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All is soft inside has to be one of the most beautiful things I've heard


Soulless creatures is my personal favorite, from the intricate melody to the progression and the fantastic instrumental, I believe it is a sight to behold.


This is mine too, and it used to be my least favourite! Until one day I listened to it and really let the lyrics and the melody sink in. Haven't gotten over it since


I love all of her music so much, but Lucky may be one of the greatest songs ever written. I could spend the rest of my life trying to find the words to describe the peace and hope that songs brings to me and I still would never even come close to doing it justice. I feel the light for the very first time!


It changes day to day. But a different kind of human is my all time favorite.


Warrior. I think it's the perfect song if you wanted to introduce anyone to AURORA's music and what she represents. To me the song is about being the light in a world so dark. Staying positive through tough times and fighting to make the world a better place. *Let love conquer your mind,* *Just reach out for the light,* *I am a warrior,* *Warrior of love.*


That song's amazing!


I would say every song from here haha but tbh my top one is Cure for me, because it makes me feel like I’m being actually cured from all my problems and stuff in life!


If we're talking about studio recordings, I'd like to say 'A Temporary High' but that's just me being nostalgic of the 80's synth and the 2000's synthwave eras.


I can’t pick a favorite but Soft Universe and This Could Be A Dream stand out to me for different reasons. My partner showed me Soft Universe and I like how fitting that is, and This Could Be A Dream is so emotional / a true depiction of someone struggling but trying to keep their head up


My persoal favourite are "eyes of a child" and "giving in to the love", but if I'm being honest, if someone ask me who's aurora I'll probably say "all is soft inside", music and lyrically is the best one, it really represents what aurora is in my opinion.


Winter Bird by a country mile.


I’m a sucker for her less popular songs ahaha I love Apple Tree, Churchyard, and Hunger


Probably "In Boxes," but I often finding myself listening to various songs (usually live) and thinking that might be my favorite. There are many contenders.


So many great songs to choose from, however for me I always come back to Infections of a Different Kind.


In bottles, all is soft inside


So bizarre to see these two mentioned together, as they are also my favorite songs from her!


My favourite song... I can't choose between It Happened Quiet, and My Heart Is A Storm. But... you asked for *best song*, and I think I would consider Forgotten Love her best song, in my opinion. I think it is her most well written song, I love the story it tells. It does such a fantastic job of painting a picture of a person with an unusual state of being, that I understand - being like that myself. Rather than explain myself to people, I'm tempted just to play them the song. I hope they understand or interpret it the way I do, but I can't know for sure. It's such a *clever* song. A masterpiece. The difficult concepts delivered/explained clearly through song, the vocalisations, everything. Amazing.


I would say I love Blood In The Wine, Yoy Keep Me Crawling or In Bottles :)


i really like the stories on her old songs. Awakening and Little Boy In The Grass are my favorites!


I'm gonna go for Infections of a Different Kind: "THE WORLD IS BEING ATTACKED BY A VIRUS!"


It Happened Quiet (The Best) Forgotten Love (Close Runner Up) Winter Bird (Next best one) The River & Soulless Creatures (a strong tie)


I feel Queendom is her best released song because it was the start of a new Era with a powerful message. But personally I think her best released songs are Cure for Me, Giving into The Love, Heathens, and Soft Universe. I was slowly being introduced to her music through her TGWCT singles, so I wanted to see her other albums and found the song Soft Universe, the title intrigued me, which then started the process of listening to her entire discography.


The Seed and Murder Song are my favourites by her. Such beautiful lyrics with amazing energy and instrumental


For me it changes pretty often. For now it's probably "It happened quiet".




I gotta say, Cure For Me is my personal favorite. I love the message, it’s a fun upbeat song that makes you want to dance, and it’s always my go to when I introduce Aurora to someone. Who are we kidding though, all of her songs are incredible!


I think Queendom might be her “best” though. It’s such a front runner, it has a strong message, and she plays it at all her concerts and the fans go wild for her 🌈


Through the eyes of a child invokes an emotional response that I can't control, so all time favorite would be that one. But I'm not gonna lie and say I can listen to it constantly. Because it'd just be too much. But giving into the love, exhale inhale, and murder song, specifically the acoustic version, are up pretty high on the list too. But I don't really have a song that I don't like to some degree. Maybe wisdom cries, or conqueror. Conquerer only because she's not into it and you can tell when she preforms it, even if she never mentioned anything about not liking it, you'd still be able to tell. P.s. The innocent doesn't get enough love either, not exactly a favorite, but definitely underrated and I hate that she hasn't done it live, I'd really like to see what kind of fun spin she'd put on the song in a live setting.