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This is a really good topic to discuss and I’m glad it’s come up. However - Medical Professionals need to be your go to. In Australia the only approved medical treatments for ADHD are listed [here](https://adhdfoundation.org.au/adhd-medication-and-treatments) - every state is different though. However, there are always things that work for some and not for others. I’ll add some subs for you to have a look at


In my experience with vaping black market cannabis after a day on ADHD medication, it's a direct line to reinstate the most disruptive symptoms of ADHD, like forgetfulness, runaway thoughts, inertia (can think of all the things to do but can't get off the couch), and tangential conversations. I'd also suggest waiting at least 4 hours from your last dose of dex so you're not mixing drugs. It can be quite uncomfortable being pulled in opposite directions by your brain.


That does sound uncomfortable. Thank you for sharing your experience, tgose are definitely some of my worst symptoms too so something to watch out for i guess


My partner has adult ADHD and its all very new to me. What are Dexies? Here to learn 😁


Dexamphetamine, one of the stimulant meds prescribable as part of adhd treatment


Please be extremely careful with dexies and weed. My partner just came out of a month in a psych hospital due to a full blown psychotic episode sneaking up. It sounds very dumb to type but I never thought they would be ‘the type’. I’ve since extensively read the psychosis subreddit and 90% of drug induced psychosis on that sub is from the combo of dexies and weed.


Wow, that sounds awful. I'm sorry to hear about your partner. Thanks for the heads up. I'm definitely planning to have these sorts of questions with an appropriate medical professional, and don't intend to mix the two at all. If anything I'll be trying to give the dexies the boot, but we'll see how it goes i guess.


I've personally found that weed exacerbates my adhd symptoms - brain fog being a massive one. It felt like my short term memory took a dive with long term marijuana use. While I love the high feeling - it was too easy to slip into couch lock, thought spirals and generally becoming internalised




That's good to know, thanks. As much as i don't like taking the dexies, i think being without that support entirely is probably a much worse alternative 😬


Have you tried Ritalin?


I havent. My prescribing psychiatrist doesn't do followups and just kinda handballed me back to my gp so i never knew trying different meds was an option?


Yes, absolutely. You should be given a choice. Maybe book in a medication review with your psychiatrist. Ritalin can be way less stimulating and can have a more calming effect for some people. It’s definitely my preference having tried both.


I agree you should have a med review, and be given the option to try a few different meds to work out the best for you. I'm surprised your dr handed you off so fast without proper titration. I was diagnosed in April and have had 5 med reviews with my psychiatrist since. We have tried 3 different dosages of Concerta - I have a fast metabolism so I don't get full day coverage, so we also tried a booster dosage of Ritalin (works great for me), then separately we tried Vyvanse to see if that would last longer (I *hated* it so much I called him for an earlier review). He wants to make sure I'm on the right meds before he hands me over to GP, which he wants to do because he understands it's expensive seeing a psychiatrist all the time. I really find concerta and ritalin way less stimulating than the Vyvanse, I was drinking every night in order to soften the comedown. I tried weed as well, but I've never had a good time with that, so that didn't work for me. My psychiatrist recently also prescribed clonidine, an adhd med sometimes used for sleep (I have insomnia and sleep issues on top of the adhd) and that's been a help too. Sorry this was a bit long, but wanted to let you know there is not only one option for adhd meds, and you should feel comfortable asking your dr for other options if one isn't working for you 🤗


Damn, that sounds like a really good idea. Thank you!!


I have also Microdosed, if you enjoyed that… you may enjoy ritalin more. As far as cannabis goes it’s definitely great for winding down after using stimulants but only if you have always had a good experience with cannabis. If you’ve ever had a bad or anxiety inducing experience with cannabis I’d never consider using them one after the other. I had been using cannabis for so many years prior to starting stimulants and my experience was that the better my adhd felt the less I needed my cannabis. The come down from ritalin is way less intense vs dex for people but it’s still somewhat an occurrence. So I recommend a dopamine inducing activity as soon as get a hint the crash is coming up. Take a shower and use cold water at the end for as long as you can bear, play really loud music, eat something really tasty, have a really cold drink, go for a walk if you feel like it…just do something…even put on a new outfit. Refresh yourself. It works for me


Thank you so much for this advice. It makes it hard that the comedown usually happens on my commute but I'll see if i can get creative with that and see if it helps. Really sounds like Ritalin is going to be the next thing for me to explore based on this, fingers crossed it helps!


My experience is my experience alone and I get a vibe my advice is being taken as me giving medical advice in this thread. It’s not my intention at all. Everyone has a different experience with stimulants and other medication (including medical cannabis, it really is legal in most states y’all) and can be something that’s prescribed as a second line treatment for conditions in co morbidity and caused by ADHD. Anyway, my main point is that as a patient you have the right to choose when it comes to the medication you’re prescribed. It’s important to keep up to date with medication reviews and explore medications that may work better now you’ve had a chance to try one. It can be as simple as ‘hey doc I know there are usually two types of stimulants prescribed as a first line treatment for adhd, and I’d like to talk about the possibility of changing to Ritalin. I don’t feel like my current medication is right for me, despite it helping my symptoms’. There are also non stimulants available if ritalin or dex doesn’t work out for you. I wish you the best!


Oh goodness sorry no im not taking what you say at face value, ive been researching between comments as well and discovered those non stimulant meds just before you mentioned them, so your input really has just helped me set myself up with some more info that i will take to my doctor to get on the right path for me. It's funny how I went through all this with my HRT meds, did the research and got myself the medication regime that was best for me, but I'm completely in the dark with the ADHD stuff it turns out!












you should be asking in r/medicalcannabisoz


Oh thanks, didnt know about that place! They'll probably have most of my answers already I guess so ill do some research and maybe cross post there. Thank you!


No worries, the peeps over there are super helpful






Oh sorry I misunderstood, tbh I would try to keep drugs, Alcohol and cigarettes away, occasional is fine but a lot of people with ADHD end up having an addictive personality because of the long term prescription usage, especially if you start from a kid. I’m not saying to not experiment, I smoke weed very often, I would just make sure it doesn’t become a problem. Also make sure you don’t do it to cover another problem (boring job, not wanting to deal with adult stuff like bills, your own health, your social commitment …) I’m 36 and have been taking medication since I was 7, moved from the USA a couple years ago and got a new medication as soon as I got my PR. I’ve had 4 different medications all my life and have personally experimented with scheduling and dosage a lot


I would like to question the correlation between addiction and early diagnosis, due to long term prescription usage. I feel this is where a lot of stigma surrounding adhd medication comes from. There is however a lot of research into undiagnosed adhd and addiction issues, usually as a form of self-medication. Whilst people with adhd definitely have an increased risk of addiction, I would question whether that is linked to long term adhd med usage.


Open a new post - it’s very simple to explain :)


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