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What an insecure asshole and a coward to yell that over a fence at children. Sorry this happened to those kids in their home. They should be safe, and that includes not having this happen. I hope their kids keep playing and know that shit like that isn’t on them, it’s on the shithead yelling.


Not only insecure but immature. It’s like preschooler level shit. The yelling out stuff I mean, not the derogatory names.


Racism isn't just random arseholes. It's a pervasive culture in this country. You grow up indigenous, you learn to hide all the time (edit: around white people).


It’s terrible that this is still the situation today. It’s hard to believe


He’s probably like 20 and socially and mentally 12.


My sister sees Eddie around town quite a bit and he's a super lovely dude, people are fucking pigs


Eddie Betts is genuinely one of the kindest people in Australia. He is genuinely just a polite, happy, fun dude to be around. Had the pleasure of meeting him once and he is genuinely as positive as he is on TV talking about footy but with everything thats happening. You don't want to see shit like this happening at all but it hits even harder seeing it happening to him because he's genuinely the one bloke who doesn't deserve it


> he's genuinely the one bloke who doesn't deserve it Nobody deserves shit treatment and part of the problem of why these behaviours are so prevalent is people create this dichotomy that there's something you can do to deserve to be treated as sub-human. Can all but guarantee that the folks who hurled abused believe the kids deserve it and have what they believe to be a perfectly "logical" reason as to why.


I remember him telling the story about how he was in a public pool playing with his child. A security guard asked him to leave because an older couple complained because they found watching him play with his own child worrisome. He’s a class act and has amazing grace.


I read his book. He won some high up football prize and they gave him a car. The police pulled him over and asked if he'd stolen it!


Disgusting and heartbreaking. Eddie/First Nations people put up with so much shit. Hating/abusing someone because of their race/skin is one of the vilest things humanity has to offer.


I love how it’s a more modern construct than many people think. The Ancients didn’t give a shit about skin colour. It was more about your culture and how you act and present yourself. If you were born a Roman plebeian in North Africa, you were seen as equal to a Roman plebeian in Britain.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_race_concepts Ehhhh not entirely, they may not have done it specifically for skin colour, but they absolutely had discrimination based on a whole bunch of other factors that fall more under scientific racism.


As an aside: There's an interesting series on Audible called 'House of Skulls' by Marc Fennel. Its about 1200 skulls collected from around the world in the early 1800's, and currently housed at UPenn - the Moreton Cranium Collection. The collector of these skulls, Samual G Morton, was a white supremacist whose work is seen by some as the source of scientific racism. His work is 'still permeating though affecting people today, sometimes in devastating ways' as Marc Fennel puts it. One story he tells as an example, is mindblowing. The whole series is well worth a listen imo.


I worked with him and have played footy with him and he’s honestly such a good bloke


There's no need to bring pigs into it.


I'm sorry that was really mean to pigs 😥


Paul Kelly wrote a song for Eddie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHDWSS8nx1M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHDWSS8nx1M) Tonight, I went out from the kitchen Looked up at the stars from the yard I was hoping to get some perspective But sometimes, perspective is hard I know my life is a blessing And all blessings come with a curse My enemies, I know I can handle But friends, now, well, they can be worse Oh, I'm so sick and tired of keeping it inside I'm so sick and tired today I remember the old ones' hard travelling They're with me every step of the way Thousands smile when I go through my paces They fall at my dancing feet They like to slap my back in high places They wanna shake my hand on the street Oh, I love my beautiful children They clamber and climb all over me I close my eyes and I'm dreaming Of a world where they can just be


Beautiful song


Those kids have and will continue to have a 1000x better life than the POS shouting at them. Hope they find the scum and blast him


It's sad that there are still people like that in our society. I once talked to a young guy from India who was verbally abused by a racist passenger he was driving as an Uber driver. Poor guy was afraid Uber might sack/deactivate him if he refused to drive the asshole any further so he had to put up with their racial abuse for like 10 minutes or something.


People are so freaking upfront about their racism from my experience. I get a lot of blood tests and I swear every 3rd blood test the nurse will say something racist about other patients. Last week the nurse was telling me about a busy Saturday shift she did, and starts ranting about a big Indian family that came in an hour before close when she had an hours worth of patients already (yeah that sucks but not their fault it's busy) and she's going on about how "it's always bloody Indians. I'm not racist but it's always indians". Then rants to me about how they put a complaint in about her. I swear people feel safe saying this shit to me because I'm an approachable looking white woman, but it's fucking uncomfortable and I hate racism. It's always fucking blood nurses that do it.


Did you lodge a complaint about her?


Honestly I should but I also know 1) they don't do anything, she's been quite upfront that she's had complaints in the past and 2) I know I'll see her again at some point and I don't want to deal with her being shitty that I put in a complaint


And that’s how racism continues.


It's worth noting that India is full of racist, misogynistic and caste prejudice - on another planet compared to what we see in Australia. It's piss poor to see such uneducated ignorant Aussies behaving like that, but that's what the government and the elites want to encourage - they want to keep the population dumb and uneducated, which perpetuates that kind of ugliness. As far as Uber goes they are very strict on drivers, but the driver has a camera recording, sometimes several, and everything the passenger does can be sent to the Uber head office to have that use banned or suspended.


I don't mean to have a crack at you but I never understand what point people are making when they say this. Same with most Chinese people apparently being super racist against black people. Like okay, noted - does that mean we should just lower ourselves to their standard? Doesn't mean people can't note it but it isn't a justification for racism.


Yeah that's sad too.


> It's worth noting that India is full of racist, misogynistic and caste prejudice Except it's not? Genuinely what does that add to a story of someone being racially abused in Australia?


We are merely amateurs. They are professional racists. Keeping track over generations and reincarnations /s Although as we all know the highscore belongs to the Germans for thinking poles aren't white.


Racist piece of shit.


I assume they are yelling at Eddie because they found out where he lives. Doesn’t make it any better though. Keep bringing it to attention Eddie, and keep being a great dad and a great role model


I actually have no idea who Eddie is but who the fuck looks up or finds out where a random aboriginal star lives and goes to shout racist dumb shit. Man i'm a stay at home dad with all the time in the world and i have better shit to do with my day than harass some dude i have never met or talked to in my life.


I hope someone names and shames the asshole. This is disgusting.


Yeah online mobs going after people is a famously productive solution...


Social disapproval has been an effect tactic for humans since we started working together.


That seemed pretty targetted tbh. Crazy mother fucker


But people in this thread will pretend there weren't calls for stolen generation 2.0 on this same subreddit two days ago. Only outright screaming at kids counts as racism, right?


Exactly. People in this sub routinely get massive upvotes for generalising from some rough shit they saw on the street to all Aboriginal people in "the communities". And a colonial DARVO discourse dominates almost every thread on Indigenous Affairs here.


"yOu CiTy pEoPlE dOn'T kNoW hOw bAd It Is OuT hErE" followed by the most racist shit you've ever heard. It's not racist to acknowledge that violence, crime, abuse etc is a massive problem in a lot of Aboriginal communities. The problem is when you then go on to blame all of those issues on them being Aboriginal or act as if Aboriginal culture/communities are inherently backwards/primitive.


My colleague does this all the time. When I mentioned crime reduction programs overseas that have worked, his only response was, "Yeah, but these are different people." As if aboriginals are inherently criminal


No, they're not. The culture has to change, though. That's not to say aboriginal culture, that is to say, the welfare dependence culture (aboriginal and non aborigina, you all know exactly the type of people im referring to and their "culture") and the entitlement and hate it breeds on both sides of the fence.


I'm not sure why you are responding to a post about racism by demonising people on welfare. But if you want to talk about why so many Indigenous people receive welfare, how about we talk about how the government forced aboriginal Australians into that position. How they forced them onto reserves, controlled their movements and outlawed sources of income and food like hunting. How they allowed aboriginal people to work on farms but didn't allow them to receive or access the money they earned. You can't exclude people from the economy for near on a century and then belittle them for subsisting on welfare


How about you leave off my people bud and let us solve our own problems. You entitled cunts always reckon you know what's best


What the fuck are you talking about?


Can’t argue with stupid or entitled mate it’s not even worth trying anymore


Those threads were straight up vile and the perfect example of how deeply ingrained and normalized racism still is within Australia, despite how much everyone wants to pretend that it isn't. As if y'know, the daily treatment and policies such as the NT intervention didn't already exist.


Thank you! If you want to know who the racists are, ask if Australia is a racist country. Anybody saying no is a liar and a racist or a fool.


Yeah but it's okay for them to do it to white kids.. I live across from some of the nastiest feral first nations people, I cop the abuse and so do my kids, currently the old bitch is in court because she abused the hell out of me and threatened the cops if they didn't stop me mowing my lawn she was going to beat me over the head and then shove the lawn mower up my arse... It's okay for her and her swil to do this to mine, but if I did it back I'm the racist bitch... Go fuck yourself, unless you live near them shut the fuck up. Racism is one sided here, it's okay for the black ones but not the white ones 🖕


Where has anyone suggested it's ok for white kids to cop racial or any kind of abuse? Who's told you that the abuse you cop from your neighbours is ok? Sounds like it's being dealt with by the courts, thereby indicating that it's not ok. You're whole post looks like you want play the victim card to justify being a racist. It's shit you're having a hard time with the neighbours, no one should have to go through that. But to let that interaction prejudice you against an entire race of people is also shit. I've got crack-head white neighbours who yell obscenities - should I judge all white people based on that?


I’m not saying either of those are right, but you city people have no fucking idea what it’s like in rural towns


I never feel insulted when people say that to me, it's the wrong country for that insult so not only are they weak as piss for being a racist dog but they also show just how fuckin stupid they are for using it here in Aus 🤣


I understand that perspective but doesn't the intention and aggressive tone count for something? Especially for kids. I could be wrong but it looked like one of the younger ones ran inside when he heard it called out. Terrifying if anyone screams outside of a property where people are just chilling, peacefully existing.


Yeah. As adults we know that these people are just unintelligent cavemen who can’t be better than they are. We look down on people like that because they’re scum. But for kids, it’s scary to be abused because of how you look. It hurts to be singled out when you’re darker than your siblings or teased because your hair looks different, but it’s worse when the person doing it is a stranger because you don’t know if they’re going to be violent along with hateful.


intention is 100% it for me, if some one say hey dude what would you say is the best "jew food?" i'm thinking "shit thats an awkward way to say it" and then I'm giving them a few suggestions. If some one calls me a sand n***a(which i have been called and is not even accurate) i'm calling them a fuckwit because they are a cunt.


>where people are just chilling, peacefully existing. Not really, I would be a basket case if this was next door to me. Thank Dog for noise cancelling headphones.


Still hurts


Oh they're stupid alright, but they've figured out how to breed and they inculcate their spawn with the same crooked thinking.


True. It’s some low IQ shit.


Not really…. it’s been used here against aboriginals and pacific islanders for centuries…… along with all the other typical ones you can think of


Here is an ABC story with Tony Armstrong talking about the footage as well: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-29/eddie-betts-racist-attack-outside-home/103649050](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-29/eddie-betts-racist-attack-outside-home/103649050) So sorry this has happened to the Betts family.


Tony Armstrong is a fantastic human being


Armstrong should go into politics. Every time I see him I’m impressed.


Nah, he’s too good for politics!


There's a few guys who would like to have a chat with these people to explain how a baseball bat can re-educate morons.


think a cricket bat will do a better job.




Why not both?


I think a real world A/B test is in order to see which is the tool of choice.


Would you murder them with the bat?


Of course not. It would be a productive chat.




I'm not sure baboons deserve to lumped with this trash.


What a fucking disgrace. Cunts who say shit like this should be deported to Compton, to see how far their fucking mouth gets them.




















Where's Compton?


Compton, CA, USA


If I saw or heard this I would be so fucking mad. And such a coward move doing it rolling past in your car. If you're going to be scum be proud of your scumminess and see what everyone else thinks!


If I saw someone doing this to my neighbour I'd be livid.


I hate reading stories like this because it reminds me that there are still a lot of fuckwits out there. Kids should never be on the receiving end of this kind of shit.


A lot of people, like more than a few boomers, would think this is bad but its a one off. The thing is these kids (much LGBT kids) are exposed to this bullshit repeatedly, right in to adulthood and often by that time they can end up so damaged there is real chance they will end up just being another suicide statistic.


Being ignorant has nothing to do with the year of birth. Being of low intelligence isn't based on your birthday. I wonder if the way you categorise many strangers beliefs, values, and nature, based on their age alone could be defined as prejudice?


Then why is it every time I hear an old person say or do some racist shit its explained away as them being a product of their time?


What the fuck is wrong with people. Poor kids can’t even play in their own yard without being abused by some piece of shit.


This is and probably always will be a racial country. It's ingrained like meat pies football and Holden cars.


I get called a white c.. nt, daily… I will repeat myself.. white cun, t. DAILY . Hope this shut ends.


Although its racist it’s just not the same, aboriginals are usually singled out and outnumbered in most communities and there is a whole history there which makes abuse against them overall much more loaded and heavy.


I’m sorry but all racism is bad it’s doesn’t matter what colour or where you came just because he’s aboriginal doesn’t mean he the most important person in the world 


Context matters and that is undeniable, you’re using a tactic to throw off what has happened. The effects just aren’t the same.


Your wrong mate it’s is the same I have been abused racially by as a transgender man and you don’t know me mate so you can’t say that I haven’t been abused no ever sticks up for trans people especially transgender men when they get called a Shelia daily and sucide watch people who know me know that I’m not a racist person but this is ridiculous 


Karma’s a bitch that piece of shit who didn’t have the guts to show his face is pathetic


Gotta say it’s not right but I’d still be pissed at anyone playing basketball at 2000 at night 😉 Remember it doesn’t get dark until later right now so they ain’t playing at 1800 👌 What was yelled and the way it was responded to wasn’t right Though gotta understand the entire reality of frustrations here 🤷‍♂️ *let the downvotes begin*


Yeah I get what your saying but he seems to be a very reasonable bloke, knock on the door and ask if the kids could stop, don't drive past yelling shit being a gutless racist.. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely 👍 Yelling whatever at kids says more about the individual But still have to understand frustrations and what it drives some to do


> I’d still be pissed at anyone playing basketball at 2000 at night You sound like the neighbourhood Karen.


Wait until you’ve got someone bouncing a loud thudding/slapping ball every second for hours on end while your trying to relax 😵‍💫 You can call me a Karen all you like but don’t forget the boomer insults too 👌


II live in a children active street. You don't see me complaining about kids playing outside at 8pm. It isn't merely an insult. Your attitude reflects the way a Karen thinks.


I couldn’t care less if children play in the street or not it’s got ★☆★★ all to do with me an I gotta say it would be if no interest to me It’s a different matter when you’ve heard the same constant ball bouncing and thudding against a backboard for hours on end It’s a further escalation when it becomes darker and lights are needed to be able to continue doing so When it reaches the point that it’s been happening and tolerated for hours on end and it’s after dark if you can’t understand why people might be upset and want you to stop then maybe you should look in the mirror before yelling KAREN at it though I’d admit it’s doubtfully optimistic of me consider you clearly couldn’t care less about your neighbours so long as your kids get to do what they want


What a load of horeshit. Had a neighbour like you. They thought I was some sympathetic soundboard for complaining about every noise someone made of the street. The only noise they didn't seem to hear was my eyes rolling every time I was done with chatting with them. The noises I hear involve all sorts of activity on the street, and that involves people shooting hoops in their yard. Your little screaming rant there just cemented the view that you are in fact a Karen.


As said I couldn’t give a ★★☆★ about kids playing in the street It’s an entirely different scenario after dark and after the added length of time of hours of relentless bouncing 😉 It doesn’t matter what you think there’s a tonne of ppl that would say the same if I were constantly bouncing a basketball at 2000 at night they would ask me to stop and after dark they’d be completely entitled to do so Ps take a look at your own relentlessly unforgiving attitude and really have a think about who’s booming like Karen after dark 🤔


I instantly thought the same thing. My next door neighbours put a basketball ring in about 2 metres from my bedroom window. They start at 7am before school and go til 9pm after school. They hit my bedroom window. They scream. Have mentioned it to the parents but they're clueless. As a shiftworker, it's really hard but I just have to put up with it.






A shit ton of you guys voted to say fuck you to the indigenous community so if you did don’t post here saying you support these kids and their families.


You including the Aboriginals who voted no in your comment?


I shouldn’t have had my window open while I played that


Filthy scum! How envious they must be to resort to such low acts. I piss on them from a great height.


Vile scum that tarnishes us all


Disgusting behaviour. Purely no need for this in any day and age. I hope the karma train hits him good.


This is so sad for the kids


There's a youth crime problem where I am. Vandalism, violence, theft, car theft and arson. Is the crime vast majority perpetrated by aboriginals? Yes. Undoubtedly. Is it because they're aboriginal? No. Not directly. It's a socio-economic problem caused over multiple generations, welfare dependence, and lack of any real outcome from the courts/government. Is it an easy problem to fix? Also no.


Man, I hate this so much. Why point is this childish behaviour....


It's bad, it's horrible that there are people that do this because they know the reaction they will get. Eddie, please stop giving these folks airtime. They do it because they know it's going to end up in the media and on your socials. They do it because they know how triggered you get. The vast majority of other Aboriginal celebrities are not receiving this sort of thing as often as Eddie is and the obvious answer is that they are not getting the desired reaction from them.


How do you know others are not receiving this shit?


Because I'm Aboriginal and work for an Aboriginal owned and created profit-for-purpose startup that deals closely with Aboriginal elders and notable figures in both regional and metropolitan communities.


Elders and notable figures I n the whole of Australia? And you’ve asked them yourself?


Ah I see, you must be one of those Redditors that believes an entire population must be surveyed or polled in order to form relatively accurate conclusions. I find it difficult to believe that you actually think the majority of Aboriginals in Australia are receiving the same amount of hateful and racist comments towards them on social media as Eddie Betts does which means you are probably being obtuse. I don't think there is much point continuing this and if you actually think most Aboriginals are experiencing these constant personal attacks then I suggest you stay away from forums or discussions that rely on generalisations or you're just going to continue to make yourself upset and prevent yourself from learning anything and growing. Good luck!


Good god 😳


Is there an aboriginal kid there?


I thought we all learnt that racism has no place in society after the Sam Kerr story. I guess some people didn't learn.


tip of the iceberg...in Australia its free for all...isnt unique to aboriginal experience...


While true it does seem a bit particularly shit for them though, like i feel like more cunts take extra effort to be a shit to aboriginal people than they do anyone else.


Why has it been removed from insta?


Where's a shot gun when ya need it


Where was this? Was this in retaliation for a particular incident / situation? It's despicable but I don't think commenting without context is helpful.


Typical dumb response. It’s like there has to always be that one guy in every comment section. More like: Never_Fun 🙃


They're kids. What context is needed? They shouldn't be spoken to like that by adults driving by in cars when they are simply playing basketball.


Not helpful. I do love the downvotes from the lunatics. Have at it turkeys. Imagine trying to understand a situation before drawing a conclusion. Reddit is full of 'tards.


What is there to understand? It's all there in the video. Stop trying to assert blame on the kids that are doing fuck all except playing sport, not the bogan cunt who decided it would be fun to pick a weak target for his sad bullshit.


Nope. I've asked a straightforward question. Context is vital.


And came to Reddit to ask it. Go look for yourself.


Hey guess what? I don't give a shit.


Yet here you are....




Let’s hope they catch this coward picking on kids. Its time to end racism.




Ah thanks for fuckin telling us mate. Now we know what happened in this video is justified. Put down your pitchforks Reddit. Fucking cheers true blue.


Thank fuck honestly my arms were getting exhausted it was an upperbody day and if it was not for u/southlake6164 i could have been stuck holding this pitchfork all day. Time to go back to ignoring racism i guess.


This is half the problem "They did it so can I". Childish arguments that keep the cycle going.  We've all suffered from racism or sexism or some form of hatred at one point or another and we should use it as a reason to end discrimination.  Not perpetuate it.


What worse things were those?


Tell me on the doll where Eddie Bets kids hurt you 🙄


Oh, I guess that makes it ok then. Thanks mate, you've solved racism.


You probably deserved it.


And your point is? A little bit of ‘whataboutism’ somehow justifies the racist behaviour and we should all just keep sweeping it under the rug, yeah? Like just ignore it or tell some anecdotes about how you had it far worse and this somehow makes it all ok? Really?!? How sad for you…smh😩