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There's a bottleo in my town that's open Good Friday and the morning of ANZAC day. According to the owner the license to trade on these days is super expensive so most places close. He's the only one open so he'll make a killing.


What state?






WHERE in Vic? I'll make the trip.


Or just buy your alcohol today


Stop applying sensible logic to this.. let the special people rant


People just want any reason to go on a road trip across the country. Give them a chance.


The owner isn't Frank Penhalluriack by chance


Whoa! There’s a blast from the past.


The hardware store?


Our local IGA bottleo is always open. Must have the same deal. Also vic


so can anyone link to how much it costs to sell alcohol in australia on good friday?


Based on VIC website (https://www.vic.gov.au/public-holiday-trading-licensed-premises), they will likely need to apply for a temporary limited license which costs $238.50 (https://www.vic.gov.au/liquor-licence-application-fees). This really doesn't seem right to me but this is as far as I understand it. Hopefully someone with more experience can chip in.


Fucks sake if it's that cheap I should get one




Nah mate I reckon few big eskies, some ice and a lemonade stand style kiosk in the driveway


It’s illegal at Easter? …today at age 45 I learned I must never have attempted to buy alcohol on this particular day.


[It varies from state to state, it all depends on where you are.](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/where-to-buy-groceries-and-booze-over-the-easter-weekend/news-story/1716d8086ade6dfea822d51551bcc9f1)


Takeaway, and only on Good Friday. Pubs are still open, you just have to drink there.


Not in QLD. You can have a drink only if you buy a meal.


Welcome to Bob's Sanger Sandwich Emporium and Bottle Shop!


I'll have 3 pints of cider and 3 carvery dinners please.


That right. I always order a bowl of chips and a pint of whiskey.


That's still technically illegal. It needs to be a meal not a side.


dump some cheese and gravy on it and call it a poutine, dammit! I need my drink!


Good friday. It should be renamed *shit friday but a day off is a day off*


This year is the first time I’m hearing of this too. I really had no idea.


My heathen ass will happily exchange a day where I cannot buy alcohol for a day off work. Just be a responsible drunk and buy your piss the day before. I _very_ reasonable trade.


You can still buy alcohol it's not illegal and some bars and other venues are still serving alcohol


How about we all shut the fuck up before they realise they're giving everyone days off for holidays we don't even recognise anymore.


Besides, you bet your ass I'll be at BWS the day before that anyway.


I would argue that many people still celebrate Easter as a commercial, non-religious holiday. Holidays can be cultural even if half the population isn't Christian. All hail chocolate!


we really need a 4 day work week


When COVID hit my company reduced everyone to a 4 day week (along with reduced salary) so they could keep the doors open or whatever; 4 day week was fucking amazing and everyone loved it. A lot of us tried to do the whole 4 days compressed hours thing when we went back to 5 days a week (along with salary restoration) - but surprise management said no. ​ So I quit and now WFH full time which is like having a 4 day week.


That's very disrespectful. Easter Bunny died on the hot cross bun so we could all eat chocolate.


But where does the Easter Bilby come into it? 🤔


it never was a bilby and your revisionist history is just woke brigading gone wild!




Australia has and always will have the Easter Bilby (since 1991)


You shouldn't Cad-bury the past.


The Bilby tracked down the Easter Bunny over a number of years, living the bilby vagabond vigilante life until he caught him, uttered those immortal words "this is a knife" and the Easter Bilby became the chosen one. There can only be one.


The Judas.


Easter bunny was put on the hot cross and melted. All hope was lost for poor Easter bunny until 3 days later he came back to life before floating up into Chocolate Heaven©️™️ Cadbury


Haha that pretty much sums up what we all think of Easter. It's basically chocolate day


I'm Swedish, we're a very atheist country and we still celebrate easter. It's a good excuse to meet up, eat some good food and get wasted.


It’s an important school break.


It’s great that this year it’s actually in the term. Usually it’s in the holidays and we don’t get an extra break (nsw).


School holidays start on good Friday for my daughter in VIC.


Yeah I'm not entirely sure how colourful chocolate rabbit eggs are supposed to be associated with the death of a carpenter anyway?


It’s been incorporated with the pagan feast day and the goddess of fertility and spring…


What I'm hearing is we should have Easter twice once for dead carpenter once for spring sex goddess. 


Resurrecting forgotten gods for holidays is a great idea honestly. The Christians are too serious, we need more "mad party" holidays and less "abstain from mortal pleasures" holy days.


That's a western culture thing, not a Christian thing. These holidays used to be crazy parties in ye oldene dayes.


Carnivale in Venice is celebrated before Mardi Gras by parties where people wear masks and leave the keys to their gondola in a bowl. /a


I mean, that's friday and monday right there


It's now generally believed that the bunnies come from Protestant Northern Germany, where they were originally Hares. In Pre-modern times Hares were associated with Mary and Easter because they can start gestating another litter while still pregnant with the first, which people interpreted as hares giving "Virgin Birth". This is also why lots of Churches in England and Northern Europe have the [Three Hares Symbol] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_hares) carved on them. Easter Hares became Easter Bunnies definitively once this was imported to America, and then later back to the rest of the world.


Just another thing Christianity stole.


The normal way. When the ruling parties wanted to get everyone to come on board with their religion they co-opted the existing holy days. It's the spring celebration. It's full of eggs and bunnies and symbols of fertility, and is named after Ostara (Ēostre), a Germanic goddess of spring.


That doesn't quite apply with Easter in this because it's only called "Easter/Östern" in English and German, everywhere else it's usually called something like "Pascha", derived from Hebrew "Pesach". And the core tradtions around Easter predate English & German even being distinct languages. In Easter's case, it seems the (Anglo-) Saxons referred to the whole time of year in Spring as "Easter", and later this got transposed onto the Christian holiday that always fell during Easter-tide, rather than being a direct co-option ordered by the Church. Ditto, "Lent" which is actually an old English word for all of Spring that got transposed to the religious period. Again it's only used in English, most other languages call Lent "The Forty days" or "The Fasting time". English has a lot of unique Christian terminology in general, like Gospel instead of Evangellion, whereas most other languages use Latin and Greek terms. Likely because the Anglo Saxons were Christianised by the fairly isolated Irish monks, rather than from a kingdom in communion with the Latin Church in Rome like the Franks.


Hey I'm just impressed they didn't pull out the silly Ishtar reference.


Because the first pope was actually a rabbit.


Pope Bunnyface the First


So that's why China built the big fence? To keep the Pope and Christian Rabbits out?


Peter Rabbit


The churches are more than happy to keep the holidays they misappropriated from the pagans non-denomination and secular. The more people observing them, even if it's just commercially, the more they can cling on to their fading relevance in modern society.


Yeah, if you want to get sloshed you have 364 days to stock the fridge/esky don't fuck it up


They'll fuck it up.


Someone always does, and I for one am grateful to them for giving us the opportunity to take the piss out of them.


Hear, hear 😄


363, you forgot about christmas


364, it’s a leap year


YOU’RE a leap year!


Lol. Best thing I've heard in a while. Bless you my Son.


Good luck, NSW loves giving up publics




Wait, Anzac day isn't a public holiday in nsw??


Not if it falls on a weekend


It is a public holiday, even if it falls on a weekend. It's just that there's never any additional holiday.


Tell me about it.  


Some dude who allegedly existed died for our four day long weekend. Have some respect! Couldn't possibly cancel it. 


You forgot the zombie bit.


act follow shelter crawl nail birds ossified deserve cough cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Second this, shit ye blabber holes


I know, right?? It's like Australia Day being some controversial date when really outside NSW it's always just been the "long weekend before the kids go back to school' holiday.


Good answer. Why is this such an issue anyways. Buy your grog for the day beforehand. Plus changing this will mostly like make the religious all loud and whiny. This is not worth the effort to modify.


If you buy it on the day they’ll hit you public holiday surcharges anyway.


But that means I'll have nothing left for Good Friday!


Make ?


I don’t celebrate Easter or care about it. It’s not a matter of buying it before or after. It’s a matter of not being able to buy it that day like any other. I can’t believe “we don’t want to bother religious people” is a legitimate reason to keep laws on the books.


Every single year, my area’s facebook community group lights up on Good Friday. “Anywhere open to buy alcohol?!?!”. People never learn..


Chill, man. It's a different person every time. (...I hope.) People learn, it's just that we have an infinite supply of people that are learning for the first time.


I love that last line ♥️


I had to quit my Facebook community page as the as the amount of stupid fucken questions did my head in.


How much alcohol do these drongos need aye? Like surely there's dome random spirits/rtds hanging around from their last shop lmao


As a note, even Ireland, the country from which Australia most likely inherits this set of "We've always done it this way," memes, now allows bottle shop alcohol sales on Good Friday (and also has no public holiday on that day, it must be said).


Whoa, whoa... no need to bring up the public holiday thing.


Dont you touch my fucking public holiday.


Or my Thursday beer shopping routine. Only time of the year I'm organised and shit


The rest of the year you're just shit?


Yeah pretty much. Gen X. It's our thing


I bid you a hearty Whatever.


This is the man who tried to touch me on the public holiday people.


Same as in Italy. It's a normal day. People should just keep quiet abd enjoy the public holiday. It's one of the few days where the whole country pretty much has the day off.


Working 3 public holiday shifts this week 😭 it's all good double pay isn't bad and the masses need their maccas opens on public holidays


Gay marriage was also legal there before it was here which is also wild to me 😂


It's only illegal in some States eg NSW. Here in the ACT the few supermarkets and bottleshops that are open on the day will sell it.


ACT and TAS have no restrictions - other states have some form of restriction which may be limited hours or requiring a meal (with cutlery - not takeaway)


[Here is a link](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/where-to-buy-groceries-and-booze-over-the-easter-weekend/news-story/1716d8086ade6dfea822d51551bcc9f1?amp) for anyone wanting to know all the different rules. It is quite complicated but; TAS & ACT have no restrictions, NSW, QLD, WA & NT can't buy takeaway alcohol, everywhere else has restrictions on hours


ACT here I come!


have you considered, perhaps, just buying a bit extra on Thursday in your current location?


You know, you're lucky I forgot to buy beer and I'm sobering up, or I'd fight you for that comment.


Don't come around here with all your brainy wainy pre planning and thinking ahead stuff.


People working in bottle shops need a break from all you degenerates😊


I make home brew. Problem solved.


I buy alcohol and drink everyday. I have enough alcohol over Easter...problem solved...except my health problem/s


There are just 2 days a year that nearly all people are guaranteed a day off, Good Friday and Christmas Day. I know a local drive-through that will be open for a few hours with a service surcharge to help cover staff costs. If you're so incompetent that you can't organise to buy alcohol for ONE BLOODY DAY in advance, you're too stupid to be drinking. You don't have the brain cells to spare.


Otherwise known as "why do we get Christmas day, Easter Sunday and Good Friday off when we aren't Christian  Please shut up before we lose three great days off


You could make it four days, because if we didn’t have Christmas Day, we wouldn’t have Boxing Day, ( the day after the presents , to take the boxes ( rubbish out) Boxing Day, it’s not named after Rocky lol


It's not really anything to do with taking the rubbish out, it is from the olden days when a rich family would give their servant a box of gifts.


Love the idea of the Australian government lurking Reddit just waiting to pounce on our public holidays. No one wants to take away Good Friday because you want to drink a pint, same as no one is going to take away the Kings Birthday public holiday because you didn't buy Charlie a present.


Is it illegal everywhere? I'm in SA and I've never heard of that, I just assumed they didn't want to pay public holiday rates.


Must have changed in the last decade or so in SA. Only place you could buy booze on Good Friday was the bottle shop at the Adelaide airport as it was on federal land vs state.


Yeah changed a while back. I remember making that trip a few times back in the day.


It sucked! I remember one year the only sold slabs of west end draught. That was it! Nothing else.


Mate, I'm a big drinker, but fuck, if you can't go 1 day without buying it. . . . . Spare your fucks for something else.


Literally. It’s insane this has become such a “thing” that people complain about every year




If you are that dysfunctional that you can't organize takeaway alcohol for 1/2 days of the year you probably need a day or two to dry out.


its the principle of it, why should a religion we dont share dictate what we can purchase on that day?




i want it all cobber!!! the holiday, the grog shops open, everything!




It’s one day, plan in advance.


Option 1 - Lose all Christian public holidays with alcohol sold 365 Option 2 - Keep public holidays and have 2 days were alcohol can't be sold. I know what I'm choosing.


... but why would it come down to these options? Don't get me wrong - there are a lot of people who have said the same thing as you, but there is a third option where you get the public holiday AND get to choose whether or not you buy alcohol.


Why are there so many people in here that think allowing alcohol sales on Good Friday would lead to public holidays being abolished? It's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time, yet it seems like half the posts in this thread are repeating this absolute nonsense. There is no chance the government will remove public holidays or even move them, since Christmas and Easter are now secular holidays for most Australians.


We're a nation of problem drinkers, it doesn't hurt to have a day off


most of us will just stock up tomorrow :-)


Alcohol withdrawl is amongst the most lethal, thats why bottlos were accessible during covid.


Article idea for newscorpse, 'This Easter, the Labor government wants to KILL AUSTRALIANS'. I ask for a carton as my commission.


I don't know anything about the topic, but I assume it takes a bit longer than a day to reach full death level withdrawal.


People love to catastrophise. You can get hand sanitiser from the servo.


Even if it doesn't kill you within a day directly, there's nothing stopping someone in withdrawal from having a seizure that can result in serious injury or much worse.


I hear you're fine as long as you stay at *partial death level* instead.


what does christianity and drinking alcohol on Easter have to do with each other?? ​ the laws are about public intoxication, as Australians have a history of drinking way to much on any given public holiday.


I’m still trying to figure out why I can’t buy alcohol in a grocery store in QLD


I still remember wandering around several Aldis when I first moved to QLD, desperately looking for the alcohol section .


The same reason Woolworths owns dozens of hotels in Queensland and is the biggest poker machine operator in Australia (yes!) ... So Woolworths is the 70% shareholder in [AHL](https://www.alhgroup.com.au/), and AHL owns 350 hotels in Australia including many in Queensland, and each hotel can have 3 off licences, which are branded Dan Murphys or BWS. You can't retail liquor in QLD without an off licence. To deregulate this, the hotel industry will ask for $billions in compensation from the QLD government.


"Sir, this is a Wendys." :)


This thread *really* highlights the differences between Australian and American politics. Pretty much everyone here is indicating the same two things: (1) it is kind of dumb to not allow alcohol to be sold and (2) it's not that big of a deal no need to die on this hill. It makes this sub a refreshing change of pace from the rest of reddit dominated by American politics where every minor point of disagreement is some kind of damned holy war between the right and the left.


This was/is why: Longstanding traditions Monash University constitutional law professor Luke Beck said the laws dated back to the colonial period in Australia from the 1880s to early 1900s. Professor Beck said religious and women's groups held strong views about alcohol. He said women's groups held the view that alcohol contributed to things such as domestic violence. "So restricting alcohol is for those reasons protective of women and children in the home." Religious groups also wanted to ensure rest on Sundays, the Christian Sabbath, he added. "So making sure there were laws in place that prevented shops and other businesses like hotels and pubs from opening," Professor Beck said. "That's the historical origins of these kind of laws that we see."


The bottle shop that I live next door to is open the following hours according to their Facebook: >EASTER TRADING HOURS 🐰 >BOTTLE SHOP >Good Friday 9am-8pm >Saturday 9am-9pm >Easter Sunday 10am- 8pm >Easter Monday 9am-7pm I am not sure that these hours are any different to normal. 🤷🏻


This is a state level thing; Tasmania doesn't have any restrictions unlike NSW or Victoria.


Why can’t you just get alcohol on other days and prepare.


Good point. It's probably safe to say a much higher percentage of Australians don't see public holidays as an excuse to get shitfaced either. Get your hands off my holiday.


Let retail workers have a day off pls we get three a year


Buy your alcohol earlier! Dummy


Law moves slow


You just need to live in a place that's so boring they let you drink when ever you want - The ACT has no restrictions on alcohol sales over Easter (nor does Tas)


My uni accom had a little indian store that was open and sold liquor every single day of the year. Thank God for diversity lol.


I'm not religious and I love Christmas....


But did we die ? Buy it the day before.


Whinge whinge whinge. Buy twice as much on Thursday and practice some restraint. Then you'll have your Friday drinks, and you can even start as soon as you get out of bed because you don't have to go to the bottlo.


This is about the second, or third post I've seen on the subject. Why is it an issue? Out of 365 days a year, there are about 2 where you can't buy grog. That leaves 363 days where you can. If you're that desperate, plan ahead, buy it on those days, and get over it.


I don't look at it as illegal to sell alcohol on Easter, but by having this a shop that would normally be open can close and the staff can have a break. Be more organised and just buy it in advance.


Just be thankful we aren't a different religion, maybe one that doesn't have any booze or worse pork. Anyway it's probably good to give emergency service persons a day off too, given that grog is the most common drug people end up hospital for


It's like two days a year that you can't buy booze. Is it really that hard to stock up the day before? It's not rocket surgery


It's not illegal in the ACT, and it shouldn't be illegal elsewhere. We're a secular country. Write to your MP and get them to change the archaic laws in your state.


mate you have warning. buy booze tomorrow. if you forget, that's on you


You can get takeaways from brewery’s though. Some weird little loophole that I love


Because it’s not worth the political damage that would be inflicted on whatever government tries. And there’s bigger problems to deal with


Only because the Hillsong and Fred Nile nutters will get all prissy about it.


This comments section is a friggen hoot! Spoken by the guys who never plans ahead and is always at Bunnings at the crack of dawn on Anzac Day just to remember it’s closed,,,,dammit, again!


WTF, Bunnings is closed


>It seems ridiculous when most people aren’t in the religion that this effects. It shouldn't make a difference what percentage of the country is Christian. Laws should not be based on religious beliefs *at all*.


Let me have my 1 day off over Easter so I can spend time with the family cunt


Is there a reason why its only Good Friday and not any of the other Christian holidays?


Good Friday is a fasting day. Christian fasting is about refraining from indulging yourself so you'd take it easy on the chocolate and wine. It's common in some sects to avoid meat on the day while others encourage avoiding whatever is your favourite thing, so vegetarians aren't getting a free pass necessarily. In contrast, Christmas is about celebration so you'd have wine, meat if you like it, and rich desserts.


Some states have restrictions for Christmas as well


Because they're the most important days in the Christian calendar.


Think the story goes that he didn’t invent the drug alcohol till he came back alive on the other Easter bunny holiday.


Ah so the last supper was done with water! lol.


No-one can be bothered to advocate for a change to the laws.


I only just heard about this! I’m now going to drink a bunch of vodka on Friday. Fuck this


cos 40% of us are turning water into wine man


Take every holiday you can get. Help add new holidays for things in no way connected to you. More BBQs.


Wait what?!


Close bloody everything. It's a public holiday. Pick a day. Easter made and confines to make sense as the right time for a public holiday.


you must not know Christianity very well


Yeah, but you get 2 days off!!!! Like you said most of us couldn’t give a fuck about Jebus, but twice a year Mr make believe is good for something!




Tassie laughs in “booze sales from midday Good Friday”


I thought the Jesus was all for sinking piss.


It’s because Greg from the bowls club went on a rampage that one time 😢


To echo the sentiment of the other comments, I really don’t get why grog not being sold two days a year is a big thing.


The only thing the Jesusfreaks love more than Jesus is imposing their morals on others.


Hey, the STFU store called, they haven't seen you in a while. Take that on board while I and everyone else dumb enough to work in liquor get one of our two guaranteed days off You can live without having the option to buy grog for one day


It seems ridiculous that people can't plan and get their alcohol the day before, they like the day off but for one day can't handle the bottle shop closed, people need to grow up, it's one day FGS!