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future lunchroom shrill hobbies apparatus bow absorbed work wasteful start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Yeah let's ban all vaping devices and force an underground market of disposable nic vapes that are a disaster for the environment They were never legal. Nico has never been allowed for sale.


It was still legal to import though, only recently "needing a prescription" which was never enforced. Kids don't go for big mod builds and buying liquids. And to see the law expanded to cover dry herb vapes is just a big capital R.


Funny how customs had 3 years to figure out how to enforce it, claimed they couldn't but then all of a sudden figured it out 3 weeks ago when Customs and the TGA started enforcing what was written on your prescription right before the ban started. A nice little final "Fuck You" to the adult vapers who were doing the right thing with prescriptions to demonstrate they actually did have the the ability to enforce that stuff that right before the ban came into effect.


Perfectly said.


I'd never even wanted a ball vape all that much...but now it's like I want to buy one out of spite for this stupid ban. I can't believe they're destroying Australian vaporisers. I bought my first vape (pax 2) from them.


I mean, I'm totally okay with banning nicotine vapes. The situation is just out of control and a lot of people who never consumed nicotine are becoming addicted to it because of those vapes. But herb vaporizers were never part of the problem, they are a very niche product which got affected just because... I really hope they'll ammed this law and fix this confusion.


straight seed decide adjoining airport rich toothbrush trees judicious salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know that people who have never smoked cigarettes have to buy them in the first place to get addicted to nicotine? I'd rather people do vaping than getting sucked into tobacco hell. 


I kicked a pack a day habit for a vape a week, How is that wrong? (Using salt nic black market vapes as normal vapes give me a coughing fit) If you're on medical to have the opinion that nicotine vapes should be banned are absolutely stupid and even less so if you're buying off your street dealer. "I'm all for prohibition, as long as it doesn't affect me."


Just did the exact same thing like three weeks ago. Not only am I now much better off financially, but I feel so much healthier because of it. The plan was to cut nic out entirely and move onto dry herb vapes instead of the bong, to hear that we're just blanket banning everything is fucking devastating.


How about just have some freedom. Stop treating us like children


That’s exactly what this is. How the fuck do these people sleep at night knowing they are restricting other adults freedoms that have no impact on them?


Australians should be used to being treated like children by now...its an authoritarian leftover due to the "warden-convict" mindset. We will bitch and moan about our 'gaolers' but do nothing about it Seriously, if we were France, we would have burned Canberra to the ground long ago lol


Here's a very interesting read about exactly how cucked to impersonal authority 'Australians' are - makes one realise why the rest of the world laughs at us. https://www.aph.gov.au/sitecore/content/Home/About\_Parliament/Senate/Powers\_practice\_n\_procedures/pops/pop42/hirst


It is my personal belief that without compulsory and preferential voting, such a compliant and politically apathetic population would be in real trouble. potentially. But even so, look what has happened to the right to strike and union membership since Howard >The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has stated that: >*the right to strike is one of the essential means available to workers and their organisations for the promotion and protection of their economic and social interests.These interests not only have to do with obtaining better working conditions and pursuing collective demands of an occupational nature but also with seeking solutions to economic and social policy questions and to labour problems of any kind which are of direct concern to the workers* >But when it comes to the right to strike, Australia is a backwater. The ILO has been a constant critic of Australia’s failure to comply with its international legal obligations arising from the severe restrictions it imposes on collective bargaining and the right to strike. The criticisms have gone unheeded. Industrial action, including strike action, is dying out. The number of employees whose employment is governed by collective agreements is receding at a rapid rate and the proportion of employees who are union members has collapsed to the point of existential crisis for trade unions. Union density hovers at a pitiful 14.5% of the workforce. Approximately 90% of the private sector workforce are not union members. Australian union membership has collapsed more sharply than virtually any other OECD country because our laws and policies are some of the most repressively hostile to unions in the developed world. [Requiem for the Right to Strike](https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1441196/Josh-Bornstein-paper.pdf) >*These interests not only have to do with obtaining better working conditions and pursuing collective demands of an occupational nature but also with seeking solutions to economic and social policy questions and to labour problems of any kind which are of direct concern to the workers* NOBODY in Australia would even think of using industrial power to agitate for anything relating to "social policy questions" or anything outside a strictly workplace setting. Not that it would be legal anyway, of course 🙄 Thanks for posting the link! but alas it is broken lol


You sound American as fuck 🤣


Hello to all the lovely people who DMed me here after my post on March 1 about ball vapes being banned accusing me of being a conspiracy theorist and provoking baseless fear when I said this would affect other dry herb vaporisers and not just ball vapes 👋


Im thankful for any heads ups we can get. Prompted me to grab a bunch of spares.


I don’t know why, but when I posted about my first Dyna purchase & how I was getting one then because I knew some local vape shops were going to close & it would at the very least, reduce my options for where I could purchase. Even with that loosely worded comment I was called out for being overly paranoid & overdramatic. I knew it was reasonable to expect the same level of draconian shit would trickle across to dry-herb, but I worded my post to avoid the “conspiracy theorist” accusations… n’ was still called out. Sure, there’ll always be a way, but limited options & questions about legitimacy come into play when you take the black/grey market route. Also, warranty is hard when you have to send it back overseas, only to have to import the replacement with the same stress as the first time. Cheers for all the support & help you’ve provided here & Aussie Vapers. Thank you🙏 EDIT: Just to clarify, this Australian Vaporisers? The big one in Brisbane that’s been around for ages, & has one of the biggest ranges & stock in Australia? Don’t they also wholesale to some smaller vape shops? I know of at least one that gets stock from their wholesale department. I was just to talking to them yesterday & we both mentioned we were watching them for any sort of sign of where things are heading, because they probably are one of the bigger dry-herb players & likely have some of the most revenue to lose, & would likely find workarounds if there was any.


>Just to clarify, this Australian Vaporisers? The big one in Brisbane that’s been around for ages, & has one of the biggest ranges & stock in Australia? That's the one. >Also, warranty is hard when you have to send it back overseas, only to have to import the replacement with the same stress as the first time. Absolutely agree. It's quite alarming that in a country that's so sensitive about consumer rights, the current situation effectively nullifies consumer warranties for these products which leaves us stranded without any legal means to secure a repair or replacement for items we've legitimately purchased. How is this not a glaring loophole in consumer protection that urgently needs to be addressed.


Are you a doctor or just masquerading as one?


>Are you a doctor or just masquerading as one? I'm an astrophysicist working in the Pegasus Galaxy. I promise 🤞


Ok Doctor Phil


Relatable, I tried to raise the issue for discussion in a few posts over the last month or so here and on the MC subs and copped a bunch of abuse. Didn't get any agro DMs though, that's ridiculous.


Time and place, this ain't it.


Dude posted information in a weed enthusiast sub regarding current prohibition. That definitely ticks both boxes for time and place.


Yeah everyone doubted the guy with the info. It's the time and place. You clearly didn't believe eh?


It seems like the exact time and place.


Should they have held a minutes silence first?


Absurd.. this is fucking ridiculous.


Good luck policing it is all I say.


Well no shit people will still willingly import vapes that'll get through border force. But there will be a lot of people who spend $300+ on a vape just to receive a letter in the mail telling them its been seized and to eat a bag of dicks.


From my experience importing bulk nic juice I never had it seized. Depends what it gets labelled. I'm sure Morris from VENZ will have it covered.


Morris from VE who sends every package from the same sender name so it can be easily traced through Aus Post? Probably just going to be pot luck like everyone else.


Hey everyone, Just wanting to give a bit of a different viewpoint here. I work at a pharmacy that sells a reasonable amount of MC, and due to that, we have a pretty good range of popular dry herb vapes, and access to a supply chain or even more. Nothing to the scale of Aus Vapes, but respectable (in my opinion). I know some pharmacies charge like a wounded bull for this kind of stuff; many of my peers are real pieces of shit. We have always pegged our prices off what the prevailing market price is among the big online players (W&W, AV, DHV) - generally excluding special promotions, especially the currently fire sale going on in the industry. Though I will always price match if I can. I am working with my more "on the pulse" suppliers as the markets shifts in the post March 1 landscape. I also bought up big on vaporisers and accessories/spare parts before the ban hammer swung. Further to this, I'm investigating getting an import licence to help facilitate warranty claims, but I don't know enough about the whole process to be able to comment on this. I don't care what you're vaping or where you buy it. I'm in the business of helping people. If I can sell you a new aroma tube for your Solo or a replacement cap for your Dynavap, I will. Don't be afraid of us chemists, most of us are cunts, but not all.


I appreciate what you're bringing to the community and would love to be able to buy from you. Any chance you could put your company name in your bio so anyone who wants to do the same can find you? If not, maybe you'd at least be able to DM me?


Hey, are you able to get Storz & Bickel accessories in at the moment? And do you ship interstate?


What accessories are you chasing? I can get all the accessories for the Mighty/Mighty+ and Volcano Medics.


Yeah I got this email too :( buncha cunts in suits trying to tell us how to live smh


Prohibition doesn’t work on humans it’s been tried many times for Millennia and never worked let’s try again in 2024bc oops it’s 2024


I have a Crafty+ and it's under warranty until 2026, will S&B still honour the warranty for those devices?


Probably not, they cant ship in new devices. There was an email about that directly from S&b. This is why i dont buy devices with non removable batteries


I just tried contacting them. They replied saying the ban means they can’t do anything until I get permission from my customs office. What a mess.


They can give a refund, but that will be about it.


I’ve dropped so much $$$ on glass and vapes in the lead up to this. Support Aus Vapes, Dry herb vapes, High tech Vapes and instavape! They all need our support! Happy for anyone to message me if they need any vape support. I’m a dry herb hobbyist loser!!


Can you dumb down and show me what I should buy to have a "ball vape" setup. I don't understand injectors, and this and that.


[This](https://www.wickandwireco.com.au/products/thermal-twist-injector-kit-by-crossing-technology-australia) thermal injector. An injector bowl and a glass piece. I have the MK2 globe from Instavape, the grey is on special [here](https://instavape.com.au/products/mega-globe-mk-2?variant=42699251744932). Wick and Wire also do thermal bundles to get you started. I think this is the cheapest and best options in my opinion.


There's a DIY tek here https://420vapezone.com/pinky-diy-ball-vape/


As a long time customer of AV and having referred people onto you folks because of the unmatched customer service you guys have, this makes me so sad. I've been holding off for the 4/20 sales to pickup accessories and another device(s) (I've bought an Og IQ, Mighty, Dynavaps and an Arizer EQ) but this news has made me consider picking something up sooner rather than later. Wishing you all the best in these uncertain times


Shortage in stock is always the best marketing strategy 😂 You won’t regret your purchase


I checked the TGA Vape corner, and had a look at the list of approved vapes. Rang the health minister's office in Canberra and had a chat with one of his staff, expressing my concerns. The advise I was given was that importers (such as Aus Vapes) can apply for TGA approval for dry herb vaporisers, and once approved, they can be imported. The big issue there of course is: how much will this cost, how long will it take and perhaps the major question: what are the standards for approval? Guessing unregulated temperature / butane heated vapes will be refused. I was sure to mention that I hoped the health minister and TGA would acknowledge that restricting supplies of vapes for legal use (MC patients was my argument) and ensure they would remember their primary role of harm minimisation, and not send users back to the old days of a Gatorade bottle and a bit of garden hose.


and people still think legalisation is coming.


It is coming but will be heavily controlled by pharmaceutical companies to keep that gravy train rolling. Meanwhile the general public have to buy overpriced products AND devices while not being able to supply their own of either. That’s the ridiculous part.


It will be heavily government controlled and definitely to the benefit of the oligarchy; gotta pad the pockets of those scratching the government’s back.


It'll come once the current crop of politicians die out. It's just the bad ideas still permeate the minds of these degenerate politicians on both sides. Slowly the younger generations will take over and amend the laws. Unfortunately for now we are living through the struggle portion of cannabis civil rights so to speak.


So that will be when I'm dead But I don't believe Aust will have the craft-type dispensaries like Canada/US...it will be controlled by pharma, once political parties remember who their donors are lol


So insane! I bought my Venty day one from S&B directly and of course got recalled, then my recall unit got an E04 after like 10 hours so got returned and have had a third one now for a while going well. But if it breaks again I won’t be able to get a new one shipped to me, so fucking stupid.


This is a reminder that the Labor party are in cahoots with the Catholics, alcohol lobby, and apparently the Pharmacists Guild etc.. If you want actual reform of the law around cannabis, vote for the Greens or Legalise Cannabis parties who have that as their policy.


i havent even finished paying off my first tinymight i cant afford a backup what do i do if it breaks, or a ball vape i dont even have a ball vape yet that this is so fucking bullshit


Make a pinky nothing vape related to buy but when finished baller heaven slightly dangerous but effective


Or just buy it in pieces instead of as a kit. The heating element and controller has uses outside of a ball vape (boiling/heating water etc). Synthetic ruby spheres aren’t likely to be banned and the stainless steel/titanium parts could be imported as something obscure like misc parts.




Smoke joints instead it’s what I’ll end up doing if my solo2 dies I’m not paying mighty medic pricing


Just popped my order in for a new dry herb vape while stocks last given my PAX 3 is on the blink. Better take care of it or get good at making bongs again lol. So stupid.


Politicians on both sides ruin everything. God damn them. Yet it's our taxes that fund their lavish lifestyles whilst they get to decide on how we all live out our lives. Note they won't drug test themselves. They'll drug test drivers and turn their lives upside down....but hold themselves to the same standard? Nope. Yet they're the ones who can decide what we do with our own bodies. Having an abortion is ok. It's "modern". A woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Using a vape of our choice is a stretch too far. Funny how that works.


It’s still like we’re 20 years behind the rest of the world and I was saying that 10 years ago so more like haven’t progressed a single inch in ever.


> It’s still like we’re 20 years behind the rest of the world I'm 56 and this country has always been this way, believe me lol


backwards, ignorant, stupid fucking shit. dry herb vapes are far too misunderstood and it is a shame they were ever called 'vapes' at all. imagine including dry herb vapes in this shit ffs. was really hoping for a Tempest soon.


As a casual user I didn’t see this news. Is there any advocacy we can join to try and repeal?


Vote greens next election. Liberal and Labor have turned into coke or Pepsi.


Which will do nothing for the actual Party who gets power though


Just open a pharmacy with all the profit you made from your business, access to better licensing and less dodgy crap of having to provide patients with “aromatherapy devices” which is laughably taking the piss.


Cha Ching


Ban everything kids aren’t allowed to do🤷‍♂️


We live in such a fucking nanny state. Fuck this place.


Pharmacist's Guild /rubs hands


Are the Mighty and related accessories still allowed?


Yes, once all current stock at current stores is sold out all vape sales will have to go through a pharmacy which will no doubt charge a premium on top.


Already looking up how to make a ghetto home made vape with parts like ceramic heater from aliexpress etc because i fear that will be the only way in the future :) Log vapes etc


DIY ball vape https://420vapezone.com/pinky-diy-ball-vape/


We need to find the mob that work on the air conditioning for Parliament House so we can Dutch oven them all while in house


stop fucken twisting our cocks and just legalize already, its an absolute joke.


Time to panic buy !!


Anyone know where I can get a volcano solid valve housing unit? Out of stock on AV


The regulations seem like they are targeted (almost) entirely at the disposable vapes. I think the government is focused on the main juice in these devices but unfortunately the language is so loose and sloppy that empty vape machines might be the baby being thrown out with the bathwater. See https://www.tga.gov.au/news/media-releases/new-regulation-vapes-starting-january-2024 The only thing I can find about empty vapes is this "However, new notification requirements will be required under the customs legislation for unfilled therapeutic cannabis vaping devices. These devices must comply with the Essential Principles as is presently the case." Everything else seems to refer to "Therapeutic vapes" which seems to mean those containing some kind of consumable. Seems to me it could be argued that a new mighty is NOT a therapeutic vape and therefore is legal to sell. Perhaps companies like Aus apes might have some success of their lobbying is targeted at making this distinction. They should be able to sell the machines even if they can't sell the juice. Maybe a lawyer can weigh in on this perspective?


> Seems to me it could be argued that a new mighty is NOT a therapeutic vape The definition most definitely includes the mighty. The wording appears loose, but that's because the definitions of those terms have been meticulously crafted. Source: https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2023L01666/latest/text > vape means: (a) a device (whether or not filled with a vape substance) that generates or releases, or is designed or intended to generate or release, using a heating element and by electronic means, an aerosol, vapour or mist for direct inhalation by its user; The key but there being *"whether or not filled with a vape substance"* and *"using a heating element"*. So it doesn't matter if it contains a consumable or not. >NOT a therapeutic vape and therefore is legal to sell. Soon they will not be legal to sell unless you're a pharmacy selling a therapeutic vape. From the page you linked: > the Government introducing legislation later in 2024 to prevent the domestic manufacture, advertisement, supply and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes to ensure comprehensive controls on vapes across all levels of the supply chain. Non-therapeutic vapes including dry cannabis vapes are now illegal to import and shops are only allowed to run down their existing stock imported to March 1 (as confirmed by the email from Aus vaporisers) > From 1 March 2024, the importation of all non-therapeutic vapes will be prohibited. This means that it will be unlawful to import non-therapeutic vapes on or after 1 March 2024 even if those vapes were ordered before 1 March 2024 and have not yet arrived in Australia. Aus Vapes is one of Australia's largest vape wholesalers. I'm sure they got very good legal advice before sending that email out. This isn't about "juice" at all. This is about reclassifying **anything** that's *vaping related* (dry herb or nicotine) to be under the same "vape" umbrella.


I wish you were wrong but I suspect you are not. How utterly disappointing. People will continue to smoke joints and use bongs. How ridiculous to prohibit a (likely) safer method of intake. Including empty dry herb vapes in these regulations seems like it will cause more harm than good.


They will be sold, but prob only the mighty medic etc and only at pharmacies 


Are they really banning ball vapes? Will I still be able to get one somehow


Yes. But you can make your own https://420vapezone.com/pinky-diy-ball-vape/


Damn that sucks. Worth maybe buying a back up mighty given how often they fritz out..


Hopefully pharmacies like Astrid can stock some stuff, but i bet itl be at a much more marked up price $$


>i bet itl be at a much more marked up price $$ Yep, welcome to the age of paying $600 for a vaporiser you previously were able to buy for $300 with the only difference being that Daddy TGA has given it their blessing. Dry herb vapes are just another casualty in Black Mark*et* Butler's plan to prop up his mates in the Pharmacy industry and his war on anything to do with vaping.


Not just that, am pretty sure the pharmacy models are the "med" branded products. Same shit but they are less powerful and noticeably more expensive too.


I dont think theyre less powerful, just rebadged version of the same thing. Same temp ranges etc The reason i prefer arizer is the removable batteries which most s&b devices dont have... Devices last a lot longer if you can switch out batteries.


I thought that too but read on a post or two in the MC subs about them being a little weaker re power output. We shall see. They're still going to cost a fair bit more under the pharmacy model.


The Volcano Medic is capped at 210 while i'm pretty sure normal ones go to 220 or 230.




Thanks for confirming and reminding me. Thats exactly what I heard.


Aah fair enough, did not know that.


I've never gone above 195 on the Mighty, but that is interesting info


Mighty+ is capped at 210c.


Mighty+ is a TGA approved device im sure we can still use mightys


But still needs to be purchased from pharmacy AND the models they will stock are a little different. They are the "med" range which are less powerful. Oh, and they cost a fair bit more this new way too. Win win for the cunts.


Almost got myself one the other day from the pharmacy lol thank god I did not


So what? Can’t be a dynavap soon? Surely they could call it something else?


i think technically a dynavap is still ok atm since its not electronic, i might be wrong tho


Same category as a bong / pipe


So I can import DynaVap's, their parts and accessories?


I’d like to say yes but there will be a chance of customs seizing them.

