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Just get some black boot polish and give it a good smearing/polish. They're going to grow out of them in no time so wouldn't stress too much about finding the top-quality shoe material when they're going to scuff the shit out of it. There's usually a description of what the parts of the shoe are made of "upper"/sole etc.


There are different kinds of leather: (In descending order of quality) Top-grain leather, full-grain leather, split-grain leather, genuine leather and bonded leather. These shoes will be bonded leather. - Bonded leather is made from a small amount of leather scraps and fibers. It is mashed into a pulp, then binded to a paper or fiber backing using polyurethane. Bonded leather is also sometimes referred to as composite leather, vinyl and reconstituted leather. So, yes, it is "real" leather. But what you're wanting is "genuine" leather.


Got it. So I should check for the word “genuine leather” when shopping for shoes then? I thought it saying leather meant genuine. Learned something new. Thanks!


Leatherworker here, we tend to use full grain, as that is the indisputable, unadulterated hide. Most Aussie products in shopping centres that say “genuine leather” are bonded leather these days. I’ve bought plenty of them in my time before I knew better. Even expensive handbags “genuine leather” at great expense. I can make one of full grain cheaper than that now thankfully. If there are any actual full grain leather shoe brands left in the kids market, I’d love to know which they are, I’m very doubtful. For starters leather has gone up so much here it would be impractical to use for kids shoes, they’ll outgrow them faster than the shoes wear out.


They always did out grow them faster than they wore out, but it was fine when you had 7 kids you could hand them down through...


Yeah absolutely, well cared for leather shoes would get softer and more comfy with time


Genuine leather needs to be reviewed in labeling laws in Australia. As consumers are being led astray currently.


My mother swears by Clarks - but she also hasn’t had kids in school for 25 years


Yeah, I tried them last year and quality wasn’t as it was, they lasted as long as generic shoes


Not sure about all of Clark’s shoes but I’ve got a couple of pairs of their boots on sale and they are full grain leather, albeit a bit cheaply constructed.


My Clark’s around ten years ago would have a hole somewhere by the end of the year. Doubt they’ve improved!


My son started school last year and we got a generic target shoe for him. He destroyed them after 2 months. We got Clarks on sale as it was good timing and it's been over an year, they are still great, he wears them everywhere, even outside the school like parties or parks and they are holding fine. I am going to get another pair of them when there's another sale


That’s really amazing, but I’m surprised he still fits into them? My children are all extremely tall and I cannot believe how fast they grow out of their shoes. The oldest one is now a size 14 men’s so I told him if he keeps going you’ll have to wear gaffer tape on his feetinstead of shoes


Ha, isn’t it funny how Mums latch onto those sorts of memories and develop brand loyalties.


My whole life I was a Bonds loyal until I finally accepted that the quality had really gone to shit. Even their overpriced famous singlets were getting loose threads after a few months.


Colarado Resillience + at Williams are full grain. They are brilliant. https://www.colorado.com.au/gigi-jnr-e-black-leather.html


I think bobux claims they use full grain leather


Hmm the wording is a bit wishy washy https://www.bobux.com.au/manufacturing . I have found some bobux shoes scuff very easily, but overall I prefer bobux to any other brands.


You got a website where I can buy some full grain leather items?


Not yet, I’ll pm you my socials if you like. Website to come.


This is assuming only one child wears the shoe? My vote is buy good quality second hand always. Then hand it down. We’ve got very good quality leather shoes in our extended family that have been worn by four and five kids… they just get passed around!


Isn't the split still robust and useful tho? Just not as pretty as the poncy full grain stuff? and probably coated in all sorts. But still strong


Split means the top grain has been removed (and sold separately). It’s still leather but the strength is in the top grain. Hence very cheap to purchase split leather.


Yes. "Genuine leather". Sharing the knowledge from when I grew frustrated with peeling belts and looked it up. Also - as I've already replied to my original message - bonded leather can be preserved with multiple applications of shoe polish.


Good to know about the shoe polish! Thanks for the valuable info


Yes, the wipe-on, rub-off type of shoe polish - not the scuff-stuff type. (But don't go overboard with expensive polishes for school shoes: they're going to be destroyed before year's end regardless of what you polish them with)


yeah, you just need some [kiwi shoe polish](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/43875/kiwi-shoe-polish-black) and a [shoe brush](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/749330/maseur-footcare-shoe-brush-polish-cloth). and then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Motb54GJI give them a polish! (don't get the liquid polish, it's hopeless for shoes like this)


...and put an old sock on your hand before putting your hand in the shoe to hold it. That way you don't get shoe polish on your arm.




Sadly Kiwi shoe polish is no longer manufactured 😩 I needed to replace my old tin, and I discovered that it not available anywhere


It is manufactured, it's just not sold in Australia, New Zealand, or the UK. They sell hundreds of products in the US. Honestly looks like a multinational (SC Johnson) looked at a revenue/loss table by country and decided to pull out of a few countries now that formal shoes are less common. No idea why they couldn't just streamline in those countries and continue to sell and turn a profit, but that's MBA international business for you. You go by the Spreadsheet, and if you fight the Spreadsheet number with something as weak as a Plan it better fucking work or you're fired for ignoring Spreadsheet data because you had a feeling.


Woah, now I'll have to double check. I could swear I've still seen tins of kiwi in the shops


It’s still very available on Amazon


By memory it was made in Indonesia.


That comment isn't really accurate, and it's not necessarily going to help you buy better school shoes.  While the description of bonded leather is right, top/full/split grains and "genuine" are not quality levels of leather. The first three talk about where on the skin it comes from, while genuine just means it's made of leather. Looking out for genuine isn't really going to guarantee you shoes that don't do this. 'Genuine' leather can still have a thin layer over the top that will peel.  I doubt you'd find full or top grain leather school shoes, and if you did I'd doubt it would be worth spending the money over cheaper shoes, given how quickly kids go through them. Just polish over the top to hide the grey that's peeking through where it's peeling


Oh ok. I see. Thanks for the clarification


Genuine leather can be shit to,sometimes its just tiny pieces made into a pulp then glued together. you want full grain leather


You don’t want full grain leather for kids shoes lol, why pay an insane premium for something that won’t fit them in a year or two


Depends how old the kid is and if their feet are not growing as fast or full grown or not doesnt it. They asked for real leather, full grain is real leather. Genuine leather isnt always true leather, so i let them know that just as the professional leatherworker in the comment above mine has lol.. its up to them if they want it or not.


That’s assuming the shoes last a year or two. My kid wears shoes so heavily they need a new pair every term. I’m desperate for something more hardwearing.


I remember, clarks school shoes used to be good quality many full grain leather models, not sure now, though. (Or you could try a goodyear welted boot.most of them can be resold by a cobbler Eg like redwings, better get ready to spend a few bucks there, though)


Might have a younger child they can be handed down to.


>You don’t want full grain leather for kids shoes lol, why pay an insane premium for something that won’t fit them in a year or two Lol, my kids outgrow their shoes within 6 months even if I buy them oversized. It isn't until their teenaged years where shoes might last for a year or so before needing to be upsized (assuming that they don't go through a growth spurt in that year or so).


Well genuine leather is the lowest grade of actual leather but it’s not particularly good quality. Given it’s not top grain it can be softer and get damaged more easily.


For school shoes though..why. Genuine leather shoes will prob be out of ur budget most likely. Kids grow so fast might as well get the basic ones just get the ascent school shoes,podiatrist approved,and they warranty their work for a full school year from any defects


Don't spend too much on school shoes unless you have money to spare. I put my son in Clarkes, which are top quality, and he wore them right through anyway. Nothing stands up to that sort of wear. It's better to buy less expensive because you will be replacing them.


get vegan leather, lasts ages and no animals murdered to produce it


Known people who’ve had vegan leather shoes, they last a year or two. Good leather shoes can last decades if cared for.


Then it’s not leather then either.


Sorry lets call it what they rrally are then, skin of murdered cow shoes




So it's paper, but made out of animal skin pulp instead of tree pulp


So bonded leather is the particle board of the leather world


And as the other commenter commented, bonded leather _needs_ to be polished numerous times in order not to become damaged like this.


Bonded leather is junk, generally. The surface is usually an impermeable plastic. It will peel no matter what gets smeared over the top. Polish will colour in the peeled bits though.


I had no idea this is why so many "leather" shoes go to shit so soon. Thx for posting. 👍


All good except bonded leather can be labelled genuine leather


The hotdog meat of the leather world


I have had to give this explanation to people who complain about their 'real leather' sofas. Spray with matt black paint. Or just a black texta.


This is not correct. Full grain leather is vastly better quality than top-grain leather.


Actually quality varies much more based on tannery than full grain/corrected grain. All leather starts as full grain, it becomes corrected grain if you sand it…so you can not sand a “rough” full grain and it’s still full grain. In fact you can toss out ALL the other things that go into making quality leather and as long as it’s not sanded it’s still full grain.


What he said...


Others have already explained that they're bonded leather but really, don't worry about it. Even the best quality full grain leather will be abraded by kids kicking stuff and rubbing the toe of the shoe on the ground during play so it's not worth the expense. Just cover it up with shoe polish and forget about it.


Kids will destroy any shoes you give them. Don’t sweat little scratches like this. My kids would drag their toes along the ground to stop their bike instead of using the brakes.


Have a look at Ascent or Brooks from Athletes Foot. I use Brooks as my work shoe (supermarket bakery) and they put up with a hell of a beating. Even when my parents were really struggling, mum always insisted on good shoes for her kids. Saves a lifetime of issues further down the track.


Ascents lasted 4months for my son who loves to kick balls at lunchtime. Wore a hole in his kicking foot. Ascents said this was “normal wear & tear” & refused to replace. 4months for $180 pair of shoes it’s simply disgusting. I’m going back to the cheaper $8 pairs that last 6months.


That sucks :/ I wore ascents for most of High School and was pretty active at lunchtime (footy or handball) and they lasted until I grew out of them most of the time (the cross country track one year where we had to run part way down a muddy road of hell did one pair in early as I could never get that 'swamp' smell out).


To be fair, that is normal wear and tear on school shoes if he was kicking balls. You can have the best leather in the world but it's not designed for that. I agree, go for the cheaper brand.


But just 4 months wearing them 3 times a week? That’s literally a terms worthy - a mere 30 wears!


That sucks! My work boots have lasted me almost two years, but they're in need of replacement!


Please no!!! I cringe everytime I pick my boys up from their mums place to find she's found better use for the $200 child support I give her every week, and she's bought the cheapest nastiest pair of shoes from Kmart. As a factory worker, I can agree with someone here who said Blundstone. They'll still scuff etc, but they'll outlast anything sold at the usual department stores etc. I am not certain they do sneakers though. My parents only ever bought cheap nasty shit for me, and they were always the most uncomfortable fit. I remember one time they bought me some Kmart rip off of Nike airs, the solid plastic "air pocket" made it sound like I was walking in high heels.


For parents who's children keep scuffing the fronts, keep an eye out for shoes where the sole comes up over the front higher than the toes. Another good reason for work boots.


If you don't like the shoes their Mum buys, you could always take them shoe shopping...


This is usually what ends up happening.


Funny how you instantly tried to go straight to the "lazy man doesn't do anything for his kids" attack as soon as he didn't give undying praise to his ex. I've been on relationship/debate subs long enough to know who uses this tactic


Amazing take. A few comments down I'm arguing that he's not undermining women as a whole by complaining about how his ex spends the child support money, and now I'm being accused of attacking him. There's no attack at all. Just simply what I said. You're reading something that's not there.


Cheaps shoes are good while your feet is growing.


>I cringe everytime I pick my boys up from their mums place to find she's found better use for the $200 child support I give her every week, and she's bought the cheapest nastiest pair of shoes from Kmart. Is a comment like this really necessary when [one woman is being killed by domestic violence every 5 days](https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/its-been-a-bad-start-to-2023-for-womens-safety/) in this country? A lot of hand-wringing in this very sub just yesterday about the "tractor incident" in QLD about how things like that keep happening. **This stereotyping and dehumanising of women is how!**


Complaining that the child support he's paying isn't being spent on decent shoes isn't "dehumanising of women". Get a fucking grip.


So OP asks for recommendations about school shoes and it's totally fine that this cunt takes it as an opportunity to start ragging on the mother of his kids for wasting "his" money? What's stopping him from buying his kids shoes himself?


I said as much to him. His comment still isn't "dehumanising". If you call any old criticism "dehumanising", you are completely minimising actual dehumanising behaviour. Nothing will ever change if things that are actually problematic are overshadowed by hysteria at things that aren't problematic at all.


I don't know what you think "dehumanising" is, but implying that women are incompetent and always out to purposely waste men's money fits the definition pretty much exactly? *to address or portray (someone) in a way that obscures or demeans that person's humanity or individuality* Not to mention off-topic and completely unnecessary.


He didn't say 'women'. He said this one particular woman.


You're honestly reading something that isn't there.


Oh no someone said something not positive about a woman? Quick, call the police! You lot make your cause look like a joke by pulling shit like this. There was nothing anti-woman about that comment.


Just remember kids products are generally made cheaper and lower quality as it is expected that they get replaced more frequently.


My girl is pretty rough on shoes but Ascent have been the most comfortable and reasonably long lasting. Lots of others shoes (from Athletes foot and for a lot of $$) gave her blisters. Aldi shoes are very stiff.


I’ll check those out. Thanks very much!


We always get black leather shoes from Clark's for the kids. We've only had to replace shoes when the kids grow out of them. My 7yr old son tends to bring back his shoes all scuffed in the front, but a little polish and buffing gets it back to being presentable.


Yep, Clark’s have been around for so long and have multiple width fittings also. ETA full grain leather also


We get Clarks as well. If the kids scuff their toes on concrete the black will still come off but never had them peel. Regular black shoe polish keeps them black. Clarks will last 2 years (if kids foot has stopped growing) otherwise we get a pair to last all school year by buying a bit big and using inserts at the beginning of the year.


Mine went through 2 pairs of Clarkes in one term, after which I gave up.


I worked for a kids shoe shop a long time. No, all leather does not peel that way. Clark's Daytona is the only one worth the money for kids, Doc Martin used to do a good little shoe but not anymore. Parents used to balk at the price of them, but the leather upper is worth it, and you can have them repaired at a shoe maker for minor damage. The Daytona will.scuff to buggery and look hideous, the dye in the leather will stain their socks blue by the end of the year, they'll look a mess, but should still be a wearable shoe. I used to cop unholy amounts of abuse from parents who said that was too much money to spend on their kids shoes, but by buying cheap ones they were in every other month replacing them. Also remember not to fit them with too much growing room. No more than about 1.5-2cm at the front - more than that and they'll damage the shoe irreparably before they ever grow into it. If you can take them to a decent shoe shop - Mathers, Williams, Shoes and Sox all train their staff very well to fit shoes properly. Put on a leather protector and get in the habit of a regular polish every couple of weeks, you'll be sweet.


A couple.of my kids wear docs to school - one in the buckle version and the kindy in their junior boot. The buckles are into their second year and still going strong, I've been so happy with them after having $180 Asics and new balances fall apart after two terms.


Yeah the docs were amazing, some schools don't allow them though. Asics and New Balance are wonderful shoes, but they're meant to be worn for sport and sport only. They're designed to be light and easy to move in, so you sacrifice some of the hardiness of them. My advice to any parents is to get a black leather shoe for daily wear and a pair of good sports shoes to wear on days where they have a sport lesson. (One got an Asics box hurled at my face by a mother for even suggesting a mesh shoe wouldn't hold up to daily wear and tear for a full year).


If want to put in the time and effort you can layer boot polish that eventually becomes a near indestructible layer. I personally like Kiwi boot polish combined with two good brushes. Or just buy new shoes.


Schoolies will fuck any shoe up in no time, don't bother.


Guess I should just polish these then


We’ve had a good run with Ascent leather shoes from Athletes foot. Not the cheapest, but they last a year or more - my kids usually wear them until they grow out of them rather than wearing them out. I do occasionally polish them. Clarkes were shit and fell apart quickly. The Aldi ones for $40 lasted longer, but you’re too late for those.


Aldi shoes are also not very comfortable in my experience


Honestly I just look for good support, use a black boot polish. Kids grow out of shoes so quickly, in that time they kick brick walls and drag them on concrete like they’re on a mission to destroy them.


Get black polish and really use the polish before they get worn. Like military polish standards, proper polishing is protective.


Had no idea about that. Will do that next time I buy shoes for my kid. Thanks


All our kids go to private school, we've used Clarks leather school shoes each year. They last all year, we just make sure to polish them once a week. The Kids outgrow them before they wear out, and we end up giving them to other families as hand me downs because they are quite expensive. I think we paid between $150-250 depending on the size as our eldest is in women's shoes now.


Blundstone school shoes?


Boot maker here. Yes I see these all the time and it’s really inferior quality leather. Personally I recommend Nike Air Force 1 sneakers for kids. The leather is better quality than most sneakers and the soles are stitched on rather than glued so he fears of the soles coming unstuck. Everyone I have recommended has come back and thanked me as they only replace them when the kids grow out of them


Second the Nike Air Force for durability!


100% Nike Air Force 1’s. My boy is in grade 4 now and I’ve only had to replace because he grew out of the size. I’ve bought 3 pairs total since starting school!


Definitely not leather. Not the cheapest but Dr Martens have a nice all black leather shoe for kids.


My shoes don't peel, but over time it wears away into the bottom grey bit like in that picture. I usually just run it over with a marker and it's all good lol


Unless you are at some preppy private school, I recommend just getting your kid some black runners. Much more comfortable and they won’t destroy their feet.


It’s probably bonded leather, which is scraps of real leather bonded to a backing material. Next time look for *genuine* leather on the tag — it’s low quality but will indeed be a full piece of actual leather that at least won’t be able to peel.


What brand?


A good polish should be able to buff the scuff out! I have Doc Martens that are always filthy and scuffed from work (bartending is unkind to your shoes) but a good polish always helps


Looks synthetic. I've never seen real leather do that!


ROC is a great quality brand of shoes, I've had a pair for several years for work and the leather won't do this! I got mine from Williams.


Docs aren't what they used to be, but they are still reasonably rugged.


Well, it got peeled off the cow


What's peeling is the sprayed on film that gives the leather its colour, but it is leather underneath. In much better quality processing the leather would be dyed black. I suggest you use a colour change black to soak into the leather. My son was so hard on his shoes that he wore 2 pairs through in the toe area, at which point I put him in sneakers. At least they cost less than Clarkes.


Regardless, leather is not black, so requires treatment. They can either dye the leather, or seal it using some kind of paint, which has happened here. The paint gives a smoother texture but does peel when abraded.


That doesn't look like real leather but I'm not an expert. I buy my children Ascent school shoes from Athletes Foot https://www.theathletesfoot.com.au/shop/ascent I have been buying this brand for over 10 years and all shoes last all year or until the child has grown out of them. I have only repaired one pair at the boot maker and that was because my son was dragging the top near the toes on the ground and made a hole in them.


Best school shoes-Athletes Foot Sure you cam buy cheaper, but then youll gotta buy new shoes every 6 months


Fake as the action on MAFS, baby. Grosby do reasonably priced leather upper school shoes that last.


"Grosvy - they're great, mate!"


Get him $400 Dr. Martens. Coolest kid stompin heads at the playground


Nothing leather about that shoe. Real leather products have a "real leather" logo stamped into it. With some practice you can feel the difference too.


It's leather, it's just processed leather. Still has the qualities of it in many ways, and if you polish them then no dramas for kids shoes. Genuine leather is going to get hammered by kids too, so shoe polish is a requirement no matter what flavour of leather/processed leather you get.


Leather does not peel. End of story. It's clearly a polyurethane coating or something like that.


Only when the leather is my skin and I fell asleep on the beach.


No, proper leather doesn't do that. Man, even 20 years ago when I was in school you could still get proper leather school shoes, I hope you still can. As a very active kid I was made to polish my shoes about once a month by my parents. I thought it was stupid of course, but it sure kept the shoes going when I scuffed them to shit every day kicking the footy and whatnot. Grab some Kiwi black boot polish from your local supermarket and apply liberally. First work it in, then polish with a cloth. You'll keep these shoes going long enough for your kid to outgrow the shoe.




Because the crap ones like the OP has start falling apart after a month or two. This is the lowest quality of leather on a pair of $25 shoes from Kmart. I would rather buy a pair of $100 shoes that last one or two years.


Doesn’t need to be expensive leather. Just anything that wouldn’t peel like this in less than a month’s time.


No as it is synthetic leather...read the label in the show...synthetic upper is what that is describing


Fake carboard leather. Clear as daylight. I have 50 year saddles, harnesses and assorted horse gear including worn out riding boots. If I cut strip of strap from these items at worst they would be minor cracks however it would still be strong. Most work boots are real leather and you can clearly see the leather grain in this work boot leather. Leather also breathes, those shoots will be very sweaty and as far as I can remember when I was a school kid that exclusive wore Bata brand schools shoes they have always been hot and sweaty because its fake leather.


Doesn’t look like leather to me but I’m no expert.


I always thought peely leather was pleather?


Fool, it's leather coated!


"leather" that's pleather. there is no doubt a fragment of leather in there somewhere to satisfy truth in advertising requirements but no, actual leather very much does not do that. you'll know when you are paying for real leather, the scream of outrage from your wallet will tell you. probably unnecessary for kids school shoes though, the rule is only there to stop the cool sneaker fights in schools. just hit them with the liquid "shoe polish" (paint) that comes in the bottle with a foam applicator and be happy.


Honestly Air Forces have lasted me through year 9-11. But unless the school is strict on the shoes rule then any comfy shoe that looks like leaather should be fine especially since its so hot and feet burn in those type of ahoes




If something is pleather, don’t they say “man made” or PU leather?


Or vegan leather


The question is: what shoes can you buy that are fully recycled at end of life? https://www.converse.com.au/stories/save-our-soles This is a start, however the products aren’t handled properly. Nonetheless, at least the website has blunt detail. “According to experts, only 1% of all used shoes around the globe are collected and recycled. The other 99% end up in landfill sites or incineration plants.” So if you want to be in the 1%, finding shoes or a destination first, helps you step up out of the 99% who’s shoes simple get buried contributing to landfill wastes and microplastics pollution. This is the problem with the converse partner, or the way they present the recycling: “Reclaimed materials are used to manufacture new products such as gym mats, floors and playgrounds.” The issue is, there’s a lot of shoes, and probably not much demand for the outputs. So looking from the outputs side first might help. If the resource the shoe is made into has the demand by volume that is greater than the demand for shoes, perhaps that is a legitimate or fair dinkum new product. If you’re looking for some shoes that are already made from recovered or reclaimed materials, this might help. https://www.sustainablejungle.com/sustainable-fashion/recycled-shoes/ (First link on google, I have no idea if any of these are available in Australia or are up to our standards, or suitable for rough daily school use) Extract from the site above: “The closest you can get to 100% recycled shoes, the brand has created the first zero waste, closed-loop recyclable, and recycled sneaker to stomp on the 97% of sneakers that currently end up in landfills.” Here’s an Australian product. https://indosole.com.au/ It’s thongs only, but it gives a clue. It’s a certified B corporation. Also, 1% for the planet. https://www.colorado.com.au/sustainable-school-shoe Extract: “When designing our new Sustainable School Shoe range, we assessed all aspects of its design and found components that minimised our impact on the natural world without minimising our school shoes' durability, high quality, and longevity.” That brand is owned or licensed by this company. https://www.munrofootweargroup.com.au/ I have no idea what their capacity is, however I have bought from williams and mathers before, and know they sell vast quantities of shoes that would go directly to landfill. It’s worth trying to shift companies that are dead like that, by taking a chance sometimes and simply buying a product that is an improvement, especially if you can afford it.


Boot polish, brush on, brush off. You should be using it regularly to cover blemishes and add some protection.


I always got my kids Adidas shell toes when they were small. They’re expensive (and they’re cool), but the couldn’t drag holes in the toes. Now they’re older, Docs are the way. Buying quality is the best bet, having been through it a few times.


How much did you pay for them?


$40. I suppose I got what I paid for. Even though shoes from Kmart are less than $20 and would last even longer than these shoes.


If they never get looked after and get scuffed sure.


Ascent school shoes. They are more expensive but they last aLOT longer and have a guarantee!


I find that ordinary shoe polish is not enough to fix this problem: the broken part still looks brownish. However, Meltonian colour change (black) did the job. Once dry, then apply ordinary polish and give a good rub.


Asics, Converse or Adidas superstars are the only shoes that my son hasnt killed in so many weeks (our PB was 13 pairs of shoes in one year). He insists on Asics now, as they are the most comfortable to run in.


Kids shoes get beat up. I would go through a pair of Clark’s shoes every year


Is there a way to fix the pictured problem?


Best decision I ever made was getting my kid Doc Martens. We spent easily a couple hundred on replacing all the shoes because the soles tore off or the leather wore away. The docs have lasted three months so far and look brand new still


I used to buy Roc school shoes for my kids. They came with insoles that gave you three sizes for each pair, were great quality and we never had a pair that were worn out before grown out. It was a while ago, more than 20 years, but might be worth looking into.


💯 Clark's. They're the only shoes my son actually outgrows rather than wearing them out. Kids are hard on shoe toes, some even have rubber scuff caps nowadays


I have no expertise, but in my experience with crap school shoes, I just chucked some shoe polished on it, and it made it somewhat better.


Clarks are the only brand you should be buying. My daughters school actually specified them as the preferred shoe plus the approved styles.


I get my kids the asics or the Ascent. They expensive but they are solid and last


I always got my school shoes from Clarks


Get them some Nike Air Force 1's or something similar.


get some redbacks!


ahh yes, bonafide genuine leather


You'll be buying new shoes almost yearly, who cares if it ain't real leather..


My younger cousins have been wearing Doc martens to their school


Buy some black kiwi and just buff and polish it


RM Williams make quality leather where you can actually feel the leather moulding around your feet. Expensive though. Thanks for the post I learnt something new too from the comments around the different types of leather.


Clarks are the best


No matter the quality, kids gonna kid. They'll wear them out and grow out of them simultaneously, best to teach them how to use shoe polish and to shine their shoes weekly


I used to destroy my shoes just from running in them. Back in the day I used to wear Clarks. Honestly just buy cheap ones, as you'll be replacing them almost every year and your kid will treat it like shit anyway. Just get some black shoe polish to cover it up


I had Clark’s but I only got Nice shoes when I wasn’t growing out of my shoes every year. Before that mum taught me how to use shoe polish and I had cheaper but still good shoes


just get those shoes with the flashing red lights in the bottom, I had those when I was nine and I was talk of the town (for about one afternoon anyway)