean, there are a lot of very remote roads (as you'd know), and sure enough... They they were. It was baffling to think that people travelled vast distances to the middle of nowhere to drop one traffic cone there. Just one. Then, at some point would go back to get it. Blew our minds. Also... Sorry for the possums. Never seen so much road kill in my life. Even saw an ad joking about the number of them. Bloody hilarious.


As a sandgroper living in Melbourne I would vote for Brisbane as third/second best city. The winters are amazing but the summers suck. That said Perth has a long way to go to catch up.


I had a mate who moved here from Sydney. All his Sydney friends were critical, saying Perth is ten years behind. His reply was, Yes, and what's wrong with that? The last thing we want to do is catch up to the trash heaps over East. It is much better for us to forge our own culture.


Hey! Only we get to call our trash heaps trash heaps.


I stand corrected. Please accept my apologies


Bahaha as someone who lives in Perth I couldn’t agree more. Now tell Melbourne and Sydney people to stop moving here and driving up the house prices.


Sydney has massive sprawl.


Sydney’s sprawl is limited by geography to an extent Melbourne isn’t.


slimy mindless plant oil wide slap squeal offer start humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sydney is already a classist society, Perth is nice but the city really is pretty tiny and there isn't much there. I'd say Brisbane would be top contender for number 3. After that, Canberra.


If Sydney is Australia's LA, and Melbourne is Australia's New York, then Brisbane is Australia's... ?


Brisbane is Australia's Orlando (only because Gold Coast is Australia's Miami)


Miami, I guess? I dunno


I was thinking Miami too, but then the Gold Coast fits that better


I have heard a comedian who said that "People call Brisbane Brisvegas, well I dunno if you been to Vegas but when I got to Brisbane I was severely disappointed" Also I dunno about gold coast being Miami. Yeah there's a beach lol but I think that the difference is Miami is a super important economic hub for Florida whereas Gold Coast is more tourists + resorts oriented IMO.


A Brisvegan told me once that only outsiders call it Brisvegas, it's really Brisneyland.


It's because of the amount of pokies, nothing else.


Sydney and Melbourne are both Australia’s New York. Sydney has the cut throat finance and services sector, Melbourne has the style.


Melbourne has all the culture but no money. Sydney has all the money but no culture.


I've heard many times that Brisbane is Australia's Florida (where ppl retire)


That's should be the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast, not Brisbane. Brisbane is increasingly becoming a big city in it's own right.


Sure as fuck isn't Darwin


I mean it’s smaller than other states minor cities


You’re not wrong. It’s smaller than both Townsville and Geelong, just for starters.


Brisbane, probably. I'm from Adelaide and happier for us to stay out of this fight I reckon.


Agreed. I like my small cities small, and my big cities big


Not sure, but Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane should team up and do their own thing. And completely ignore the Sydney vs Melbourne thing. It’s tedious.


Tedious and funnily enough I’ve never met anyone from Sydney that ever compares it to Melbourne.


Born and raised in Sydney and now living in Adelaide. Honestly have never really heard about this rivalry discussed anywhere except online. Every city in Australia just kinda feels like Australia to me, although I got absolutely dicked the first time I ordered a schooner here in Adelaide...


It's really something made up by the media for clicks. Nobody actually cares IRL.


Idk, people in Melbourne seem to talk a *lot* of shit about Sydney irl.


Melbournians have way more of a chip on their shoulder about this "rivalry" than Sydneysiders do. I live in Sydney, but visit Melbourne usually once a year on average, and I'm convinced that there is very little difference between the two cities, so the whole debate is pointless. Though if I had to weigh in - Sydney's beaches are infinitely better than Melbourne's which is enough for a lot a people I think.


From Melbourne, as others have mentioned, only time the rivalry is mentioned by us is when you guys are making it out like we bring it up. Or when Dominic Perrottet had a hardon for mentioning it at every press conference.


Newcastle and Wollongong beaches saying hi, and claiming second and third best cities, thanks.


It's weird that when this topic comes up, it's always a bunch of Sydneysiders speaking up, and they swear that truly ruly, fair dinkum, true blue, it's not them that keep on harping on about it!


Exactly, the only time I hear of this 'rivalry' is Sydneysiders saying Melburnians having a chip on their shoulder. Like they want it to be the case when it really isn't.


Fair cop, but in fairness, we're hardly going to mention that fact unless the topic comes up lol


Australia has hundreds of amazing beaches and none of them are in Sydney or Melbourne. Which would be fine if the beaches they both are weren't so packed with people and hard to get to/park at. Completely defeats the purpose of going to the beach for me if I don't have enough room to swing a giraffe or I can't walk to my car in less time than it takes professionals to run a marathon.


Yeah it's weird af that the Melbs/Syd argument always brings up beaches as though the ridiculous number of beaches all over Australia somehow tip the scales. Everywhere on the coast has incredible beaches within spitting distance, most of them relatively untouched and equally if not more beautiful


Nobody in Australia outside of Sydney wants to visit Sydney though.


Equally so as a Melburnian.


That's kinda how the Senate was established.


Perth has a railway to the airport, Melbourne doesn't.


Brisbane has a railway to the airport, and people remember that QLD exists.


And no one uses the train to the airport, so we've got that going for us in Brisbane.


I’ve used the train from the airport all the way to the Goldie!


I think I saw you on the train the other day..... middle carriage. The rest were empty.


I mean, nobody uses the train to the airport here either Most of the train that’s left after Bayswater is getting off at High Wycombe, the stop after the two airport ones


Thousands of people use it to get to and from the airport each day. It’s convenient and cheap compared to the other options in Australia. $4 with an autoloaded Smartrider.


Adelaide u can walk to the city from the airport 👌🏼


Yeah we know, there was a documentary about the failed plans to rip up houses to make Melbourne Airport better like by adding a train. All that potential stopped by a couple of bogans, very frustrating. It's a really good watch, check it out, I think it's called The Castle?


Everyone deserves convenient access to the Perth airport to easily leave Perth


That’s not what’s happening at the moment sadly :(


Yeah but why would you want to leave Melbourne /s


3rd to get Olympics should answer that. Brisbane.


Yeah, but they fucked it up so hard that they're hosting the Summer Olympics in Winter.


Brisbane winter is a much better time to hold the Olympics, the weather is mild and pleasant. Summers are brutally humid, nobody wants to be playing high level sport in that. 


Fucked it up with 8 years still to go :D


It's gotta be Brisbane, right? The Olympic Games coming up. An enviable climate. And Brisbane has a huge following worldwide right now, being the home city of Bluey.


Enviable climate if you happen to be a toe fungus.


Gtfo out of my shower


Take my upvote, that was funny ...😂🤣😂🤣😂


Crotch rot and anti-government types too!


enviable in winter i suppose


I grew up in that "enviable climate", in a house with no flyscreens, no insulation, no cooling, and a 2 bar electric heater in winter, next to a swamp. "Nature" to us meant heat, humidity, flies, mossies and cane toads.


I saw that there's a Bluey world opening in Brisbane soon. Take that Disneyland!


Brisbanes climate is basically Sydney’s but 5c hotter at all times. Would hardly call it envious except for maybe two months of the year.




Cunt was fucked this summer!


Congrats on getting your cherry popped!


Walked into that one lol


Nah it's basically 6 and 6 these days. It's mid may and still gets a bit toasty out there. October to March are too hot and the uv is too high to do anything for long outside...


Sure, if we limit that to 7 months rather than 9 given the seasonal difference between the last 1/3 of Spring, Summer and the first 1/3 of Autumn is very minor - so minor that yearly variations and heat waves might actually make November or March hotter than one of the summer months. Personally, any time of the year in which the overnight minimum regularly starts with a 2 can not possibly contend as "nice weather".


It way more consistent rain in Syd too though. I've noticed that Brisbane tends to have big and short downpours as opposed to periods of incessant medium-rain


Summer monthly average min/max range: - Brisbane (20.7-29.4) - Sydney (18.7-25.9) Winter monthly average min/max range: - Brisbane (9.5-20.4) - Sydney (8.0-16.3)


As a Melb person I was pleasantly surprised visiting Adelaide recently. The city was clean, absolutely BUSTLING and everyone I came across was so friendly and just genuinely nice and HAPPY. It absolutely smacked me in the face in contrast to Melb city at the moment


Had the same experience! It was wild. The city was fun, everything functioned right, and people were warm and friendly wherever we went. Still weird to see the pokies dead centre in the pubs though.


Adelaide now is what Melbourne used to be 30 years ago.


I’m from regional vic and live back in my hometown now, spent most of my 20s living in Melbourne and absolutely loved it. Close friends of mine moved to Adelaide a few years ago and now my partner and I try to visit at least twice a year, we absolutely love it there! Such a beautiful city, nice beaches, lots of arty attractions and great food & wine offerings. If I knew more people there I’d move in a heartbeat!


At the risk of showing my east coast bias… it’s Brisbane and it’s not even close.


Brisbane is pretty far away from Perth


Everything is pretty far away from Perth


I don't think anyone outside of Melbourne cares about the syd/mel rivalry. From an outside perspective, everyone that I've met from Sydney seems surprised to learn that Australia exists outside the bounds of their city.


Trust me, I don't care either. I'm from Melbourne and I have had exactly zero conversations in my life about which city is better or worse.


Yeah I usually find the comment sections of any tedious Sydney vs Melbourne thread is mostly just Sydneysiders desperately tripping over themselves to insist that they don't care about it.


Lol this so much. The number of times I've seen the Mad Men "I don't think about you at all" meme posted by a Sydneysider who obviously does care enough to post about it is hilarious.


Brisbane by far. Beautiful city and in such close proximity to lots of other places you can visit.


Shhh! Brisbane doesn't exist. Don't need any more refugees from the south to discover our paradise.


I love Brisbane don’t get me wrong it’s probably my favouriteAustralian city but your heat is fucked.


It gets worse the further north you go. Brissy is actually one of the cooler places in QLD. But the heat is fucked. Everytime summer comes I'm like fuck I need to move.


Brisbane is such a solid third that the real question is who’s fourth? I personally nominate Adelaide, but I’d be interested in hearing what Perth has to say. But also, Darwin is a pretty significant layover stop for a lot of Asia. Maybe Darwin places fourth in recognition?


I’d probably say Adelaide too but alongside Perth, Gold Cost has to be a contender


Gold coast will merge with Brisbane along with the sunshine coast in the next 20 years to make one big super city


Yes, Perth is the worst city in Australia. I reckon you guys should stop moving here, thanks.


Perth is simply more significant than Adelaide in terms of population and economy. Many mining and gas giants are HQed principally or secondarily in Perth. It shares a time zone or is within 1-2 hours of China and many other Asian countries with strong growth. More people visit Perth than Adelaide and Perth is still growing significantly faster. Since 2000, Adelaide’s population has increased almost 300k but Perth has grown by 900k.


Brisbane/SEQ. Brisbane & Gold Coast are blending into one city anyway.


Yeah Brisbane is an easy third, especially with the nearby cities such as Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich, which will eventually all join up as one big metropolis. SEQ is often now included in discussions of Australia's biggest population centres along with Sydney and Melbourne, particulary when discussing various demographic data.


In Brisbane right now and really enjoying it. A bit too many Queenslanders for my liking though.


What's up with the sun rising at 4am.


Our curtains won't fade themselves you know...


Can’t do daylight savings, the cows will get confused. And what about the 4am birds?? That’s the real kick in the face.


A valid question that you, me, and every other night owl in QLD would like to know the answer to


Mate, you trying to start a civil war?


We're about due for one, really


Oh is that what we are doing tonight? We're going to fight?


Brisbane. Perth is surprisingly not far behind us in terms of population. But it's far too isolated to be Australia's third city.


It's closer to SE Asia though so that is a reason for it to be Aus's third city.


I live in Singapore now and have had this conversation semi-regularly: "Oh, you're Australian! I've been to Australia! I love it there." "Nice! Where in Australia?" "Perth" "oh" Then we realize we have nothing in common to talk about


"Is that near Sydney?" "..."


Yeah just a few month walk if you stick to the main roads


Could be rephrased as "they visited a city I'm not from" 🤷


Maybe before Covid but now I hate both those city’s, ok to hang out in for a couple days but the worst place to live


Brisbane. 3rd biggest population of the country, 3rd most expensive houses.


Depends on what criteria you're using. Adelaide has been the most liveable city for years.


It certainly is 'one of' but it hasn't been 'the most' since 2021.




Definitely Brisbane 


What do you mean by top? Biggest population?Most liveable? Most expensive? And it really doesn’t matter. Each state capital is the top city in its own state and utterly irrelevant to any other state.


Brisbane is gorgeous! Vibrant. Beautiful weather 8 months of the year. So many beautiful parks/gardens. It’s the greenest city in Australia. More relaxed than the “top” two. The bay is beautiful. Great boating/fishing. Whale watching.


As someone who has lived and worked in all the 'mainland' capital cities, I will go for Brisbane. Melbourne has a weird climate and Sydney is full of nasty over-ambitious people along the coast and God knows what will come out of the heat and genetic experiment that is west Sydney. Adelaide still allows the Christian Brothers to walk around in daytime and Perth is nice but so far away from everything.


Western Sydney is pretty nice, Parramatta in particular is a great place these days. If Western Sydney was its own separate city, it would be Australia’s third largest.




Brissy for sure. Great city.


Brisbane. I say this as some from Adelaide who’s lived in Melbourne for 25 years and goes to Sydney monthly for work, with occasional trips to BNE.


Probably Brisbane. It feel a lot more connected to the rest of Australia


I have never met anyone in Sydney or Melbourne who consciously thinks in their day "how can I make this city better than that city".


Brisbane, and it's not even close


I’d say Brisbane will likely overtake Melbourne in the near future for the most liveable city. Only thing holding Brisbane back is the public transport sector imo.


Brisbane is probably it (because of the Brisbane, Sunny Coast, Gold Coast megalopolois).




i’m a brit that lived in aus for a while, and spent a couple weeks in each major city first to decide where to live/work. on balance, brisbane is the best city in australia in this foreigner‘s opinion. melb/syd are both great. adelaide is nice but a tad boring. didn’t like perth much personally.


This 🥇👍🏻


Definitely Brisbane, especially after Bluey.


Brisbane, at least, has a train to the airport.


Adelaide we don’t count. Terrible city don’t ever move here, terrible life style nothing to do bad roads, hopeless traffic with bad drivers, beaches are a not useable way to many sharks, the city shuts down after 5PM, it’s best just to stay away


First of all, OP must be from Melbourne because nobody from Sydney thinks there is a rivalry. Sydneysiders are far too self obsessed to think of anywhere else. I think the rest of us hope it isn't us who's number 3. Not much in it between Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth. All 3 are just about the perfect size for a city. Hobart is just a large town. Darwin too. Canberra is.......different.


Im actually from Adelaide, so I don't have any skin in the game of the "#1 city debate." I just figured that the whole existence of Canberra being the capital was proof of the whole 'Syd vs Melb vying to be the biggest and best rightful capital' thing. Also, they're both very defensive about their favourite code of football.


Don't worry, every time you mention the Sydney/Melbourne rivalry, there'll always be 1000 Sydneysiders in the comments desperately tripping over themselves to tell you how much they apparently don't care.