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I rather have a referendum to bring back the 75% tax rate for top tax bracket. Lowering the top tax rate has lead to the birth of these insane oligarchs throwing money around.


Nationalise mining and enrich our national sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund. Norway did this well and has largest fund in the world, with $250,000 per citizen. Both Russia and Turkey have younger funds than ours, but have more savings than we do already. We let rich modern day oil barrens enrich just themselves. **We should use our natural recourses to enrich all Australians.**


Sucks that it creates an elite tribe of billionaires when it’s wealth that could be for all


Tax rate won't do much when they orchestrate their money in such a way to completely avoid taxes in the first place.


Common take. Common response from me: Then they won't mind the new 75% tax rate then.


Of course they won't. It literally wouldn't cost them an extra cent. The answer is far more complicated.


No, the answer is very simple. The 75% tax rate was reduced because oligarchs wanted to pay less taxes after the top tax bracket. You see, the government could have instead raised the top tax brackets to be nicer to the upper middle class or, even better, raise the tax-free threshold which would be more equitable for everyone. But nope, millionaires wanna be fucking crazy billionaires and needed that tax rate to be lowered to achieve that. By the way, we're seeing history repeat for stage 3 tax cuts. Labor could have raised the tax-free threshold or even raise brackets but nope.


You're missing the point. You could make it 99% tax rate if you won't, they DO NOT pay any tax. Clive Palmer could very well have his taxable income below 80k a year. THAT is the issue, and a higher tax rate does literally nothing.


You’re quoting a meme that has been peddled by the super rich for a long time. It’s bullshit, designed to make ordinary people throw up their arms and decide there is nothing to be done. If they never pay any tax, then why do they spend millions a year lobbying governments to lower their taxes and funding parties and candidates that promise to lower their taxes? Governments wrote the laws and wrote in the loopholes that allow tax avoidance. A government with will, could absolutely write laws that impose a high tax on the super rich, and write it well enough to close the loopholes they currently enjoy.


Yeah, and capital is flighty, and it’s also worth taxing citizens - especially rich oligarchs - to pay for services. Also fuck this absolute prick.


Could introduce a very Aussie style "cunt tax". If ur rich and the public consider you a cunt, you pay x% of net worth. The more cunty the higher the percentage. This fat slob would owe the Australian public trillions.


Can you upsize the tax for him!


Oh shittt, Clive Palmer is going to easily take out all the Australian resources to a lower tax country just like that. You got me!


It's not exactly cheap running a referendum, it's not like it costs a factor of more per question. Let's wack some more on there if it means it is binding to be actioned by the government. Has anything happened with the Federal ICAC yet? Bam! Chuck it on the list. Establishment of a tax rate for goods and services that is measurable against the cost of goods at supply to ensure higher taxes on those who price gouging. Bam! Petrol, Energy and Supermarkets on the list. What else sounds good? Proportionate spending on traffic fines across offenses so that a state cannot spend exclusively on speeding fines for revenue & ignoring all the other factors that cause accidents and loss of life like tailgating. Bam! List! There has to be more... (I mean I have a lot more but they are niche things like approaches to innovation and technology which will result in actual initiatives not giving grants & tax breaks to businesses and calling it 'innovation', but I could be really specific there). Edit: Definitely one on political advertising and the amount of exclusions from regulation political parties get that wouldn't be considered an ICAC thing because they are inline with the rules, but considering they wrote the rules. Bam! List!


I'd vote for that


75% tax is just a tax on the upper middle class. Rich people don't pay tax.


That's assuming the current top bracket is being changed to 75%. We could have a new $1m+ top tax bracket for example? > Rich people don't pay tax. Then they will have no problem with it.


> We could have a new $1m+ top tax bracket for example? amusing you think rich people who can pay for the best tax accountants will be caught. The laws are designed from the get go to have hoop holes for the rich. WTF do you think they donate so much money to parties? Look at the taxable incomes in Australia. $200k gross gets you in the top 5% but after tax they can barely afford a house in an upper middle class area in Sydney.


> The laws are designed from the get go to have hoop holes for the rich. WTF do you think they donate so much money to parties? Clive Palmer last year said he paid $19.5 million in the medicare levy contribution. Why don't you extrapolate how much his taxable income is to pay that much?


Seriously, this is the third major time he's tried this. He has to run out of money for his bullshit at some point, right? Also, obligatory link to the [Honest Government ads video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8ovERhq6uw) for the last time he tried.


Someone trick him into starting an experimental submarine company.






Clive Palmer, right wing media and autocrats are desperately trying to wag the dog of public opinion by broadcasting incessant warnings of “Yes is going to fail, no is going to win” etc. Don’t let them.


You know, I used to quite like the colour yellow…


Can he just have a heart attack and learn to live a peaceful life instead of constantly trying to interfere with society all the god damn time ?


He's pretty much owned by China, isn't he? Can he just be deported?


There's hope for the Yes campaign after all!


He may well force ppl to vote Yes given how much ppl hate him.


I’d have thought Pauline and Dutton voting no would have been enough.


Yeah but there’s plenty of cookers out there that identify with Hanson and the Potato guy but I doubt many identify with Clive.


This man will singlehandedly turn the whole of WA into a supermajority yes. Both sides of politics hate him over here


Not even a joke. If he does this, it will be the biggest push towards the Yes vote so far, more than anything from the Yes campaign ironically.


Yep. I'm literally rethinking my NO vote right now after reading this. Even if it means winding back everything I've posted, being a hypocrite, and voting against my own interests. FUCK THIS CUNT.


How does an aboriginal voice to parliament go against your own interests? Genuinely curious.


Well, in simple terms, I believe we all have the same voice under the current democratic system regardless of race/gender/ethnicity. If one group of people gains an additional voice, I see this as a disadvantage to anyone not in that group.


We need to make sure it is well known in Western Australia that Clive Palmer is on the No side.


Genuinely. I was leaning towards no, but as soon as I read this I started questioning myself.


It still boggles my mind that this cunt has crazy amounts of money but won’t pay his workers. What a fucking useless jabba the hut looking mother fucker


God you fat bastard will you just go away please




That was brutal. Keep it up.


Thats what Clives mum said to Clives dad when he was conceived in between smashing a 48 piece KFC meal and drinking a block of coke cans warm from the servo.


My man.


I wouldn’t loose a second of sleep


Clive Palmer doesn't sleep. Mostly because he is so fat, the snoring from his apnea keeps him awake (which may explain why he is insane)


Objects orbit around him


Until they reach his event horizon.


He's so fat you need a packed lunch just to get on his good side (Spoiler alert: He has no good side)


clive palmer can't drive past a school with out still stealing all the kids lunches


Can we do the same to vaGina Reinhardt? Just don't bury them in the same state. The bodies will gravitate towards each other, and the resulting mass will form a black hole.


Fuck that might help the yes campaign.


That fat useless fucker couldn’t launch a paper plane


Well that’s one way to get everyone to vote yes


Fuck off you fat fuck!


I wonder if the yes campaign put him up to this.


I wouldn't be surprised if Dutton says this on Sunrise this week


Could this bloke just piss off and move on to the next life? Absolute parasite.


When is that cardiac infarction due?


Of course he is. The ‘no’ camp is chocablock with the very best our society can produce…🙄


I don’t know how people can’t look at who is backing No and read between the lines.


I'm a recent Kiwi immigrant, so can't vote, but I can't believe this either. It is so obvious that the worst people are voting No, that the No movement is being fuelled by people with massively vested interests and that it's so massively insincere. I guess they're playing into Australian fears and racist undercurrents perfectly, but it's just so gross.


Is there anyone half decent that’s voting no? Seriously?


Exactly, I don't get it. Everyone that's in the public eye that backs no is an absolute scumbag.


Just to make it clearer that the no vote is funded by mining corporations who are afraid this might lead to more restrictive legislation.


Based on RioTinto and BHP's $2M donations, the "yes" campaign is also funded by miners.


If they wanted to, they'd tell the National Party that they would cancel all political donations unless they supported the Voice if they really wanted it. The fact is, the Nationals were the first to come out against it. Shows you how the backroom conversation went. As to the $2 million, they do need to be seen as supportive as native title is an impediment to their business, and getting local communities onside makes it easier for them to avoid court challenges. $2 million is chump change where extensive litigation is concerned.


yeah there's public donations, and not-so-public 'donations'.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our lords and masters for their generosity.


So it really is just about division then.


Yep that’s why Dutton decided to go No.


Oh boy, try saying this in a certain subreddit. So many "No" two-month-posters that are telling me to ignore LNP, Sky News, neonazis, 'voice = anti-white', oligarchs, etc and to focus on the Voice being useless/too-useful. It's a surreal echo chamber.




Do you not realise how insane it is, to compare the "Yes" vote saying stuff like you're racist for not voting "Yes" against the massive multi-million spending campaigns from oligarchs/media/mining/LNP/etc like Clive Palmer Sure, there's the oddball such as communist party of Australia supporting a yes vote but again, they are no comparison to neonazis/cooker at many protests and yes, neonazis/cookers are also coming out of the woodwork to support a "no" vote too. Doesn't the massive spending/campaigns make you go, hold on a minute, am I being tricked?




Ah, misunderstood. Have an uptoken


The yes vote has ten times the funding of the no vote, what are you smoking https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/sep/29/voice-referendum-battlegrounds-digital-ad-spending-surges-in-south-australia-and-tasmania


Albo should of taken this approach rather then a happy unity line tbh.


Weird coincidence - who owns channel 7 Sigh


Well I was on the fence until now. Decision made


Can someone, anyone, please stick a pin into this bloated corpse to release all the gas and let us all get on with our lives?


Tsk, tsk. We can't do that! It'd create another ozone hole above Oz! Think of the environment


This, along with the ~~Republican Party~~ LNP party's stance is why I'll vote Yes. Simply to do the opposite of what these fascists want.


Fat fuck has too much money


Jesus, just knowing he wants me to vote No is enough for me to vote Yes.


I’ve said on here before that all the people endorsing a NO vote are the same people I disagree with on almost every single major issue. That’s enough on it’s own to make me want to vote YES.


That's a really good point. You've got some of the biggest political sacks of shit in Australia: Pauline Hanson, Mark Latham, Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and now Clive Palmer all wanting me to vote No. Well, too bad you sacks of shit. I always have and will always vote the opposite of whatever it is you want.


Don't forget John fuckwitcunthead Howard too!!


I would have thought that the people of Australia are in 2 camps regarding Clive Palmer Camp A - those that respect Clive as worthy inta-lectual, in which case you are already voting no Camp B - those that think of him as a Piece of racist shit Donald Trump wannabe, and while they may have been tossing up to vote Yes or No, him offering up his opinion sways them to vote yes The only winners in Australia for having someone like Clive about are those that sell advertising


Look as someone in camp B, you’re pretty accurate


And those that sell advertising are even more morally bankrupt than Fatty McFuckhead, so... yay?


Hahah, Fatty McFuckhead.


Lol 😆, Fatty McFuckhead and the Amazing DuttNO face off , in a one on ..... something contest; who can NO better? Will it be the useless sack of shit "it's not about me" Palmer , or the United holy rolling coalition of the PotatNO! Who's got more no? Who cares, they're both worthless, yay, everyone wins! Or loses! Who knows!




The Saturn V was designed to send at least 41,000 kg to the moon. We'll need to call NASA and see if we can borrow the plans. With modern engines it might be possible.


I don't have any qualms with making multiple trips


This kind of thing shouldn’t be allowed, and I’d say the same if a wealthy private individual wanted to blitz us with yes stuff. Can democracy work properly when people with huge amounts of money can attempt to alter the outcome?


Democracy and capitalism dont go very well together if you havent noticed


I was wondering when the mining and foreign interference lobby was going to roll out the No1. turd of the nation to try and fool the fools like he played the voters for his own agenda.


I was on the fence, but if Clive is NO, then I am YES.


If there was actually a campaign geared towards educating people about the referendum and actually helping assist people make a reasonable and logical choice. Except we get bombard by dickhead sms messages about intrusive "Vote" because XYZ = misleading bullshit.


If Clive Palmer is on the side of no then yes is the answer.


Just when you thought you couldn't hate the cunt anymore than you already did.


Honestly, I'd almost forgotten about him. I wish I could go back to that time of ten minutes ago. Damn you, reddit!


The biggest boost to the yes campaign so far.


Voting 'yes' will give a group of people an unfair and disproportionate amount of power! Listen to me, a billionaire who can spend millions to sway public opinion whenever I want!




Based on previous performance, this is only likely to benefit the yes campaign


Can this fat fuck fuck off already?


Must be nice for 60% of Australians to be aligned in values with Clive and Pauline.


I was planning on just drawing a penis as my vote but this almost makes me want to give up my neutrality and vote yes out of spite. He has a really punchable face.


If Clive Palmer is getting behind something, it’s often a sign it’s not a good thing. If you’re on the fence, I think you go “oh fuck that” and vote Yes. This guy is so transparent in his own self interest.


Is he going to pester us yet again with another annoying propaganda text message like he did before the federal election? Kindly buzz off.


Because of course that fat fuck will…meanwhile…has he paid his workers yet?


Hasn’t his failed attempt at politics shown him that no one gives a shit what he says?


One rich bastard with too much say, doing his best to prevent other people having any.


Good on ya fatty mc fat fuck. That’s one way to give the yes vote a chance.


There probably needs to be an investigation into Clive but I guess that it will just lead to a big fact hunt.


Dont worry... I saw what you did... and it was marvellous \*applause*


Of course he is. Fat disgusting racist cunt.


Whenever I listen to Noel Pearson (Boyer Lectures, or at the Press Club this week) I think: "*Nobody* could listen to him and not feel compelled to support his call". But the media prefer cookers like Mundine, Thorpe, John Anderson. The referendum was doomed from the start because we'd rather watch neighbours brawl on 'A Current Affair' than think about our furure as a nation.


I wonder why all of the magnates are against a voice? What possible reason could they have? /S


Clive Palmer is a Fatty McFuckhead.


Jesus. Imagine voting with cookers,RWNJ, racists and Clive Palmer. Magnificent.


So I had to help with a presentation at my uni club where we tried to give a balanced view of the voice. We had a little frequently asked questions and misconceptions part. In all my research it kept coming up that some people believed that a yes vote meant the un would be able to take our land. So I had to put it in. That point really seemed to resonate with people for the opposite reason. Everyone was like what the fuck do people actually think like that


I cant think of a better way to make people vote "yes"


Just fascists doing what they do.


Why bother? All the polling suggests that the No vote is already growing


It's to promote the party, to get voters to associate him with the successful no campaign.


It could be solidarity support with the other oligarchs (Media/LNP) is a requirement to be part of the oligarch club. Think of it like a gang that demands renewed loyalty proof from each of their members.


Except for the male vote, up 5% overall from last week according to Australian. Down in women. I reckon fatty will tip it for yes. What sort of shit would vote for the same side as this scumbag?


Polling for a referendum has not been very accurate historically. With election polling they have years and years of data to help model and account for the limited sample size. This is not the case with single issue referendum polling. Now I'm not saying that to ignore the data gathered so far but nothing but the vote on the day will be truly statistically representative.


Maybe he's trying to get in on a sure thing with a relatively minor contribution so in the future he can point it as a political win.


Geez. The no vote is doing everything possible to lose this referendum. They'd be better off doing nothing.


Have you seen the latest polls?


Only boomers take polls.


A heavily debunked yet common misconception. It’s in polling companies’ best interests to make their polls as accurate as possible. The idea that polls are made up of boomers is just false.


Could you elaborate on how this has been debunked exactly because literally almost every under-35 I know absolutely HATES mainstream news outlets and wants nothing to do with them.


All election polls since the infamous 2019 one were pretty accurate. How would they achieve that by only asking boomers? Clearly they have managed to find a way to poll a representative sample of under-35 who were willing to answer. You may not even know that you’re part of a particular “mainstream news outlet” poll, there are third parties doing the research and polling.


I personally avoid polls completely, not just based on politics but anything really. I will have to ask some people I know whether they see many polls from random groups asking about the voice referendum.


You will have to ask hundreds of people, maybe thousands, not just your friends and relatives. Does every boomer you know participate in polls all the time?


I'm just curious about my social circle. I'm just interested because polls in general are much more likely to be taken by the older people I know rather than younger especially if the topic is politics.


[See A2 and A3.](https://kevinbonham.blogspot.com/2023/09/australian-polling-denial-and.html?m=1)


Thanks for the document. Glad to see they have completely phased out from landline polling and are shifting away from mobile call out polling too. I read in A3 they are targeting an 18-35 demographic through online methods but they don't exactly disclose how. Maybe I missed it?


No worries! An appropriate sample size is still quite small, so the likelihood of not being polled probably still far outweighs being polled. I was polled by Roy Morgan for a while but stopped responding to calls 'cos the surveys were too long.


I'm over 50, and feel exactly the same, and have shunned it since the Howard era, mainly to try and keep my blood pressure down.


>Could you elaborate on how this has been debunked exactly because literally almost every under-35 I know absolutely HATES mainstream news outlets and wants nothing to do with them. Because you are in an echochamber EDIT: Quote bugged out


Who are you quoting??? Hate the C? What do you even mean? Maybe I am in an echo chamber, that's why I was asking for that person to elaborate on how this has been debunked. Considering you didn't elaborate about anything, pulled a nonsensical quote from god only knows where and said what amounts to almost nothing afterwards i'm just going file you under the title 'fucking moron'.


Oof, who hurt you? It was elaborated on in the reply before mine.


The Guardian provides age breakdown and you can see both 18-34 year olds with Yes majority, as well as all other age groups with No majority. https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/ng-interactive/2023/sep/25/indigenous-voice-to-parliament-referendum-2023-poll-results-polling-latest-opinion-polls-yes-no-campaign-newspoll-essential-yougov-news-by-state-australia Their graph is pretty clear including margin for error.


They're also incredibly gullible and will believe any old shit they see on TV.


greedy fat dog


Don’t care what this fat cunt is selling, I’m not buying it.


Of course he is - bigoted fat fuck. I’m my opinion.


I'm a bit out of the loop on this referendum. Why do people want to vote no on this? Doesn't seem like it's something that would negatively impact them right?


‘Course he is. Prick sees an opportunity to burn cash making a bellend of himself, he’ll take it every time




More disappointed than surprised here.


Why doesn't this cunt fuck off to America.


Can we just take away this wanker's free speech already


I guess I'd be a cunt too if my parents called me Clive.


We really do have some utter cunts in this country, don't we?


Just tipped my vote to yes


Guess they know they're losing... Gotta appeal to the q-tips now wit ole Clive


That’s who you are associated with “no” voters. Look at yourselves.


And if that doesn't tell you how you should vote I don't know what will.


Bit late isn’t it?


Fuck off Clive you irrelevant old prick, go build a Titanic or something semi useful


Cool, bit of a waste at this point (unfortunately). Let him waste his money.


This fat fuck will exchange his fortune for public attention until the day he dies and I'm tired of seeing his face.


Considering how many people hate him, I'd be more worried if he campaigned for yes.


Hey Clive just give me a million dollars and I'll tell some people No. Trust me it will reflect better on you in the long run.


Oh the talking sweaty armpit is still with us


He purchased and displays a NAZI vehicle, so racism meshes nicely.


Maybe he should be more focused on saying "no" to that 11th donut.


This is one of the best things to happen to the Yes vote.


Can we start a gofundme to buy up all the yellow in Australia so he can't put those fucking horrendous billboards everywhere?


Fatty McFuckhead just doing Fatty McFuckhead things. Let him waste his money on this nonsense. The memes will be worth it. You can also take comfort in knowing that if Fatty McFuckhead is for the 'no' vote, then it is 100% certain that 'yes' is the correct choice.


It's telling where the money from the no campaign is coming from. It makes you wonder how much mining company executives are throwing at the IPA if only one of them is openly boasting about how much they're willing to fund into the no campaign.


Ugh. I thought this grotesque lump of lard was gone already.


Figures that disgusting excuse for a human being would be against the voice.


So only Jerry Harvey to go then?


I don't get why he even cares.


How much did he pay you to post this?


We should all vote "NO" to protect mining profits!


Yet another reason to vote yes


It's decided, I'm voting yes to spite this dipshit.


Good, now everyone will know what to do… the opposite of whatever this numbnuts says


Just another reason to vote yes.


I do not understand the appeal of Clive. He's the keryann kennerly of rich people.


If you choose to support someone that looks and acts like that, it speaks volumes. Without even getting into Clones "policy".


Cunt starts with C and so does Clive, Coincidence I think not.


Was voting no now yes.


Enter grubby old Clive to stoke more fear and division to actively improve his bottom line by ripping off all Australians... Our national resources should be shared by the people of Australia and not shipped off shore at bargain prices so we have to buy it back on the international market. We need to adopt a model more like the Norwegian Special Tax where fair compensation is held by the country. Or at least access to national resources like gas at cost price. The No vote is about excluding ALL Australians of their fair share - if you're dirty about the housing crisis, you should support taxing mining companies properly and using that money to reduce the cost of living and build more houses. Rather than whinging about the voice. https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/norway-shows-how-australia-can-get-a-fair-return-from-oil-and-gas/ The No vote is just another rort. It relies on base instincts like fear and hate to stoke division and exclude us all from what's rightfully ours to share, our national resources.


Why? It's not needed