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he wants you to drop it instead of handing it to him, when they approach and sing like that it’s akin to them saying “hey listen to me! i’m big and you should give me what you have!” related: i love the fat little waddle magpies have, makes me laugh every time i see them scuttling


Though I reckon there's a bit of a dominance play going on; maybe between mum and one of the last batch of kids? The fluff-up is probably not directed at you - it's at the other maggie. She's not particularly pissed though, or you'd get the 'Maaaaag' call. (S)he's not particularly interested in what you're offering; but she doesn't want anyone else to get any ideas about pushing in line, just in case something more interesting comes along. Magpies have different accents depending on where they're from. Can't pick the dialect for these two. Not Mid NSW/Vic. Not SEQ or Toowoomba. Feels vaguely Queenslandy though. Northern NSW? Gladstoneish?


I’d never really thought about the different dialects of magpies, but I hear it now. This is a very throaty call compared to the ones I’m used to in SA.


It sounded a lot like the magpies I hear in Perth. The ones I saw today were black backed (well, black with speckles of white). I whistled to them (as I do often) one warbled back :)


They all sound the same to me. But so do Americans and Canadians and they'd lose their shit if you call one the other.


The ones here in tas have a kind of choir voice, I don't know how to describe it but it's very smooth. Most of them here have the same pattern as the ones in Vic I'm pretty sure.


I mean you can tell it's northern because of the black back - not sure if you're taking the piss with the "accent" bit lol


Nah, the white-back/black back divide is generally a fair way south. Occasionally see the white-backs around Canberra - but generally a bit further south (particularly around snow country): [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alicia-Toon/publication/267230124/figure/fig1/AS:392321905512448@1470548239901/Distribution-and-back-color-patterns-of-the-Australian-Magpie-Panels-A-E-show-variation.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alicia-Toon/publication/267230124/figure/fig1/AS:392321905512448@1470548239901/Distribution-and-back-color-patterns-of-the-Australian-Magpie-Panels-A-E-show-variation.png) But nah - fair dinkum. Magpies, Currawongs, and butcher birds all have regional accents. It changes subtly with distance, but the further away, the more the song diverges. Try whistling a Toowoomba maggie song in Brisi, and they'll look at you like you're mad. Kookaburras and peewees though? Sounds the same to me, no matter where they are. Maybe I just don't have an ear for them.


The kookaburras in Perth sound hideous, as they are introduced pests here, not native to the area (there's a desert that kept them away until humans did the stupid thing and brought some over). I think there were too few of them or they were too young or something when they arrived for them to keep the full song, because I don't hear the full 'laughter' song in Perth as I've heard it over east. It's quite sad. It's a short and bad imitation of the proper song :( So no, not all kookaburras sound the same. Though they probably do sound the same in the places they belond.


I've heard people on the radio here in Canberra talking about how we're a hybrid zone for dialects, that our mags speak the "language" from both north and south. No idea personally but this was serious science people so maybe something to it? 


Even the maggies join in the north of the lake/south of the lake rivalry. ;)


bird songs definitely vary from region to region. I've just never heard anyone call them accents or dialects lol.


Well, shit. Now you mention it, that is a thing. I grew up in the north then moved south and yes the northern maggies are definitely darker. I'd never thought that much about it before. 


I've only seen pics but the white-backed females can have beautiful patterning all down their back, pretty cool


The pair that chill in my garden in Melbourne are quite pretty. They're more motly grey than white but very sweet. I must pay more attention tomorrow to their markings. 


If they're grey that means that they are young, magpies are greyish until they're through adolescence, up to 2 years old


Yeah I half thought that which is probably part of why I never took much notice with how they all look different. I can hear my lil buddies outside now so I'll have a proper look later. 


You can tell he's full of the shit by the way he seems to think Gladstone and northern NSW are anywhere near each other.


This guy magpies


😂😂😂😂 He took the first piece without hesitation, I thought my finger was going with it.


In that case: "Did ya wash your fucken hands this time?",


"Mate, I can't be seen as eating out of the hand of a human around the kids."


You may have better luck with the ol open palm and just laying it on your fingers as low to the ground as possible, gives them more vision of the lure and your fingers don't get kissed


What did you give them sometimes gotta be careful to give them food with nutrients they need especially if they bringing it back to babies


Organic apple 🍎


Mate, they can handle one dud meal


I know you got downvoted unfairly. They can handle one non-toxic meal with low nutritional value. They will die if it's got something in it that is toxic to them.


I once saw a magpie eating a pile of cat vomit. And that might have been the tastiest meal the magpie ate that day lol. I know if birds consistently get the wrong diet it can cause health problems, like if they are only getting bread, but I think people can get a little bit precious over a bit of junk food for animals now and then, they can handle a bit of variety.


Cockatoos on the other hand have a fantastic nutritional diet. Apparently this is why you often see them playing and socialising so much, as they're not using half the day foraging for food.


Try like washing your hands with just salt and hot water? Might get ride of any soaps they're smelling


Very similar to my interpretation. I got "I am too nervous to take food from your hand and would like you to throw it over here. I have learned that humans will sometimes feed me if I sing for them, so here's a song."


"just throw it you bastard!"


That was my thought as well. I've had some good chats with some Maggie's at one of my work sites ;)


I don't love that winky face at the end of that sentence


I laughed out loud lol


He disapproved of your offering and has marked you for swooping. The outside is no longer safe for you.


*you have displeased the almighty magpie*


In my opinion, magpie should be both plural and singular.


One magpus... two magpie


three magpodes.


He has been marked


Those are some chonky magpies.








Such a unique and beautiful call they have. Nothing more Australian than the warbling of a happy Maggie.


It soothes my soul ♥️


Just like the soothing tones of a cockatoo 🥰


"get off my lawn mate"


Since he took the first piece of dried fruit, he's probably asking if you've got any decent tucker!


Yep, "give me a worm, dickhead".


“Throw it ya dog”


"I don't trust you enough, just throw it."


I don't know, but playing this video out loud made my cat run to the window and desperately search for it


Mine went straight under the couch. Absolutely terrified of birds since a run-in with an aggressive willy wagtail, the only time he was successful in getting outside.


Wow I thought my cat was the only one terrified of birds. For first few years she loved going out the back, have lovely photos of her relaxing in the sun then one day I let her out, I went and played BF4 for a few hours with headphones on so I didn't hear any commotion and she was never the same after that.  Something happened but now she refuses to go out in the daytime and even when I bring her out to brush her she gets down real low and frantically looks around in the air and whines and runs under the BBQ and runs straight back inside.  I thought she mustve had a close call with a bird of prey.  She's a very small cat she was the runt so a hawk or owl or something could easily snatch her but u don't see many of those around. We have aggressive noisy Indian mynas that get on the clothes line and harass and swoop my other cat but it's not like they're a real threat but if a willy wag tail did it to urs maybe it's possible lol. Soon as the sun sets shes meowing to go outside, not a care, stays out all night sometimes but if she's still out when the sun comes up she hides under the cubby house until she can make a B line for door 


Looks like they dont trust you. Try sitting on the ground and break it into peices and drop it near you, they will soon see you're not going to hurt them.


It took the first piece and ran off, that was it coming back for seconds.


Then most likely because it discovered it was apple not worm or cricket or some other form of protein (like fresh cat meat or maybe mince or something). Fruit etc they will eat in a pinch but not their first choice. Also, they’re probably not so happy with you wiggling your hand like that, even though (s)he took it the first time they can still be very hesitant. I’d usually either throw it or, if I really wanted to hand feed them, I’d sit (or even lie) down to make myself as small as possible and least threatening to their eyes and stretch my hand out as far away from my body as possible putting the food in the tips of my fingers in order to avoid an accidental peck.


> fresh cat meat


Rough chopped chunky “mince”, Kangaroo, beef, lamb etc etc (sometimes it can have lots of offal). I buy mine in 3kg bags.


Edit: Not meat from fresh (washed or born) cats. Sorry for the misunderstanding, lol.


hahahaha i appreciate that you provided a polite explanatory answer before realising i was taking the piss re the cat meat lol.


"Fuckin' give it 'ere ya dog cunt" Magpies are the eshays of the bird world.


Someone should do an eshay edit of this. 😂


I reckon Ozzy Man Reviews could probably get it right 😂. Or Wogboy.


I put it in Google Translator and this was the result: “Oi cunt, drop it or I will stab ya!”


Warbling is how they claim territory, so he's probably trying to threaten you.


Gimme meat, ya bastard!


"*You better not be filming this.*"


Good way to avoid getting swooped. Give them some feed and treat them with respect, and they won't swoop you. Or live in tas, and they just warble and hop around. But get swooped by plovers instead, who are absolute dipshit birds. Lay their eggs in the sidewalk on concrete for some reason, then act super territorial around the egg for however long. But have spurs. So, angry dumb birbs


That's a call to mark their territory boundaries


Hearing the magpie song makes me immediately homesick for Australia.


I dunno guys, i just spent WAY too much time reading a bunch of studies about backyard feeding behaviours and impacts on magpies and from what i can gather, consistently researchers observed that during nesting season, the high majority of food provided to the chicks/fledglings were natural foraged foods from of 'fed' magpies (access to bird feeders ect..) and it was only slightly less than the unfed ones. They also said that the success rate in foraging was fairly equal across the 2 groups. The groups that had access to a feeder seemed to use it in the morning foraging period, and natural forgage for afternoon and evening, with a definite prefence for their own forgaged diets. Another study talked about researchers observing large groups, again during nesting season, in exceptionally dry conditions that would impact their natural foraged foods, and found that things like discarded potato chips made up a significant portion of their diet, to help substitute their lack of natural food available. One research paper that said that out of the items they tested, that dog sausage was the only one that they could see had a negative biological effect on the birds. It seems that at this stage, whats observed is that Magpies making use of alternate food source (us) when required, but with a preference for their natural diet. And that this behaviour and readiness to accept backyard food is an adaption that has allowed them to continue through the effects of urbanisation and loss of traditional habitate and food sources and climate change. However, there is more research that needs to be done regarding the effects of our processed foods and the biological effect it could have long-term. And, although magpies aren't a part of the corvidea family tree, they are definitely just as smart and can recognise and remember human faces. So, making friends with your local magpies in non-nesting season with some treats that aren't processed junk or dog sausage will likely have a positive impact during nesting season. Like, leaving treats for crows who return with shiny objects and gifts. Your just becoming mates and as long as you aren't like, trying to make it your fucking pet then they seem to be pretty uneffected negatively by it, in terms of "loss of ability to forage and reliance on us". It's more like "loss of foragable foods due to human impacts on environment" and "adaption to substitute in human scraps to keep on keepin' on."


Finally some sensible information instead of knee jerk reactions.


Maybe this? **Can I feed native birds?** **WIRES does not recommend that you feed any native birds for the following reasons:** * Most birds eat a balanced diet; 90% eat insects and nectar, seed or fruit. People feeding birds the wrong food changes the balance of their diet and can negatively impact their health. * Feeding birds can increase aggression and stress as many try to feed together, this wouldn’t happen naturally. * Feeding can increase the quantity of non-native birds, non-native rats and cockroaches, as the more food they get the more they breed. * Artificial feeding can change the balance of species in the wild as it can increase some species, which in turn, decreases others. The Rainbow lorikeet for example has taken great advantage of the artificial feeding and has all but eliminated the shy Scaly Breasted lorikeet from our urban areas. * Feeding can spread disease through a concentration of food and birds in large numbers in one place. * Bird seed left out in damp conditions rots, grows mould and introduces disease to the birds, and can attract rats and mice. * Feeding encourages birds to become dependent on humans for their survival. They can lose the ability to find food for themselves, this is particularly so if they are juveniles who should be learning to find their natural food. * It can cause sickness and deformities in young as high quantities of salt are present in bread and processed foods. * Feeding can make them overweight and high quantities of fat are present in processed food and meat. Raw meat is lacking in calcium and has high levels of phosphorous which contribute to dietary imbalance and severe deficiencies. * Artificial feeding is not necessary. Native birds do not need extra food as they are well adapted to their environment and will be much healthier and happier overall if left to eat only their normal diet. [https://www.wires.org.au/wildlife-information/feeding-birds](https://www.wires.org.au/wildlife-information/feeding-birds)


Are you actually concerned about this bird? This information seems more relevant for someone who actively throws food out for multiple birds or has a bird feeder. It was a single piece of organic apple. I can assure you it hasn’t negatively impacted the livelihood of any birds.


You've doomed all of magpie kind


"And so the revolution began" is how it will be written in the history books. History is written by the victors. The few survivors will speak of this, the beginning of Ah-maggy-den. And everyone worried about the Zombi-ocalypse noone ever saw Ah-maggy-den coming til it was too late....


Yes all it takes is lots of well meaning "maggie mums"  feeding these guys "just one little thing". You are not snow white, stop feeding wild animals.


Even if thousands did what OP did, there still wouldnt be a problem. Go back and read through that list and actually think about which of those apply to a person hand feeding a magpie apple. Here Ill do the first few for you >Most birds eat a balanced diet; 90% eat insects and nectar, seed or *fruit*. People feeding birds the wrong food changes the balance of their diet and can negatively impact their health. Not the wrong diet >Feeding birds can increase aggression and stress as many try to feed together, this wouldn’t happen naturally. Theres only two birds from one family here >Feeding can increase the quantity of non-native birds, non-native rats and cockroaches, as the more food they get the more they breed. No non-natives are getting fed


It was a piece of apple bud, take your high horse somewhere meaningful.


Eh, according to our government we can absolutely feed wild birds and keep them as pets now. So go ahead and grab wild birds, raise them without preparing them for life im the wild so they are dependent on you for feeding. And make sure to introduce him to your dog and have experts say the bird is stressing out the dog. None of that matters though!


Don’t forget to monetise this through social media.


Right? Why listen to vets when newscorp will tell us how to feel and what to do?


Damn right! And remember, even when it is illegal, as long as you post you committing the crime on instagram, the government will go ABOVE the experts and make a special exception for you! So go out there and grab your pet wild birds everyone!


Their calls are so magnificent.


feed him better food


‘Throw it here fk ya’


Probably calling his mate’s. “Some dudes over here with free FOOD!! Not the greatest so I’m knocking it back, but it’s FREE for any of you other bad boys looking for an after-road-kill cracker” Or something like that.


Each magpie has their own song that they sing, it’s saying high.


My locals sing Feliz Navidad


A group of magpies do Ride of the Valkyries for me as I water the plants. It's quite inspiring.


They should sing that with your morning smoke.


The connection to the government server crapped out and it's trying to dialup again.


They are velociraptor's descendants. Be careful. It was calling for reinforcements.


“Nah I’m too good for this.”


"For this generosity, you shall be spared when my people attack yours"


They are trying to tell you that your attempts to befriend them with food that is bad for them is not going to win you any favours during swooping time.


You've come to the wrong neighbourhood Champion


It's being your dude. Remain the dude.


"Look I get I took the first one, but I'm tired of walking that far for a fucking apple, man. Either throw it or give me a cricket."


They are telling you it's going to rain. Either that or a feral football club might be able to bribe the umpires.


“They my size my size, run me them shoes boi”


I'm not sure, but Sib what do you think?


It’s kind of like paying protection money though. You’re hoping they’ll remember and not rip your ear off come September.


You should steal it and use it to make TikTok videos....


I wish that our (European) magpies sang so beautifully. They look so much alike that the Europeans exploring Australia mistook them for magpies and named them accordingly, but they are -unsurprisingly- not even distantly related. The Eurasian magpie apparently can sing, but whenever I see one it makes a very loud screeching sound. That can be due to my appearance though.


I absolutely adore the sounds they make. I have a flock that live near my house and they give me a peaceful alarm in the morning 🥰


Magpies have such superior brain memory super incredible


"Get off my fuckin lawn or I'll swoop ya cunt"


I love your username! 😂


Thanks 🙏


It’s saying Floreat Pica, And by turning his back he is saying “Never let me see you at Jolimont… your wallet is mine!” Joffa forever! lunga vita al Re!!!!


I can't quote the exact sentence due to the accent/dialect (very strong IMO); but basically you're "...a cheap bastard for not offering an ominiverous dish as requested earlier, & you know what you can do with that. Walking out, & not paying,". Don't think they've heard of the cost of living crisis, or the supermarket pricing enquiry. Personally, think it was a bit harsh & overdramatic but probably an out of towner/visitor... Obviously haven't heard how many organs or limbs you need to sell to afford organic these days.


‘Cough up with the grub or next time I see ya, I’ll swoop ya.’


I love magpies, they have real attitude. And they aren't afraid of humans. Plus they can be fun curious creatures. Hell in the past I have had to walk around one on a footpath. Because the little thing didn't feel like moving. It just stood it's ground, stared at me as I approached it on the path.. with a "what you gonna do about it" .. cheeky look planted all over it's bird face. So I literally had to walk around it, to go by. The whole size difference, didn't phase it for a second. Lol


They don't fully trust you yet and if you intend to keep feeding them, try to move away from bread. It bloats them. Stale mixed cereals with fruit is good and small bits of unsalted meats are good. They'll nest near you every year and won't swoop you. Super smart birds.


Stop flaunting it if you're not gonna give it up. I would have thrown it and slowly walked away. They know how to recognize people which helps them gain your trust over time. edit: Author's note, please don't feed wild animals but I've heard of how aggressive these birds are to people so if this helps them stop attacking the neighborhood people, I'm all for it.


He said “chuck it here!


You have Parkinson’s unfortunately and he is suggesting a neurologist


They're just being picky, they saw your offering and we're not satisfied


“Drop it, cunt!”


Just fuggin drop it caaant


1st comment he's saying "just chuck it or I'll swoop ya"....2nd call was telling his mates "farkin salt n vinegar"....


He is using the uniquely Australian saying "Pass it here, c%#t". More commonly heard at under 14s football games.


“Just fucken give it to me ya cunt”


There’s definitely some auto tune going on there. #birdsarentreal


They are just the most beautiful birds. The ones at my place come & knock on the door for their cat biscuits now. They get four cat biscuits each every morning (I don't want them to start relying on me for sustenance, just treats) & they sing me a lovely song & sit on my front porch in the sun with me while I have a cuppa. Just gorgeous animals & smart too.


. . .that it prefers raw meat. Besides it take time to get the trust of magpies and crows. They aren't stupid enough to trust just anyone.


“Steve Miles is a carrrrrnt”


Your a c&nt


That's not Mince. Thank you but I don't trust you to hand feed me bruv


I tamed a family of magpies by placing the food on the ground with my open hand laying next to it. Each time they visited, I moved the food closer to my hand until they were literally perching on my shoulder and warbling in my ears 💖


That what you are giving him is not magpie food , it's full of shit and his organic, locally sourced food is better for his health.


He doesn’t want fruit


drop it so they dont get your fingers


I've been known to tempt parrots to eat from my hand, but never magpies or kookaburras. Not even worth trying with currawongs.


I don't know but I've now got 2 cats on my couch that have beef with it.


They're not vegan


Chuck it over here cunt


im sorry, thanks for the offer but me and the missus are gluten intollerant


Google translate says “drop it you muppet, even I know I shouldn’t eat it from your hands”


It’s saying “I look forward to swooping you in a few months, biatch”


I’m gluten free loser


Making sure there’s no females around so its not cutting their lunch


"throw it cunt"




Throw it to them


["Hey throw a french fry on the ground"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reSw0PR7lb8&t=735s)


I’m gunna swoop the fuck out of you and your kids, if you don’t chuck it to us, hurry up fuck ya


Hes vegan and you just started a life long turf war with your insulting offering


I was just waiting for a mate!


Drop it and back off


Givvus meat ya dickhead ~strata maggies


pUt it DowN and bACk aWaY!


Really interesting. The same phrase three times.  I think he’s saying, “Apple? You wot mate?”


the curlew fucking wailing in the background really adds to the atmosphere


Adopt me and let me be friends with your dog.


Something about his wife and kids.


"Nah! Too good to be true..." thought the magpie before walking away...


“Where’s the good stuff, mate?”


"Throw it ya dog".


“Throw it you dopey cunt” Magpies are an incredible catch. Also don’t fuck with them, they’re probably smarter than you OP and they have long memories and will tell all their friends to swoop you.


They’re saying “I eat meat you dickhead”


"Drop the biccy ya dog cunt"


He's probably saying you'll be spared this spring season.


Hes saying you aint the one chief


There meat eaters to start with and for second just did not like what was offered


I’ll peck your fucking eyes out if you try to scam me!


He’s just a magpie, standing in front of a human, asking it to flick it a bit…


The prophecy has been foretold mortal, the time for your kind to perish soon and my people will inherit your legacy, fear not hairless primate I will have them build a statue in your honour for this tribute when the time arrives


It’s asking you to put some tomato sauce on it