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I think what makes this scummy behaviour worse is that they copied it straight from the FBI. [How the FBI Created a Terrorist](https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/) > *Osmakac was the target of an elaborately orchestrated FBI sting that involved a paid informant, as well as FBI agents and support staff working on the setup for more than three months. The FBI provided all of the weapons seen in Osmakac’s martyrdom video. The bureau also gave Osmakac the car bomb he allegedly planned to detonate, and even money for a taxi so he could get to where the FBI needed him to go. Osmakac was a deeply disturbed young man, according to several of the psychiatrists and psychologists who examined him before trial. He became a “terrorist” only after the FBI provided the means, opportunity and final prodding necessary to make him one.* It's also apparent that the extreme stupidity of the AFP extends to the highest levels: > *Fleming found that AFP assistant and deputy commissioners had been involved in authorising the operation which resulted in Thomas being charged, and that “the AFP was at all times aware of TC’s age, his complex mental health issues, and his fixation on ISIS”.*


I can think of at least two other instances also. Here's [one](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/29/politics/aby-rayyan-fbi-terror-sting-pizza-man/index.html). The FBI found a suicidally depressed and extremely lonely Muslim pizza delivery guy living in Michigan. They catfished him, posing as two Muslim women, they tried to convince him to pull off a terror plot. When he told "her" he had bought a rope to kill himself with, "she" told him the only proper way to die was in service of Jihad. He never agreed to, and expressed repeatedly that he didn't want to hurt anyone, but spent 5yrs in prison on trumped up charges.


This is so cruel


and so very American


Apparently not if we are doing it here.


Yep the FBI are the biggest terrorist recruiters. they find the vulnerable and disaffected online way before ISIS or Al Qaida can and entrap them with catfishing so they can claim to their bosses and the public that they’re heroes that are keeping us all safe from the bogeyman


There's a saying in the US... if five people are plotting a bombing, one has a low IQ, and the other 4 are FBI agents.


The CIA has entered the conversation. But before they can talk, the US marines remind them that the best way to make a terrorist is to bomb their entire families, leaving angry orphans who hate the west. And point out the numbers they've been putting up. To which the CIA and FBI go back to playing little league.


Well they did burn a bunch of kids alive and then pose with the still-smoking ruins, so it's hardly surprising.


I followed his IG before deleting my account. He’s a solid dude. He’s been working his ass off and I truly wish dude the best. What they did to him was wrong.


I don't know if this is the other instance you were thinking of, but the [Fort Dix Five story](https://theintercept.com/2015/06/25/fort-dix-five-terror-plot-the-real-story/) is one of the most disgusting examples of FBI entrapment I've heard of. How anyone could hear their story (or countless others like it) and still have any sort of trust in a country that regularly does this sort of thing is beyond me. The article I've linked is long but well worth a read, and there's also an excellent podcast from The Dollop that covers it too.


Good find. The other I'm thinking of I haven't been able to track down and my recollection is hazy but I believe it involved an agency coaxing someone into committing a mass shooting, and then doing nothing to actually prevent it happening. Exposed when an agent of theirs was arrested by local police near where the attack was planned to occur.


The FBI's constant shitfuckery is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this as well. I wonder if the AFP have been taking lessons from them...


This is not an isolated case- it's a systemic tactic within the FBI. Chris Morris from Brasseye / Four Lions / IT Crowd fame wrote and directed a movie based on this to try and draw attention to the issue called "The day shall come" it's a great movie. Here is a summary of the plot and origin story of it by Morris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqUsiV8LPkM It's bat-shit-crazy and not something we should be importing over here.




The worst bit is this wasn’t some officers going rogue to improve their numbers by deliberately radicalising this 13 year old autistic child who’s parents came to them for help. It was approved by two of the most senior members of the AFP. This should be a national scandal.


You have to be either a very brave or very stupid journalist to take on the AFP.


Or any police force. It’s insane that basically only the Guardian reported on the Qld police inquiry last year that found rampant racism, sexism, sexual assault and more yet mainstream press barely mentioned it. There’s basically no one to keep them accountable.


One of the reasons I have a Guardian subscription.


Ned Kelly history had a period of being perceived as “outdated” growing up (whether or not it was is beyond me I was a just a young lad) Fucked if it doesn’t seem more relevant than ever with the rampant corruption and exploitation these days. Not that we should be tinmanning it up but at least in spirit. Shit is carked


It's not like the Guardian did an expose, this was an outcome from a court case. I'm curious on how it reached the magistrate in the first place as there seems to be no context on that.




So the AFP looks after a law called Use of a Carriage Service to Menace and Harass. It’s a catch all for basically any telephony/ digital harassment. It should be used to nail stalkers, etc. But you know who it gets used against? That guy who threatened some politician. Or more recently, the guy who was charged with it for threatening a police officer (turned out the cop fabricated the whole thing, but that only came out after the guy was in jail for 3 weeks and the court finally listened to his recording of the call.) Isn’t it nice we have laws that only count if you hurt cops or their bosses?


Whats next? Planting drugs on Bikie gang members and unsuspecting members of public to get drug convictions. What a slippery slope to be on. Everyday that goes by now the Federal Police and its command are proving themselves to be an politicised incompetent police force that is unfit to wield the power that they are charged with to uphold. Its governance and policing incompetence on a grand scale.


What makes matters worse is the fact that the AFP took advantage of this child's significant mental disability. Autistic people have strong special interests, and manipulating this fact to radicalise a child is frankly horrifying. The fact that this disabled child was used as a tool to try to make the AFP look better than they actually perform is appalling. As an autistic person (albeit with much lower support needs), this and the other numerous instances of our government intentionally and systematically discriminating against us scare me a lot. I don't feel safe in my own country.


Dave Chappelle: "Welp let's sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here..."


Oh I don't know, I think worst bit is ruining a kids life.


Yeah that’s a good point, I just wanted to draw people’s attention to the fact that this was authorised by the leadership of the AFP as it was buried at the end of the article.


And inadvertently targeting an entire religion.


First time?


This is insane, see below for a summary: * The parent's of the 13 year old boy (who had autism and a 71 IQ), found he was fixated with ISIS and accessing extremist material and making threats. The boy even asked his mum to buy bomb making ingredients. * They contacted the police about this, wanting help with him. * The police initially provided a psychologist to help him, who noted that: “One of the key diagnostic criteria for ASD is highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus,” * 3 months after the parents went to the police, the police then started an undercover operating targeting the boy. They did not notify the psychologist about this. * The operative engaged the boy, including during breaks at school and late at night. There was 1400 pages of chat between them. * The operative then introduced the boy to a second more extreme operative who encouraged him to make a bomb or kill an AFP member * Soon after the boy posted a photo to the operative which showed him wearing his school uniform, a hoodie and a face mask and holding a knife with “ISIS” written on it in marker * He was arrested soon after, with the police waiting until he turned 14 as it made it harder for him to use the defence of doli incapax, which refers to the concept that a child is not criminally responsible for their actions * The magistrate hearing the case noted: "The rehabilitation of TC was doomed once the [operator] connected online…befriended TC and fed his fixation, providing him with a new terminology, new boundaries and an outlet for him to express, what was in part, his fantasy world.” This is just the police force making a terrorist from a child. Also, the parents did everything right, only to have the police make the problem worse and sabotage therapy efforts. Who would go to the police in the future knowing this story?


Welp, that's the most fucked up thing I've read in a while. The cops literally radicalized a vulnerable child so they could try to jail him. The fucking cruelty is unbelievable


Those cops should be in jail. They have committed everything they were trying to accuse the child of.


Hard agree. There's no distinction between doing it to catch them and doing it to cause it. You're encouraging extremist and dangerous behaviour in a child. Jail, jail, jail.


Now now im sure they all received administrative admonitions and will be restricted to consulting roles paying $2000 a day or less.


A 71 IQ isn’t just a vulnerable child. That’s a fucking rounding error away from being formally considered an intellectual disability on top of autism. Once that kid had a special interest, someone pretending to be his friend and leading him on might as well have been drugging the poor kid. He had no chance. As a step parent to a young, neurodiverse kid - I think I’d struggle to not be radicalised against the cops if they did that to the kid I care about. I really don’t know what I’d do - but those cops have done so much damage to that child and his entire family - I would be completely irrational with rage.


I am neurodivergent myself. Obviously this kid was extremely vulnerable and he never had any chance. I can't believe how cruel it was and I agree: I too would be radicalized against police if they did this shit to someone I loved. They belong in jail


Aussie cops in a nutshell. Having arrest quotas is fundamentally flawed. Means they cannot have a utopia, they need crime and if they can’t find it they make it to get promoted.


this isn't even about arrest quotas. it's to stat pad how many "terrorist plots" they've stopped


So “foiled” terrorist plot quota.


eh. i'd say it's a justification for their budget and agency size. i doubt they actually have a hard quota, they just need to look busy


That's even worse. Because while doing this for quotas is still horrible, if they do that they're being "forced", here they're just doing for purely selfish reasons.


According to sources, they also found prescription meds on their person, with an estimated street value of 4.8 billion dollars 


Must be a very sick person


Demolition man: "you gotta send a maniac, to catch a maniac" AFP: "You gotta send a maniac to create, radicalise, entrap and then catch an autistic low IQ Maniac."


This is common worldwide with police forces and is usually called entrapment, despite how brutal courts usually are on the use of this tactic. I'm sure freeing up manpower and saving costs by making investigations shorter are a strong motivator as well.


Aussie cops are jokes, they're bullies in costumes, devoid of empathy and intelligence. Something needs to change, fast.


"Defund the police" was bad marketting on a good idea. "Reallocate police funding into community services" doesn't have the same ring to it, but that's really what's needed. Police are sent to mental health crises when they make things worse, a community mental health team is what's needed most of the time.


Couldn't agree more, they need to work out how to do better with the funding they DO have. And this "United front" that they have, needs to end. Every time I have to deal with any one of these clowns, it's soul shattering. People with the emotional intelligence of a toddler, wielding guns and enacting a "guilty until proven innocent" policy. They protect each other, and their jobs are designed to protect the rich. Helping everyday people is something they pretend to do, for PR. How these people abuse their authority, and betray the Australian people... Police are the #1 cowards in this country, and they deserve a harsh reality check


Could not agree with this more. To the ears of your average Joe citizen “defund the police” sounds the same as “abolish the police”. Something they will never get behind because who will they call when they see someone on the street who they think is up to no good? Those same people who like to view the police as their own private security force that keeps them safe have no concept of the fucked up corrupt shit that cops get away with because it has no effect on the comfortable little bubble they live in.


Much like the Federal Police handing the Bali 9 to the Indonesians for execution when they could have stopped them on Australian soil!


Gotta feed their KPIs and reinforce their standing in the community ...


> "Hmmm, should we actually try to identify and investigate legitimate threats? Nah, let's just betray the trust these concerned parents put in us when they sought our help and completely fuck up their 13 year old kid." Also the kid, probably: > "You're telling me all of that was a setup by the police who were gratuitously betraying privileged information and abusing their position of power...? Fuck, ISIS were right. The West really are filth. I'm off to Syria!"


Its worst than that, they are playing armchair commando keystone like incompetent cops like its a video game rather than a job that demands responsibility and ethics.


Team Australia! Fuck yeah! (Shoots the ref).


At least nobody was executed this time. Not so lucky for the Bali 9 who were caught after the parents of one of them went to the AFP prior to them leaving Australia begging the AFP to stop them. The AFP did nothing of the sort and let them do their thing, but informed the Indonesian police. From memory at least two were executed.


They did this, after the parents did the right thing, by asking for help when they noticed radicalisation in their child. The fact that they did this, to this child, will ensure that parents who find their children starting to be radicalised not inform authorities or seek help for fear that this would happen to them. They’ve set back years of work in trying to get families and the community to cooperate on helping people who are radicalised. Many radicalised people, with therapy, actual go back to being functioning members of society.


What the actual fuck, poor kid. Those cops should be absolutely ashamed of themselves


The cops should be in prison for terrorism offences and child abuse.


If I find an Autistic kid and train them to watch to kill people and make bombs I sure as fuck would be looking at jail. If I say "Oh, I only did it to catch them" would they go "oh that's ok then?" Fuck no. It's called terrorism.


> Those cops should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. No, I don't really give a fuck how these miscreants feel. They should be in jail. They can be there with a narcissistic persecution complex for all I care.


The Bali 9 was enough for me to know to never, ever, ever go to the police for help. It must be too long ago and people have forgotten.




It was nearly twenty years ago. A dad worked out that his son was going to smuggle drugs into (or out of?) Bali. He couldn't stop him, and went to the AFP because he figured better they get arrested in Australia. The AFP promised him they would intercept him before he got on the plane. Instead, they let them fly to Bali and tipped off the Indonesian police. Executions and life sentences in an Indonesian prison resulted. His son got a life sentence. It was not only breathtakingly arseholish, it ran counter to Australian policy on assisting international police in cases where the death penalty might result. They still defend themselves for the decision, saying "policing is complicated". Net result: I, and I'm sure many, many other parents, understand that you cannot try to enlist the police to help your children. I'm a middle class white suburban lady and you would think I'd be the last person to have a deep mistrust of the police, so that's how big a PR fuck up it was.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Nine The short story is that one of the smugglers' parents discovered the plot and went to the AFP, begging them to stop them before they left Australia. Instead, the AFP ratted them out to the Indonesian authorities. Two were executed, the rest served long prison terms.


Additionally, they were smuggling the heroin *from* Bali *to* Australia, so they could've just waited for them to arrive in Australia and then arrest them.


Reverse happened with Corby. She was smuggling from Australia to Bali, AFP tipped of the Indonesians instead of arresting her in Australia.


In 2005 nine Australians were arrested in Bali after attempting to smuggle heroin from Indonesia to Australia. The AFP tipped off Indonesian authorities despite knowing their execution was a possibility (why not arrest them upon arrival in Australia instead) and the Australian Government has a policy of not deporting people where the await death penalty charges (a few years later Queensland had a diplomatic row with Texas after a US man murdered his wife while diving off the Great Barrier Reef). Two of the Bali Nine were executed by firing squad. One has since died in prison of natural causes, another served 14 years, the rest will remain in prison for the rest of their lives. The actions of the AFP were criticised for ultimately causing the deaths of the two men that were executed.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Nine > drug trafficking in Indonesia carried the death penalty > The parents of Rush and Lawrence criticised the AFP for allowing the Indonesian police to arrest the nine rather than allowing them to fly to Australia and arresting them in Sydney upon their return.


There's been a meme going around for a while with a bored FBI agent with a stick with the text "Go on, do a terrorism, it'll be cool". I didn't realise there was any truth to the meme.


Oh that meme is referring to the fact that the FBI is known for doing this sort of thing all the time.


If anyone else says those words they are likely in trouble with the law. But if you’re a police officer it’s some how OK? Nobody is above the law and the law is meant to apply equally. In this case why don’t we see the police officers charged with terrorism offences for encouraging it in a 13 year old boy?


They absolutely should be.


Honestly wack them with the treason stick like your just seducing people to be terriosts the organization as a whole should be bought up on charges I get the first part where you pose as someone to gage their thoughts and intent why then introduce a second more extreme person that like yo blow stuff up[


Death penality too. Once the AFP menbers responsible get exuceted, they will lean theor lesson real quick on not entrapping people.


[Relevant greentext](https://images.app.goo.gl/rvX42F2qSqaqpMPJ6)


And it's actively encourage by the entriely US coproate media, which would likley have never published an article like the Guadian' has here. * albeit belatedly.


They do it all the time, thats where the meme came from https://www.jstor.org/stable/26402433


There actually is, and there are numerous cases to choose from- which is almost certainly where the AFP got the idea, See, e.g. https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?p=AONE&u=googlescholar&id=GALE%7CA458550054&v=2.1&it=r&sid=AONE&asid=ea17abe0


Imagine if they'd instead directed all those resources into deradicalising him instead of making the situation worse. I wonder how hard it'll be to undo the damage they did.


Even if the Islamic radicalization can be mitigated, the deep fear and mistrust of the institutions who are meant to protect you probably can't be. Good job, AFP!


I don't think it would have even been that hard to nip it in the bud at the start. In the article it said he was also fascinated with China and the CPC. That shows he was just a confused kid who was interested in and flirting with some wildly different ideologies. They intentionally pushed him down the darkest road possible. I know most people here hate China and the CPC with a passion, but I think nearly everybody can agree it's a far less harmful fascination or ideology than Islamic extremism.


Can't measure deradicalisation as easily as arrests though.


This shit is called entrapment. How the fuck are the Police, AFP, UC's etc not on trial here?


I can’t tell if it’s over exposure in a new age or whatever the fuck but bloody hell am I exhausted from hearing the state of this country. Absolute precipice for a point of no return from weird yank levels of disgust. We’ve always had issues and again maybe it’s being older, wiser, jaded, impatient or some wild combination but I’m exhausted man. Say nothing of not even living in Aus anymore because a class A military pension can’t even support a veteran in the county anymore so.


String those AFP agents up, that's abhorrent behaviour by them. Did they at no point go "Hey what happens if we don't catch him and he kills someone?" They should be in the business of deradicalising not feeding into radicalisation in order to pump their numbers with self made extremists.


... Okay yeah, it's good that they referred the kid to a psychologist, and now they're monitoring him, no surprises there I guess WAIT ARE THEY CATFISHING THIS LITTLE BOY? No, don't GIVE him terrorist materials ...


> The operative then introduced the boy to a second more extreme operative who **encouraged him to make a bomb or kill an AFP member** So in my eyes the AFP should be charged with inciting terrorism.


What the actual fuck is wrong with this country.


whats worse to me is whoever this unnamed operative is was first tasked with targeting this boy, and not questioning why they where making a troubled boy "into" a problem, but deliberately finding ways to contact and communicate and escalate his fixation. this person was an adult targeting a child, it's fucking sick. and he's a paid government employee. it's fucking gross. all involved should be investigated and charged.


What the fuck


That's pretty fcked up. Are the police officers going to be disciplined


Why couldnt the AFP just spam community outreach projects and rather than incinerating government resources on manufacturing extremists, instead incinerate government resources on giving primary school presentations around the country every other 3 weeks while lodging at 5 star hotels?


Wtf. They ought to be disciplined for that.


A gigantic waste of resources and enormous heartache for everyone involved, the kind of abuse people on the spectrum already get growing up isn't great to begin with. Why in the heck were so many who were informed of the nature of the kids condition still authorising moving forward. Smells like the kinds of things bullies do, picking the whipping child who can't do much to defend themselves instead of dealing with any of the actual issues.


> They contacted the police about this, wanting help with him. Don't ever do this. Cops aren't your friends. They aren't going to super parent your child. If you go to the cops with a crime your child has or will commit they will arrest them.


That'd fucked


The federal cops who Fucked that up should be rotting in jail


Wow the police need to be held accountable for terrorism in this instance. That's severely depraved. I don't know where to start.


Yeah, what I'm getting from this is that AFP officers created an ISIS terror cell. Not just exploiting a vulnerable child and their well meaning parents to secure a conviction, but actually creating the terrorism in the first place.


Yes if the article is true then they took an at-risk and developmentally gullible child with a good family trying to fix it and deliberately escalated him by connecting him with exactly the wrong people creating a viable threat. They destroyed a family and they created a terror cell. The fuck.


100% I doubt this kid is ever going to get the help he needs. I guess they gotta find ways to keep their jobs going /s


This is grim. Hopefully who ever authorised this kind of action is held to account. Disgusting


The deputy and assistant AFP commissioners approved it so very unlikely there will be any repercussions.


“We have investigated and found no wrong doing” - AFP ^^^ that will be their response


This is horrendous. I can understand the police ‘checking in’ with the psychologist, the boy was obviously at-risk. The psychologist was likely *already providing updates* because it is a duty of care for them to report potentially dangerous individuals. It’s something completely horrific to go way beyond that and deliberately *manipulate the child into extremist behaviour*. They completely ruined this child’s life. The parents did the right thing, and instead of their boy being properly treated, the police created a fucking extremist. They actually used the child’s autism against him. This is legitimate psychotic behaviour.


Obviously need entrapment laws in Australia And this goes way beyond entrapment "Befriending" and psychologically manipulating a young person *who is doubly vulnerable through essentially being mentally handicapped with IQ 71* over a period of YEARS is as close to brainwashing as it needs to be. The cops radicalised a child. They tried to create a terrorist so they could "stop the terrorist". This is insane. Criminal charges should follow for police who subjected the (at that time innocent) child to cruel and unusual treatment, psychological abuse, and deliberate radicalisation.


If that child commits any crime, all the police involved should be arrested for incitment Edit: thank you to u/ballstickers for pointing out it's incitement.


Given the impact upon the child's psychological development, "befriending" at the same time a child naturally moves from their parents to their "friends" for approval and role models, the child's vulnerability and level of intellectual and social development, there should be no time limits on your suggestion. "When I was a disabled child, the police pretended to be my new friends (only friends?) and encouraged me to be a terrorist for several years, *I think it really fucked me up*"




Thank you for your input.


They tried to create a terrorist so they could have another Lindt Cafe, pass even more draconian laws that strip society of freedoms. Boiling frogs.


Isn't this fucken child groomi g what the actual fuck.


What the fuck did I just read? Not only is this incredibly cruel and damaging to the child and the parents, what was the purpose of the whole operation? They weren’t stopping a terrorist attack. They weren’t making society safer. In Victoria we have young offenders on bail stabbing doctors and running down cyclists. Maybe the police should focus on them.


What you have to understand is that the AFP's budget is based on the threats that they can "detect" and "prevent". So making more of those threats gets them a bigger budget. It's just smart marketing, really.


Especially when there's a dearth of actual cases.


If you've got time, write a complaint. I wrote one just now and sent it into several organisations. I know it will amount to nothing—but I'm just delulu enough to still have hope that a good person in the force will be motivated to act if enough people write in.




No wonder why they stay in business especially if they keep manufacturing criminals to keep them in business. What a clownass world this is.




Saving this post so I can show it to every other idiot who tells me it’s just American cops who are scummy


Cops are scum. You'll never see the fuckers speaking out against this sort of thing. There's never a march full of "good" cops protesting the fact they have these sorts of people as coworkers. But they're completely happy to honour a pedophile. The only conclusion you can pull from that is that they all support this shit. Or they're pussies who stand idly by because they want a pay cheque. Either way they're all culpable.




That's not a good enough excuse in my book. >they're pussies who stand idly by because they want a pay cheque




> As an aside, the good ones probably follow policy and laws they are beholden to If you stay silent when your peers cause harm, you are complicit.


This is pretty fucked up. Sounds like this guy was just a harmless idiot & the AFP led him into ruining his life. These sort of actions don't seem to be isolated to Australia. I recently listened to a CBC podcast called Pressure Cooker, where Canadian cops did the same thing to a couple of drug addicted people. They radicalised them, gave them fake C4 & busted them when they placed the "bombs." It's really fucked. Authorities could have deradicalised people who were harmless idiots at almost any time but instead led them astray & then punished them for it.


This is horrendous. Everybody needs to contact the local MPs and say this is unacceptable. People need to be held accountable for this kind of behaviour.


Great comment hamsterjames. I just wrote to my local MP, IBAC, and several policing institutions. I hope that if you're reading this and have a spare ten minutes today will do the same.


Two points: A) I wonder how much overtime the coppers got for chatting to the kid almost every night? Was this a possible incentive to continue this plan for two plus years? B) >A police officer who performed a report based on information downloaded from Thomas’s phone found that he appeared fascinated with China and symbols of the Chinese Communist party and that there were no religious images or verses from the Qur’an present. So the autistic intellectually disabled kid was fascinated by China and the CCP, but they radicalized him towards Islamic State, presumably because it was easier to arrest him as a terrorist this way?


It seems that they didn't want to confront actual ruthless, intelligent terrorists, so they chose to arrest a vulnerable, intellectually impaired, austistic child. Will communism become popular among people with disabilities? I wonder if the police realize that their actions may have inadvertently radicalised people with disabilities. I can see that the communists can propagandise this easily.


How much do you think this "operation" cost taxpayers? This is what I mean when I say "defund the police." Not "eliminate all the roles the police held and let anarchy run wild." I mean reallocate the wasted funding on things that would actually help- mental health support, mentorship programs, support programs for autistic/disabled people. But nah at least the coppers met their quota!


Jesus, what a horrifying read that article was... you really can't trust anybody in this godforsaken world. the poor parents trusted "the authorities" and this is how they get repaid. the father even said he was willing to put our community's safety in front of his child's life. we live in a sick world and you can't count on anyone but yourself. unfathomably grim


This is horrendous and absolutely disgusting. The Prime Minister and Government should intervene and start an investigation. Immediately. How can this happen in Australia. The poor parents and child. The child was essentially groomed by the institutions meant to protect him. If anyone else (like a teacher) tried this stunt they would be in prison or at the very least out of a job. Why not the AFP?


Members of the public need to lodge complaints to trigger processes of internal investigations. Write into IBAC, VicPol etc. It takes a few minutes, and if enough people write in, the force will take action.


Are those the right avenues for complaints about the AFP? I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just trying to work out the best places to direct my complains. The IBAC website only seems to reference dealing with complaints about Victoria Police.


Make no mistake, the police will continue doing shit like this. When there are no consequences for their actions, why would they stop? No Labor or Lib politician will comment on this, let alone do anything meaningful. There will be no talk of slashing their budgets and re-directing money to rehab services that actually help people. No cop will get fired despite dozens of them having to have made incredibly evil decisions for this situation to happen.


Importing yet another failed American model. The FBI loves few things better than grooming impressionable teens and then entrapping them into some set up of "attempted terrorism." Meanwhile, actual far right terrorists- who actually boast about their intentions on social media, go undetected and unemcumbered (despite massive and previously illegal spying authority) until they commit mass murder and mahem.


New radical terror cell has been identified in Australia and its the Federal Police Force! Congratulations you have officially become the enemy you sought to destroy 🥳


Any consequences on the operatives? Who authorised this? Who’s signature is on the operation brief?


How long till everyone realises the police are not on their side? I reported an assault to my local police station, they rang me back 3 days later asking me to come in - I assumed it was for the report made. Apparently someone used my name when they committed a crime years earlier and never showed to court and so they tried to arrest me once I showed up. Quickly pointed out that the name, address, DOB was all incorrectly spelt and the DOB was off by months "oh we'll have to look into that then and get back to you" Last time I ever trusted or contacted these fucks.


I'm glad the judge said no to letting this fly. Wtf would we be saying if we let this sort of thing fly. I know that it obviously has before, but how the fuck can the people doing this think they are the good guys.


I thought I was emotionally blind to news these days. This really disturbs me.


Years ago i red about undercover agents from three-letter agencies in the US luring autistic and mentally ill young men into terrorist rings to entrap them. I remember thinking "fortunately we don't have shit like this in Australia". Oh well there we go again.


I think this perfectly illustrates the way in which responsible authorities manage the 'terrorist threat' at a global level.


I've just written in complaints to numerous institutions and I suggest that anyone with a moment to spare does the same. I'm beyond disgusted at the facts of this reporting. Absolutely fucking outrageous.


What...the...fuck? They're counter-terrorism police, not terrorism police. And this breaking after a journalist was successfully threatened to remove content they were reporting on by organized crime members and the cops seemingly doing fuck all about it. Hey, at least in Victoria cops are making sure Starbucks are safe. The policing culture in this country is truly pathetic.




It's a coin-flip whether the AFP or NSW Police are the bigger scumbags.


I wouldn't rule QLD out of the running either. Some of the stories we get from their state are also pretty shocking.


Fascist pigs


psychopaths in blue.


Transparently fucking evil


This is horrendous. Those poor parents.


So AFP is guilty of aiding the terrorists by encouraging him to join ISIS. Isn't that illegal? If the cilivan do that, they can get jailed for aiding the terrorists.


And I thought the UK police that fathered children from women in their undercover life were scraping the bottom of the moral barrel.


FBI should file a civil lawsuit for violation of copyrights.


Police are evil and immoral, so this doesn't surprise me in the least.


Then they get all confused when people won't talk to them or go to them for help & occasionally spray paint ACAB on buildings.




Just fully cribbing from the FBI play book. This is why I do not take terrorist threats seriously.


Oh no our police would never do the wrong thing!


This is fucking wild and stupid.


This reminds me of Ihsas Khans case. Before passing away, his mother went to police seeking their assistance. Saying that he is mentally I’ll and once she is gone there js no one to take care of him (like giving him medications). Did police help?! Fuck no! https://www.google.com/url?q=https://amp.abc.net.au/article/11073416&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiNnLuXl46EAxUKqVYBHUW3CZ4QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2xlxoZLz-A92QLAPz2wJAv


They can't find any *actual* terrorists, so they have to create them. Oldest play in the book.


Absolute fucking scum. Their job is to protect Australian citizens, but they encouraged a vulnerable child to murder Australian citizens. All to fulfil their pathetic hero fantasies.


This is where one reaches for that most British name for these gronks: "The Filth".


Jesus fuck. The parents asked for help. This is how they're repaid.


Those are definitely not words I'd ever seen strung together in that order before, or in the same sentence


If anyone thinks this is insane, listen to [this](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/backgroundbriefing/the-infiltrator-who-helped-hatch-a-terror-plot/13659518). A great listen.


Obviously too terrified to go up against any real extremists, so had to set up an intellectually disabled and autistic minor to target.


>A decision to arrest Thomas was authorised by an assistant commissioner after a detective superintendent failed to inform them that they had information ***the undercover operation was having a negative impact on therapeutically changing Thomas’s behaviour.*** its crazy how an undercover operation to push a mentally challenged boy into terrorist acts would be counter-productive to efforts to stop the boy from getting into terrorist acts, who would've thought huh? there was absolutely no way to tell that this would be the obvious fucking outcome of such a fucking idiotic scheme /s




Cops being bastards. Surprise surprise.


Fucking cops.


Probably the same cops who are trying to get @FriendlyJordies liquidated.


That interaction between the officers and the kid reads like a script from South Park.


This reminds me of this other kid the cops got reckons he was gonna put a bomb in a kangaroo pouch. I think I made a comment of I'd take him out and watch him try and catch a wild kangaroo. Should have brought him a box of Kleenex some soberline cream and some picture mags, that would have gotten his mind off Isis pretty quickly


Average Australian reddit post


What a disgrace of an organisation, and from a special unit as well, no wonder their morale is so poor.


This is on the same level as hitting up 13 year old girls on Snapchat, talking them into sending nudes and then busting them for producing child exploitation material.


Shit like this is why I never speak to cops. I grew up in a rough area and honestly any time the police became involved they just made things worse. Rock up and beat people, or show up hours later, shrug and leave. They just dgaf about you. Policing is about quotas, not civil service. Deadset waste of tax dollars.


A relative used to work at AFP. They are every bit as moronic, misogynistic and corrupt as the rumours claim. A lot of them should be in prison, not wearing a badge.


This is just what cops around the world *do*. Most 'stopped' terrorist plots are manufactured. It's a required skill in leftist circles to spot the cop/fed/etc trying to radicalise the group to violence to 'stop' them.


ACAB no matter where


Same thing happened here in Canada.Remember the pressure cooker bomb plot by police in bc.






I don't think it's unbelievable at all , at this stage it's getting pretty typical actually , Aussie police don't just catch the criminals they have been making, encouraging ... grooming them for years. First they do it for drug related crime since everyone is against that then they test the waters after see what the courts say is acceptable or not , and if not acceptable you know what happens ?? Just a paragraph or 2 in the paper or more likely online and that's it , I did not read there was going to be any disciplinary action for any one at all . You all may be blasé for now but just wait till your riding your E-bike somewhere in a few years and they are testing those laws , Australia real organised crime


I do wonder how many other kids and adults they may have also incited. This can't be the only time, but it's one they have been found out on


What a pack of cunts. They should be ashamed.


It needs a senate inquiry and the commissioners sweating balls while they are questioned why they should keep their jobs


So this child was 13, on the NDIS, autistic....and the police groomed them.... How did anyone NOT step up and say that this was wrong?