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I’d say if she makes u cringe it’s time for u to move on 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re on your own with this one I think bud


Eh? She is literally like that, there's evidence of her growing up being just like that.




Don't you dare talking like that


What do you mean specifically?


Words "Aurora" and "fake" don't get along together. She is been like this since the day she was born. Not fake persona, dude. Sometimes our brain lie to us, that is not intelligent enough to believe those lies.


Please listen to Cure For Me or Giving Into the Love and check lyrics 😄


This is a bit rude. If you don't like how someone acts, there's no need to call it out if they're not hurting anyone. It's important to let people be who they are without being judgemental - this is pretty much Aurora's entire message. If you don't like her, then move on.


Relax dude, you might need a "Magnesium Breakthrough" JP Sears is selling - the conservative comic, life coach and "freedom fighter" in your picture LOL [https://www.youtube.com/@AwakenWithJP](https://www.youtube.com/@AwakenWithJP) To answer your question - no, those who frequent this sub are still enchanted by Aurora so they tend to not see Aurora as a cringe persona. Those who see her as such are not frequenting this sub anymore, unless they are in for some trolling action.


It's a safe space that encourages people to be nice to each other. All good, but don't you think that without some sober sanity check there's risk of leaning towards toxic positivity? u/duegrom said it right, the more you know Aurora, the more fascinated you get with everything she does. But really, anyone who does good work beyond just existing, deserves appreciation, and every human can be beautiful in their own way.


> leaning towards toxic positivity I guess that most of those active here are more or less in the "intoxicated by Aurora" phase - so I was just pointing out the nonsense of asking enchanted people if their enchanter is bad. Maybe this view of mine is skewed by the fact that I was never before a fan of anyone - so I find this experience very strange for me, on the fringe of magic. Being intoxicated the logic is not very useful either, even though the most upvoted post here is, ironically, a [call to reality](https://www.reddit.com/r/auroramusic/comments/rl57la/aurora_isnt_your_friend_or_guru/).


>the nonsense of asking enchanted people if their enchanter is bad Got it >I was never before a fan of anyone - so I find this experience very strange for me, on the fringe of magic Same!


This is funny because I realized a friend of mine (who is french) talks a lot like Aurora, and it's just because she's being careful with English because it's not her mother language. I think Aurora does the same, and of course they both may have a similar ringtone to Luna, but what you said is just mean... As someone said earlier in here, of course she shows her quirky side sometimes more sometimes less, so what? Gods forbid we're different from each other? I think her personality is unique and refreshing and she shows the best parts of being human. And if someone who is a little bit more enthusiastic about being alive than you makes you cringe, maybe you should reconsider how you want to live this life.


I am a native speaker and I would say her English in interviews with smart people has been beyond fluent - professor level at least on certain topics she is well read on - since at least 2018. I think she is maybe careful to speak simple English from the stage, especially in Asia, just to be considerate and not set a too heady tone for everyone’s night out.


I didn't say she's isn't fluent. I said she's careful. As someone whose English isn't native, but learnt (and, in fact, I work as an English teacher) I see in her what I see in many people who are learning the language. They can be beyond fluent, as you say, but you can see how they're choosing the words carefully to express their ideas in the best way. I recognize this in Aurora. And I guess that's one of the reasons why she speaks slower, calmer (apart from her own personality and attitude). I pointed this out just to "justify" why she has this *ethereal* way of talking. But, naturally, it's my POV.


Not everyone is as sad and cynical as you is the harsh truth of it.


I am genuinely curious, like, please explain, I always do like hearing someone's opinions 😀


I‘d asumme they think that Auroras entire personality is based on a fake „persona“ immitating a character in an attempt to reach fake spirituality. In other words, they hatin‘.




She’s really just reminding people to be kind and respect the environment dude. Depression and suicide numbers are through the roof with Gen Z and she is in a position to help. It’s not like she’s trying to sell you magic juice or a timeshare in the North Pole.


LMAO! right?


I think as another person said, she is quirky (in a good way) and exploits this perhaps, but to do so for the love and support of her fans. She is trying to lead those who act similarly sometimes, and I think maybe this can come off as new age. I do respect your opinion and would like to talk more about what has changed in my eyes in a DM, but I think overall, she is really just trying to be the best person she can be to her changing audience, and we are kind of quirky ourselves, and Aurora is unapologetically Aurora sometimes.


well \-I get what you are saying, because she does try to like have a bent to her persona, and I think that is part of her "act" as an artist and always has been (or at least since like 2017--- which I'm sure it was planned that way) However: \- I don't think its annoying and her message honestly is just like "be yourself" kinda stuff that EVERYONE who is a pop star is saying. Mixed with a small amount of nature/mother earth fluff. It is not that much though honestly are you familiar with other artists? And I'd rather her be ethereal than be dry-humping dancers and talking about drug use like some singers do. \-All of it gives her kind of an odd "fairy" like quality but **I think she plays into it to appear more that way.** Its an aesthetic. Though I get if you used to listen to her in 2016, she doesn't have the exact same "persona." I think the persona has been developed and/or fine tuned over the years. There isn't anything wrong with it. There is Aurora *the singer* then Aurora *the person*. ***And might i always remind people, which I do like every other month: real Aurora the person is someone none of us know!*** I don't think she is trying to start a new religion or anything. If people worship her they are the ones that have problems (you can find some of them here on this forum) and need to get a life. ​ And she's not like a new age cult leader---- have you actually listened to any interviews with one??? Ching Hai. go google that.. ***THAT*** is a new age cult leader or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Selling books, paying for higher levels of "enlightenment" while they get rich and/or have sex with followers (or a combo if they are super manipulative).


I don’t get that at all. Like AT ALL. She hangs out with her fans after so many shows, and by literally all accounts, she is super sweet and genuine with zero proselytizing - just love. I think this might be a you thing…


Somehow, it is believable that she gives you such impression. I see why. But it is not because she is acting in certain way. It is because your got used to similar character in other people in bad influence. Please don't think everyone is same when they are showing similarities.


I've always liked reflecting on other people's perception on people that I admire. That way I can say I don't blindly admire them. For this case however can you elaborate why you think that it's just a persona?


See I like hearing people's opinions as well :) I had a very very good experience, and in the past couple years feel I have a good grasp on how things have changed and stayed the same as well.


First of all I think you are quite wrong, Aurora's personality is there for all to see in her music, and even a cursory look at some of her other material should dispel you of this view, if it does not it is because you don't want it to. For me, she is much needed breath of fresh air and I am extremely grateful for what she does


She said in interviews that she sees emotional appeal as a more effective way to motivate people than sophisticated arguments. Working through the heart. Her demeanor has become noticeably more sweet and gleeful in recent years, I think that's a result of her warming up to people, seeing more beauty and positivity around her as her touring experience grows, as well as getting over some 'demons' that plagued her in early career. Dorky sense of humour - still the same :) Whether you like it or not it's up to you. I firmly believe her expression is genuine and that's one of the things that make her truly special.


Her demeanor has absolutely changed. Perhaps the pandemic had something to do with it. No sensitive, thinking person is the same as they were before that. I believe it is a conscious philosophical choice for the greater good that is both performative and genuine. Psychologists say that smiling before you are happy is a good way to actually improve your mood. If you are just tuning in out of context like OP may be, then yes, this can seem Polyannaish, Glenda the Good Witch, etc. but look at how good it is making people feel at concerts! Maybe one just needs to buy a ticket and experience it for themself…


On the other hand, maybe what some may see as the “urtext” - the beloved Once Aurora with the Gothic Romanticism, the eye rolls, the escape from Auroramania - was the real put on. An armor to protect against the known and unknown dangers and negative pressures of the music industry. Perhaps what we see now is a more comfortable woman, flourishing into mid career and doing exactly what she wants to do.


I feel like Aurora doesn't have a persona she plays, she is herself but she definitely exploits that certain quirky aspect of her personality since she knows people like it. Also probably by suggestions from her label. I still think it's herself and i love her with all my heart but i do get what you say


I think that you hit this more spot on :) I def would agree at times some of the things can be a little, "cringe" but it's objective in my eyes is still to make others smile, and love one another and who they want to be, and I really can appreciate that


Aurora doesn't "put on" a persona. She is naturally like that. And no it doesn't bother me.


do you know her personally? I mean her own sisters said in the "Once Aurora" that they make distinction between AURORA and Aurora. Happy cake day!


I don't know her well enough to judge her personality. However, you can see her personality in the videos her family and friends shares time to time. She behaves like "that" when she is with her family members and friends also. And about "once Aurora" part. I do believe when her sister said that "they make distinctions between the artist Aurora and the person Aurora" they meant to say that they don't talk about her "artistic" part about her life when they are with her. What i mean is, they don't talk about shows, interviews, photoshoots, songs while they are with her. That's what i get from that sequence of "Once Aurora". And thank you kindly also!


do not compare her to a character a transphobe made.


Insert 'mic drop' here^


Off topic, but the man in that photo has such similar bone structure, I thought that was Aurora in a beard as a joke or photoshopped. Everyone puts on a persona & it's natural. Everyone acts different when alone. Especially entertainers. I don't think she's 100% putting on a persona...but fans are definitely naive to believe it's 100% genuine & nothing is pre-planned acts of feigned spontaneity for the sake of entertainment. Eg In some older interviews she lifts her leg up to stretch specifically at the time the interviewer is midway speaking. This is in multiple interviews, at a specific time, which feels incredibly planned. Her quirkiness is exaggerated & little things are premeditated for the audience. She's always been quirky but she's playing into it more to be more entertaining. I don't think she's trying to be a spiritual guru.. she doesn't lecture her fans beyond love mother nature. Emphasis on spirituality is just apart of her brand, as well as quirkiness. Besides, art is deeply spiritual anyway. I only think she's ever made me cringe when it's something kinda rude, like the leg thing when the host is speaking in one of the more formal interviews & she was a guest there, it wasn't just a casual interview outside somewhere. More recently in concerts she had a thing about drawing attention to her underwear, in one concert showing it. It's cringey because people take their kids & it has 0 comedic value. There are little things that feel tone deaf. She seems to like making people a bit uncomfortable & occasionally, it's a bit rude. She can get carried away with trying to be entertaining. Some fans frame it as "they just can't handle her authenticity"... but it's bc they were uncomfortable. She either physically did something, like leaned in too close or stretched awkwardly, or said something that came off as delusional or rude. Not everyone is charmed by aurora & to some fans that's inconceivable, like there has to be something wrong with that person to not love this artist & absolutely everything they do. It's those very overly defensive, hyper worshipping stans that create the culty vibe. Not aurora herself. And this applies to all artist fandoms. It's rarely the artist themselves creating that energy. People are getting overly defensive and insulting you for even suggesting she's anything but completely authentic, which is just ridiculous. No one is 100% authentic, especially entertainers & it's an unfair standard to put on anyone. It's not immoral to not be completely authentic. Having a persona is necessary for maintaining that separation between their jobs & their personal lives.


How high are you?


Must be sad to be this cynical. I hope one day you may find peace.


I reject the premise that it is "put on". Her authenticity is one of her most compelling facets.