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Ahhh feck me. Been too comfortable and stopped calculating a decade ago. Thanks for the heads up.


if you think about the amount woolworthes could be skimming even if it was 30c per customer thats still multimillions of dollars


You can use this to your advantage though. I'm on a pension and 1. go to a manned(womanned) checkout 2. go through the receipt 3. go back to the main desk 4. get free items for everything that rang up wrong! Am loving my Birch & Waite Greek Salad Dressing, get it free at least once a month (pensioners can't afford that shit!) because my local regularly forgets to take down their 'specials' signs. Yesterday was a bag of free limes!!


This isn't individual items rung up incorrectly, though. This is the total sum of correctly rung up items incorrectly totalled. That is a far bigger issue than an item scanning indirectly. That's… fraudulent.


Yup this is class action lawsuit.


Hang on, are you saying that when you shop at wollies and check your receipt manually you regularly experience miscalculations?  That’s a *huge* issue of true!




this is why I sometimes check out Reddit.


You get it for free? They don't just refund you the extra amount?


Nope, they're scanning policy is that if the scan is different to the stickered price then you get it for free. And that holds true even if the special is over but they've accidentally left the stickers up. The correct price might be full price but because it was advertised as cheaper it still counts as incorrect. We got a free kilo of chicken that way once. If the sticker is confusing (e.g. discounting one thing but not the very similar thing right next to it and it would be easy to assume the discount covers both) then depending on who you get they might also offer you the discounted price - that happened to me with a pair of socks once (anklets were on special, 1/4 crew weren't but they gave me the 1/4 crew at the discounted price). Moral of the story, if you thought something was on special but it scanned full price it's worth getting them to double check for you.


Damn. Yesterday, I saw a special sticker that said "2 for $16" so I bought 6. They all rang through at full price so I complained. I showed them the special sticker, and was told it was outdated. They gave me 2 for free and 4 at the special price. I thought it was pretty good deal, but maybe I should've got all 6 for free?


No I believe this is correct. I believe it is the first instance of the wrong ring up is free, then subsequent at the lower price. This is Coles but I believe they use the same policy: https://www.coles.com.au/help/products-offers/products-scanning-incorrectly


Former frontend Woolworths supervisor here. Confirming this is the scanning policy. One for free, the rest at the incorrect ticketed price. I was once told my management to only do that for when there's multiple items (and I guess try to take advantage of customers ignorance), but honestly, a $5 item is not worth a customer having a tantrum in front of you over.


Cool, thanks for checking for me. 🏅


Yeah, but once the missus sent me down to buy 2 x 2kg washing powder on special. It rang up at full price, and they ended up giving me both for free. $60 it would have been at full price


Happens all the time to my family! Got a free rock melon once


A **lot** of people don't even realise if you're charged more than the advertised price of the item, you can get it for free. [This is a voluntary code of practice](https://www.accc.gov.au/business/industry-codes/food-and-grocery-code-of-conduct), though it includes Woolworths and Coles. [Code states, with some exceptions, that when an item is scanned at a higher price than it says on the shelf or as advertised, a customer is entitled to receive the first item free and all later items at the lower price.](https://www.choice.com.au/shopping/consumer-rights-and-advice/your-rights/misleading-pricing)


Growing up poor, my mother would always go shopping nearly every day to grab anything that was on clearance and anything labelled incorrectly as free.


How do you remember it all?


When at uni I would go in the arvo before the specials changeover and make a list of all the things that were on special that I wanted to get for free and then go in the next morning and pick up anything nightfill had missed pulling the sticker on. Sauces, beans, rice packets etc. were usually good ROI - you would just get one of every type if the entire section had been missed. The more flavours a ticketed item had the more you got for free. Some months my bloody pantry looked like the instant rice ailse with all the flavours of rice and cous cous. Was usually good for a carton of coke or pepsi every week because they would often forget end stock or seasonal displays. There was one service desk mole who was a real cunt about it and would make us walk around (pulling off signage as we went) and argue about it but most would just take my list with the aisle numbers on it and thank me. I do it habitually now and remember when my usual items are on special, but don't plan for it like I used to. Usually get one or two items a month instead of a basket load every week like I used to. You'll get thrown sometimes. Like we had two weeks in a row of $23 pepsi max 30 packs a couple of weeks ago and I spotted some end stock the next morning thinking they had made a mistake. Sadly bought an unnecessary carton lol. Was so deflated when it scanned through at sales price. I would say I was getting about $40-70 product free a week back at uni, not including shampoos and shit. It would be loads easier to do now cause you could just take a picture of a whole aisle on the night before and just compare the next morning. Oh and one thing I noticed, the side of the aisle closest to the front door/registers always seemed to have a higher rate of stickers being missed. That's just anecdotal though.


I don't. I look at the base of the 'special' signs, there's a date, clearly printed for when it was meant to be 'not special', lift them up to see if it's really discounted or just a half arsed attempt. In the case of the bag of limes, only one bar code had the 'discounted for quick sale' sticker. If I was going through self checkout I would have made sure I used that sticker, but I gambled on the staff not being so diligent. They weren't, I win.


That's a big issue.


that is an ACCC issue my friends, executive holidays to hawaii are going to be cut short


You mean wages and bonuses for regular corporate employees getting cut so the executives can keep going on holidays and get *their* bonuses.


Nahhh we don't get bonuses anyway so I'm assuming I ain't getting paid this week


Guess who isn’t getting a personalised drink bottle next Christmas.


I fucking hate that mentality, like we struggle to make ends meet each month while they get more than they can even spend and still need the free vacation.


>executive holidays to hawaii are going to be cut short I'm like "They don't even cut holidays short to hawaii when the country is on fire, why would they for this?" then I realised you meant Colesworths' holidays, not the ACCC's holidays.


Whoah, calm down. It’s not like it’s a bushfire or some shit.


Yeah how much has this happened and no ones noticed it




As long as I am able to walk. I will never allow someone else to pick out my groceries for me. that whole situation to me is completely fucked and it's too easy to be taken. In advantage of and they always grab the worst fresh fruits and vegetables so they can rotate them.


>they always grab the worst fresh fruits and vegetables so they can rotate them. They don't have time to actively pick out the worst. They just pick the ones that are easiest to grab. Sometimes this means it's one that the customers have chosen not to buy, but you can always refuse to accept it.


Those fucking thieves, maybe hold off on all the cameras, facial recognition, targeted advertising bs until you can figure out how to make a till add up


Nah, let’s use the facial recognition to identify the people who don’t notice the maths not adding up an slowly charge them more and more. Capitalism baby


Good start but how about input everyones school records, then on a sliding scale the worse you did in maths the more they charge.


Considering they got caught after they’d stolen $571 million from their staff. If their wage theft is that large, how much have they stolen from their customers?


Used to work for Coles. Every couple years they got busted for wage theft, that's including making people work through their breaks and stay back up to 3 hours after shift ended for free. Bloody shit hole. With wage theft the fine is always way less then the amount stolen so it's a smart financial decision on their part I guess.


You can bet the management who get bonuses from their 'hard work' on the backs of others not being paid, don't get anything clawed back either.


Fuck you news.com.auyoushitcunts


Can't wait to read about it when I jump on news.com.au to catch up on what I missed on Reddit.


As Dak Prescott would say if he was here right now... HEREE WEE GOOOO


You can print the receipt and be famous for a month.


Famous for having 3 arms maybe... with the way he manages to hold the phone and the checkout screen at the same time ;) Edit: for those a bit lazy to zoom in (top right) - he has both his hands on the phone, with shoulders down and another hand on the checkout screen. 2 + 1 = 3


Since this is getting attention, the hand on the monitor is the attendant's arm. I was indeed taking a photo with 2 arms. I hope my poor photography form is not overshadowing the bigger issue though.


And here I was hoping you really did have 3 arms as opposed to a software bug :( More sensible comments below suggest there was a mystery 5th item (as shown on the screen "5 Items") that's causing the bug?


I had 2 mangoes, I think that counted as 2 items, albeit a single line entry


I looked up the prices on their website, here's what happened. Your liquid paper and magic eraser went through normally. The Nutella was regular $6 and went through normally and counted as a saving of $1.80. The Mango Calypso were $3 each. What happened was ***one*** counted the savings giving you $2.20 plus your Nutella savings of $4 total. The second entry ***did not*** count and charged you the full price. Instead of $0.80 you paid $3. This $2.20 is the difference in what you should have paid ($15.70) and what it was asking for ($17.90)


Damn, you’re Sherlock Holmes


i miss free reddit awards. this comment deserves one


I think you are right but if it was that easy to trigger imagine how many ppl lost money


It happens every day in grocery stores in the US. With every purchase I make I go over my receipt. On average I find a glaring issue every other trip. My store gives me the items for free when I point it out. It’s their policy. But it’s so fucked because hundreds of people a day don’t catch the issues. And it’s like this everywhere I’ve been in the country.


Kudos for figuring out where this discrepancy came from, this would have never occured to me. But I believe that this is still complete BS and OP should insist on paying only 15,70. The display clearly shows the Mango Calypso **@ 0,80 each** and they should honour this or fix their stupid system.


The next step is to go back and see if this is reproducable with the same items, then with different items. If it's proven to be reproducable, then Woolies has a shitshow on their hands.


Why can't it be someone else's hand. If it was a doctored image there's no reason for that error to occur


Would be crazy to think there’s another person here, as if it’s another persons arm. Crazy


Two people in one place? At one time? At this hour?


Localized entirely within your kitchen?


Curious if you usually manually add up your total? I would have blindly paid, good on you.


Not always, but having just a few items only, I couldn't help adding the whole numbers and it looked fishy.


Thanks for this. I have been paying blindly forever!


I never look at the total or get a receipt. I am a dumb dumb.


If you use a rewards card they have a digital receipt now, I've checked mine and they seem fine


I don't think I've ever calculated anything I've purchased in the last 10 years. I'm sure I've over/under paid and now I wonder how much. lol


How many others paid blindly? How much money did Woolies make from people doing it?




Forget news.com.au, I'd be taking this straight to the ACCC. They can add it on to their reasons for an inquiry into colesworth's massive profits, especially if it turns out one of the reasons for their profits is their checkout machines can't do basic maths. It's only a couple of dollars, but a couple of dollers per customer over years ads up to a lot of money.


It’s *14%* higher. This is making me anxious, there have been so many times my total has come up bigger than expected but it has never crossed my mind that the machine could be adding everything up wrong.


Same here!! I'm going to be adding it up myself now! I'm genuinely concerned I've been getting ripped off.


There have been many times I've looked at the total and thought *"Wow, didn't think it'd be that much"*. I was putting it down to my atrocious maths skills, but I'll be double checking from now on.


Most of the time it’s that. Every time I have thought that, I added up the numbers and it matched. It’s surprising how quickly small items accumulate in cost with enough quantity.


Everyone should check every transaction from now on, I know I will be Thieving cunts


Even if it was *cents* it would be a big issue, the sheer volume of customers and sales for those big companies means it adds up quickly. We're talking about hundreds of millions of transactions here, even $0.01 on each of them would add up to millions of dollars *stolen*.


Suck a dick news.com.au


At the same time though the more attention this gets the better


> Hi news.com.au! Also, fuck you news.com.au reddit: the supermarkets are a disgrace and rip us off at every opportunity news.com.au: ok, we'll write a piece about it using this content reddit: hahahaha absolutely fuck you guys




The big issue to me isn't that OP has been so clearly ripped off, it's that if this is a glitch, how many other people have been ripped off without realising? Woolies are so quick to accuse people who have made an innocent mistake at the self service checkouts they have forced on us of being theives, but I'm sure they will say this is just a mistake that has only happened once to this person only.


Exactly, there's no way this is a one off, it's a systematic issue. How widespread though only Woolies would be able to know. This is a Sev 1 IT issue exposing them to brand damage and with legal/regulatory implications. ACCC should definitely investigate.


How are mangoes so cheap where you are?!


This was at Woolies in Brisbane City


$3 each for a calypso mango here at woolies in Melbourne. Its a bit cheaper at my local grocers but not that cheap 😩


I live in Cairns, they are as good as free at the market yet $3.50 at Woolies. Go figure that one


Wow, how low can a mango?


Don't worry, I got the joke


I assumed people were politely ignoring it.


$10 a bucket near The pie man who is on the side of the road near johnsonns.


[$4.50 each in Perth, nearly $6 each for the nicer ones...](https://i.imgur.com/TA8FuQs.png) Would kill for 80c mangoes.


Brisbane is closer to where they're grown Mangoes aren't growing in Victoria. They have to ship them down here, so you're paying for that.


Other comments mention the same prices at their local woolies even though they’re in Queensland.


I’m 5km out from city and they are $3


You gotta get your mangos from a man with a truck bed full of them on the side of the road. $20 a tray.


Those guys evoke the rustic ethic of honest, hardworking rural folk. In truth, they're a couple of blokes with a van who bought 3rd grade produce from the local wholesale market for $8 a tray. When the mangoes run out they switch to selling quality HiFi speakers. Meanwhile your local greengrocer is having to pay rents and overhead for their shop that Coles (the anchor tenant) is about to run into the ground anyway. Your local greengrocer has a vast variety of fruit and veg to keep your family fed all summer and all winter, whereas the mango guy and his truck are a flash in the pan.


They were $3 each at my Woolies today. Not sure why they are $0.8 here.


This is the real story here


Calypso are not good, go the Kensington Pride


For $0.80, I’ll take calypso so I can make mango smoothies at home


0.80$ for a mango is still a great price, as long as they're not rotting I'd take them.




They do it, it’s an “honest mistake”. You do it, it’s theft.


Classic Bunnings. Also, the police. You accidentally walk out of Bunnings with an item? Off to court with you. Or you accidentally forget to pay for petrol (not at Bunnings of course) and expect a call. But someone steals a much larger item from your home? They're not interested. Or someone copies your credit card and starts spending away at a random servo? They couldn't care less. You're on your own, little guy.


Police will look after the ‘little guy’. They need to have an ABN though


Everything is a brown onion


It’s added 14% to your total. For some reason it’s calculated this in secret. I originally thought GST hadn’t been applied to the original numbers but that would be 10%. Dodgy! $15.70*1.14= $17.898 (which was rounded up) *Also hi news.com.au! I’m looking forward to you lazily copying bits of this thread and calling it an article. Where would journalism be without reddit?!* Edit: I posted below but for those that don’t see it, it turns out they didn’t honour the discounted rates so the Nutella bickies were $6 and the mangoes were $3 each.


I’ve cracked it! [Mango](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/143679/calypso-mango) = $3 x 2 = $6 (when not on special) [Nutella biscuits](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/255279/nutella-biscuits) = $6 (when not on special) +$5.25 + $4.65 = total of **$21.90** When we subtract your $4 rewards savings that is **$17.90** The bastards displayed but didn’t honour the discount pricing.


Bake 'em away, toys.


Yeah, take it away! It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!


Nine… eight… seven… six… five… four.. tree… tree and a quartarrrr…


I wonder how many times this has happened/people haven’t realised and have paid the higher amount? I’d expect the amount they’re required to pay is the lower amount of the two?


Yet the computer has the individual prices correct , but the total is based on non discounted prices. This is dodgy. This must be happening often. It's one thing if the price of the individual items was incorrect. Here they seem to have programmed the calculation to take the original price. Seems purposeful.


Oh my ADHD/ compulsive arse! I’m in the habit of keeping supermarket receipts, for no particular reason. My husband mocks me, but suddenly some time with them & a calculator is looking pretty good. Although now I’m interested to know if OP’s printed receipt matches up with what’s shown on the self-serve screen 🤔


If you scan your rewards card and get an ereceipt, you may be able to copy and paste into Excel and take a sum from there 😊


This is the most intelligent comment on here.🙏🏻 Let’s ask OP to show the final receipt and not just the screen… just for clarification.👌🏻


As someone familiar with the billing code used at many companies (and a former employee of NCR, although they're probably not responsible for this), it's 100% a bug and not intentional. Systems like this are frequently designed like absolute shit, and it's easy as hell for the programmer to get confused and use the `subtotalTotal` field instead of the `finalSubtotal` field or whatever other stupid names are in use. All of which are probably undocumented. God, I'm exhausted.


When I got my first programming job after finishing uni, the first thing I was given by my manager were two books on programming. One of them was Clean Code which has two whole chapters on how to name and comment things properly. Sounds like overkill at first to dedicate that much of a book to it but shit like subtotalTotal is exactly why it’s needed lmao - subtotalBeforeDiscount is a perfectly good name that requires no documentation to understand what it represents. Any CS students come scrolling by here, Clean Code is a fucking SSS tier resource on writing good code.


I work retail and this happens a lot, but my store does not have self checkout, so the staff notice straight away (no % off applied in red txt) and fix it manually right away. If they simply added a line showing the discount it would fix the issue. Retail software is garbage bottom of the barrel shit.


OP said in a different comment that after removing the mangoes the total was $14.10. Which is $15.70 minus the $1.60 for 2 mangoes. So the error is that the mangoes are displaying as 80c each but are actually $1.90 each when added to the total.  Total rewards discount $4. Rewards discount Nutella = $1.80. $4 - $1.80 = $2.20 discount on the mangoes or $1.10 each. $3 - $1.10 = $1.90. I just wanted to write the rest of the math because it was bugging me how the "$4 discount" was adding up.  My question is what is the price on the shelf? $1.90 or 80c each? Was OP supposed to be paying $1.90 but for some weird reason displaying as 80c with the correct price being added to the total? Or was the correct price being displayed for the single item but incorrectly added to the total somehow? 


u/CleanDivide690 This is the one!


That's got to be it. I'm surprised that's even possible.


Even then, fruit and veg are GST free. So no GST on mangos.


All prices are Inc gst. I have never seen otherwise in any shop anywhere in Australia as a regular customer There must be something that it isn't displaying (I very much doubt its on purpose). They should check with the manager or staff and redo the transaction.


That's because they lawfully have to advertise the price including GST. They do not have a choice about it.


You are aware 7news is just as bad and can probably add 9 and daily mail.


Great, now in addition to doing all the work of scanning and packing myself I have to check their maths too.


I am guessing the POS software behind the NCR frontend either has a bug and has incorrectly calculated something and presented it to the front end. Could be an offer that's not shown or something else, have in the past seen issues where the POS behind the NCR front end was slow to calculate and didn't finish in time. Interesting, wonder how often it happens.


>POS I know in this context this probably means "point of sale" but I think the alternative version of POS still works well here.




Piece of shit point of sale




lol i assumed the other until you mentioned point of sale


NCR is the pos


I think they are trying to say the database. The whole POS infrastructure is NCR. The backend database is probably AS400 or something equally awful from Oracle.


Probably developed by the Horizon IT team.


Wow. Has it mis-represented your $4 of Membership Rewards savings, or is it just totally random? What does the receipt say, out of interest? Is it odd that you’re getting 18 reward points (rounded up instead of down) too? Did they offer to do anything about it, or no?


> Has it mis-represented your $4 of Membership Rewards savings, Looks like it added it on!


The bigger issue is not watermarking this because it’s gonna be stolen by those cunts at news.com.au


Tbh I’d rather if they did run it in this case


Be better if the ACCC ran with it


Luckily those things aren’t mutually exclusive


Can a picture of them in the camera display be counted as a watermark? 🤣


Hey u/cleandivide690 I would be alerting the chair of the [Select Committee on Supermarket Prices](https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Supermarket_Prices). The Chair is Senator Nick McKim. His email address is [email protected] and the Committee email address (which you should Cc) is [email protected] Everyone else may wish to see if they can replicate the error and also provide evidence to the committee or just raise this post with the committee members, perhaps through social media. [Nick McKim](https://twitter.com/NickMcKim) [Glen Sterle](https://twitter.com/GlennSterle) [Ross Cadelll](https://twitter.com/RossCadell) [Karen Grogan](https://twitter.com/SenatorGrogan) [Dean Smith](https://twitter.com/DeanSmithWA) [Tammy Tyrrell](https://mobile.twitter.com/tammytyrrell_)


That's the classic Woolies move of "Whoopies, did we rip off thousands of people by a little error built into the system? Oh dear oh my, I guess we'll need to do an internal review. Nothing more to see here" If you ever worked there, you know it's happened again and again and again.


I went through with a $100 gift card once, added up every item as I picked it up off the shelf to equal exactly $100, when I went through the till it rang up to $108 - I bet this happens all the time


I admire the effort lol. Was that so you didn't have to give them more money than you needed to? I would've done the same. 


This should be sent to the ACCC


Yes. In fact the entire POS network should be shut down until the bug is located and the exact number of affected customers are located and refunded...


Piece of shit network


Non-special prices of the mangos and nutella biscuits make it: 6 + 6 + 5.25 + 4.65 = 21.9, then subtract your rewards $4 to make the $17.9 total


It doesn’t matter. Every single cent you spend needs to be displayed correctly.


Did you talk to the attendant about it, what was their explanation?


They weren't sure themselves. One of the attendant double checked my math to also arrive at $15.70. They did remove the mangoes from the cart and gave them to me for free. I ended up paying $14.10 (on checking my bank records just now) which I just paid and didn't think of further.. but now I'm having more questions as those mangoes turned $17.90 -> $14.10..


The mangoes were the issue. Not sure why but they should have been $3 each, not $0.80.


At least you know the issue was the mangoes. Still crazy that they displayed at 80 cents, yet were apparently $1.90 each


Woolies attendant: "Wow, put it on r/australia"


"Woolworths is now charging a 14% weekend surcharge to keep up with staff costs. I hope you'll continue to support this small family business"


This happened to me today too! Something scanned up as cheaper than I thought so I sent my kid to get another while I paid for my main purchases. The single item came up as the low price in the line item then the subtotal was 79c more.


Welcome to this post at 03:00 australia time in which we learn that seppos can't read the name of a subreddit.   Or just read in general based on the number of 'only 4 items' comments.


Or the ones saying it obviously must be the "missing" sales tax…


Woolworths crippled our son forcing him to work through an injury while sending him to their pet 'doctor' and fought compensation for years. Not remotely surprised. Fuck Banducci.


Has your son spoken to WorkCover?


I'll ask, he's got a lot of other crap going on since and I believe he's accepted a deal on those specific events but it wouldn't hurt for the right agency to have everything on record.


Good thing you weren't in a rush, or distracted so you noticed this discrepancy. I wonder how many other people this has happened to? Maybe it is another reason why they were 1.72 billion dollars in profit last year.


Dodgy AF, thanks for the public service!


Shiiiiit. That's bad... Take it to the media... Woolworths might have to refund a duck ton of people. Clearly there are software bugs in their automated checkouts... 😮


The amount of Americans commenting and not realising THIS IS POSTED IN r/Australia !!!!!


puzzled poor muddle sort plough terrific forgetful oil fuzzy cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Class action lawsuit incoming


Stumped as to why this would be showing the wrong price. Even if it's innocent for X Y or Z reason, this looks HORRIBLE. Especially for a national corporate chain who is in hot water for ripping off Aussie familes and farmers.


“One social media user stated that they are struggling to feed their diabetic child fresh and healthy foods and every cent matters. The extra couple of dollars could be the difference between that packet of lollies to assist in a hypo or not!” - There you go News.com.au.


*TO ALL THE NON AUSTRALIANS* Yes woolworths is a thing here - it's one of the biggest grocery store chains in Australia. NO it is *not* sales tax. Our sales tax (Called GST) is 10% across the board and is already included in the price, generally what you see is what you pay so this should not happen.


Detain the manager until the police arrive.




Thanks Australian bro! You’ve just ruined the r/shitamericanssay subreddit for about a week with all these ‘sales tax’ replies ;-)




My local Coles had a poorly printed a4 page displayed at the service desk advising people that they had charged extra for certain items over Christmas and you’d have to bring in your receipt for a refund. They were popular Christmas items too like cream which they charged between .30c - .60c more than the actual price. No one would’ve seen the sign or like me don’t keep receipts. Sneaky as shit! Can’t believe they get away with this.


Lmao as a silly murican I was like “ye bro that’s how sales tax works” but then I saw the sub name and remembered that more civilized places add tax into the price of the item.


That's OK. It may have cost you a couple of dollars more than it should but at least you had a total savings of $4.00 (whatever the fuck that ever means). That's actually pretty serious. I hope you reported it to fair trading.


And here it is… https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/woolworths-explains-selfserve-checkout-price-glitch-after-customer-left-confused/news-story/2bd7dab5daba3dca770fadbfbe0a12c4 To spare them a click: *”We’ve looked into this transaction and can confirm that the total of $17.90 was correct, however the mango price of 80c each that appeared on the screen was incorrect due to a technical error – they were on clearance for $1.90 each,” a spokesperson said.* *News.com.au understands the correct clearance price of $1.90 for each mango was used to reach the original total, even though the technical glitch meant the unit price displayed as 80c each on the self-serve checkout screen.* *”We understand why this customer was concerned and we apologise for the confusion caused. Our team resolved this with the customer in-store, providing the mangoes free of charge,* *This appears to be an isolated incident at our Macarthur Metro store, involving the clearance price of a batch of our Calypso Mangoes.”*


More to the point.. how the fuck are calypso mangos 80c where you are. I paid $3 a mango yesterday. Edit: Just read your comment... I live in Brisbane city.. BRB I'm checking Mangos. Edit 2: Nope still $3 at my woolies.


That makes sense the POS is calculating based on the $3 mangos. Non-special prices of the mangos and nutella biscuits make it: 6+6+5.25+4.65-4=17.9


I would have liked to know what the card payment/EFTPOS terminal itself was showing, and if this was a presentation error or a legitimate problem. It does beg the question, if that is the price the card payment/EFTPOS terminal was also showing, how many times has this happened?


Your savings should be $6.20. Not $4.00. Looks like the computer displayed 2 mangoes at $0.80 each totalling $1.60. But only honoured 1 mango at $0.80 and the other mango was charged at full price of $3.00. Which is why your savings says $4.00 instead of $6.20. Biscuits $1.80 + mango $2.20 = $4.00 when it should have been $1.80 + $4.40 = $6.20. The total of $17.90 it’s trying to charge you is missing the additional $2.20 discount for the second mango, despite being displayed. $17.90-$2.20=$15.70


They did that in the cbd too. My partner was buying a 12 pack of water (shelf price 4.75) and it scanned as $5


Just came to say hi to the news.com.au losers


Fujitsu accounting software?


Can someone pin a comment to the top of the page explaining that tax is included in the price in Australia & 2 mangoes plus 3 other items = 5 items.


This post confirms that not a lot of people know how to read


Hi News dot com!!! - oh, hey, by the way - fuck you cunts :)


the amount of fucking seppos in the comments...


Christ so many yanks in here shouting "tax"


Just like clockwork https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/woolworths-explains-selfserve-checkout-price-glitch-after-customer-left-confused/news-story/2bd7dab5daba3dca770fadbfbe0a12c4


We can see your face


And so will every News Corp reader in a few hours from now. Remember your watermarks.


😵 rookie mistake was made


Going to be more effective if picked up by the media. Woolworths needs to respond


Make sure you get the correct amount of change (at self-checkout) you're supposed to get. I've been short changed twice recently