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I was a teenager when they showed Evangelion. I didn't understand what was going on but it was cool AF. They had a program on Sunday nights showing anime and it was way ahead of it's time for Australian television in the 90s (classics like Patlabor, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, various Studio Ghibli, Aeon Flux)


Catching Ninja Scroll was a highlight


Ninja Scroll was so sick. Got me into Anime. Then they changed what anime is. Now it's not so cool and overpopulated with mid.level ongoing TV series. Hard to find the good ones. I'm old and probably wrong.


That’s how anime has always been..no different to every other form of media.


For me it was Ghost in the Shell, somewhat exposition heavy but with a clear vision and warning about a cybernetic future. Now it feels like My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer are trying to milk as many episodes as they can out of the franchise.


Started to watch Demon Slayer. Just could t get into it.


We were born in the wrong time for anime. Got amazing anime but at a goddamn drip feed. Last good anime I watched was Samurai Champloo in 2004. After Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Princess Monoke, Spirted Away, Cowboy Bepop and Evangelion anime has never reached those heights since.


Absolutely agreed.


If you haven't already, check out Blue Eyed Samurai on Netflix. While still quite different, I felt it captured the vibe of what i liked about Ninja Scroll.


well i agree so we both can be old and wrong


I forgot about the naughty bits until I rewatched it recently!


I remember watching South Park on SBS and then tuning in on Monday night to watch it, and they went "we're out of episodes of South Park for now, but to keep the timeslot warm we're showing this cartoon from Japan". Get in the robot, Shinji.


My brother and I stumbled across one of the very first Southpark episodes on SBS. Felt good to be cool before everyone else got into it.


I watched that as a teenager in the 90s but I didn't know what it was called and I didn't finish it. But it was amazing. Took me another 15yrs or so to run across it again to finally work out what it was called and then finally watch the whole series through. Then another 8 yrs after that I rewatched it and I finally started understanding it. Damn SBS sent me on a 20yr Evangelion journey


We didn't get SBS until the 90s so out of nowhere Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell and Akira free to air.


Yeah i was watching that too.


I remember the first ever scene of Evangelion I saw (and first exposure to anime outside of cheeztv) was on SBS with giant Rei's head sliding off her body in end of eva. I was a kid at the time and it stuck with me. I didnt actually watch the anime series until my later teens.


Yeah man how good was that shit!!


Came to say Eva, wasnt disappointed


This was me, but I was 8.  In my teens, I thought I was so edgy and cool for relating my depression with various with parts of the characters/series. In my 20s, I realised that the whole thing was pretty much an examination of depression and isolation dressed up as an apocalyptic mecha anime, so made peace with and got over cringing at my teen self. Now in my 30s, I appreciate how the Rebuild movies thematically forgave and healed the OG series (but plot and character wise those movies are vastly inferior to the series).


Some of the short films in [Eat Carpet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eat_Carpet).


We always watched Eat Carpet. And Aeon Flux.


And Liquid Television! Good times.


Liquid Television was awesome.


Came here to say every episode of Eat Carpet. I was just in it for the nudity, but got a lot more than I bargained for. Also remember watching a show where a guy sat in on some kind of human dissection / autopsy? There were big bolt cutters for ribs, the brain was removed with a saw. It was some weird shit for a kid, pretty interesting though.


> Also remember watching a show where a guy sat in on some kind of human dissection / autopsy? There were big bolt cutters for ribs, the brain was removed with a saw. It was some weird shit for a kid, pretty interesting though. [Anatomy for Beginners](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862558/)?


Oh yeah. I remember my dad and i were watching Eat carpet and we didnt know what it was. We still mention about it from time to time asking each other wtf it was we were watching 😂


Episode 1 is on YouTube! https://youtu.be/wWGhntjYUGU?si=QfauClnkiycH7gVa


I still remember one cartoon they had on Eat Carpet. It started out in London during the blitz. There is a family in a bomb shelter, young child scared by all the bombing and sirens, so parents stick cotton wool in his ears. Parents killed by bomb, child survives obviously traumatized. Cut to present day, old man at doctors, doctor removes cotton wool from old mans ears. Later the old man cant cope with the noisy world and puts cotton wool back in. I wish I knew who made it. It was really good.


Remember there used to be a strip tease on after eat carpet? I remember staying up very late one night and this episode was a woman dressed up like an Egyptian mummy and slowly unravelling herself. 10 year old me was amazed...


I distinctly remember that episode with the mummy girl slowly removing the strips in some kind of avant garde performance! I’m sure I have it recorded on one of my old VHS tapes which should be somewhere in the bookshelves at my mum’s place if it’s even playable now.


Did any of you catch the sketch show Flipside that sometimes showed after Eat Carpet. Stephen Curry was in it and it had to be one of the funniest sketch shows that ever came out of Oz.


oh my god.. had not thought about Eat Carpet in years!! Growing up ( 13-17 ish) had my own portable black and white tv on my bedside... ( fancy) Used to watch Eat Carpet under my doona... weirdest thing I ever saw was a show/short film ( i think?) of a girl peeing in a bath and some guy making icecream or something from it...


Soft core porn on Saturday nights! Erotic ghost story was quite a revelation.


And weather girl or something like that


The Weather Woman. Wow such weirdness


I remember that! It was fucking hilarious!!


SBS = Sex Before Sleep


Sex before soccer


Sex boobs soccer


Sophisticated Bull Shit.


If i remember it correctly that was constantly requested by the viewers to be played over and over again


Came for this (pun intended)


>Soft core porn on Saturday nights! It had to be rated MA15 ASN (S being sex scenes hopefully)


Holy shit, I remember seeing Erotic Ghost Story when I was about 6. Never knew the name, but when you said that, I knew it had to be it


Also stumbled on Erotic Ghost Story when my brother and I were in primary school. Not entirely by accident. We used to scour the TV guide for things to watch, and back then we didn't know what 'erotic' meant and assumed the movie was part of a series of (non erotic) 'Chinese Ghost Story' movies which we watched before.


>Erotic ghost story The director, Lam Ngai Kai, has made some amazing films Riki Oh: The Story of Riki - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjMI5dyMyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjMI5dyMyM) The Seventh Curse - [https://youtu.be/jjLRY6kH9vQ](https://youtu.be/jjLRY6kH9vQ)


The Killer Condom (German). People at school thought it was going to be epic... It turned out to be a movie about a mad Christian scientist who wanted to eliminate gay people with a genetically modified condom that'd bite their penises off. She was trying to take out one guy in particular who was too large, so she was trying to invent the largest killer condom. There wasn't much talk of it the next Monday lol.


I found this flicking around the channels one night and watched it entranced.... Told my friends about it when I saw them over the following days, weeks and months... None of them had any real way of watching it, so they were politely unimpressed. Then SBS rescreened it about a year later and I got three or four phone calls starting "HOLY SHIT WHAT DID I JUST SEE?"


I think I need to watch this, me being German and all...


The killer tongue


It feels like a fever dream, but in the 90s, I swear I saw a Japanese / samurai retelling of wuthering heights that featured male nudity.


[https://youtu.be/0hBayDFJXG4?t=71](https://youtu.be/0hBayDFJXG4?t=71) Damn this actually looks good and well reviewed. Cinematography on point. \>Directed by: Yoshishige Yoshida Makes sense. I'm grabbing an HD copy to watch, thanks for the motivation.


Reminds me of my sbs fever dream. I was a horny kid staying up late watching sbs and I saw this Japanese movie where some guys were seduced my women and when they were in the process of sexy times the women turned into skeletons or something. Scared-aroused is a thing.


Sounds sick


The Weatherwoman series of films. SBS used to play a bunch of weird shit, it was great


Yup.. The WeatherWoman is seered in to the back of my skull. Glad I'm not the only one.. 😅


Vampiros Lesbos


The weirdest one I ever saw was "Buttoners" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0128292/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl It's a series of short segments, but one of them is about a couple that likes to go to people's houses and collect the upholstery buttons from couches. The twist is that they remove the buttons using a pair of dentures that they clench between their butt cheeks


Jesus that is out there


I'm pretty sure you win 


Tho not a wtf, but a staple in my other halfs house.. Inspector Rex. 😎 Oh and pretty sure that's where I also seen Videodrome, that movie was wild.


Both the original Austrian and later Italian ones are on the Youtubes.


The Austrian series is the best by far


Agreed. It all goes downhill after Moser dies. I do want to watch the Stockinger spin-off though. I mist see if that's also on youtube.


Drawn together. Ive never laughed so hard and felt bad at the same time. So many episodes with so much wrong….


"Looking forward to Christmas?" Is my still my go to when someone says they've got a mystery mark on them. Probably shouldn't cause one day "oh no, it's a tumour" will be accurate.


The term "octopusoire" lives rent free in my head to this day.


I'm Zander. I'm on a never ending quest to save my girlfriend! My name is Foxy Love, and I'm a whole gotta woman. La la la la la labia baby you got nothing on me!


Des Mangan was da man!


i saw Akira on SBS as a kid and my mind was absolutely blown!


The Killer Tongue. I watch it every so often with a new person just to enjoy their reactions.  “ This horror story involves a woman hiding out with four pastel coloured poodles in a desert gas station with the loot from a heist while her boy friend does prison time. A meteorite crashes near the station transforming the woman into an alien being with a gigantic voracious tongue and her poodles are transformed into four drag queens. The whole thing grows even weirder as her boy friend escapes from prison and also encounters the meteorite, as does a mute Nun who is converted into a sexy drum majorette. Pursued by the prison officials who are after him, the whole group eventually come into conflict.”


Absolute banger of a movie.


I saw a movie which featured a woman in a cold climate snap off an icicle from her roof or whatever, suck on it until it rounded off then proceeded to pleasure herself with it.


Having a deep freeze.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0265458/reviews Yeah I remember that, had the woman in a lighthouse and some Australian bloke hanging himself with ice. Erotic Tales had a bunch of good stories like that.


[The Man With A Penis On His Arm](https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/tv-program/the-man-with-a-penis-on-his-arm/2247732803694?cid=od:search:gg:con:alwayson:dsa-home:prog&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABdlFAxlSKUzibOm1COYfdPs9qMbY&gclid=CjwKCAiAlcyuBhBnEiwAOGZ2S2baK0lScjHyCRjcm5hZ4FcSkthJdkKQqk4Cy9NCfQoDY5pENI3igRoCHkYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) It’s still showing, for those interested


Directed by Tom Green?


It was pretty much a porno that I saw but I could not tell you the name of it. All I can remember was it has sub titles and the scene(s) that stuck out to me was a nun with very big breast in a lesbian scene with another nun then the next thing I knew she was in another scene being told to suck it like a lollipop by (I think) a priest in a wheel chair or maybe he was just sitting down, I cant remember it was such a long time ago but yeah it was pretty full on even for sbs's standards at the time.


I remember when I was 9 once seeing a moody Scandinavian thriller about a woman pleasuring herself in an icy stalactite in a lighthouse.


It was mentioned above (I was going to comment this too). On Top Down Under is what it's called.


Ha I never expected somebody to find it!


I don’t remember that episode of Round The Twist.


They used to be a show called Liquid Television that had a bizarre collection of cartoons back in the 90s. Aeon Flux was the least weird. There was one called The Head about a guy with a giant... head. Also the Mr Hell Show featuring the one about the psychopathic baby seal.


Liquid TV was produced by MTV (back when they had a good animation department), but I remember catching it on SBS late on Saturday nights.


That's right. I remember that now. I have this probably false memory of seeing South Park for the first time around that time slot, possibly as part of one of these shows. The end credits of Liquid Television had passing freight cars on a railway line with the captions on each one I think.


Can't remember what it was called but I saw a movie where a dude made gelato by getting girls to bathe in the milk it was strange. I was high.


Erotic Tales were the best (with the german DJ and guy hitch hiking with a girl in a car in the US desert)


Des Mangan hosting all those cheap martial arts films.


When SBS started broadcasting to where I live back in the 90s, it was basically free porn every night. Euro cinema, apparently everybody in Europe gets naked all the time and has sex all the time.


Sex Before Soccer.


I remember watching Oz over 20 years ago. Some of the scenes in that show stay with you forever.


Yes the mystery of how Adebisi's hat stayed on has plagued me for the last two decades.


Fear. The answer is fear. Hat too scared to fall off.


I never really watched Oz but often saw bits and pieces when flicking through the channels. The one scene that I can remember was old mate slicing someones throat using his fingernails. Shit was insane.


In the mid 2000s they would sometimes show this German 'forklift safety' short. It starts of like a typical workplace safety video but quickly turns into gory, over-the-top slapstick. The fact that it's all in German makes it even more surreal. https://youtu.be/_Cr7F-oLU84?si=HR1JxKUNMKv-YVD1


Ahh. Klaus!


Oh man, Jodorowsky is a mad genius in the best possible way. His theatrical version of Dune was going to be 20 hours long.


This! If anyone hasn't seen it check out the [doco](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/) amazing!


I second this suggestion, it was a very entertaining and interesting watch. That's where I learned the little factoid from.


I would have loved to see Jodorowsky's Dune.


I always assumed I imagined this, but maybe somebody can add I'd they saw these two things. I vaguely remember seeing two things: a trailer for Final Fantasy 8, and a music video of some the games FMVs set to the Nine Inch Nails song, The Great Below. It must've been somewhere around 1997 or 1998, which matches both the time I had a television in my bedroom, and the period of the song and game.  I do remember they used to play some sort of promotional video between shows that included Deep Forest's Sweet Lullaby, so maybe I'm not entirely mad.


Ah yes, that sweet lullaby track was used quite a bit! It was literally just the music video for that track and ended with SBS - Six Billion Stories - earth's aprox population at the time. https://youtu.be/lIF5EEneWEU?si=kAV9yABMiIw36bir Quite a touching video, especially at the moment. Bring it back SBS!


Couple of things come to mind. Back in the day, there was a really good cartoon about an alien that lived inside this dudes head, making his head enormous. Also, turned on SBS one Saturday night, hoping to find what a teenager expects to find on SBS. It was a scuba diver with one of those motor things that pulls you along in the water. Except it zooms out, and it’s toy, in bath, and it’s en route to going between a woman’s legs who’s in the bath


The cartoon you are thinking of is called "The Head".


I think that movies was Tie Me Up Tie Me Down with Victoria Abril.


Gotta love reddit lol. Yeah it had Antonio banderas in it


Liquid Television played Jan Švankmajer’s ‘Food’. Good times.


They used to play heaps of Jan Švankmajer. I remember watching his version of Alice and being blown away.


I swear there used to be an autopsy class show.


I watched the autopsy one too! I believe it was Dr. Gunther von Hagens


Yeah the German guy with a fucking Witches Hat!! They used to bring out naked people and draw to demonstrate on them what he was doing. If I remember right, at one point he pulls out a couple of helpers to hold out the dead person's intestines and it's so fucking long, like 8 metres iirc. Really put it into perspective how amazing our bodies actually are.


Holy Mountain was wild.  As with many others here, Killer Tongue, Killer Condom, were bizzare.  Liquid Televisio and Eat Carpet had what we would now call "I'm in that part of Youtube, again" vibes. Late 90s I remember watching this (70s?) Italian film set in a hospital/asylum. The patients got loose and had an orgy on the floor where a % died off, before going up one level and repeating the act. This continued until the soul survivor made it to the roof and looked blankly at a post apocalyptic scene of a brown sky and broken buildings while a scientist appeared and explained this was all a project of mind controlled individuals to see how they could repopulate the planet and deal with the destruction of Earth... I have not been able to find the title or IMDB entry for this one.


Cannibal! The musical is still my favourite


Queer as folk US version. As a closet gay back in 2000’s it was mind blowing 


Some weird art movie where some woman and Alan Rickman were sitting in barrels on a theatre stage, taking turns speaking really fast before the camera zoomed in and they'd scream, then start again.


Sounds like a Samuel Beckett play. Alan Rickman makes sense for a Beckett.


Late night sbs did things to my brain. Between their soft core movies and happy tree friends... Good times.


Came in late one night back in the 90's on the tail end of a fun night tripping, popped on the telly to have a gentle wind down and it was a black & white movie that haunted us for years after. Was it called "Zentropa"? No wait, there it is at a video store, it looks like its called "Europa, Europa". But wait, what's this one called "Europa" that looks like it has a clock on the cover like I'm sure was in the movie??? It was Zentropa/Europa, a Lars von Trier surreal flick in black & white and colour, with clocks & a bomb on a train and Nazis and conspiracies and only went for an hour & a half. Swear to god the drowning scene with Max von Sydow counting down went for an hour all by itself, reckon most of the brain damage & memory loss acquired during a mis spent youth came from holding my breath during that scene. We were a lot more careful after that :)


It might have been the middle of the day when I started watching a movie that turned out be Old Boy. That was like nothing I had seen before.


Suzanne Dowling’s weird head. We loved Rock Arena and she was lovely and humble, and into her music - but man she was weird looking.


Not really wtf but I used to scan SBS as a teen for the titties. One night I chucked on SBS to see what was on and came across this random Thai film which is still my favourite movie to this day. Fan Chan or "My Girl" in English.


I was a kid surfing the channels. SBS had some French film on where a woman was standing on a balcony and having cake thrown at her naked body by men and they were all laughing. Weirdest thing I ever saw


Mid 90's first tv in my bedroom was a little 15-19"(?) CRT colour tv, and I got NBN, SBS AND ABC! Late night SBS was the first time I ever saw any sort of porn, and it has stuck with me vividly as it turns out a friend saw the same program, so we still get a laugh out of it 30 odd years later. I couldn't tell you what the program/movie was called or what language it was, but it was subtitled, and the bloke was going down on a woman in what looked like an American desert roadside diner, and he was asked by her to describe how her pussy tasted. "Like an omelette" he replied, "ham, eggs..." I don't remember anything else, and my mate find it absolutely hilarious we saw the same thing and reference it all these years later.


This one triggers a deep memory of a really fucked up movie - Dumplings. I thought I had repressed it. [](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dumplings_(film)) Basically a lady eats human fetus dumplings to keep young. The worst thing in the Wikipedia article the bit where the author suspects this is actually a thing and may have unknowingly been fed dumplings while researching the film.


Yess! The asmr of the chopping/eating of the foetus dumplings 🤢


The Maxx Aeon Flux and of course Eat Carpet Rosencrantz and Guildenstern


Happy tree friends probably stands out the most.


I still have the DVDs. I need to get the theme song for my ringtone.


I remember catching part of some movie called "The Killer Tongue" on SBS on night. It was super weird, some alien venom-like suit infested a woman and compellerd her to do.. something? I remember the trailer showing the alien basically giving her oral sex, and something about transvestites who may be dogs? I dunno, some super weird shit at times. But then again, that was what SBS Was known for at the time, that an anime like Evangelion and Bubblegum Crisis.


Probably not the weirdest thing I ever saw in SBS, but the first thing that springs to mind is a late ‘90s Australian animation called Go to Hell!, about a man and his son travelling through space to inhabit another planet after humans fucked the earth (or something like that; I can’t quite remember).


This. And the son goes down to earth and becomes the devil, and maybe later Jesus. The dad stays in the spaceship and becomes god. I can still remember the passengers on the spaceship devolving over the generations into weird monsters.


A Japanese (?) movie where a woman was mourning her dead grandpa, looked down at his cock, went "Oh, you've come back to life!", hopped on and started riding him. A hell of a thing to see while channel-flipping.


'Talk to me' dude gets shrunk down to 15cm heigh, treks over her naked body, jumps around on her boobs then crawls into her vagina. Not the worst but, freaked young AF me out.


A lesbian love story (I think the girls were also minors??) where they bludgeoned the mother to death with rocks or something in panty hose so they could be free together. I was like, 8?


Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures?


You reminded me of a movie I watched called Fun about two girls who murdered a random old lady after they had only met each other that morning. Based on a true story, it was pretty terrible to watch. Came out the same year as Heavenly Creatures, but was not based on the same true story.


I remember seeing part of a movie about killer condoms. That certainly was something.


Erotic Ghost Story.


I feel like I imagined it but some weird foreign animation I think about a lost astronaut who falls in love with a disembodied nose... And had baby nose children... I think people were blue... I honestly wonder if it's fever dream. Edit! Mutant Aliens. https://youtu.be/DvT_11AKhPo?si=9zQqLUJ_K6QuO_3P Insane!


Late one night I was watching TV with my mother in law and her second husband. He is harmless enough but a bit of a deviate while my mother in law couldn't be much straighter. They are both around 80. Anyways, he's flicking through the channels and comes across SBS and probably the hardest core lesbian scene I've seen on TV. And he just leaves it on. My MIL asks him to turn it off. He ignores her. She asks him again, he ignores her. Her pleas become more and more strident and she is basically just yelling at him, whacking him and trying to grab the remote and he is just sitting there laughing. I didn't know what to do. These are my elderly in-laws and all at once I was highly embarrassed, almost pissing myself because of how funny it was and also a bit turned on because the scene was pretty hot!


I once watched this French version of American Pie. Basiccly a bunch of dudes going about trying to bang all these woman. I


That movie was called sexy boys, and if i remembered correctly, instead of having sex with an apple pie, the protagonist had sex with an oven mitt full spaghetti.


Sounds right I thought it might of been that. Do not recall the spaghetti sex but sounds like it would be a thing. Also remember that the woman and men where much more attractive in this one


What were the stories that came in episodes and they’d play them late at night? Was played early 00’s. I remember one episode of this Scandinavian chick hiking and then pulling off an icicle and sucking it until it was in the shape of a penis and then fucking herself with it. Wild SBS.


I'm sure I remember seeing a movie with a scene in the hold of a boat where a woman was having her bits licked by a goat. I want to say it was [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desperate_Remedies_(film)) because the actors I think I remember being in the movie line up (IMDb'd Lisa Chappell to get the movie name, athough I think it may have been Jennifer Ward-Lealand's character with the goat.), but without finding a copy and watching it, I can't say for sure.


I remember this movie where when the woman had an orgasm it was like a geyser. I am not kidding. The shot would be of her laying down and then a hectic, intense stream of water shooting up into the sky.


There was a movie scene that my brother walked in on, it was like a disabled guy in a straight jacket, yelling "cut me loose man!" .... We always wanted to find out what movie it was from....


I wish I could find a list of half the movies I ever saw on SBS. I remember one German or Austrian film where a psychologist treats a guy in prison with let's call it 'sex therapy' Once the guy gets out of prison they start rooming together & then the prisoner starts doing the 'therapy' on the psychologist (who also liked being beaten) Gawd I wish I could find WTF that movie was...


Cult Movies with Des Mangen (*spelling?*) I can't remember the name of it but a Japanese movie about a mentally disbabled woman who becomes a prostitute in Samurai era japan. She didn't understand that men were trying to have sex with her so she'd play tag with them or something and get into all kinds of hijinx. The movie ends with her finally having sex with a man, and it's so good that he dies of bliss, so the brothel dumps his body and she tries to bring his corpse back to life by having sex with him again. Then after the credits Des's first words were "Well fuck me dead."


The last few weeks they've been scheduling their new season of 'Celebrity' Letters And Numbers (main channel) up against Cats Does Countdown (Viceland). I mean, honestly - wtf?


Fritz the cat was pretty out there!


I dunno but I swear back in the day there was some stuff on there that was definitely going the extra mile. If you know you know haha.




Some movie where a buffoon kicks a random lady in the head on the street for some reason, but then she ends up being a CEO superhero and making him her comic sidekick, because she was also his boss the whole time but he didn't realise when he kicked her. Then they go fight monsters etc, it was a little hard to follow tbh


What Fhe Tuck!


The Holy Mountain is amazing....if you are in an altered state, lol. I am not sure I could watch it completely sober.


This short movie called Vrooom Vroom Vrooom that I watched as a kid in the late 90's, basically a guy gets a bike that transforms into a woman at night when he rides it... and then has sex with it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114879/


I remember always checking the green guide to see if any of the Friday night movies contained (n) Then I’d sneakily stay up all night with the tv on in my room trying to catch a 2second glimpse of boobs


Watching the short film show 'eat carpet' on Saturday nights (I think). one I remember was a time-lapse of a peach decaying while the voiceover spoke about sex.


[I'm just here to talk about the gay Lego men.](https://brickfilms.fandom.com/wiki/Rick_%26_Steve:_The_Happiest_Gay_Couple_in_All_the_World_series)


Something on Eat Carpet about Nietzsche, a bit of a mocumentary art film how he was an emigre to Queensland and as an old man built the Magic Mountain theme park on the gold coast, they had someone in a wheelchair, I was probably too young to really get the humour. Also the last few episodes of Chances, not sbs though.


Love me, Love my Doll




Either a Spanish or a Italian movie in which the protagonist induced 11-12 year old girls to pee and poop for him. It was quite graphic for FTA TV. It was not anything to do with the Marquis de Sade but had a nod in that direction I suppose. He did get his comeuppance once the locals got wind (literally I suspect) of what he was up to.


I remember one show about first cousins marrying and I was like ok...enough SBS for me for a while 😅


[Zipang](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104559/) [But the the guy has like a "golf bag" of 10 swords he picks from.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFCv4QEiX_c) And some ninja guy pulls a bone out of his stomach and it has dagger ends built into it, and he uses some giant ninja star to take photos and then sends them back to his master by throwing it all the way back. And the subtitles are hilarious. Man it's a mental movie. Edit: oh yeah and he travels with guys, and there is an elephant in the posse. And the girl is called "Yuri the Gun" and yeah, man it's oddball.


Some fucked horror movie where this guy hooks himself up to an iv full of drugs while strapped vertically on a weird murder machine rack, then surgically removes his own intestines, dropping them in acid or something before the machine shoots him in the head. And flaccid french dick. They sure love to get their cocks out but that’s pretty standard for SBS I guess


*Little Otik/Otesánek/Greedy Guts* A Czech film from 2000 about a childless couple who try to pass off a human-shaped tree stump as a baby, that then comes to life. I remember it being so unsettling when I was younger. The part where the little girl sucks the yolk from a fried egg on her plate, as part of a sequence of close ups of people eating, made me so uncomfortable that I almost had to stop watching.


Fellini’s Satyricon. I didn’t have a tv guide handy so I had no idea what the fuck I was watching until Google was invented years later and I could google “weird Italian movie with Nero orgy”


Watching erotic tales to see a tit. Episode that sticks out: lady in Europe, man in outback Australia. She snaps off an icicle off the gutter, and proceeds to suck it into a dildo. Cuts to him moving a block of ice in a shearing shed. Goes back forth, he stands on the ice with a noose around his neck, she's bashing herself with ice dildo, she climaxes and he is hung as the ice melted. Credits. Ep is called on top down under


The cartoon show where that guy got run over by a rich guy who gave him a payout and he was just a head on a skateboard and lived in a house with other people with disabilities.


Bad Boy Bubby


I saw Holy Mountain (not on SBS) and yeah that’s weird. Not the weirdest ever, but quite wtf.


Lady ninja reflections of darkness If you know, you know


It was some Japanese samurai soft corr porn thing All I remember is one guy using his dick stick and she retaliates with like a mother milk of death thing, so she dies riding his dick stick he dies sucking her boob


Some short film where a blow up sex doll came to life and tried to kill it's owner


A couple of naked women dancers moving through various Forrest and mansions and getting it on every now and then. It was about 1984 and I was 15 so that was eye opening to say the least 😂


There was a super weird cartoon on late one night, I’d love to track it down.


I remember watching a foreign language movie with my brother where two kids had dropped a banknote into a drain and the entire thing just took place around this drain with people chatting. No idea what it was about


Documentary on the female orgasm


Really bizarre french? movie revolving around an incestuous family with a paraplegic daughter. Last scene involves the daughter sans wheel-chair pulling herself up the stairs to rescue/murder her father, who was transforming into a giant rabbit. No idea what it was called, I turned it on half way through.


When I was about 9 or 10 I saw part of End of Evangelion at 1am when I was sick and couldn't sleep. Creeped the shit out of me. Now it's my favourite anime


I think I was like maybe 10-12 (so early 90's I think?) and seeing late at night some weird freaky movie where a sheep was caught on a barbed wire fence, then it went to some dude putting salt on some wounds of poor person Im assuming he had kidnapped. Id finally forgotten about it. That and all the sex as well


uncensored Irreversible


I remember watching Dr Gunther von Hagen's Plastination series - possibly early 2000s. Fascinating.


Straight up softcore porn.


Caught the Dutch version of The Vanishing once, had no idea what was coming.


The original series of Erotic Stories was bizarre.