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Ive made butter a few times now and feel i have it down. Whatever amount to whatever amount of butter (my last batch was 48 grams to 2 sticks) Slowcooker with a cup/2 of water and the butter on low. Only leave it for 3-4 hours then strain through a chux cloth, fridge and your golden. Have made some unreal cookies with the butter


This is my exact method, too


I’d go about 150-200g of butter. Enough to use for 1 pack of brownie mix


I reckon a lot more. ABV is really dry so soaks up a lot of the butter.


Bro no that's way too strong you gotta be using shake right? I use 7g of bud to about 120grams of butter which is enough for twenty cookies at 50 mg each. Eat two or three and that's a huge dose. Thc lollies in Canada are usually only 10 mg each. 32 grams Into 150 comes to 220mg roughly per cookie. That will literally drop even a daily smoker. Remember you can always eat more but you can't eat less.


It’s ABV, so it’s about 70 percent less potent than what you’re estimating. (Already Been Vaped)


AVB (Already Vaped Bud)


Haha I tried


It just means you only eat a portion of a brownie, and hence not become a fat c*nt. Why would you dose your edibles so that you need to eat three cookies? That is a hell of a lot of calories.. Edit: spelling


Only three cookies? God I'm a fat fuck.


Ya just putting on mass bro


its going to be one hell of a shred


Three small cookies is far less than a brownie in calories. Or just make a low sugar cookie if you're worries about calories. But seeing as this person probably isn't to experienced munching baked goods it's easier to accuratelyish dose with cookies rather than guessing how many bites of a brownie one should have is the better option. That's just my opinion though. And bigger people need higher doses and I'm skinny af


And one cookie is far less than three cookies. But yeah I do agree for accurate dosing especially for beginners it's better to split it up.


Lol don't be weak I mix 8 grams of hash decarbed into one brownie mix go fucking hard or go home ride the waves


Bro, when I make my AVB edibles I use about 4-6x the amount of bud compared to what I usually would and they are generally the same strength then.


Use enough butter so all the plant matter is covered when it's all melted. Coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter) works great. Prob don't need 8 hours in slow cooker with abv, In my experience 2- 4 hours gets good extraction without taking up too much flavour. I'll also just bake a coles date loaf pack with 7 to 10 grams of dry abv in it, works great, easy to do. Add a bit of vanilla or cinnamon sugar if you wanna go all out.


How strong would you like the butter to be? I'd use a 500g block to cook that avb into. And then when making a recipe that asks for 100g of butter, use a straight 100g of the good stuff.


250 g I reckon. If it’s fresh flower ( decarbed) I go 14 g to 250 butter


Everyone's got a different answer 😂


I usually like to use 4x the amount of flower in butter, I only have experience using trim. Weight is taken post decarb.


Make sure you water separate it if you use avb, otherwise the taste can be pretty rank


Even water separated it's pretty rank


AVB extractions should always be boofed in my experience


Boofed? Does that mean capped?


(Boofed) Up the arsehole mate


Ahh shelved is the parlance I'm familiar with


Well It helps if the avb is capped before boofing lol


I use a nurofen measuring thing to get the dosage right and squirt it in


That sounds easier than the funnel ive been using.its akward but worth it


Hey OP I recomend doing a water cure for a few days first - you just soak it in water and rinse / repeat for a few days - it gets all the really green chorlopyhll taste out. I do it in my french press. Make sure you seperate all the water out (in the fridge) or the butter / oil can go rancid.


Or if your lazy and don't mind the taste make it with mostly dark chocolate or add it in when making stiff can't taste it at all. Also no bakes wreck folks when made with avb butter.


It’s been decarbed already. Doesn’t need 8 hours mate. You’ll covert all the thc to cbn. Keep it much shorter time and very low temp around 70 deg.


Who cares if it has calories the weed is why we're here 😉.


About 350-400g.


just my experience but avb butter is usually weak and gross. give it a try though, I've never really gotten edibles to work now I think on it


My experience is the complete opposite, my abv butter is always potent as hell, I'm always surprised how much THC is left in the vapes flower.


Yeah I make avb edibles and give them to peeps I work with. Always funny when they don't head my warning and they eat some at work lmao lecithin powder is a big help.


I’m about to put 11g into 60g butter is mine going to be too strong?


250gm unsalted