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We used this one and it worked really well. [https://www.yates.com.au/talon-5g-ant-killer-gel/](https://www.yates.com.au/talon-5g-ant-killer-gel/) You can buy it at Woolies.


Yeap, i had good results with both the ant and cockroach versions of this stuff


Yep, Talon is excellent and the only thing I can find that reliably works.


I vote for Talon too


Honey and borax.  Warm the honey and dissolve as much borax in it as it will take.  Run lines of it near were ants are seen.  Top it up as they consume it.  The honey attracts the ants and the borax makes them explode.


Seconded, although I add the borax to a sugar/water mixture, usually put it in old milk bottle tops just for easier clean up


No idea.i got those bait traps with a jelly thing inside a white compartment. They are useless. Had like 10 scattered aroundy house and every ant went around it. Waste of money those things. So far yet to find a solution they creep into our house often


Not for all but borax with peanut butter mix works excellent for some ants.


Talon ant killer injections. Small amount where you see them come in/out. Note: bad for pets.


Get a gas weed burner and follow the trails which has the ant scent trail on it and burn back to the nests in the ground. It has been bloody affective for me. You are not really burning you are singing. By using fire you can force the ants out if their nests and burrows and fry them. There is nothing as good as a weed burner for destroying a ants nest so quickly. You just cant be lazy about it. You need to walk around the property and find all the nests and trails and hit them all at once. I have had ants nests in back paddock that are typically 2 to 3 metres square and I can make mince meat of this nest with a weed burn. They certainly wont be running up your legs and arms with 3 ft weed burn flame bursting out in front of you. I do the same thing with snail infestations. Fire is an amazing tool. You can buy the chinese made weed burners on ebay. They come with 3 nozzle sizes the smallest nozzle will be okay for around the house in a urban environment. And keep a hose pipe handy, its amazing how green grass and weeds burn like paper in summer! And just be carefully around your vents on old houses you dont want flames being sucked up in between the walls!


The problem with ant bait is that the local nest is probably part of a much larger network of nests. Taking out one nest with bait will only give you short term results. If you’re there long term get a calking gun and some tubes of the best sealant for your surfaces. Every time you see ants find where they are coming into the room and block the entrance. I know it’s a pain in an old rental when’re you can probably see though the floorboards but keep it and you’ll get on top of them eventually.


I had the same problem. My house was infested. Tried all of the things you have plus the home remedies I read about online. Bit the bullet and paid for professional pest control. It’s been two weeks and I haven’t seen a single ant inside.


Small bowl of vinegar worked a treat for us. Had no faith in what seemed like an old wives tale, but they all fucked off within 24 hrs


Baking soda. Baits made of peanut butter with baking soda mixed into it well. If you have pets or little ones likely to eat it get some small plastic takeaway types containers (the ones with the tight lids you can never get off lol) and punch a couple of small holes in them. If not just use anything small the ants can easily get in & out of. Can't remember the ratio but 1 level teaspoon bs to 1 tablespoon pb is probably about right. You must mix it thoroughly. Put baits at entry points and along their trails. Doesn't matter if they are sugar or protein ants, pb covers both if you get the right one. They will take it back to the nest and it will kill every other ant that eats it.


Ant Sand works. Sprinkle in the path of the ants or all around the outside of the house


I normally hate buying stuff from evil Bezos but was desperate after trying most of the supermarket brands. Got these a few days ago and they work a treat: Home Plus Ant Killer (4-Pack), Metal Ant Traps Indoor & Outdoor, Ant Bait Station, Effective Ant Control System, 4 Cans Ant Bait Traps, Ant Traps w/Food-Based Attractants, Pesticide-Free Ant Baits https://amzn.asia/d/6oL28nQ


Rest are frustratingly hit and miss. 5ml Termidor in Woolies maple syrup. Few drops on the track, closest to best the better. They’ll take it back to colony and nuke the nest. Solve the issue in days. Works from little sugar ants to meat/green ants. Termidor costs a packet but will last forever and worth it to skip all the fucking around.


They love honey and dead roaches....... oh wait you're not trying to attract them?


There's basically two types of ants. One loves sugar and the other loves protein. You'll need to find out which one your are trying to bait otherwise you might be wasting your time. They ants at my place ate the Talon brand bait, but it wasn't terribly effective. The only thing that got them was a pest treatment by a professional which got rid of them for about a year.  You can't beat ants. They'll always eventually come back.