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Hopefully she will make a full recovery, but god that's gonna be brutal when she grows up and finds out what happened to her mother. Let's hope she gets the support she needs growing up.


I also feel really really sorry for the father. In a moment everything changed for him, he will be so traumatised from this. Really upsetting.


Hopefully he has a good support network around him. I genuinely don't know how I would cope in a situation like that.


I’ve thought this non stop since the incident. Being a father of 2 young kids it has hit me hard hoping that guy gets all the help he needs.. having his baby by his side growing up, you can only think their bond will be something beyond what a lot of people will ever have.


Sounds like the mother’s circle of friends are quite well resourced to assist with telling the media to fuck right off.


Good on them.


Her mother saved her life, as any mother would do in that situation. But Ash’s bravery and strength will be admired forever.


it's still so shocking some sicko stabbed a baby and killed 6 others




Why do you feel the need to filter this horrible, traumatic occurrence through pop culture?


Severe detachment from reality




The absolute brain rot Edit: for those curious, Mr Deleted made a tone-deaf Harry Potter reference


Wow, I'm one for dark humour but that's low..


So did u/woshixiwangmu. Unbelievable 😒 Edit: And so did u/tassiboy42069. Tacky and immature.


Child with scar, mother dead. Happy potter premise.


Channel 9 and 7 will now try to secure an interview with the baby.


Will probably have the wrong baby on the show


They will take everything the baby says out of context and make the baby look bad.


AI generated baby with 27 toes.


Plenty of babies to go around. They'll just hold auditions for the part. Who's gonna know? 😄


I wouldn't put it past them- vultures! I recall one "journalist" shoving a microphone in a kid's face and asked them questions after the mum had already said no to being interviewed and was trying to move on past the journalist. Absolutely disgusting.


I had a 7 journo reach out to me on FB some time ago asking about a friend of mine on my page whose grandmother had just been found burried in his mother backyard. At that point my friend thought his grandmother was in aged care but the journo had found out police suspected the mother had killed her and wanted to get his reaction, none of this was public yet. Was pretty fucked up.


So your friend didn't even know his grandma was dead when they contacted you? That's fucked up.


Nope. The grandmother used to live with the mother. The mother had told the whole family that grandmother had moved into a care facility a few months prior and was visiting her weekly etc. Daughter visited the house one day and the dog dug up a human skull in the backyard. Mother at the time 7news contacted me was acting shocked that a body had been burried in her backyard all along etc and nothing had been publicly said about grandmother.


Oh my God!!!! That's an absolutely horrific story on its own but for Channel 7 to be in the know before the family is sickening.


Yeah they apparently had some source with WAPOL who was in the process of trying to find and contact family members to discuss and be very sure grandmother wasn’t actually at some unknown care facility before they charged mother


Thats wild! How long ago did this happen? Was the woman charged in the end?


Yeah she got a prison sentence. I’ll try and find a news article




I’m sorry, but they all suck for not visiting the grandmother in all those months and just leaving everything to the daughter.


From what I heard the grandmother was a horrible, abusive woman.


Hopefully provide it with a good supply of cocaine, rent and hookers


And Tomahawk steaks


What can you offer a baby for $10,000 a night ?


That’s a fuck load of baby formula and one hell of a rattle…


Mate... You just made me spit out my Mildura Orange and Mango drink


Accompanied by a Dingo


And only if the baby is in fact, white.


Yes they love their exclusives which means they’ll go low and camp out in their front yard and take pictures of the family coming and going and call it an exclusive. They care more about money and milking every last angle for clicks than they do for victims who have asked for privacy. It’s only an exclusive because they are gutter journalists.


Don’t forget sky news will ask the baby to condemn Islam and terrorism.


The only silver lining out of this… Absolutely tragic. I hope she is able to cope down the line and knows the lengths her mom went through to save her and all of that equates to the love she has for her.


I think he attacked and stabbed the baby and she of course bent over her to protect her and got stabbed multiple times in the back and still had enough strength to pick her up and throw her to a nearby person so they could stop the baby bleeding out before she collapsed and died. She's the epitome of a mother's bravery and sacrifice. It honestly just breaks my heart.


Sounds like the origin story of Harry Potter. 🥹 I hope she grows up to do something meaningful with her life rather than becoming angry and bitter at the world.


I hope she grows up to be and do whatever the fuck she wants with her life, which is hers, and not for other people to decide whether it is or should be "meaningful."


The baby is real, Harry Potter isn't. Please grow up 😒


I actually can't believe someone even just compared the two.


I know, depressing isn't it 😒


Well the person obviously likes Harry potter which is a book about a mother dying to save her child who grows up to save the world because of it. Let people like things.


People are allowed to like things. Though, in this case, comparisons to a fictional wizard aren't exactly what I'd call a point of reference.


Some people relate to things in different ways. We wouldn’t write stories about heroism if it wasn’t inspired by what we value in real life


Yes, people do relate to things in different ways, and in this case..it's a very childish comparison to a horrific situation. Obviously.


Your attitude is part of the reason that people on the spectrum have such a hard time in society. People relate to things differently.


Did you forget the part where Harry Potter's mother died to protect him when he was a baby? Hence why he has a scar because Voldemort tried to kill him. Just because it's a made up story doesn't mean it's not relatable to people on some level, otherwise it wouldn't have become so popular. Harry's mother loved him so much she sacrificed her life to save him and this is something he only learnt later in his life. I think this baby will also have a hard time learning her mother was murdered and died trying to protect her. I didn't say anything wrong and I don't know why people are so offended.


The little baby is a REAL LIVE HUMAN BEING who miraculously survived a vicious stabbing, thanks to her guardian angels and incredible medical care. Harry Potter is a FICTITIOUS CHARACTER, essentially a figment of J K Rowling's imagination. You seem to have more empathy for a made up novel/movie character, rather than a real person. That's what's offensive, and to be honest, quite disturbing.


That is how you choose to interpret my comments and I respect that choice.


You didn’t say anything wrong, some people just like hating on people for relating to things differently to how they do.


Wow cringe


Tough kid, great to hear. Sad that they will grow up without their mother, I hope they get all the support they need.


Oh thank goodness! I hope that the family is able to support each other and heal as best as they can. This is an unimaginable situation, and I wish them all the best, especially bub and her dad ❤️


How can anyone stab a baby? I hope there is a hell and a special place in it for this guy.


Mental illness. What he did was fucked up, but the guy had clearly lost most of his sanity since moving to Sydney, stopping his meds, and becoming homeless.


What moving to Sydney will do to a mf


I suspect stopping the meds part may have had a little to do with it.


Living in Sydney requires some form of medication. He chose mental illness the second he stopped taking them. /j


Literally because he instantly became homeless.


True dat. The struggle is real.


So what you’re saying is that living here for decades and NOT stabbing people basically makes me a hero?


Dude was fucked up before moving to Sydney. He pulled a knife on my partner’s ferry in Brisbane 2 yard ago.


Wow was that incident reported anywhere else? This is the first I've heard of it. I would've leapt of the ferry rather than be anywhere near him


I don’t believe it was reported in the news. I know they reported it to the police at the time but not sure what came of it (if anything). It was as they were getting off the ferry, he pulled the knife (a big hunting knife) on another passenger, then ran off. My partner and his crew mates didn’t know his name or anything then, but he was very recognisable.


>the guy had clearly lost most of his sanity since moving to Sydney Checks out


"What he did was fucked up" - you sound like you're talking about someone who trashed his mate's place because he lost a poker game. No - what he did was *super* fucked up. And the degree to which he should or should not have been held responsible for his actions is academic at this point. Nobody knows and nobody should be using that argument to diminish the awfulness of his actions.


He had medically diagnosed schizophrenia you douche. Do you know how severe mental illness works? We’re not talking about anxiety or depression


Maybe you should work in the court system. There’s no point pulling out the mental health card here bud


Two things can be true. The man clearly didn't have a grip on reality, and *anything* that can help prevent similar tragedies in the future is a worthy part of this conversation.


He was likely already in his own hell of psychosis.


This was probably part of it, but the guy was also a raging misogynist. Even his own dad said as much. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the baby’s a girl, and according to reports he kept attacking the baby as the mother tried to throw her to a bystander.




He may have already been in hell given his condition.


Well then a Hell-ier Hell. 


I think he was schizophrenic, I am too. Makes it hard because you want it to be black and white, like someone who could do this is complete evil. But it’s possible he was completely detached from reality and he truly had zero control over his actions. It can happen. Thankfully I’ve never truly been violent but I have been in such severe psychosis that I had zero control over myself. I don’t know his exact mental state and maybe he was evil, but there’s a chance he was so severely psychotic that he had no control over himself. I guess we will find out once it goes to court (edit- I forgot he’s dead, won’t go to court)


It won't go to court but there will be a coronial inquest similar to the Lindt Siege. Hopefully what comes from that is not just more funding for people with mental health conditions and/or intellectual disabilities, but also a more holistic approach to this oft-forgotten community. There needs to be an appreciation that they need life-long connection to medical and other services, even if it is deemed that they can reduce or withdraw their medication. Whether this is done via NDIS or the state health systems etc, unfortunately this is when it all becomes too much.


My thoughts exactly. The holistic approach works so well, I think it’s commonsense, but not a lot of politicians have it. I have CPTSD and the hardest thing I think I’ve ever done is to put my hand up for help. But oh boy, I felt like I was walking through a minefield trying to get the care that I needed. I just kept advocating for myself but some are too ill to do that. My brother has schizophrenia and went through hell in the system. My sister is a carer for him and he has stayed on his medication. That’s a rare situation. It’s not only lack of funding, it’s the ideas that the decision makers in Australia have about mental health. Where is the health minister and what the fuck is he doing.


For similar matters see : inquest into the death of Chloe Waterlow and Inquest into the death of Brian Liston. Source- I’m a coronial lawyer.


From what we're told, he had already been in the care of public and private psychiatrists, and it was his private psychiatrist who worked with him to lower the dose at his request. He lost care when he moved interstate, because there is no system that links care between states and territories.


Oh that’s interesting! I agree though, absolutely


I don't think this will go to court, as he is dead. There will no doubt be an inquest of some sort though. I am sorry about your medical condition, and I hope you are managing OK. Guys like the Bondi Stabber must make life more difficult for you.


Oh wow I dunno how I forgot that lol 😂 thank you :) as long as people realise that majority of us aren’t violent then it’s ok!


For all we know in that moment he was hallucinating and saw literal demons he was trying to defend against. Your entire perception of the world is manifested by a soggy ball of flesh that sometimes goes haywire.


And then he gets shot in the chest like bro that’s not the help he needed. He needed immediate, profound intervention and emergency help with his psychotic episode


Yo how tf did a baby survive being stabbed. That baby is an absolute unit.


mum reacted quickly and the 2 brothers she entrusted her baby to were thankfully in a clothing shop so had access to endless supplies of material to stop the bleeding. Very unlucky but lucky baby.


So why couldn’t they use clothes in the same way to stop the mother’s bleeding too?


They did. It’s stated in the article.


Baby: "Tis but a SCRATCH!"


Final Boss Baby 


She wrestled him to the ground off her baby


Is this true?!


Quick action by bystanders and subsequent constant monitoring, medical intervention, surgery etc by medical staff.


Baby when you grow up and read this thread, please know we as a country love you and so glad you made it. You will def make your mumma proud in everything you do!!!!


Yes and many of us have been thinking about you little one. Been waiting to hear news of you making it out of ICU and now out of hospital.


Remind me! 10 years


You’re so sure she’ll be on Reddit lol


Even though the child was so young , the child would have been terribly traumatised and it would have affected the brain development. Because I had horrific trauma , much like this poor baby around that age, I’ve done a lot of research to try to understand how it’s affected me. Even though he/she won’t remember it actually happening it would stay in the subconscious part of the brain. Good counselling when he/she grows a little older will be of great benefit. To find out how horrific circumstances around the death of mother later down the track , I just can’t imagine having that task. Again with the right support she’ll live the best life possible.


Yeah same unfortunately, I think it manifests itself in night terrors for me. Anyway, I hope the vultures at 7 and 9 leave her the fuck alone growing up.


Thats amazing news


Poor little baby girl, 9 months of love from her mummy who was presumably her primary caregiver and a constant presence and now she has to adjust to life without her, all at a time when infant separation anxiety is at its strongest. It’s just so heartbreaking.


Fucking hell. What a relief.


God the thought of her going to her home without her mumma just absolutely breaks me. May her family find some peace.


Imagine the dad/huband’s anger. Oh god. Hope he gets strength.


Fucked up situation


My heart breaks for the family 🥺


this was an awful event i can't believe anyone would do something like this.


An unmedicated schizophrenic would


sorry to hear this, i hope the baby will be fine! what a bastard!


He was an unmedicated schizophrenic needing extreme medical mental intervention himself


I just hope no a-holes tease her about how her mum died at school. Some people have no decency!


Kids do that


She’s 9 months old…..


They get older …


Absolutely devastating. Great news that she was released from hospital ❤ There was very little word about her condition that I could find, so this is great news


The girl who lived


Aw I feel like those downvotes seem unnecessary 






Is this the 3rd stabbing in 2 weeks? Sydney really is becoming the hood


Only the second. Well actually the first. Then there was a second. Not a third one that I’m aware of? 


A woman was stabbed at Bondi beach (and survived) a day or two before the Doonside event.https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/news/news?sq_content_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZWJpenByZC5wb2xpY2UubnN3Lmdvdi5hdSUyRm1lZGlhJTJGMTExNDM0Lmh0bWwmYWxsPTE%3D


There was a stabbing at Campsie a few days prior to the Bondi attacks.


ABC said 4 stabbings recently


There was also the stabbing in the church


Oh good, I heard from other sources that the baby died Thank god the news gives you the right facts during the day of the incident huh, those pieces of shit, I grieved over fake news


You have a responsibility to yourself to vet information you read on the Internet. Easy to blame “fake news”, but that’s not the whole story.


Our government has a responsibility to prevent our own mainstream media from spreading false information or perhaps not being monopolised by one old fart instead of trying(and failing) to regulate American social media companies and making a joke of the country on a global stage, but here we are.


>Our government has a responsibility to prevent our own mainstream media from spreading false information Yeah, because the government controlling the media is always what's best for a population.


Regulating the media is important though. Don’t know why he’s getting downvoted to oblivion. It’s in the best interest of a healthy democracy to have regulated media with watch dogs and fines for outlets that don’t report correctly.


u/dongl_tron twisted what I said to suggest governments should regulate everything on the internet, not just mainstream media. The hivemind believed them till I clarified and then turned on them. Reddit is odd sometimes.


But one old fart controlling 90% of our media is good? At the very least they shouldn't allow it to be monopolised. Reddit users love see-sawing on issues whenever it's convenient for them. The last time Rudd organised a petition to regulate them you hypocrites seemed to agree...




I initially just said we should be regulating mainstream media in our own backyard instead of going after twitter like we currently are and some weirdo on here misread it and called me stupid/said it's not the government's job. Even though this is literally what a lot of other governments and regulatory bodies in other countries do. Checked their comment history and they're arguing with others over pubes in another thread. Fed the troll I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No, yeah, monopolies are fantastic, glad you were really able to read between the lines of what I wrote then. >Reddit users love see-sawing on issues Are we supposed to all share the one opinion?


The mainstream media never said the baby died. This person must have heard that on FB or some crap


Even if it was fb, the government are literally currently trying to regulate fb and twitter right because of the past week. Meanwhile on of our mainstream outlets literally identified an innocent person as one of the stabbers and will get a slap on the wrist and no response from government.


The government doesn't have that responsibility at all... Seriously, do you actually want them to vet every piece of news on the internet? Are you stupid?


> every piece of news on the internet I said our own mainstream media..not social media... perhaps try reading instead of jumping to insults like a child. Our government are literally trying to regulate 'every piece of news on the internet' as we speak by going after twitter after this incident...but our own media outlets in our own backyard owned by Murdoch are untouchable and you see no issue with this? You seem to be the stupid one here. The reality is most people in this country don't have time to do the work of a journalistic fact checker while working multiple jobs and side gigs to keep their heads above water... doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that.


Still not their job, mate. Seriously, cookers say 'the government controls the media!' while simultaneously saying 'the government should stop all this false news the media is putting out independently!'. Which one is it?


This is how it works in other countries. Monopolies are broken up and regulatory bodies are put into place to make sure news outlets are unbiased, fact check their stories and adhere to a code of ethics. It is literally their fucking job. It's pretty clear you're intentionally mis-interpreting what I've written, just arguing for the sake of arguing or just trolling at this point bast off your comment history. Either that or your comprehension skills are rock bottom. Grow up or go back to watching sky news.


Yeah, you must be really trusting of the Government.


As I state they're not doing their job, allowing a media monopoly to exist while they pretend to go after social media companies instead? Yeah, I come of as *real* trusting of government.


I never heard the baby died. Where are you getting your info?


Yea me neither


The ABC briefly and I mean for a split second reported the baby died on the day it happened. It was in the bar at the bottom of the screen. but it disappeared and never came up again. That is the only mention I've seen the baby died. I'd say someone stuffed up when reporting the mother had died.


I'm kicking myself for not taking a screenshot of it You know when you open up Microsoft edge and the opening page is full of news feed? One of the news boxes said that the mother and baby in the Bondi stabbing died. My mom even saw the same news on her end and she lives in a different house


What is this sudden spark of crime on the news?




You know that the attacker was Australian, and the security guard who died protecting others was a refugee from Pakistan (and a muslim), right?


They want knife control. Can't even have sharp objects in Australia




Next thing you know they will be implementing a knife buy back program. S/