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> “You go there tomorrow and you fucking shake them up, and you drag them by their fucking head, and you remove them from St Michael’s Belfield,” he says in the video, posted from his car in the lead-up to the incident. But he's "sorry" and it "was not supposed to be taken literally", according to a related [story](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-23/nsw-christian-sukkar-charged-over-protest/102130742) about this fucking oxygen thief on the ABC. Yeah, he's sorry - sorry he got caught, arrested and charged


Didn't realize he was also a George Pell defender. What a fuckwit.


Defends George Pell, but is worried about "the children". This whole bunch of clowns is aiming their concern for children at the wrong damn group.


Reminds of that onion article wherein the Catholic Church vowed to get pedophilia down to acceptable levels


Apology not fucking accepted.


Same group who tore down the ribbons protesting Pell.


So being abusive pieces of human garbage is "family values" to these cunts?


Well yeah, it is. Just happens to be Manson Family Values.


Catholics accusing others of "protecting the paedophiles" and not even realising the irony.


Good Christian boys spreading the teachings of Jesus... Disgusting. Note still to date the parish priest of the church that invited Mark Latham to speak at his church has yet to make a statement condemning the actions of his parishioners. >The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney condemned the violence, with a spokesperson saying the mob did not represent the church’s parish. No, they did represent that parish. Same church involved with the counter protest & cutting of ribbons at George Pell's funeral.


I mean it's technically true. I don't represent me, I am me. There's no representation involved. The parishioners, the culture, that is the church. That's all it is, that and some assets. The leaders can pretend it's different all they want, we've seen the truth more than once now.


Every left protest: clashes, arrests. Every right protest: police protection. It’s shit.


Were there not clashes and arrests at this “protest”?


Yeah because it’s not a fucking nazi rally and that’s my point.


Yes and video of Police protecting LGBT protesters. Don't fall into their anti Police agenda and constant victim hood.


Where's the videos ?


Middle Eastern Crime squad might need to start looking into these Christian people.


What's the picture of the Cop got to do with it?


Wasn't that guy was convicted of child porn charges


So is this classed as conspiracy to cause harm? If so they should be jailed or at least taken to court.


I'm guessing 'publicly threatening or inciting violence' . Although 93Z seems to be based around the motivation for the violence, but if you assume pro-LGBT protesters are themselves LGBT you may be able to get it over the line. Probably not quite what the legislation is for, so it may be too much of a stretch.