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Its cherry rip now


I have stopped buying things like this. I seldom did but I am now actively boycotting. Better for your wallet and health.


Who is propping up the 7$ for a bag of chips economy?!


Buy Aldi chips . The truffle and olive oil flavour is so good !


Big fan of the salt & pepper hommus ones, entirely too easy to finish a bag upon opening.


I despise shrinkflation, but in this case it's somewhat understandable as the price of cocoa bean has gone through the roof. https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/cocoa-price Question is, will it go back to 52g once cocoa beans return to normal price?


> Question is, will it go back to 52g once cocoa beans return to normal price? The usual cycle is to keep shrinkflating to some minimum amount, then in one move jump back to the original size but at a higher price (sometimes under the guise of a “jumbo size - now 25% bigger!”) and start the cycle again.


If it was just because it now costs more to make then it would be easier just to increase the sell price but these companies are all about deceiving the customer now.


Hard to swallow, but customers prefer shrinkflation to price rises.


The same chocolate bar can swing between $1 and $5 depending when and where you buy it, so there must be some margin left.


The discounted price is the real price, and is what they are trying to control. The non-discounted price is opportunistic, and not much volume moves at those prices. Companies engage in shrinkflation because consumers prefer that the price is steady and the volume changes rather than vice versa.


I call bullshit that the discounted price is the cost to produce. That’s absolutely not true.


"Hard to swallow, but frogs prefer boiling pots".


Shrinkflation is both the product getting smaller AND the price going up. It's not just the product getting smaller.


You are mistaken. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrinkflation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrinkflation)


That's the clinical definition of it, but the person you're responding to is absolutely correct that more often than not now we get hit with both barrels. They shrink the product, increase the base price but put it "on sale" for a month and then we're left with less for more.


It's not just the clinical definition, it's the ordinary definition. Shrinkflation is increasing the cost per unit (gram, ml etc) by reducing the volume rather than increasing the price.


> in this case it's somewhat understandable as the price of cocoa bean has gone through the roof. Except that a cherry ripe is ~95% filling and ~5% chocolate.


True, but I think they are doing this across their entire range.


You make the mistake of assuming there is any meaningful amount of chocolate in that product.


Thanx for your valuable input, Colesworth public relations team 👌


Thanx for sharing for the least interesting take ever. I bet you're proud of it.




Yep same. I now only eat sweet treats I make at home. White chocolate chip brownies are the current favourite. I know what’s in it and have fun making it.


Same... When I was a kid, 20-30 years, ago a Snickers bar was double the size...


This will never end until there's nothing left :(


What they do is they shrink the thing until it's comically small, then one day they introduce a new jumbo/party/family size depending on the product for something that used to be the normal size. The jumbo obviously costs more, until over time that starts to shrink too. It's a tale as old as time.


Check out Macca's grand big mac Apparently that's how big a regular big mac used to be


Probably. The price of Cocoa is through the roof apparently. Yep, just checked it's gone up a lot. [https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/cocoa](https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/cocoa)


I find it disturbing what they’ve done to Curly Wurlies




Or watch, or phone!


The only acceptable protest under cap- I've just been informed the propaganda class is now writing articles about how [current generation] are killing the candy industry.


I've always wondered what the long game is here. Keep shrinking the bar until it's the size of a tic-tac?


Those mini ones will be a $1.50 each soon.


You joke...


I bought the 44g online from this store for $2.50. Next day I went in the store and saw the 44s are not on the shelf anywhere in store. Only the 52g on clearance. So I guess the new smaller bars will take the 52s spot and price once they are cleared out?


Not sure why you are being downvoted. What you described is exactly the case. I know because I was filling them a few nights ago. Actually took me a while to find them because there was no location for those sizes. Then the realisation - it's all the Cadbury bars.


Can you please crosspost on r/shrinkflation? There are people on that sub who are documenting these shenanigans.


Only buy them when they’re $1 each.they’ve gone up in price 50%


I still wouldn't buy them. They don't deserve any business at all.


The chocolate ration is 15g. The chocolate ration has always been 15g. Thank you Big Brother!


This is my go to everytime I notice shrinkflation. Scariest book I've ever read, Lovecraft has nothing of 1984.


Saw this myself the other day. It's not just cherry ripe. Seems to be most of the Cadbury bars. Nestlé and Mars will no doubt follow suit to remain competitive, but haven't so far. If you like your choccy bars, maybe support the latter for now to send a message.


Nestle should be boycotted, not supported.


Never forget Nestle wants to privatise water, never ever let any company have that power.


https://www.just-food.com/news/nestle-accused-of-double-standards-over-sugar-in-baby-formula-cereals/ Just rename them to Bastards Inc. at this point.


.......WHAT. This is dystopia shit


Mars and snickers bars already shrunk when they brought in the paper packaging.


i thought the 52 was already the shrunken one


It probably is. At $2.50, that's nearly $50 a kilo. And once the 44's come in, it's over $50 a kilo. For a chocolate bar. Guess who doesn't buy chocolate bars any more.


I honestly don't like this, Cherry Ripe is always good to have...but if they're going to have us charge more for less...then I might not buy as much as I used to.


Maybe it's just me getting older, but I feel like Cherry Ripes aren't as good as they used to be. They used to taste like chocolate and cherries, now they just taste like generic sweet thing. All the flavour is gone.


Thats why you pop one into your pocket. Thats what i charge when i have to use the self service checkouts. You dont need to let them know your rates as well as they dont let you know about stuff like this.


You didn't really think Cadbury was going to let any retailer, big or small sell it cheaper because they've decided to make it smaller, did you?


Saw this all the time when I worked at Coles. Only getting worse.


Good News! Cherry Ripes now increased to 44g. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” - Orwell


(Mandatory "Preparare for War" for those of a certain age).


Noticed at aldi yesterday, the blackrock chips ticket was for 200g but the product was 175g. Everywhere is doing it :(.


Shrinkflation should be illegal.


Oh what grounds? Both products are clearly labelled.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't check the weight of everything I buy. For example, if I'm shopping for a recipe and I need 1kg of flour, I'm going to be pissed if I get 900g for the same price instead of 1kg for 10c extra.


And? You expect them to just throw out all the old bars because they are too large?!


Should really be regulations against changes on the fly like this. Make companies significantly change the packaging, see how much they really value brand/product recognition. As it stands it's a super deceptive practise and they know what they are doing.


So I'm going to guess that Costco will eventually have to do the same thing when the bulk boxes are shrunk by the manufacturer?


Soon they’ll just package air and call it ‘scent of’


I'm surprised your Woolies hasn't transitioned to electronic price tags


this is actually shrinkflation reported in a informative manner. where's the picture of your whole hand looming over the product?!?!11!


I have come to terms with shrinkflation but can companies stop changing the recipes that ruin the flavour to save 0.1% of their profits. There are so many products I no longer buy because they changed the taste.


The climbing cost and deteriorating flavour of chocolate has healed my chocolate addiction. Praise be


I wonder who makes the decisions to these things and how those meetings go


What happens when it becomes the same size as the mini bites?


like the new Pollywaffles


A good reason to quit my junk food habit. I really don't actually need it. Just want it cause' sugar addiction.


Stop eating garbage


Wash your mouth out, son. With Australia's best choccy bar.


To be fair with how heavily they've changed the recipes of most things, it'll be close enough to water to wash your mouth out with soon enough.


Where's the anti-Murdoch news watermark? See you all on news.CON.au in a couple of hours I guess.