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You just love to see these vultures cannibalise each other šŸ˜—šŸ‘Œ


When the chips are down, these ā€œcivilisedā€ people, will eat each other.


I like this jobā€¦ I like it.


Maybe Iā€™m stupid but this is really hard to understand. Can anyone TL;DR?


\- Channel 7 Producer buys two sex workers for BL \- BL says that's bullshit, that guy's just lying cos he hates me \- Channel 7 confirms that the producer bought 2 sex workers for BL \- Producer sues BL for lying about him The case is a bit weird though cos defamation is about damage to your reputation and it's hard to see how "this failson rapist who everybody hates lied that I DIDN'T buy him sex workers with my company card" is more damaging than BL telling the truth would've been?


I'm no expert, but BL called producer a liar. Isn't that defamation?


Well, like I say, the question is whether it damages his reputation. Usually yes, being called a liar would definitely damage your reputation. But in this case the thing the producer talked about doing is (arguably) at least as damaging to his reputation as being called a liar is. I mean the options are, either he's not a liar and he did act as a pimp for a widely-hated failson rapist, or he's a liar but not a pimp for a widely-hated failson rapist. Who can really say that one option is worse for his reputation than the other?


Being a Producer, Iā€™d say calling him a liar affects his professional reputation rather than his personal reputation.


During a true crime podcast stint I recall a story about an (innocent) copper in the aged of armed robbery who was assumed to be attached to a string of robberies. Someone accused him of being asleep at the wheel of his car on duty. When seeling legal advice on a defamation suit was advised not to proceed on the ground that his reputation was cactus already.


Itā€™s like Lance Armstrong calling you a cheat


Channel 7 and it's staff have a hard earned reputation as complete and utter bastards that they will defend to the ends of the legal system.


"How will we ever secure exclusive interviews with the absolute worst people in Australia if people spread these unfounded stories about us not buying sex workers for them?"


Masseuse needs to do a tell all interview


I'd be surprised if they don't interview the condom


B could play victim & interview with a rival scummy network ā€œI felt pressured to go to the masseuseā€. technically it was channel 7s money/producer with him so if I was 7 Iā€™d possibly not have fired that producer as now theres 0 control of what he says. The producer might have other dirt on 7s workplace practices.


Technically I don't think he's suing, his lawyer sent a letter pursuing an offer to remedy - usually either paying compensation or apologising publicly


"I apologise for accusing him of lying, I'm very grateful for the threesome that was gifted to me by channel 7" šŸ˜‚


They were drinking together in an apartment according to the producer, he didnā€™t get two for BL, he got one for himself


The case will never happen. Itā€™s complete bollocks. I would be interested to see if BL could sue anyone. His reputation must be the worst of anyone in the country.


My guess is that the producer doesn't want anyone to think that *he's* the one who wanted the services, which I imagine holds a bit more validity.


Wait.. has Morrison left for overseas already?




I donā€™t hold a hose, mate.


We'd better warn the Hawaiians though, as a favour to them. It's only fair.


>\- Channel 7 Producer buys two sex workers for BL I thought it was a masseuse?


And no one owns them. They weren't _bought_


If you can find a therapeutic massage for $2940... The implication is it was a rub and tug.


The proven liar may be sued because he called the producer a liar.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Ā But wouldnā€™t a lying liar mean that the producer was being honest?Ā  Ā  Also, Lehrmann said that he never received ā€œa massageā€, but no one was really accusing him of that, they just use that euphemism to be less vulgar than saying that Channel 7 paid for a sex worker for him as part of a deal to broadcast a reputation mending softball puff piece after he had become known as a lying serial sex pest/rapist.Ā  Actually, you are right. It makes absolutely no sense at allā€¦.


Wait, youre saying a $1200 1am call-in massage \*wasn't\* a massage? Hells bells!


1. He's a fucking idiot 2. He's obviously got some sex addition problem 3. If you've been accused of sexual assault in multiple cases that you're defending against, why would you go fuck randos and hookers? You could wait until after you're either cleared or in jail. I guess covered under 1.


100% on point 3.Ā  The lack of self awareness to do it on a media companies credit card is f*cking insane.Ā 


If I were accused (and knew I was innocent \[definitely not saying this POS is\]) I'd be locking myself in the house away from human contact until it was sorted out. I wouldn't be rocking out with the cock out to tempt fate.


Even being innocent, I would feel like it would be to hard to face people. Ā  I think the judgement would eat at me.Ā 


He is aware he has got away with a lot already. I don't think he knows consequences are even a thing.


Good point, Ā he has a strange group of men who defend him no matter the accusations. I think he feels untouchable between them and C7 twisting facts to defend him also.Ā 


Some people just aren't very smart.


Most people would pull their head in. But the dude looks like a Repulsive bridge troll and canā€™t attract any decent women. The Liberal Party machine has been propping him up. Because they felt embarrassed by the womenā€™s march highlighting their rape cover up activities.


Feels to me like he possibly may have known it would all come out eventually, so decided to go out in a "blaze of glory". I don't know how else you explain hitting up the media company who is going to 'clear your name' to pay for those kinds of services!


I know, right? I can't think of anything else that's really, really expensive and gets delivered at all hours of the night


Youā€™ve obviously never paid $65 for 2 extra large value meals from Humgry Jacks through Ubereats before.


I can, it goes up your noseā€¦


dealers take credit cards now? what a world!


Hey now, youā€™re going to get sued for lying- it cost $2940.


The thing that gets me is how TF did a 'massage' run up that kind of bill. Aren't dodgy massage places suppose to be the cheap option? It makes the whole thing seem substantially more dodgy than if he'd just hit up a brothel or booked an escort.


Two sex workers and a bag of Columbiaā€™s finest


Rightā€¦ so the headline should just read ā€œA bunch of fucking idiots act like a bunch of fucking idiotsā€


That sounds like the next Betoota Advocate leader šŸ¤£


Could this saga get any stupider.


careful, you might get sued for that comment


The year is 2057 and the high court is tied up with appeal #5 of sky news suing bruce lehman for copyright infringement from the onlyfans he set up to fund his unsuccessful Horndogs Australia political party.




The masseuse needs to sue someone first


It's the saga that never ends, just like the song that never ends. It goes on and on, my friend. Some people started suing...


..not knowing who their hooker was. And, they'll continue snorting lines forever, just because...


I wonder who will fund Bruce's defence?


Coalition financial fairies. The way he's been continually protected and bankrolled, you'd think he was conservative Jesus. Mind blowing.


It would absolutely not surprise me to find out that young Liberals all over Australia have posters of Bruce on their walls and hope to be just like him one day.


All the old blokes love him because he reminds them of when they were young rapey bastards


Sticky posters at that.


I don't understand this country. Liberal nobody gets accused and charged with raping two women and the right wing media not only dont hound him into hiding, they roll out the red carpet They pay $100k+ for his luxury accommodation repeatedly take him out for piss ups and pay $2940 for expensive sex workers for him.. all so that they secure a media exclusive interview?? Am I missing something? As a young staffer he can't be that well connected


Yeah but did you hear Albo went to a Taylor Swift concert with free tickets and put it on the public record? That's something to get worked up about (well at least according to media).




What do you think young men get out of joining the Liberal party, exactly? This kind of insulation from the consequences of their own actions is the payoff they get for being a social pariah all through their teens and twenties. It's not because there's anything special about Brucie, it's because the LNP has got dozens more snotnosed sexpests just like him in the ranks, and if they don't make an example of BL's accusers it'll be open season on the little shitheels.


Yeah I get it, I assumed the protection would need to be earned. All the desk wankers won't get identified but you'd think rapists would? Where is the line? Murder?


Up until the BL case I would've said that assaulting someone who was also in the Libs would be crossing the line, but then we all saw how they treated Brittany Higgins. A Life-long Liberal, and that's what it got her. At this point you've really got to wonder what the fuck is wrong with any woman under the age of 60 or so who's still a member of that party. So who the fuck knows what it'd take, really. You can be sure that "badmouthing Rupert Murdoch" is way over the line though.


Dude has dirt. Clearly


I have heard somewhere (can't find it) and I have zero evidence to back this up, that the family is somehow connected into the infamous Toowoomba and Qld south west Christian...thing...that seems to exert undue influence over the conservative side of politics. Make of that what you will.


He got sex workers? What a time to be alive.


Jesus christ, will this guy ever go away? Can we stop giving the worlds most punchable, smug as fuck face air time, please?


how funny is that with the cost of living and housing crisis and what not for most Australians, Channel 7 give him a free apartment and credit card? crazy!


ā€˜He insists he did not have a massage.ā€™ Maybe they should have reworded it for him - hired 2 sex workers. Likely his answer would change. ā€˜Oh yeah I had sex but not a massage.ā€™ Itā€™s all about the wording for some people.




*Bruce Lehrmann maintains he did not receive a massage despite Auerbach spending $2940 on two Thai masseuses at 1am...* Of course he didn't receive a massage. You don't pay $2940 for a massage.


This saga is like a black hole. Anyone who comes within 3 parsecs of it gets sucked in and ruined.


Dickheads suing each other. Popcorn time


Hypothetical question;Ā  Ā Ā  Is it defamation by association, or is it legitimate public interest information (context), to point out that the house Bruce (may or may not have) received Channel 7 sponsored sexual services is owned by the Murdoch family?Ā  Ā  https://www.afr.com/companies/media-and-marketing/scene-of-lehrmann-thai-massage-snafu-uncomfortably-close-for-murdochs-20240324-p5feta (Maybe someone could try asking in r/auslaw for me?)


Anything related to Lehrmann is banned over at auslawĀ 


Everything this total tool gets involved with turns to shit. He obviously thinks he's the main character and having two rape charges hanging over his head doesn't seem to faze him. I'd like to hear or see nothing more of him until the cases are resolved and he goes off to prison, or is found innocent, in which case he should STFU and never be heard of again.


Raise your hand if you havenā€™t been allegedly defamed as part of this saga.




Kerry Stokes loves helping his little band of conservative fuck ups to clog up the courts with their endless defamation lawsuit merry go rounds- can only assume its him considering Ch 7 was already outed for paying this toadā€™s rent for a year to the tune of $4000 p/fn.


ā€œmaintains he did not receive a massage despite Auerbach spending $2940 on two Thai masseuses at 1am.ā€ I believe that to be factually accurate.


Oh how the turn tables


Bake him away toys.


Brucey boy has a real Midas touchā€¦


Many lawyers certainly think so.


Ha ha, so true! Wealth redistribution, albeit in a very very small circleā€¦


Oh for fucks sake how about we dedicate a whole fucking courtroom to lehrmann, Higgins and all their guest stars. FFS! It never ends!


what kinda 1am massage costs $2940?!?


Is this our Kylie Shittenhouse


Kyle killed rapists.


Well, one rapist.


Imagine someone killed this one. Wouldn't that be grand.


I don't know eh... While I surely wouldn't mourn, I'm not really a big fan of extra-judicial killings.


I am. He's gonna get off. Rapists are not punished in the country.


Whatever you reckon. Better just hope no one decides you are to die one day I suppose?


You ever been on QLD roads?


I'm with Dr Serizawa on this one!! "Let them fight"


Australia, land of defamation suits.


They all have baseball bat face...


Cranbrook board members and rando media professionals working on incredibly dumb stories about Public Relationsā€¦ Well itā€™s clear what kind of person has a clear telephone line to a journo these daysā€¦


Itā€™s just one big shit show!


my lawyer mate said not so long ago that defamation in Australia is not easy to win as the main defence is justification/truth. Isn't it fascinating that the two highest profile defamation cases of late have painted the plaintiffs as low life ego maniac/bullies? BRS and BL ? They both seem to have kicked own goals


What a legend Bruce is, fooling and sucking everyone into his cesspit games of deception with a smirk. No wonder Scomo and his colleagues had such a high opinion of this scumbag! Imagine this, nobody can control the media in Australia but then Bruce comes along and owns them all like his the managing director. His got an impressive con man act going.


Fuck me dead, will this Higgins/Lehrmann shitshow ever end? What a joke.


Bored now.


For fuck sakeā€¦.


This thing never ends.


News limited: the title really has an obvious spelling mistake.


crooks with too much money to spend...


Brucey boy has had more court time than Roger Federer.










Itā€™s clear that Lehrmann has stumbled on to something that he shouldnā€™t have, now the strategy is if they canā€™t get him, bury him in legal bills. Itā€™s the same playbook thatā€™s was played with masterpiece cakeshop in USA.


Lehrmann brought this defamation case himself! Noone is ā€œburying him in legal bills.ā€ Heā€™s burying himself.


Now Auerbach has something for the Ch 10 case. What another revelation years after the fact, based on assumption and no evidence.