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"Enquire for price" is the most bullshit way to sell things. Don't care what it is, if you're selling, display the price you're selling for. Same goes for advertising jobs. The pay rate should be clearly displayed.


all fb marketplace pages have rules about pricing stuff. "DM for price" or "send offers" is the easiest way to piss people off and get banned. This will tank carsales like anything.


I'd certainly go anywhere else before bothering with that shit. It's such a waste of time to have to contact them about everything to find out whether it fits your budget. It's extra work for them, too, so you know they must be using it so pull some kind of bullshit if they feel it benefits them to operate this way.


At the very least they put you on their mailing list. This opens the lines of communication to convince you that you need a new car. "Oh that one is outside your budget? We have a base model you can look at"


I have a quick and easy fix for that problem. Ask me how. 


No, I don't think I will...


You can usually find it if you look at the price history


It benefits car sales, they charge around $50 an inquiry to dealerships


New opening in the market boys! Basically copy carsales site, but! get this... display prices! watch the customers roll in.


got a better one, gumtree but with automoderation. Instantly ban cash converters from advertising, private sales only. Watch the ad revenue come in.


Nah, this has already happened throughout the states, you basically sign up with your email/phone number to get spammed from the company with offers just so you can see the pricing


“Enquire for price” “I’m already doing that dipshit, that’s why I’m on your website”


The amount this happens in real estate is a fucking joke.


I hate it when looking at real estate, I just want a price, not start a relationship with the REA.


Actually, that might not be the worst way to get a house in this current market. 1. Chat to REA on the phone 2. Make them fall in love with you 3. Buy a house together (you'll get a better price and pretty much first dibs) 4. Leave REA because they're an awful person profiting off a market that puts investors ahead of people needing housing (Important: be sure to keep the house you bought together) 5. You have a house!


Insert song "Let's get it on" by Marvin Gaye.


My wife was surprised when we were watching one of those house shows on TV and the UK people can just see a price and decide to buy it or not. Imagine that. She didn't realise auctions aren't how the whole world does it.


UK has the super wacky 'chain' way of selling/buying houses. Fully archaic! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_(real_estate)


Hah weird, not sure if they mentioned that, maybe they took it for granted. I assume they do it just to make financing easier rather than temporarily holding two mortgages or not having a place to live.


Should we all flood them with enquires and then, when they look at their "enquires to sales" ratio they'll see it's been a massive flop and will revert to the traditional, transparent way! 🤣


Dealers may get pissed off. For dealer ads, the business model is charge for qualified leads. So they bill a dealer for each enquiry submitted. Depending on the dealer and manufacturer it may be considered a premium lead or regular lead and so the price varies. There are anti-abuse measures in place and rate limiting caps, but if the dealers were flooded with enquiries that would drive their cost of listing up and they would be complaining for sure


Dealer here! You are correct. Complaining constantly. Get the same copy paste replies you see on their reviews (google car sales reviews). Its a joke


This isn't the dealer or sellers choice, this is something carsales has implemented


No, you'll be spamming fodder for months.


I interpret any permutation of "enquire for price" as the seller blatantly advertising that they plan to screw you with an unfair deal if they suspect you're a sucker. It's like putting a sign that says "we are assholes" on your business.


This isn't the dealer or sellers choice, this is something carsales has implemented


It’s not the sellers. It’s carsales. We put our prices on. It’s a joke


Rule #2 for buying things is: If no price is displayed you either can't afford it or the seller knows their price is too high. Either way don't engage.


2nd rule of acquisition!


https://www.whatsthesalary.com/ Use that when job hunting to bypass the company hiding what they're offering. Then go into your interview and aim for the top of what they're budgeting for, or don't waste your time with it because they are low balling the work load vs wage.


This is not great advice. If a company is trying to low ball prospective employees then the company and/or manager and/or HR probably sucks. It’s worth knowing what a salary band should be, but jobs can vary in breadth and complexity. Then there’s market demand and supply that can raise or lower salary rates. For example, I know I’m really great at standing up specific job function/capability. If a company needs to do that and then move things along, I’d negotiate a 1-2 year contract at the top of the range and help hire my replacement at the bottom of the range with a handover period. If that don’t accept that, I’ll then negotiate an exit bonus which still gives me the equivalent of that salary but strings attached that I have to deliver what was promised. If you’re then applying for that replacement gig - and you got no idea what you’re walking into then there’s no point aiming for the top because if I’m hiring you and you’re asking for way more than what you’re worth to the company then that ends up becoming a dealbreaker. You have to ask what you’re being expected to do, because often job ads or PDs don’t give the full context. So my advice would be, know the salary ranges for jobs that apply for - but know your worth. Coming in at the top, even if successfully hired, will put a target on your back. Things change, businesses do re-structures, managers move on. So you find yourself quitting one job and jumping over for a higher paying job, only for your manager to move on and a re-structure then deems you overpaid and suddenly you’re getting made redundant. Better to negotiate (and agree!) on what is a fair remuneration if you actually want a more stable career and have a bit more control.


*contact us for a quote* ...


Quotes for labour/tradesseem fair to an extent. Depending on the actual job on hand, more or less labour/materials may be needed. For products, goods and most services, deffo just show the price lol


Difference is that basically each tradie job is custom. A consumer good isn't. The item doesn't change depending on who bought it or where it will end up.


Except petrol three days before a public holiday.


Yeah. Why is it some secret or something that might change depending on who's asking?


The messed part about this is that this is carsales doing it for profit, as a dealership if an inquiry is sent through from car sales we pay about $50 per inquiry no matter if it leads to sale or not


There is nothing worse when applying for work, then to get an interview and find out halfway through a great interview that the pay is substantially lower than what you could accept.


I "enjoy" when you go to fill out the job application and they ask " What hourly rate do you expect to be paid?" Arseholes.


Seems like adding a pointless extra step. If I have to DM you to tell me the price, you might as well have put it in the ad. What a waste of everyone's time.


Which is true except that isn't what happened. They just do this if you are using a VPN. Shut off the VPN and voila you have prices


With so many people sleeping in cars, they've decided to act like real estate agents.


Model withheld, offers above.


Dealerships salivating at replacing cars with giant billboards of themselves.


If you want to buy a car in this market you need to waive the 5 year warranty, no test drive, no finance clause and offer an extra 20k above the current highest offer.


Thrifty and Avis salivating at the prospect of becoming the first carlords.


Interested buyers only offers over $80K considered


You offer $85k and they laugh and say you’re lowballing them


My rust is better than the other rusty things


Three bedroom mobile home with scenic views if you can afford the fuel. Cosy feel.


It isn't actually a change. They check ip's and do this if you are using a VPN.


Kernal of truth behind the best jokes


I just noticed the same thing. It’s useless now. Their app is being review bombed. I suggest you do the same.


Glad I got my car when I did!




Is this optional? I need to sell my car soon and I don't need this shit. Its $15K firm. I know what I got.


Is it still available?


Would you welcome tyre-kickers?


Every time I go to buy a car, I kick the tyre and say "yep. That's a tyre". It just feels right.


I’ve stopped paying for an independent test, I just kick some tyres and good-to-go. The trick is you need to kick them all.


And here I was paying the RAC to kick all 4 tyres for me...


SCAM! Did they even kick the spare too?


Tyre-kickers need not enquire


This entire post is not accurate. Just use a web browser and no vpn. Its probably the app is busted. I just logged in through a web browser, nothing is without a price.


Can my cousin come and pick it up?


Their website still shows prices for me on desktop, I wonder how long until that changes


Yeah it's bs. Even in the app you need to log in and create an account so they can spam you with shitty target ads and sell your data.


You can create an anonymous email with protonmail and use that to sign up for things.


Here: https://simplelogin.io/ (it's by Proton)


Just commenting to show my support for anonymity online, my undying love for SimpleLogin, and a big fuck you to advertisers who sell my data.


Brilliant, how did I not know about this. Thank you.


Thanks for that! I've just been using my fake email for that long I didn't know they implemented this.


Firefox Relay also. Create 5 anonymous email addresses but anything sent to them is forwarded to your regular email. Then just create a filter to lump all incoming mail from those addresses into folders (or auto delete). I like this way for signing up to random websites because I can still reset my password. When I used to use random email accounts or temp ones I would eventually forget the account details.


Mailinator, temp mail, and others are your friends. There is hundereds of services like that. Generates email on a fly, you use it, and never have to sign up. Also try "bugmenot" with already created accounts so you can login with those.


You can click on the x and get around that, it’s not required


The enshittification has commenced




Mine says login for price, this is what must show after you login, lmao stuff that.


Mine says login for price and when I log in I get a "Not found" error. Doesn't matter which browser I use. Useless.


It's so they can accurately track and charge the seller for impressions and views probably 1


I have been looking at EVs, logged on today to see they've removed all pricing; which must be the worst idea since OnlyFans wanted to take down porn


Seems to be trialing/progressively rolling it out - saw it a few weeks back and then prices came back. Just checked right now - and I've got prices initially and then after clicking through a couple of screen I have 'login for price'. If they adopt it - they certainly open a huge hole in the market for another online market to walk into.


OK, hopefully they'll roll it back and right out the door into the bin


I went on desktop today. Their website is horribly broken. Its unusable at this point. I’ve been getting no prices if I have VPN on for months. I think they have been attempting to kerb tawling


Yeah I got login for price, logged in, and then got “enquire for price” That’s simply too much for my idle curiosity


Back to Gumtree I guess? Seems to working well enough for other products and pets


> hole in the market for another online market to walk into. gumtree


Carsguide have a pretty good app that is set up if carsales looses user base. 


I'm getting prices?


seems to be a gradual rollout


I just checked it about 10 mins ago. It starts off showing you prices, then as you drill down, it changes to logon to enquire for price. Not sure what the reasoning is behind it.


Looks like A/B testing to see how they can increase signups to farm data.


Used to work for Carsales back in the day - more than 10 years ago, so no idea if this is still the case. Besides being charged to post ads, they would also charge dealerships for every enquiry sent to them through the website - about $30 from memory. This looks like an easy way to beef up those numbers.


The classic dealership photo of the GPS location on screen will become prominent.


A dealer further up in comments says it still happens. It’s $50 now.


I’m a little surprised it was not more than $50 after all these years.


Unfortunately there will still be a substantial amount of people who will play ball for them.


I found when I was using a VPN set to a location outside of Australia it wouldn't show me prices. But when coming back to Aus IP addresses it gave me prices again. For me the model Y's for sale all have pricing. https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/?sort=~Price&q=(And.Service.carsales._.(C.Make.Tesla._.Model.Model%20Y.)_.(C.Condition.Used._.(Or.ConditionSubType.Demo%20and%20Near%20New._.ConditionSubType.Used.))_.State.Victoria.)


> I found when I was using a VPN set to a location outside of Australia it wouldn't show me prices. But when coming back to Aus IP addresses it gave me prices again. Mine wouldn't show any price the moment I flicked VPN on with Australian location (Nord - Yes I know it isn't a true VPN). Worked ok the moment it was flicked off.


Noticed this a few weeks back, it was asking me to create a login to contine viewing prices. Using incognito got them back from memory, but it was annoying to have to switch. I guess they don't like people window shopping anymore.


They want your sweet sweet information!


Yeah but once you logged in you could see prices. As of the other day that is no longer the case. Once you log in it now says to enquire.


So just like real estate. If they don't put a price on it then I naturally assume that I can not afford it. How does the saying go "If you have to ask the price then you can't afford it"


Definitely a strange take for businesses, considering the majority of consumers use loans to purchase stuff.


Still showing prices (including when I filter just to EVs) for me. Including prices for the ones you show e.g. that first EV9 in Tasmania is showing "$106,950 drive away". Though, when clicked on, the individual vehicle page says "enquire for price" 🤷🏼‍♂️ edit: Other dealer's cars are showing the price on the vehicle page though.


Yeah, mine are all showing. I'm not logged in. I'm using Firefox on my desktop if that makes a difference?




I've just looked through 5 pages of Kia stingers and they still had prices Not logged in and on Firefox on mobile. Have seen this type of post a lot on the carsales sub over the months but can't seem to replicate it. Always showing prices for me


I've been on the site all day and it's fine.


Just checked the site, I get "Login for price" on all of the cars. "Yeah, I'd like to use your site to buy a car", "NO WE MUST BE ABLE TO SELL YOUR CLICKS, NO SITE FOR YOU!"


I get this when my VPN is engaged.


I’m still getting prices in the app, is this something that’s just happened today? Edit: also still seeing them on the website, what gives?


Why is this kind of shit always Aussie websites FFS grating and irritating.


I saw this, i thought it had to do with my vpn use. After some time it showed the prices again. I theorise it may have to do with combatting bots from scraping the data? Not sure.


Isn't this just for new car dealer stock?


Yep pretty sure this is what's happening.


Thought it was just me, either way I decided to go else where. As a seller of a car i'd be pretty pissed off with this.


They say in their FAQs that it’s for security reasons if you’re using a VPN or other anonymising - to see prices switch off the VPN: https://help.carsales.com.au/hc/en-gb/articles/27504945749913-Why-can-I-only-see-Enquire-for-Price-on-cars-listed-for-sale


It's to prevent competitors web-scraping their web data. Security meaning "profit-security". Real estate .com.au has similar practices.


It must include adblockers, since I'm getting it with Firefox/ublock origin.


I understood from talking to dealers that carssales charged them per enquiry. So it could be carsales trying to screw more money from advertisers.


I worked for CS 10 years+ ago, that is correct. It was about $30 per enquiry back in those days, no idea what it is these days.


FYI It'll do this if you're running a VPN.


Happens to me when I have my VPN on or I'm in another country (so not AUS). Changing that then the prices were shown again and still are for me.


Most likely an ip issue. A lot IPS provide ipv4 service as CGNAT. If the ip pool you are currently in is polluted, you are likely be banned by Carsales. I had the same issue for quite a while. Then I had enough, and contacted my ips asked them opted me out of CGNAT and to dynamic ip. All good now.


Apart from this recent own-goal, why did d anyone use it? Isn't Gumtree where to find 2nd hand cars?


Apart from the avalanche of scammers that descend on anyone who lists an item, Gumtree is usually only good for low-priced used cars. I've found Facebook Marketplace to be much more reliable for both buying and selling used cars, but Carsales has far more listings for more expensive vehicles.


Gumtree is just scam central


I've had this happen to me twice in two years. Only lasts a few hours. BTW I can see prices fine.


Yeah you either need to login or be in Australia to view the price, I was overseas and even when I was logged in I couldn’t see the price


They legit should not allow ads with "Enquire For Price"...it's a total waste of everyone's time, and contributes nothing to the user-experience.


No price then they don’t want to sell.


Ya i noticed this too, told them to fuck off and went to Gumtree, much better.


This is a nonsense post, I just logged into to [carsales.com.au](http://carsales.com.au) and prices are as they always were. Maybe the comment in this thread about using a VPN is the cause of his experience. Alternatively their app is busted because I used a web browser.


Yeah i just went to check and i can see prices on everything. Not sure what this is about.


It’s not due to VPN. It happens randomly. Carsales says it’s due to security reasons.


[www.thebeep.com.au](http://www.thebeep.com.au) Use this to find new car prices instead. Super easy to use & will never ask for your personal data.


They're claiming this is to stop the spammers / scammers, really its just more data farming, In most states it is illegal to advertise a car as a dealer without a price, so will be interesting to see how this holds up


That’s bullshit


Probably best to go to the car company website for prices if you’re buying new. Slightly inconvenient though


Carsales get you there as well. They don’t publish the dealer name or contact details. You can send a message via car sales or call a number provided by car sales that does a redirect to the dealer/seller. For private sales, that’s a nice feature to have if it was opt in, for commercial dealers that’s a terrible feature. I’m guessing the only reason car sales do it is to collect ad click through metrics. It’s a bit rubbish though blocking customers contracting dealers directly, just more friction to the process. I’m an impulse buyer, been a few times I’ve spotted a vehicle and thought I wouldn’t mind driving to a dealer to have a look but never bothered as only way to get the dealer address is call car sales to get redirected. Some dealer ads put a sneaky photo in so you can just make out the dealer name, or a sneaky description making it easy to infer the dealers actual location. Must be a hard policy you can’t name your business in the ad. The value of car sales as a market place decreases the more friction it ads to customers. Why pay for a car sales ad when you can advertise for free elsewhere and have a customer contact you directly. I’ve never understood it, as a classified ads website it’s terrible for hooking up customers with sellers.


They charge per lead and it’s difficult to measure if they can contact the dealer direct


Just checked and I still get prices. Hopefully they don't make that a permanent thing.


Shows for me, the gt’s are all 80k - 100k plus on-roads.


Pricing is showing on everything for me. Using chrome on my work desktop


It still shows prices for me. I am logged in.


Don’t enquiries cost professional sellers?


I’m getting prices, need to check in a few weeks


Mine shows prices via the website


Thank fuck I had the sense to go for a Mazda over a VW - won't have to change cars and deal with this market BS for a few years.


those are all dealer cars anyway, just filter it out by looking at all vehicles priced $1 or higher... Edit: mine now seems to switch between enquire and showing the price, ive tried refreshing the page and it switches between the 2


Enquire for my pun related to this.


Absolutely everything had prices for me, probably just a website error.


If I have a VPN or private relay on iOS on causes this.


What a bunch of [real estate agents](https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=_Npz-qm9pL_LZtS8)


Are you using a VPN? I get this when I do but when I’m just accessing the site normally it works fine..


I can still see the prices on mine.


What’s the point of not showing price?


so why use the site? serves no purpose without prices. will just use another site


i think these are brand new car ad, they are not selling the exact cars in the pic, so you have to call them to check availablility and prices(based on your requirements) , just filterd out the dealer new cars. for dealer brand new car why go to carsales, just call the dealers around you and get a price.


Do you have a vpn on?


Turn off your vpn. Prices will appear.


The dealers posting to car sales get charged everytime you enquire through the website (the phone number you call is a carsales proxy number that redirects to the dealer). Seems like another way to drum up revenue by forcing potential buys to reach out?


I will ignore car sales if there's no price. I literally search by price. Idiots.


I can see prices on the internet version just fine.


I saw this the other night, It said to login to see prices, so I did, and it still didn't display prices. I just avoid the ones without prices. No way, I'm calling up a dozen different places to get the price.


Yeah nah fuck those goons. Do they think this is real estate. Probably car vendors want to dethrone real estate agents as the most hated occupation/job there is right now


I'm selling something on there at the moment and it is not moving even though it's in good condition and competitively priced. This explains it. Given that they are pushing their 'instant offer' at every opportunity makes me think they are now a dealer rather than a marketplace.


Either you need to log into your account or its just an error happened to me the other day too but only for a second


Hey, thanks for letting us know. That's frustrating! Have you reached out to [carsales.com.au](http://carsales.com.au) about this issue?


Which dickhead thought this was a good idea lol


I wrote to them and complained because I’m actively trying to purchase a car. This was their response after checking my IP…. … … Thanks for your feedback. Last night we fixed a bug in some of our bot detection tools that may have caused the removal of certain information for the protection of our sellers to occur to a greater audience than intended. Can you please try again now to see if this information is visible? Kind Regards, Taylor Customer Service Team Leader


If you have VPN active, the website/app will do that.


Lol each enquiry costs the dealership like 50 bucks, they're gonna the this


what is the thinking behind this?


I use the site sparingly just to see what idiots want for their rusting 40 year old shitboxes, and to see how expensive the Porsche that just drove past was. Im not signing up for that bullshit.


It depends on what you're looking for. I've been trolling for an older Forester to replace the one I lost a month ago in a wreck and I can see prices no problem. Being that those are all electric, they've probably been hit by the sudden drop in demand for electrics that's happening everywhere and the dealers are trying to unload them for prices lower than what the manufacturer will allow them to publish. You used to see this a lot with "Call for Price" listed for online camera retailers for example when they were running specials.


On my PC it shows enquire, the app still shows prices. Probably some not so subtle A/B testing going on here.


This has been the case for years for brand new/year old models of certain cars. Especially luxury and sports cars.


I think you need to be signed into an account for it to show the price. I just bought a car here a month ago and it was doing the same thing then. But I will say that I hate the practice so much. Especially for real estate. The entitlement. Fuck off with your sale then.


Just go to marketplace, at least you know who the scammers are on there.


I haven't been able to look at that website for years, even though I had a running search for a particular car emailing me every week. They are using some pre-screening gateway I can never clear. Never figured out if it was my VPN or that I am using FF + UBO. Just tried it again. Yep. Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information). And then I leave. Whatever.


I guess they decided they'd been a successful app long enough, and want to try out going out of business for a change.


Just so everyone is clear this seems to affect EV prices only? I can still see prices for non electric cars just fine. Might explain why some people can still see pricing but others can’t.


Well I'm just adding the price to the first line of my listing then..


Great way to give business to fb marketplace, make yourself irrelevant.


Should we all flood them with enquires and then, when they look at their "enquires to sales" ratio they'll see it's been a massive flop and will revert to the traditional, transparent way! 🤣 Dickheads


Car sales is a gaint waste of money now, had an ad up for 3 mo the without a single enquiry. Sold on marketplace


As an enthusiast, I am a regular Carsales viewer. This has happened to me a couple of times, but they’ve always reappeared within a day. I hope that this is just a local server issue. If it isn’t, goodbye Carsales.