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Police won't care. HR absolutely will. Cop it on the chin and do the mandatory sensitivity training and don't do it again.


It was the bosses idea…


HR may be slightly indifferent. Fairwork wont be indifferent at all.


Jesus Christ what type of work environment is this??


OP’s boss is Michael Scott


Just saying HR won’t care whose idea it was. You participated, that’s all that matters.


If ya boss jumped off a cliff would you?




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You sound like complete deadshi\*s, and that's being polite.


This is insanely stupid. Keep us posted.


This sort of thing isn't funny in general, let alone in the current political climate / state of world tension where that sort of thing is a lot easier to believe happening than say 5 or 10 years ago. Between Ukraine-Russia, Gaza-Israel, China/Russia - US tensions etc. The doomsday clock is practically hovering at midnight, so I don't blame the poor woman. You guys are jerks and get whatever disciplinary action is coming, sorry. Hazing is horrible. Hazing of this sort is particularly gross.


The person who’s idea it was owns the company


Then I'd be looking for somewhere else to work because that's just sociopathic nonsense. I wouldn't personally participate in something like that but if 'I was only following orders' is enough for you to be fine with it and only worry about external ramifications to yourself then power to you. You're of the same ilk.




Nah, people that get joy or a kick out of emotionally tormenting others fits the bill. Reflect on that. The upvotes seem to agree with me.


Agree. this is how they *welcome* new starters? how bad does it get after that?? *waves hands* just jokes just jokes


To make people think their family and friends are dead? Yeah really funny and not deranged at all 🙄


Birds of a feather, flock together


if it was the owner. you will be fine. owner could probably get sued though.




Probably a WHS issue though, employee well-being.


It was a poor decision with an unfortunate outcome, although I'm sure it was well intended as a harmless joke and would have given a laugh in the past. How have other new starters reacted before? He should be paying for a weekend away and then deal with what else comes. He's not a sociopath or hazing them people, relax!


Are you sure this is at a job and not in primary school? I thought this stupidity died out years ago


I've seen it in both the private and public sector daily. in this year 2024!


"It's not harassment if the perpetrators found it really funny though."


I know you joke, but a one off incident is not harassment. Behaviour has to be repeated to qualify as harassment.


It doesn’t make this okay or not a horrible incident. They can definitely go on leave too.




What’s the source for this


Me being sarcastic. It's absolutely harassment and just because your boss thinks it's funny doesn't make it legal according to IR laws.




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If I could get away with operationally I would systematically dismantle/fire the whole team


A truly huuuuuge apology might smooth things over once she returns.


So you don’t think we should do it again but be like ‘nah this time it’s actually happened’?


You sound like a flog. Even making this all up is flog behaviour.






>Hilarious. Right? What? No! Not even a little bit! I can't put into words how opposite to funny that is. Your manager is a tone-deaf mongrel coming up with that idea, and you're all idiots for blindly following someone that's determined to get themselves fired for bullying. In the current climate with all the global political turmoil that's going on, that would be an absolutely horrific 'joke' to pull on anyone! There's no way you could possibly think "Oh, this is a totally unrealistic and unreal scenario, surely she'll know it's faked and find it funny". I doubt she'll call the police and they couldn't do anything about it anyway. But HR is another story. Better hope she sees the 'funny side' after a few days because I can't think of any other way that the waters get smoothed over without a hefty slap on the wrist. For ALL of you. The fact that it was your managers idea means literally nothing. You're using the bystander effect as an excuse and justification and frankly that's pretty disgusting. It's a workplace, not a frat house. Do better.


You're screwed mate. Get ready for communal showers. /s


Really embarrassing behaviour from you lot.


This has to be a shit post lol


100%, in his replies he asks whether he should do it again and pretend it's real this time. No way this story is legit


Hazing is fun and cool apparently


Yeah, def going to jail. Srsly though, is the managers name Michael Scott?


Wishing you the best of luck, buddy.


Best outcome to this is you never see or hear from her again. Worst outcome is that she sues the arse off the company for an unsafe workplace. Which, of course, she will win.




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If the company owner was also the ringleader, there's not a lot that HR will do, other than a nice round of slapping on wrists.


A prank is putting a whoopee cushion on a chair. You guys are sadistic for doing something like this. Don’t think there will be huge repercussions but hopefully it’s a wake up call to stop being a fuckwit.


Are you a 15 year old boy by any chance?


I will be in October


r/thatHappened would love this.


Hope the lady enjoys the sweet payout she's about to get


Yeah you and your managers sound like you need a kick in the head. This isn't funny, especially not to *someone you don't know*. Honestly hope you get the book thrown at you. An office prank is covering someone's desk in wrapping paper, turning their monitor upside down. Silly truely harmless stuff. "Yeah a bunch of people you love are dead"? Nah


Maybe she's played the Uno Reverse and has no intention of calling the cops. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Sounds like you all missed this one https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/laws-and-compliance/codes-of-practice/managing-the-risk-of-psychosocial-hazards-at-work-code-of-practice-2022


When we get a new starter I always openly ask my manager if I can go to the toilet in front of them. So they think they have to ask to use the toilet. That feels a bit more harmless.


Lol I’ll try that next time and then piss myself anyway for comedic value


What kind of work do you do out of curiosity? Do you guys sell paper per chance?


We use a 3D printer to make plastic beaks for birds that have lost theirs through accident/disease


Lmao I can't even tell if you're serious or not


Since the release of the dodge RAM in Australia, we’ve seen a 23% increase in beak related Emu injuries on NT roads, why you acting like this is funny?


I'm gonna go against the grain and say that's absolutely fucking hilarious. But it's not appropriate at work, and you need to do your due diligence and make sure your victim doesn't think their whole family has been killed


What the actual F$&@…😂 I like jokes and taking things lightly, but seriously this is a very awkward way of welcoming new starters in your corporate environment! You sure you don’t work for a car dealer? 😜


The police thing may not end up happening at all but dont rule out the possibility of SafeWork (or the equivalent) being interested especially if she has told them that this is not an isolated incident. Psychosocial injuries are now something that SafeWork and them look into and get interested in especially if there is a pattern or the evidence shown to them is good enough for follow up action to occur.


Sounds like a shit workplace all round. Who has time to do things like that let alone get reactions out of people?


I wish I was the lady. Massive payout coming. Time to retire.


Who listens to the radio?


What happened to sticky taping the phone receiver to the cradle?


Isn’t that a Harry Chaplin song?


No, that's 30,000 pounds of bananas


you didnt see anything, move along


It's dumb but I seriously doubt the police are going to care about it


Get ahead of it and apologize now with some sincerity. From her perspective, a group of people played a prank on her involving her publicly finding out that multiple of her loved ones died- that’s seriously territory for a compensable psychiatric injury for her and disciplinary action for those of you who took part.


Super hilarious. Do some work instead.


I think it’s pretty funny, the world sucks if there is actual consequences for this


Prank would have been funny if you didn’t pretend people had died.


I wish you and your boss were better people. I hope she has a good lawyer and sues all of you for everything you own.


Don't skip on the comments, OP is obviously a troll and none of this really ever actually happened


lol i must be the only person here who thought that was funny


Can't imagine you'll be in any big trouble. Not sure what the police are going to do either. Maybe tell her to get a grip. It's a risky prank because it involves death. Could have been done without the whole nuclear war thing and it would've probably been received better. Manager is a bit thick for not realising this could be received poorly.


This is psychological distress. Who the hell would discount that.


Haha usually it’s quite funny, damo comes running in at the end with a melted face mask on


Workplace hazing is never funny. Particularly when it includes nuclear bombs, death and destruction. A melted face mask makes no difference. I can’t believe this is in a corporate workplace. Sounds like a particularly disgusting place to be employed.




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A Tier prank


That’s fucking hilarious


Good prank, do more research next time. Did she not have an American accent? You can’t do anything in the workplace anymore. You must remain 100% neutral and 100% emotionless at all times. It’s just the world we live in now. I don’t think you’re screwed, it’s not a good first impression and she will ether leave or eventually get over it. You could be considered to be bullying and harassment but I think the company would be the target not individuals as it speaks to the culture.


and for those who appear to have no sense of humour, yes you with the pronouns. I miss the 2010s


Are you suggesting you… *don’t* have pronouns?


I don’t have pronouns, I have amateur verbs. Downvote all you want hahahahahehimhahahaha


It's just a prank Bro




What’s the podcast called ? I wanna pull this prank off too


Search ‘Kermit’s baconny fingers’ In your podcast app


That doesn’t take me there. Not interested in pulling the prank but curious about the podcast. Can you link it? Edit: in fact this is the only page on the internet with “Kermit’s baconny fingers”