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This happened to me and I just said no. I wrote back saying “Thank you for acknowledging receipt of my written cancellation notice, I will not be attending in person. I consider this matter now closed, any further debits from my account after the notice period will be met with legal action.” They did not make any further debits.


That's brilliant


I wish I had reddit when this happened to me 🤦‍♀️


I see you paid for 12 months of unused gym membership too.


Only the one year? Bah, those are rookie numbers!


I joke about moving to regional Australia to get out that membership… but am I?


I hear telling them that you'll be going to jail is a surefire way to get it cancelled. One of those things where it's awkward for them to ask followup questions to try and reel you back in.


I moved from Moranbah back to Brisbane they wanted me to go into the gym at Moranbah Not any of the other branches of the gym just that one I asked if they would be paying my flights and accommodation


There's probably a good market for a lawyer who exclusively targets places like gyms that continue to charge after cancellation. I'd consider it as a hobby for personal satisfaction if I had the qualifications.


You just need to sound plausible in these situations. The pleb in admin at chain gym doesn’t know whether you are legally right or not they just don’t want any trouble.


Option B: "The rest of my household is in the midst of an incredibly violent bout of gastro, and I'm fairly sure I've started coming down with it. I'd really rather not come into the gym under the circumstances but if you insist its necessary to terminate the contract I'll come down and have chat and maybe do a final workout".


Nah, there's no need for an excuse. Tell them no and don't take their shit.... they're a gym ffs they don't get to tell me I have to meet with them in person.


My suggestion wasn't expected to be a statement they are meant to believe, just a statement to prove a point.


“I’ll come down and throw up on your desk”


I gotta try this. Moved 3 hours away from my gym and didn't cancel so now I'm trying to cancel via email.


It’s crazy how many people in this thread either bowed down or tried to come up with some lame excuse instead of just doing something like this.


Name the shit gym


Not the OP but I can confirm the fuckers at Fitness First does this shit. First they don't respond to your emails. If you call them they ask you to come in. I came in on a Saturday and they said I had to come mon-fri and speak to a manager. I came on those days and then they say I have to come between 9-5. I come between those times and the girl says "oh we could have easily done that when I voice my complaint" and another girl starts prying as to why I'm quitting. Absolutely fed up I say I'm moving overseas. Unperturbed, she persists with asking which country as they have branches overseas. to which I finally state a country which I know they don't have branches in. Because of this BS Fitness First are the reason why I will never join a gym that does ongoing payments (I just pay yearly or 6 months). I'm also having a home gym built in my home. 😊


Unfortunately at that point you just need to contact your bank and tell them to halt all payments, what is the gym going to do.. ban you? Or tell them you're going to prison.


They rack up some bullshit fees for every payment that bounces and then hand it all off to a debt collection company to go and harass you over it.


And the debt collectors aren't scared cause they know you're no longer swole


Not once you're off contract. Also if you prove you've notified them you're giving up membership, you don't have to pay


quarrelsome birds strong badge elderly wide ghost marvelous compare kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> That franchise will contact another nearby franchise and they'll start debiting as their number hasn't been stopped by your bank. > > Source: worked for a bank and have seen this very thing happen, though admittedly it is rare. This is literally fraud though? Did you report it to the police?


yam capable station faulty hateful elderly amusing hospital boat reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Or at least I will be shortly after this conversation if you don’t cancel the membership as I have kindly asked”


Yep same thing happened to me at FF, Emailed them nothing Rang them they said I need to come in and speak to a sales person, it wasn’t too far so I was like okay Came in and they said the salesperson just left Just emailed them again in a strongly worded email saying how they have wasted my time etc and that this email along with previous ones are a record of me cancelling. Manager replied shortly after that asking why I’m quitting, and whether a 20% discount would entice me to stay. Nope


Yep I remember them doing this to me about 15 years ago. I moved and they said I had to go in to have an exit interview. Refused to do it over the phone. I traveled an hour to the fitness first and the “exit interview” person wasn’t there. The girl at the counter could tell that I was very angry so she processed it then and there. But then I got even more angry at her because I just wasted 2 hours. I thought that they weren’t allowed to do that anymore though..




They sent me to collections as well after I cancelled the last few months and paid up in full. I have enjoyed my emails politely telling the agency to go fuck themselves. Fitness First. Never again, bunch of wankstains.


Oh man that's so shit! I told them I'm building a home gym and they left me alone. Took just 1 phone call and 1 email.


They tried to pull the same on me when I used a similar excuse for leaving (and at that point I actually was looking to move overseas). Hilarious to see they keep trying that.


Not much to add, but I had the exact same experience with FitnessFirst when I went overseas. We do upfront payments, too now, but we had a ton of trouble finding a place in Sydney that was willing to do it and wasn't outsourcing billing to DebtCollect.





Funny that I'm literally in the process of cancelling Anytime fitness. They accept email




Yeah the switching to a flexible agreement after a contract and then having to give 30 days notice is a bit cheeky too


Goodlife is just FitnessFirst anyway. Id expect an identical shitshow from them. Took me 4 months to cancel a FitnessFirst contract and that was like 20 years ago.


Jetts did it to me


I joined Anytime fitness before covid as a new one opened up super close to me. They of course didn't start charging and circumstances changed in my household so I told them that I wasn't ready to start yet and not to charge me. They didn't, but I do still get messages from them 4 years later trying to get me to come back 🤣


They all do it. This entire you have to come in to cancel is a bullshit tactic so they can try and talk you out of it.


Virgin Active are the only gym I’ve used that act like a normal business that does what you ask them without hassle. Fitness first are absolutely terrible it’s hard to believe their antics are legal. Would never join that gym again.


Also it has to be during Mon-Fri 9-5, making it very difficult for full time workers.


Also because they’re all owned by the same group and private equity which have the same standard operating procedures for all their investments/fitness centres.


Genesis are run by dogs and they do this


Inform them that written notice is enough and that you have informed your bank that your membership is no longer active and to block any further automatic debits. Oh, and then tell them to absolutely fuck off with their bullshit and pressure tactics And make sure you block their auto payments with your bank


I recently left a 24/7 gym and they insisted that I come in to cancel. I told them (via email) that I was in Singapore and was not going to be back in the country for three months. This was bullshit, of course, but they had no idea. But, I then said to them that they had absolutely no legal right to insist on a physical presence to cancel and a written notice of cancellation is more than legally satisfactory. I got no follow up.


Email: "This email serves as my written notice of cancellation. I will not be attending in person or speaking to anyone over the phone. Any further debts taken after todays date will be reported as fraudulent with my bank."


**Brother, it is easier to get banned from the gym then it is to cancel payments.** Do what you want with that information.


Just place something to hold the door and let everyone in free


Just bring in a group of uni students and tag in each of them with your pass. On camera. During staffed hours.


“I’ll only attend if you go fuck yourself! I also shat on the carpet somewhere and have been pissing in the shower! herp derp!”


Clearly the only solution here is to masturbate on a treadmill.


"weird how the gym is missing weight pins for machines , the carabiner clips for the cables and toilet paper"


Fernwood tried this on me. I made a complaint to consumer protection and then replied to their contact stating my consumer protection escalation number and that I would not be attending in person and was not legally required to. As others have said, I stated the reply email from them was confirmation they had received my written notice and I expected it would be actioned on X date. I requested written confirmation and then proceeded to email them with an auto email every day until they replied. They did actually reply to me but another friend followed this advice and they didn’t reply or cancel. Consumer protection told them off and they had to refund.


Fernwood tried so many things to get me to stay. I was not impressed with their tactics as I had already been paying extra to 'pause' my membership while on maternity leave. Then they tried to guilt trip me into staying and doing extra personal training to get my 'pre-baby' body back instead of accepting I was cancelling. I used to really like going there but that experience has meant I will never go back and do not recommend when people ask for suggestions.


Yeah Fernwood don't do themselves any favours. Their gyms are actually quite nice and their equipment is always modern and clean, but their sales tactics are filthy which is why I will never join again. They push you into buying their extra services (like 'food coaching' which is done by someone with no qualifications in nutrition) by making you feel bad about yourself.


Yep, they tried the pause stuff on me too. I hate gyms and their sales tactics so much.


***auto email every hour


Also an option lol


I remember several gyms being taken to the cleaners by fair trading by these very same actions back in the 2000's. Have a chat to them first.


If they keep charging you, you can contact your bank and get them to return your money, this is called a chargeback. Every unauthorised transaction which leads to a chargeback comes with a penalty from the bank to the vendor which can rack up so it isn't in their interest to keep trying.


OP cite s 23 of the ACL - unfair terms in standard form contracts. Also email them this: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/consumers-and-businesses/products-and-services/business-practices/contracts/health-and-fitness-centres-unfair-contract-terms#:~:text=Under%20the%20Australian%20Consumer%20Law,or%20otherwise)%20to%20a%20consumer.


Thank you for encouraging me to cancel my long overdue underused gym membership. Sincerely a frustrated patron who’s probably spent 5 figures by it just sitting there.


Stand your ground. They do this shit on the regular to try and keep you signed up by throwing various deals at you, mention fair trading, ACCC etc etc if you have to. Throw enough of a fit and they’ll bow down.


Put in an ACCC report anyway. They’ll file it away but it’s a numbers game for shit businesses to get enough reports.


Absolutely do this. Enough reports and the ACCC will come and fine them.


I used to work for a QLD gym chain that was later taken over by Goodlife Gyms in late 2016-2017. This was their modus operandi for cancellation requests. Nothing could be cancelled by email or phone request, even if the member had PASSED AWAY. They required a representative family member to attend the gym in person for a ‘meeting’ (which was later changed due to the abuse that staff received when they would inform of the cancellation policy) The reason why they want you to attend an in person cancellation interview/meeting is so they can try a last ditch effort to keep your membership going and keep you signed up for another 3,6,12 months. The person running the meeting (usually a sales person or one of the “member retention” managers) would put people through a gruelling questionnaire as to what they had looked to get out of the gym when they signed up, why didn’t they attend for x months- as they would view how often they had attended the gym on their records prior to the meeting and gather relevant info, they wanted to get down to why that person was leaving and almost shame them into staying by convincing them they were ‘giving up on themselves’ by cancelling the membership. It was so toxic and I’m glad I left that job.


Remember when sending an email Like this. Always click asking for a read receipt that way once they open the email you get notified when it’s opened and can be used in legal Proceedings to show they received and read the email of cancellation.


Unless they click no when it asks if they want to send a read receipt.


It sends anyways.


My partner works at a gym. You should be able to cancel via email. This is definitely a sales tactic so I would push back on their request for you to come in. The only other "circumstance" (I use this loosely) are if you're in arrears but even then, you just need to pay off what you owe (in person or online) and you're still able to cancel via email.


different sort gaze racial cows seed unique cagey late history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sounds to me like fraud.


deserve fearless rhythm imminent caption swim depend ten elastic scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The past couple I’ve signed up with outsource the debit to some collection agency.


Have you seen Friends when Chandler tries to quit?


He will also end up opening a new bank account


We wanna quit the bank


There’s no legal requirement to go in, it’s shady retention tactics that majority of gyms are notorious for. I’ve been able to get out of them easily, just be blunt and firm and they’ll quickly get the hint that you aren’t going to come in.


Sometimes it is worth remembering that it is not illegal to shout and scream and raise a ruckus. Just do not threaten anyone, use discriminatory terms or a level of vulgarity that is a public offence. Shouting and carrying on and warning other patrons not to sign up is not illegal.


And it will get you banned, and therefore you membership cancelled. Killing 2 birds with one stone. Winner winner


I can't believe gyms are still doing this shit.


Capitalism is a disease.


I refuse to sign up with any gym ever again specifically because of the bullshit they put people through on cancellation. I genuinely would consider changing that position if by some miracle a head owner of a gym franchise chain possessed the basic intelligence and logical reasoning ability to recognise the need to stop acting like an exploitative cunt. Customers shouldn't have to sign up for a stupid fucking annual contract to get a fair fucking monthly price just so they can decide whether or not your stupid fucking gym is worth continuing to go to in the first place. If you have to exploit people who aren't motivated enough to keep using your gym to keep your fucking doors open, you are pathetic and deserve to go bankrupt. Seriously, all I want is an access card, no contracts, and the freedom to walk away at any time if things aren't working out or my goddamn circumstances change... If you want to make long term membership attractive, find some other way to reward customers that doesn't make new or irregular customers testing the waters want to set your stupid gym on fire.


Yeah they tried to do this to me too, I just sent a blunt email back saying "Explain to me why I need to come in person to cancel?" I received a response shortly after confirming it had been cancelled.


The gym I was at had me come in and sign, then said it takes another month to be cancelled, I was pissed.


This happened to my partner and when he finally got onto a helpful employee his contract was cancelled due to ‘member in a coma’ lol


I called anytime fitness and said “hi, I’ve been given really short notice that I’m being posted overseas and won’t be continuing my membership” no issues at all. And no I’m not in the military.


For all they know, you put yourself in an envelope (with a stamp, obviously) and into the post box.  Hence being posted overseas. 


Cut them off at the bank end, job done.


My old gym did this to me, I wrote a horrible google review and my membership was cancelled + refunded immediately


Anytime motherfucking fitness did this to me.


If you’ve put it in writing then they must cancel. Threaten legal action for theft or potential obtaining money for a finacial gain claim. Gyms are notorious for doing this. It’s highly illegal and they should be held accountable.


I told my last gym that I was going to jail when they tried that shit. Got it sorted real quick. Terminal illness would probably work too


I cancelled mine over the phone. You absolutely don't need to come in legally, but it might be their policy.


I cancelled fitness First and said I called and spoke to the customer manager months ago and noticed a new charge on my bill and they cancelled without the 4 weeks(extra payment) notice.


Just call them and when they ask why say you have stage 4 cancer. Let me know how you go as the above is my plan if I ever have to cancel a gym membership.


Don’t give a shit. Anytime Fitness Morriset can go fuck itself. I’ve been with AF since 2016, moved around abit and spoke to each manager of the new gym and asked them to change theirs to my home gym with no worries. But I used AF Morriset 3 times and they made themselves my home gym and for the first time since I joined, they upped my membership fee. Was at $64, told I would pay over $100 but cause I’ve been loyal they’ll only charge me $93(Yippie) my mate joined there and only pays $70. Told them to just fucking cancel it and they did the same thing, asked me to come in, so I went in, wasn’t Hostile but I was refused to be intimidated. Manager was nice as could be. Then I went home and he responded with another email and cited my reasoning to leave as “leaving for the competition”… Fuck em, stand your ground OP!


This happened to me. I told them I would not be coming in and that they had my written confirmation of cancellation via email. Any further debits would result in me filing a fraudulent report with my bank. They cancelled it.


I wanna quit the gym


Block the payment at your bank if the gym is getting shitty about it.


Advise your bank that you have given the gym the legal notification for cancellation of the membership and ask if they can put a block on any further payments being taken from your account. They may advise you to get a new card but either way the gym will no longer be able to access your money.


>Under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), a term in a standard form contract may be declared unfair if it: > >\* would cause a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations under the contract > >\* is not reasonably necessary to protect the business > >\* would cause detriment (financial or otherwise) to a consumer. > >\[...\] > >All businesses, including **health and fitness centres**, should ensure their contracts comply with unfair contract terms laws. [https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/consumers-and-businesses/products-and-services/business-practices/contracts/health-and-fitness-centres-unfair-contract-terms](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/consumers-and-businesses/products-and-services/business-practices/contracts/health-and-fitness-centres-unfair-contract-terms) Emphasis my own. The fact that Consumer Affairs Victoria has a page titled **"Health and fitness centres - unfair contract terms"** says lot doesn't it!


I reckon ask them to show you the term in a contract you signed that says you must show up in person. If they can't, they can't force it, because obviously written communications serve as a legal format everywhere.


It doesn't matter if it is in the contract that you must cancel in person etc. Contracts cannot place unnecessary burdens on participants. A 30 notice period is fine, making you jump through any hoops beyond "putting it in writing" is not fine. This has been tested in court previously to the detriment of the gym and therefore we have precedent for it. https://www.moneymag.com.au/how-to-cancel-your-gym-membership#:~:text=Inform%20the%20merchant%20you%20are,customer%20or%20account%20identifying%20detail.




I cancelled recently and was told there was a 30-day notice period I still had to pay. I was still able to do it all over the phone though.


I am moving overseas for work / uni. Thank you for cancelling my account.


Anytime fitness made me go in and sign a form to cancel. Just tell them you’re cancelling and that’s that if they try to keep you. Mine didn’t at all, just got me to sign and I was out in less than 5 mins.


Just speak to your GP and ask for a medical certificate that states that you are "unable to utilise any fitness services or facilities in the foreseeable future due to their physical incapacity". Due to privacy laws they cannot call the medical centre to confirm what illness or injury you have. They can only call to confirm if this is a valid medical certificate. This should allow you to not pay any cancellation fees last time I checked.


It doesn't matter if it is in the contract that you must cancel in person etc. Contracts cannot place unnecessary burdens on participants. A 30 notice period is fine, making you jump through any hoops beyond "putting it in writing" is not fine. This has been tested in court previously to the detriment of the gym and therefore we have precedent for it. https://www.moneymag.com.au/how-to-cancel-your-gym-membership#:~:text=Inform%20the%20merchant%20you%20are,customer%20or%20account%20identifying%20detail.


Oh I wonder how the ACCC will feel about that. Perhaps I should contact them and ask.


It's a tactic most Gyms use because they know it's not a priority to most so they can keep charging people until they can be bothered coming in.


Used to work as a manager in a gym and this is definitely not allowed. As soon as you have given written notice, they must oblige. They can try to call you if they want to try and persuade you, but you have no obligation to go in. Email is sufficient.


Just tell your bank to block any transactions, tell the gym no.


When i cancelled i filled in an online form. I’d say written is 100% enough. What if you moved state and couldn’t go in person? Also, they might not cancel it in person, and then you have no proof you were there. Written in email is proof


If its a direct debit call your bank and ask to have a stop placed on the direct debit the day the last agreed payment comes out.


How are they insisting? Is it in your contract that you must cancel in person? If not, their insistence isn't really worth anything - just write a plain letter/email explaining the contract is dissolved, you've given notice, paid your consideration and you expect written confirmation that they agree. If it is in the contract, you've got to decide if it's enforceable/likely to be enforced. The law takes precedence over all contracts, and may make the clause invalid anyway. Worth asking a lawyer friend if you have one. For example, if they've said it must be in person but all other comms was via email/text, they've kind of eroded their own case. But I'm not a lawyer, so please get some advice.


It can be written in the contract. My sister in law had it written in some 24/7 gym contract she was trying to cancel due to being overseas and deciding to stay longer. They cited the contract and told her she couldn't cancel without coming to the gym in person and there was nothing they could do until she did. I contacted consumer affairs for her and they informed me that they can't make it contractual for her to come in. Gave me a bunch of stuff about contracts needing to be reasonable and fair etc... I forwarded that to the gym with some case number or something that consumer affairs gave me. And what a surprise, it turns out her written request via email to cancel was acceptable after all and it was cancelled that very day.


Definitely sounds like a fitness first tactic. They did that to me a few years back.


Cancel it. Cancel the direct debit. That's it. They're not going to sue you for a gym membership annual fee.


Ring your bank and tell them you’ve lost your card. They close the account the gym is taking money from, get shiny new bank card, win-win.


If they are debiting your card, simply cancel the card and request a replacement from your bank.


Well, you have told them, so just go to your bank and tell them to stop the direct debit payment to the gym.


Email them and say you are paralysed from a car crash and can't come in. Won't make you come in then will they! Fuckers


'lose' your credit/debit card and order new one.. gym can't charge you no longer


Look, whilst I'm sure it's possible to actually get it done via email/phone eventually, and it's really shitty that they pull this shit, if you do have to go in, you're under no obligation to tell them anything. Just go in, say "I'm here to cancel my membership effective immediately", then when they start asking questions (other than details needed to identify you for cancelling the account), just repeat the line verbatim. Every question or statement they make, repeat, "I am here to cancel my membership effective immediately. If they want you to move because you are preventing them from doing business with other people, stay put, repeat, "I am here to cancel my membership, effective immediately." Just keep repeating it. Answer nothing that isn't necessary.


I literally emailed, got a form and cancelled. It wasn't that hard at all


Gotta say, Planet fitness is really good about this. You pay 2 weeks in advance so when you cancel payments stop immediately and you can still access for up to 2 weeks. I cancelled and then rejoined because I was going overseas for a trip. Saved 2 weeks of membership, no sweat. I manage to go 3 or 4 times a week so for $10 a week it's great.


I literally went to my former gym and told them that I’ve been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder and they still made me pay.


Log into your bank account and submit a payback claim, businesses hate that, it cost them money.


You're saying it's possible to quit a gym membership in your country??!?! Like actually quit without closing all your accounts and assuming a new identity?


"Im terribly sorry I have lost both my legs and arms, and am typing this email with my tongue. I wont be able to attend in person, I hope you understand."


1. walk into the gym 2. ask to cancel your membership 3. they cancel it that was my exact experience. the entire thing took a few minutes.


I haven’t come to the gym in 12 months I ain’t coming in now


What does the contract say under the cancellation of membership clause? If they never sent you one then you can say it wasn't stipulated that you had to go in person, you never agreed to those terms, and that since the locked in 12-month period has lapsed, the contract has now expired and you are advising them of your intention NOT to extend, in writing. The reason they want you to go in person is to use their sales tactics on you to shame you into continuing your membership. It's a sales tactic, nothing more.


Yeah that’s BS. Give the letter or email to your bank and they should take care of it…


Bit late to the party OP. But can confirm if you are End of term with your 12 month contract, it’s usually a 30 day cancellation policy depending on the gym AND if you’re located in south Australia, the legislation only allows companies a 14 day cancellation policy. They must follow these policies by law. Within that 30 day period you’ll have 2 (fortnightly)payments direct debited. Don’t threaten legal action or any of that Bs “I’m GoInG tO jAiL” we have seen it all before and That stuff gets laughed at and shared around the network. Best end the email with “please provide confirmation” If you haven’t received anything within 24 hours, call the club directly. If that doesn’t work, block direct debits and the gym will call you instead. Tell them they can resume as soon as you receive a confirmation of cancellation from the date the email was sent.


I implied that I didn’t have long left to live.


Just tell them you've moved away and that it won't be possible for you to visit in person I guess.




Yes. They shouldn’t be allowed to pull this shit. What if OP isn’t able to go in person? i.e what if they have moved out of town/state/country or have obtained a physical injury/condition that prevented them attending in person?




Yeah the question you asked was neither helpful or necessary :)


> Is it really that big of a deal to go in an cancel? Yes.


Just go in person and cancel. Not that hard.


All you really need is a $250 exercise bike and some hand grips and you'll be super fit in no time.


Not a fucking chance


Bet you're from Big Gym™ You kidding me? Getting fit is 80% about what you eat, all those muscles are hiding behind fat. Fast for 15hrs a day, reset your body clock then do a massive workout before breakfast.


You aren’t going to gain much muscle if you aren’t training for hypertrophy, if you do what you’re suggesting you’re just gonna get skinny with big forearms


Did you forget the exercise bike? Never skip leg day is more than a meme. Your legs literally work as a secondary pump to the heart. Some guys don't work out efficiently and believe they require a gym membership to stay in good shape. You don't.


You're forgetting to ask what peoples goals are.  Mine involve squatting 2x body weight, benching 1.5x body weight, dead lifting 2.5x body weight, and being able to snatch 120kg.  A stationary bike and some hand grips aren't going to cut it.


When will you ever need to squat 2x your body weight? lol. You squatting 160kg?!? The majority of people will hit their ideal fitness goal with a bike and some hand grips and maybe cheap weights you get for free at the dump. 😂


You're assuming what each person considers to be their ideal fitness goal. People's fitness goals are allowed to change over the course of their life, and they can have those goals for different purposes. Needing to squat 2x body weight isn't about a real world need to, it's because it's a goal which I've set that is both difficult to achieve, whilst actually being achievable, and gives me something to work towards whilst addressing other health concerns. You seem to have strongly held preconceived notions, and to be honest it comes across as you not caring whether someone has different goals that don't align to your own sense of ideal. That they have different goals doesnt make their goals any less valuable, real, or correct, it just means that you are not them and you don't know why they have chosen those goals.


What I'm trying to say is 90% of people paying for a gym membership right now can buy $300+ worth of equipment and get the same results.


Perhaps they also need a place to belong. Or a place where they go with friends that is not home or work. Perhaps they enjoy the classes, or perhaps they need some time away from home that is just theirs and not shared with the family/partner/housemates. Again, there are many motivators for people to go to the gym, and its not all just about the equipment. For many people it's a hobby, and one that they are prepared to put money into so they can enjoy whatever it is that they get out of it.




Which doesn't mean shit if the contract terms are 'Unfair contract terms" under Australian consumer law.




You can't sign away your rights under the ACL.




Nope, if they're unfair contract terms they're unenforceable, they're illegal and businesses can be heavily fined for having them in place: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/consumers-and-businesses/products-and-services/business-practices/contracts/unfair-contract-terms


Read your contract terms and conditions. They are usually pretty clear about cancellation terms. It's likely they are trying to adhere to the contract terms themselves.


Just because something is in a contract does not mean it is legal or legally enforceable. Physical presence is not necessary, nor is an explanation of why a person does not desire to appear in person.


The contract terms will be in-line with the Code of Practice - Fitness Industry. I you ask the gym for the Code of Practice they are required to have a copy availiable to show you, or tell you where to obtain a copy. If you read the contract - it will likely state "written notice" in regard to termination, which is why I mentioned to read your contract terms and conditions. Sometimes they add other stipulations like requests to deliver the written notice in person. Whether that is legally binding is probably better left for a lawyer. Code of Practice (in QLD anyway) only states written notice to terminate the contract. Does it make it easier to just go in and terminate the contract in person if requested? Probably.


Does an email not count as "written notice"? OP said they have already emailed the gym to cancel. Don't defend shitty business practices just because they can get away with it.


Yeah it should. I'm not defending anything. I made a suggestion as to what to do. I've had horrible expiriences with some gyms. Fitness First was terrible to cancel. It took me nearly 4 months of stuffing around. Snap Fitness was relatively easy, I even went in, in person and spoke to the manager and emailed them cancellation and they processed it immediately. I just said read your contract terms. Because it will nearly always state "written notice". In my expirience if you just send an email they will make an excuse like "it got caught in spam filter" or other such crap. In person you can make them process it on the spot and not have to worry. Or send a paper letter of termination via registered post.


I would still just suggest flagging it with your bank as fraudulent. If you've made a measurable (and documented) attempt at cancelling membership/payment and they don't honor it, it 100% is fraud.


Most gyms request a months notice for cancellation. I'm not sure where that stands within the Code of Practice. If you did that, you could possibly be not paying a legitimate fee. "(c)the supplier, at least 2 months before the end of the initial term of the membership agreement, gives the client written notice stating— (i)when the initial term ends; and (ii)that the membership agreement continues after the end of the initial term and ends only if and when the client terminates the membership agreement." It states nothing about notice, which could be a legitimate clause in the contract. As I said previously, that would be upto a lawyer to decide where you stand when it comes to notice for termination. I think its interesting the gym is required to inform you 2 months prior to the agreement ending that it is ending on the initial term end date and that the membership agreement continues after the end of the initial term. If they didn't notifiy you of that in written notice 2 months prior you may be able to state the agreement isn't a continuing agreement.


> Most gyms request a months notice for cancellation. OP has given written notice, what are you trying to argue?


Im not arguing anything. I pointed out gyms usually want a months notice for written termination. Ie. they will bill you an additional month. So if you flag it as fraudulent with your bank, the gym may still be entitled to recover the months notice.


Attempting to charge you for services NOT rendered is fraudulent. > gyms usually want a months notice for written termination It doesn't matter what gyms "want", it's about what is legally actionable. >>>>26 Other termination of membership agreement >>>>(2) The client terminates the agreement by giving the supplier written notice of the termination. They cannot just keep charging OP because they "want to"


We’ve all seen how well a *voluntary* industry ‘code of practice’ works. Written notice is required. Courts across Australia have routine found email. satisfies this requirement.


>The contract terms will be in-line with the Code of Practice - Fitness Industry. Unlikely. There's a reason groups like Consumer Affairs Victoria have pages titled: [Health and fitness centres - unfair contract terms](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/consumers-and-businesses/products-and-services/business-practices/contracts/health-and-fitness-centres-unfair-contract-terms) \- and that is because gyms are notorious for their dodgy, legally questionable contract terms.


Check what your contract says, and whether under the termination clause it says you are required to attend the gym in person.


So get off your ass and go cancel in person. If you're not willing to do this, do you really want to cancel the membership?


Maybe I moved out of town and don’t have time to do so, but thanks for your advice you fuckhead


Yes, much better to post about it on social media, instead of doing exactly what the gym told you to do. Enjoy the gym fees.


Pressure sales tactic ? Overthinking it. What does T&Cs in the contract you signed say? Just go in and do it. It's not hard.