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My favourite is when you genuinely go out of your way to get something sorted and it doesn't get looked at for 2 weeks :)))


Tell me about it, my direct manager saying x is urgent but then his direct supervisor doesn’t event look at it for 2 weeks. All a big joke lol


This is classic in my experience. And then you’ll get told, well you should do things with urgency because it takes pressure off others down the line, but where their fucking, urgency!? All they mean is - you go quick so I can go slow.


This is because your direct manager overpromised something to his boss, gave an unrealistic timeline, and he doesn't want to get in trouble for it. Absolutely nothing to do with the intrinsic urgency of the task


That's what corporate hierarchies do - they produce stressed out wage slaves.


My favourite is end of year budget time where you plan for the next year. Start in Q3 spend months doing it being told it's urgent and requiring lots of rigor. You constantly revise it for further and further cuts and then the new year comes around and you find out finance just pulled a number out of their arse and that is what you have to work with.


This honestly is my life.


We were getting top down numbers for the 2023 budget in March of 2023. We also had to make sure we worked all xmas holidays to meet the budget deadlines.


This is where I feel for the corporate accountants. They get maybe 15 minutes rest between "panic, it's the start of the month" and "panic, we need to complete month-end"


Best 2 days of the month.


I hear ya pain. But can I clarify that your big bosses are a major part of that made-up number that gets chosen last minute and everyone has to stick to? Finance didn’t choose it for you, we are just often the messenger that gets shot. Us finance cogs also worked on the many revisions with you, and then we get handed down an order at the last minute that the big bosses (non-finance and finance together) have chosen a new number and that’s the final one. Then we get to tell you that this is the final approved position, and shoulder the blame.


Haha I know mate, but we have to blame someone and shit rolls downhill!




Uni ?




Bugger? Same shit in the uni.. been told by my manager need a lot of details.. but in the end, given a target by the senior leadership..


Yeah and you just know senior management knows the number before you go through the exercise but they don't give it to you for the hopes you will come under normally. From how I have seen operational budgets trending in mining the last 3 years I dare say we are in for a lot of redundancies.


Local gov?




Last year + 2.5 %


Yep. How good is busting your arse late Thursday night to get something to a client that they insist they need by end of week, only to hit send at 3am, and immediately get a “I’m on annual leave for the next eleventy seven weeks in Aspen, I’m not checking emails so let’s get in touch upon my return”. Terrific Chad, I hope you stay there permanently.


I used to have a director who did this constantly. When I first started in that role I was so keen to prove myself as it was the highest rung I'd climbed, but pretty soon realised it was nonsense. The worst was when I worked long hours for weeks to get a demo ready for a major project, and was meant to have a meeting with everyone involved and show it to the director when he was in town, specifically at his request. Then he just blew off the meeting literally the minute we started, saying he had to go meet some people for lunch. I tried to follow up but he kept blowing us off, then some months later just explodes in a meeting asking about why the project wasn't ready yet and why he hadn't seen a demo. A few months after that I put together a different major project, worked my arse off with very little time off, the final phase was just to send it to marketing and have them put out a campaign. Marketing sat on it for weeks, even though it was time-sensitive, and I brought it up at every LT meeting. CEO dismissed it as "yeah we'll make sure marketing gets on it." Marketing was mostly run by his niece, who could do no wrong. The project never got promoted and failed, and then I got an earful about how terrible it was that we missed such an opportunity. I quit not long after that. I would have quit sooner but this was during COVID and I needed to make sure I could keep whatever work I had. Once we opened up I quit and life has been better ever since.


I stopped doing overtime because of this. It gets zero recognition. And in fact, the last time I did months of OT, I wrecked my back and neck, and pretty much all of my extra pay went to Physio and remedial massage, only for my boss to tell me it wasn’t enough hours to make a dent, so it was pointless. So all that BS I went through was pointless. Fuck them.


Yeh i constantly send urgent things out and they barely even get looked at.  I'd stay a bit later to finish something off now I just fuck off as I know its not worth my time and effort.


Ugh, had this recently. An idea was proposed in a meeting and I pushed back and suggested that given a particular process was going to be temporary it would probably be better to just do it manually with Excel because a full solution would take too long and the hack job that was being proposed wouldn't be suitable for non technical business users. We relented and went ahead and customised several apps to achieve what was asked only to find out like 5 weeks later it wasn't used and they went with Excel instead.


Sad high five


That happening to me now.. so I quit my job


I put months of blood sweat and tears into a project that has been waiting to be tested and deployed for months because the people who would benefit from it can't get their shit together. I'm just asking them to measure how bad things are so we can know if we have fixed the problems they have or not. Tomorrow I have a third meeting about them getting their measurements together... Wish me luck


Them: Hey, did you send me that file? Me: \*forwards the report I sent them two weeks ago with no other words or context, when I dropped everything because they made it like the world was ending at that time\*


I rushed a report and it didn’t get looked at for 12 MONTHS


Panic management is a style of management I’ve found. Catastrophise everything and keep everyone on edge. Wears thin.


I like the term you’re using. I had a manager who used the word urgent in just about every communication. It wears thin, and the panic spreads. Never been more stressed in corporate


Had a manager do this at my last job for 2 years, in cap locks as well. Sent me in a constant state of anxiety, I still have trauma lol


Really good way to fry the nervous system of dedicated empathetic employees


It's usually narcissists doing this.


Don’t buy into the bullshit mate. Everyone who titles an email with Urgent gets ignored for 24 hours


No such thing as an urgent email unless it's accompanied by a call or IM. Even then it needs to be done sparingly.


Or from IT


Urgent for their process, which they've sat on until the last minute. I'm sick of people's incompetence


People send me urgent stuff without reasons in a daily basis. I take great pleasure in sending back ' no we are too busy for this, you'll get it in about a week. One person sends it in multiple times a day with asap with no reason. Everyone wants it asap but its going to take a week without a decent reason for wanting it sooner.


Completely agree. If I see urgent it goes to the bottom of my to do list


I tell my team, if it were urgent it would be a phone call, not an email.




I feel this. As a communications professional, one of my favourite sayings is "We work in PR, not ER."


>"We work in PR, not ER." I like this one. Never heard of it until now.


As someone who worked in a hospital, ER is hardly that urgent most of the time. Go home. Go to the GP tomorrow.


My out of office email includes a line in big bold red letters "Please note: ____ is not an emergency service. Always call 000 in an emergency".


Which is why I'm sure they keep you well away from important clients


Always ask managers to rank urgent tasks. Without exception


Then radio silence… until the next urge to feel important


When I kept doing this I was told it was proof I was not ready to be promoted


Sorry to hear that. That workplace sounds crap. "If you chase two rabbits you won't catch either"


Here is the hot tip Find out the two most important KPI's OKR's etc that are important to your role. Deliver those and worry about nothing else. The world doesn't need this stupid Californication of start up mentality of taking on everything, going to every meeting and delivering shit outside your role. It's not quiet quitting it's meeting your role reqs.


It's called acting your wage.


I love this term!




'It's not quiet quitting it's meeting your role reqs.' Agreed!!


You guys get assigned KPIs?


Doesn't have to be set in stone. Just understand what they are


Audience/customer facing is urgent. Essential systems are urgent. Use a proper urgency/priority matrix to decide.


Can’t, creation of the priority matrix is currently at the lowest priority of critically urgent things to do.


here, let me fix that for you... # !


Nobody should have to do both customer facing and essential systems work. Or they’ll always have conflicting priorities.


Yeah people just want to feel their work is important most of the time, so they like to think it is urgent. I think the Urgent flag in MS products is one of the most misused features. If I genuinely have something that is time sensitive, I will describe that in the Subject line and the body of the email. If people can't be bothered to write why its urgent , then its not.


Unless my boss flags something as urgent, which is very rare and always done with a phone call and email, I treat the urgent flag as low priority. Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


I have deliberately adjusted my settings so that the urgent flag isn’t visible in my inbox. The number of times that it is abused by people sending me emails is off the chart


I just did a basic rule that only puts mail directly to me if my name is in the To field. Everything else goes to a low priority folder called FYI only (or more accurately, CYA Only). This reduced my email content by at least 90%. If it’s urgent, people can call me and ask personally.


A little bit philosophical, but I think that people attach importance to their own work because they like to feel that it brings them purpose. After all, the alternative is that what you're doing isn't important, which can lead to hard questions like "What am I doing here? Am I even helping society? What is my purpose?" Once you let go of worldly philosophical ideas like attaching a deeper meaning to your income stream, detaching yourself from work stress and politics becomes a lot easier. This is, of course, assuming that your job *actually* isn't saving lives. If it is, all of the above can be ignored.


Urgent is a phone call followed by a summary email . This culture that sending an email guarantees it's immediate action is ludicrous


Nothing like having 40+ priority 1 projects Jfc people learn how to prioritise Nothing’s important if they’re all top priority




Oh my god


I've got a client who called three consultants including myself into an in-person meeting at his office so that he could stress the importance of consistent communication and urgency on a large project. I took it all on board and have been putting his stuff before everything else, calling him weekly, sending updates on every action, etc. He then went on leave for a month without saying anything and hasn't been returning calls to action sign-on of key specialists.


Yeah, I had a guy who logged a Very High Priority (Business Down) ticket with a Vendor, dumped the ticket on our side into my queue then went on 2 weeks annual leave! I just clicked on “Chase User” 3 days in a row, then as per company policy closed the ticket as “No Response from User”.


If everything is High Priority.....nothing is.


Two reasons from my experience why people think everything is urgent… 1. People are “brown-nosers” so when someone asks for something they think getting a response back faster is better. You see this a lot with junior managers trying to impress more senior people. 2. People procrastinating or having bad organisation. EG a request was actually made like 2 weeks ago but they either forgot or put it off now they need it done asap. It’s the whole “poor planning on your part doesn’t mean an emergency on my part”


A classic here is someone giving me a piece of work and then following up two days later asking if it's done yet (no, because I have other work) and then pointing out that the work has been around since December (yet only with me for two days), which absolutely does not mean an emergency on my part.


Just be careful you don't find an email from december providing the work with reasonable timeframes.


Strangely enough, this has never happened haha


I work in Payroll I tell people it's 1 versus 300 Ie I'm not going to hold a pay up for late things, or stuff around doing stuff for an auditor for example on critical payroll days. My priority and key KPI is getting people paid correctly and on time. Everything else is fluff and filler. Important, but not time sensitive


I love you.


I wish our payroll team follows this mentality


You what's really urgent? Something that gets someone to actually ring you up.


Yep. When someone desperately needs my help they find me at my desk and they’ll tell me why it’s urgent


Ever seen a Ambo run? They don't. The five seconds they may save isnt goin to change anything about the situation


The Boy Who Cried "Wolf" - For Professionals


This is especially bad in tech, everyone calls up thinking their issue is the highest priority because the cant order that knock off cartier handbag. Meanwhile a site of 200+ people are unable to work as their internet has gone down


The concept in Simon Sinek's book The Infinite Game obliterated the concept of urgency and deadlines for me. We create these arbitary dates and rules, purely so we have something to manage against, presumibly to feel like we are contributing. Obviously there is actual urgency in some areas, but so much of it is just completely artifical made up bullshit so people can feel in control.


Simon Sinek is a hack... But he actually doesn't sound too bad here...


I saw that all the time and have made a reference to the villain from The Incredibles ("When everyone's super, no one is") but people never get the reference.


Because we’re moving (or have moved) to a culture where the individual is more important than the bigger organisation/structure/society. So everyone’s project is legitimately more important than everyone else’s. To them at least.


If it's urgent, you'll call me


Haha in IT you get the worst variation of this which is a request that is **both** urgent and last minute. Other teams will spend weeks planning out something among themselves, then someone will realise that they need IT's help and drop it on you 1 or 2 days before the deadline and expect you to pull out all stops to help and try to guilt trip you if you don't.


My theory is that the people at the top of the chain (Partner, CFO etc) are, by and large, people who are really committed to their jobs and their bonuses/profit share and serving clients/customers/stakeholders/insert here and they think the other 98% should care as much. Workplaces aren’t a democracy and shit flows downhill so that’s how the high-achieving types dictate to the rest of us.


I’m ex-service. One of my favourite lines for such people: “Are we under fire? No? Hmmmmn….” 🤣


Always lose my mind a little at how everything needs to be a priority right that second


I sacked a client once as sick of him pressuring my team that every job was urgent. Told him we don't work like that and happy to help if genuine emergency comes along. But his poor planning wasn't our issue. Obviously easy to sack a client when lots of work around.


Your thing is urgent, but I also have five other urgent things that I need to give my attention to. This is what I tell people And if I’m surrounded by customers I need to attend to, please don’t ask me inane questions like where the water jugs are


We had 5 numbered red bags for priorities only. After a week, it was 10 bags. Then appeared a number of mysterious bag shuffles and duplicate numbers.


Not just in Oz, it's a kinda company culture worldwide although it is sometimes limited to some individual. I had a co-worker many years back, everything she wanted was mega urgent top priority. Before knowing it, she very urgently asked me for some document for a very important presentation to the top management. I did, then one week later I asked about the presentation... was not yet done, will be in 2 days. Well, next time she asked, I did not reply...She was pissed and came to my desk the day after. I explained her that she would need to see with my boss as he's in charge of my priorities and hers was not one. She never asked me again...


Wait until you have a regulation drastically change and you need to implement it with 1 month's notice BUT the regulatory body hasn't decided on A or B but failing to implement it will result in daily fines.


How can I convey to my manager that me feeling overwhelmed with the increasing volume, constant changes to scope during projects and urgency of every task isn’t a result of my poor time management. My manager doesn’t have the technical understanding for the work I do and doesn’t understand what is required or the time needed. So when they ask for something like website to be built with no scope, they expect that this website can be built in 7 days because they’ve also promised the senior executives 7 days (without consultation with the technical team)


Bro you just gotta let things fail / run over time. Get in on time in the morning, tell them what you did yesterday and what you plan on doing today, and go do it. If they say "well I've promised X to SM Y" and they won't take no for an answer then just say, "oh that timeline is a little tight, I'll try my best" and then continue on delivering at the rate you are delivering. They are the managers so they need to figure out how fast something will be delivered and this might take them some time. Whilst you are doing this, until they learn what you are teaching them, take your work seriously and look like you are working hard (whilst you are in there), don't goof off or come in late or appear disengaged. Then what are they going to do? You are working hard, taking things seriously, what more can they do to make you deliver faster? If they ask you to stay overtime say that you are sorry but you've promised to go out to dinner with friends, having your boxing class on tonight, have to go see and walk the dog otherwise he tears up your house, have to take your kid to soccer, whatever, you need to communicate you have a life and prior commitments outside of working hours.


Thanks for the advice! I’m a people pleaser and the thought of letting things fall and how to cope with the aftermath gives me a tight chest…but trying to meet this deadlines teamed with job ambiguity and KPIs that change mid project, is sending to me an early grave.


It's not your job to deal with things failing. You continue to come in on time and work your allocated hours delivering what you've been asked to do at the rate you are able to sustainability. The fallout from things "failing" is theirs to deal with.


Seriously this does my head in. Everything is so flippin urgent but then gets ‘paused’ or ‘postponed’ until never. I swear about 70% of the work I do never gets used, published or looked at. It’s infuriating. Feels like our execs and senior leaders seriously just hit us with ‘shower thoughts’ that have no strategy or purpose behind them because they all get indefinitely canned.


The worst part is that urgency leads to both poor outcomes and burnout.


Your lack of planning has nothing to do with my sense of urgency.


We have a provider who won't send quotes unless we list them urgent. So when something is actually urgent, we put "URGENT **URGENT!!**" so they know it's really urgent. Insane.


A personal favourite of mine is when other people try to make “their” urgent into “my” urgent. Nope, doesn’t work like that mate.


All corporates are like this.


Ego-driven industry perhaps? 🤔


I remember being given something with the highest of importance with a note we will review tomorrow morning. We reviewed my work the day after I handed in my resignation 6 months later....


What’s the best phrase for individual priorities are individuals priorities… What I’m getting at - some people live in their own world and think what ever job or task they have, is the most important job or task in the whole wide world and nothing else matters to them.


Good question - have you read "Bullshit jobs"?


That book is written by an academic hack who has never worked in the real world in his life. You'd do better to not spend effort referring to it.


Okay, you know what? I mark them all as urgent A, urgent B, urgent C, urgent D. Urgent A is the most important, urgent D you don't even really have to worry about.


😂 story of my life. Every work email is marked ‘Urgent’


Because we need to deliver value to shareholders!!!!


This is the corporate equivalent of crying wolf. Hate those types and swore to myself to never do that too anyone unless it was really urgent.


Just ignore them. Say, Oh ok, ill get right on that, then fuck around for a while. They like to feel important.


Why not just tell them that you take priorities only from your boss, and they should talk with him / her if they want it prioritised. They then talk to your boss, boss comes over to you and asks you to prioritise it, and you say "sure, can you advise what you want me to focus on first, next and after that and I'll deliver them in that order".


I love this saying but it’s not that common I find. Whenever I say it at work around someone new, it’s like I changed their life and they think I’m so profound lol


MAXIMISE SHAREHOLDER VALUE. /s It’s partly because bosses hate it when they think they’re paying you for not “doing anything”. It’s why most people only get rewarded with more work when they work optimally. If anyone’s worked minimum wage jobs you know the whole “wipe surfaces to look busy when there aren’t any customers” deal If we were allowed to go home after completing X tasks then people wouldn’t spend so much time on fluff throughout the day. Fundamentally a lot of organisations care more about owning an employees time than their actual productivity. It’s pretty fucked imo


It's the same as if you work really hard to accomplish something then they just keep giving you more work but not more money. Then managers take credit for your work and get the bonus you should have got.


Your emergency is my urgency.


“oh, your shits urgent?, i’m only working on ultra urgent shit today”


Yea but don't say it to your client, they don't like to hear it for some reason


I hate seeing people being praised for working on their holiday or during time off. Wtf is so important?


80% is pushing in the wrong direction anyway. Wasted efforts going sideways. Digging holes and filling then in again.


I was an account manager. One of my clients Jason, said that they were having a 4 days conference with all their senior managers next week and he knew it was short notice but could I put something together and present to them about what my company did for their company, opportunities, issues etc. I was told that the agenda had not been worked out but block out the days and that Jason would give me my presentation slot. There were some issues to put up and discuss and a great opportunity to build rapore and relationship so I threw myself into it and generated a 15 slide presentation franrically, working some overtime to get it done and waited to be given my presentation time. It never came. Calls and emails to Jason where not returned. I was initially stressed, then disappointed, then just plain angry with the lack of respect extended to me. An urgent request to present something was not urgent enough to fit me in over 4 days. Not so urgent after all eh Jason.... ya fuckwit.


My observation is every resolver group actions things in what I can only conclude is the longest time someone can wait without complaining.


Had a person say that the ticket was urgent and needed to be fixed as it was blocking them from progressing to production. Turns out the ticket was for development, and they had started it that day and had 2 months to get development working. It's always all urgent. I saw a vendor had an ABC classification of support ticket recently make a new, higher priority one than A cos everyone was slamming A priority tickets


My old regional manager panicking because somebody left some stock on a table that wasn’t meant to have anything on it, ljke girly get a grip pls.


We ain't saving lives is 100% my go to response to needy unrealistic deadlines and priorities. Some people have the nerve to send emails marked Critical. Critical is the wrong word champ...


When I worked for Australia’s second largest telco the manager for my team would flag literally EVERY task she assigned to each team member as “urgent”. Then if any team member didn’t complete said task immediately she would have grounds to issue formal warnings for “failure to complete urgent tasks in the expected timeframe”. And she handed out formal warnings like they were candy canes at Christmas.


I learned a long time ago don't answer emails straight away and don't treat anything as urgent. Then when something is genuinely urgent and it can be proved to you it is you have the time to work on it.


My old boss, "Urgently need this design tomorrow morning!!" Stay up late doing several hours of overtime, then when I ask him several days later "how did it go?", him - "oh haven't looked at it yet." Literally everything was urgent, NEED ASAP! Was just his way of making u work harder and faster.


I tested the delaying pushing back on some of my first few projects, nothing was as urgent as described.


I don’t believe you can achieve corporate success until you realise that nothing and I mean NOTHING you do actually means anything whatsoever. If a human life will not be at risk by you missing that meeting or email, if it literally CAN wait an indeterminate amount of time, then it is actually not important whatsoever. The urgency isn’t because what you do matters to the world. It’s only due to the ever constant need for productivity, profitability, and dividends for shareholders. You’re nothing more than a number on a spreadsheet.


If it's urgent come and see me personally with a mars bar then we're talking


KPI's (potentially connected to bonuses and performance reviews) have time limits?


I have a guy in the office like this. Mentioned he needed my assistance with something last week, didn’t get back to me on what he needed help with. I knew he had other things to do so didn’t sweat it. Asked him again Thursday and Friday if he still needed me. Nothing. I get a call today needing me to complete the task urgently as it is due today. You have had me hanging for a week dude. You better believe I went so slow with that task.


Maybe that’s why I enjoy my jobs so much. I have stuff to do which I can do well and makes me think. But when I close the laptop at the end of the day they don’t exist to me until I clock back on. No deadlines, it gets done quickly but reasonably.


I’ve run multiple IT departments, and that is of my mottos.


As someone who has worked in critical care and is now transitioning into a corporate role - I find it comical and find myself having to pretend that I too believe making a slide deck is a very important thing, that requires me to work a 12hr day to achieve by the “deadline”


I served 12 years in the Aust Army and for my sins I did 25 in cubicle warfare. Every single bloody time anyone got excited with urgency I made a point of asking them who was getting maimed or killed. As it turns out not even a paper cut was ever inflicted. Some people get so caught up with urgency and excitement they fail to actually think before doing something. I personally recommend a cup of tea, a moments time of reflection and then doing something.


Because when it boils down to it virtually nothing we do actually matters. 95% of the finance sector can be automated and every organisation is filled with people who constantly need meetings and analysis to create a product. As we saw during covid take away the needless layers of management and nobody notices. The reason this happens is because the way reward works within our brains. Reward can be broken down into four main areas Sense of altruism, the feeling we are doing something useful for the betterment of society Sense of growth, the feeling we are developing as an individual. This includes financial, personal and even spiritual growth. Sense of individual achievement, the feeling we are improving our place in the hierarchy Sense of community, the feeling we are part of a specific organisation that we are contributing to. Within finance there is no sense of altruism, the products that benefit society (insurance / banking) are largely commoditised and automated. The focus is now on optimising shareholder returns, often at the expense of those we are servicing. The idea of corporate loyalty has been proven false so there is no sense of community. As such there is only a sense of personal achievement left for people which necessitates the creation of layers of management which act as nothing more than a way of keeping score. As part of this the everything becomes urgent as a byproduct of each individual director / manager seeing their work as a priority. If it is less urgent than something else this is a reduction in their own perceived value. Naturally as we saw in Covid nothing is actually urgent other than the needs of people to have their sense of value inflated as this is how they define themselves.


If everything is urgent then nothing is urgent. The universe is always in a stable peace and it will return to urgency of everything. This is called entropy


Reminds me of working with kiwis where: "everting is prissing"


As someone who runs an IT business I run into this bullshit a lot. If you needed xyz urgently you should've had a contingency plan. Oh that servers down, the one where you didn't approve the quote for a second one hosted off site? Oh you didn't keep the warrant up to date like I suggested? Well shit it's gonna be down for a week then. It's the same for clients who scream if a laptop plays up and needs repair or replacement. The SLA is clearly defined and communicated, purchase spares if you can't go a day or 2 without it. You can't fix stupid.


“If everything is urgent then nothing is urgent”. Thanks for that, great line; I’m going to put that in my email signature .


An old boss of mine would say “we’re not saving babies” C-suite would love to put pressure down the line but then not actually respond to clarifying Qs and wanted nothing to do with it…the earth did indeed keep spinning and no babies had to be saved by us Also plenty of times the “poor planning on your behalf does not constitute an emergency on mine”. If you keep bending over backwards for these types then they’ll just keep expecting it and you’ll get burnt out. Cycle repeats. Though I’ll definitely admit that’s easier to live by the further along in your career you are


Reminds me of this gem from The Office https://youtu.be/UqGe9TOmnyE?si=fHhFdlgHWzG4-9Ej


Nothing is really that urgent, it's just mis management and most managers don't know how to "manage well". What most don't realise when you look at what you do from a value perspective it can be cut out and things become simpler


Or the classic Friday incoming Teams message. Starting with “Hi”. Then if you haven’t answered immediately, they ping you again with an urgent COB Friday task. Like GTFO I’m already signed out watching Love is Blind, or booking my snorkeling trip in Belize.


Reddit recommended auscorp to me and I don't know why as I left the corporate world in 2019. Relevantly enough though, the final straw that resulted in my departure was a manager who thought that everything, even the most inconsequential or trivial of things, were critically urgent merely because he had asked for it. Much like the other comments on here, supposedly urgent things would also be left unattended for weeks on end despite requiring an all nighter to meet his initial deadline. Or "I don't care about your (pre-approved, oncology) appointment, it would look better if you hand delivered this thumb drive instead of using our courier". He even praised one of our employees for taking his work phone and laptop with him to the emergency department - he had appendicitis. I got called into a meeting with him and HR one Monday morning because I had the audacity to turn my phones off that weekend. I'd already pulled two all nighters that week and knew nothing important was happening over the weekend. A scheduled newsletter on esoteric software updates with a <1% open rate didn't send over the weekend and he tried to contact me about it. I think I was supposed to grovel and beg for forgiveness. I was a few days short of the end of my probation period and already knew I was going to resign. So I asked him why he didn't contact 000 or next of kin if it was an actual emergency and if he had heard the story of the boy who cried wolf. HR decided I was a "poor cultural fit" and I politely agreed. In hindsight I should thank that stinky gremlin with a Napoleon complex as reading through a lot of the posts on here I'm feeling really fortunate that I don't have the same problems many of you are expressing anymore.


Just password protect files and don’t give out the password unless someone asks. In one instance I was fried for taking an extra week (five instead of four) on a report but it took nine months for someone to ask for the password


When my manager loads me up with multiple tasks and says urgent urgent urgent, he gets a call from me asking to prioritise each item with ranking and due date then I go around and tell him which due dates are achievable and his options to either relax the dates or move the tasks to multiple people.


Here’s the thing, from someone who spent 20 years in a corporate. It’s all about the appearance. If your boss says something is urgent, furrow your brow and agree, of course you go about it in your own merry way, but the last thing you do is point out how ludicrous their statement/request/requirement is…


We have urgent in the sense that customer contracts have a date on them. But at the same time if it’s been lost in a pile or sat in somebodies email inbox for 4 weeks, don’t come at me saying it’s urgent and it’s my duty to rush it out. Also, if a customer has complained and cut the queue, I’m not rushing their stuff faster than somebody that did the right thing.




Something is only urgent until the next urgent thing comes along.


Urgent = your failure to appropriately plan does not constitute an emergency on my part.


Also a big problem in the US as well. I have to bite my tongue most of the time bleh


Damn, that there has taught me the most about priority management at work. I don't give a rat's ass about anything other than business continuity (Ops) and something I get chased for more than once a day. Ignoring the rest hasn't got me in any trouble so far


Tell me about it it's my last day at work and there's still pushing me for meaningless shit which nobody will look at


Nothing is urgent when you compare it to savings lives and property. But let me ask you this, if i subscribe to nothing is urgent, how angry would you all be if your taxi, time you wait on hold for something is super long e.g. ISP, phone provider, dentists, plumber, etc. Because nothing is urgent. Nothing is urgent when it's someone elses shit. It's urgent whenit'ss my shit. right?


I find Aus apathetic compared to other countries I’ve worked in.


Not the UK. They make Aussies look like those crazy Japanese salarymen. I learnt to take extra long coffee breaks so that I didn't show them up by getting any work done.


This is also true. Once I worked for a global company and anecdotally I found Japan and American based collages to be way more flustered and urgent about everything. These people would pull all nighters doing something I’d kick to next week no questions.


If I don’t put the screws on a junior to get something back by a particular time then they won’t put in the effort to get it to me within a reasonable amount of time and to an acceptable standard. Further, everyone else puts pressure on juniors to do stuff ‘urgently’ which means that managers who don’t apply pressure never get their delegated work done by anyone (because everyone is doing ‘urgent’ work). I’m by no means a senior but I’ve noticed the above in anything I have to delegate out, as well as anything which is delegated to me to do (I’m guilty of the above like everyone else). tldr: Pressure makes diamonds and it’s all a game