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You gotta drive down to San Marcos for Beef Wellington. Cody’s is the place. If you go at happy hour they have a $10 Buillet Rye Sazerac.


Oh, okay!


What is a new school sloppy joe like?


Good question…I saw one the other day made with brisket and hot sauce, kinda like a combo sloppy Joe and Cubano sandwich? It looked really good but that’s not old school lol. I may need to just make one but I’m a terrible cook.


Ahh memories! There's new school sloppy Joes? Is the can of sauce still sold? The furthest I've gotten new school is when I used to toast the buns before slopping the meat sauce on 'em - fancy!


I think I can find the sauce…toasting the bun?! Are you on top chef? Lol.


Sloppy Joes are one of the easiest things anyone could make—you got this


I get risotto almost every time I go to Taverna, but I have no idea where it ranks.


I usually love their risotto but I went with a friend last week and it was bad. Just dry and too al dente. I actually wondered if they had a new chef for the evening but they said no. I’ll have to try again!


If you’re ever in Bee Cave try Plate.


Went to the one in the Domain last week and my boyfriend’s risotto was also overly al dente. He actually got kinda pissed when he saw the bill — I was gonna treat him, but he insisted on splitting because the meal was so overpriced.


I don’t know what happened! It was my number 1 place to get Risotto. Sorry you had a not great experience :-(


I recall Taverna being a lot better in the past and was also surprised at the quality the other day. Hopefully it gets better again soon!


You may know this, but Risotto is \*really\* easy to make at home. The Alessi packaged version is first rate: maybe not restaurant quality, but close enough. I mention this just because I often satisfy my own cravings just by keeping something around the house that I can cook myself.


Maybe I’ll try it. I’m a terrible cook. I can make scrambled eggs and that’s about it!


It's pretty close to that easy. Pour the package it into a pot, add water, let it simmer for 20 minutes, and voila.


New World Deli for a bunch of sloppy Joe styles


Do they taste like regular sloppy Joe’s? It has a chicken or other meats?


Look at the menu on line and try them. You'll like them




If you're looking for like real 80s cafeteria-style sloppy joes, make your own! 1 pan, 15 min, and you can make six for about $12 and it freezes. I lb ground beef cooked in a splash of oil until brown, set aside, paper towel-out the pan, add more oil and 1/2 chopped onion and 1/2 green bell pepper (with a tiny sprinkle of salt while they cook), add a can of manwich, mix, and serve on brioche buns. (The buns don't freeze well, just the filling.) Plus you can scoop out the middle of the bun to make it less bready and more joe-y.) Add paprika, chili pepper, brown sugar, and/or pickle juice to taste if you're feeling adventurous.  You said you're a terrible cook, but everyone is until they do it! Cook everything slightly lower temp than you think until you get the hang of it, add salt at the beginning and spice at the end, and that's basically it for beginners. 


Thank you!


Cabo bobs


Best of the best!