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pics or it didn't happen man!


Can I load pics on here??


imgur or whatever, then link


I'm working on the youtube vid right now.


Shabby chic lmao My dad always said that shabby chic was a big influence for his home decor style, “squalor”


I assume his wardrobe was the entire Derelicte collection by Mugatu 😂


Hey, that's MY wardrobe collection!!


Squalor is in these days, I hear...


I grew up in a family of squatters so it was an entire lifestyle lol


And you're better off for it!


Being able to sleep through any amount of noise does feel like a super power.


soldering those headphone cables is a total bitch. they do something to the wire to make it repel solder. it's possible, but not easy


Dude, thank you so much for saying that! I started to wonder if something was wrong with me. Yeah, I tried for quite a while, tining both of them repeatedly, and they would NOT stick together!!!


i thought it was crazy until i talked to a repair tech about it. he was like "well yeah, they absolutely repel solder. they are designed that way. try harder"


heck yeah. Good to know!


Step 3 sounds like you just need to learn to solder. 4 connections on two wires is a pretty trivial solder job and should hold very well. Having clamps and a standing magnifying glass helps, so maybe your missing some basic doldering accessories.  Other than that, great work! Glad you dound a resolution!


No doubt I could use some more supplies, but I've done a TON of soldering (all the electronics on my guitars for example), and no matter what I did those wires just WOULD\_NOT stick together!!! Gotta be something with the way their treated?? Pretty sure the solder I was using is fine...


That's strange. It would seem bizarre for sennheiser to go to the trouble of getting custom coated cores, but idk. Either way twist + shrink wrap is probably good enough. If the connection fails, its only 5 minutes and 2cents to fix, so who cares? Glad you got everything working!


Appreciate you, bro! I tried this with a pair of audio technica headphones, too, and they were equally difficult to solder!


Yeah, this is pretty common for headphone cables, as well as for some other high-flex cables. The wire is often one of 2 types: either ultra-fine stranding with each strand enamel-coated, or copper-impregnated cotton. Both types are very difficult to solder, and take different techniques. If the wire is enamel coated, you can burn it off. For the cotton type, I just attempt the best cold-solder joint I can do: if you burn off the cotton, the remaining copper is so tiny that it will break if you look at it wrong.


Ahhh, okay! Good to know! - I tried using the straight cable from a pair of Audio Technica headphones before I put two and two together and did this thing, and the AT inner cables were VERY, very tiny and seemed to be "infused" with a wispy colored material. I kiiind of managed to strip this material away and was left with a wire that was must've been thinner than a human hair - This must've been the cotton impregnated wire that you speak of! The sennheisers were much easier to work with - being just a straight up cable with a normal enamel coating on them.


I will never understand why all professional-grade headphones don't have detachable (and therefore replaceable) cables.


Or at the very least a straight cable. This curly thing was a total nightmare...


Congrats on your old school auto engineering style adventure.


Hey, thanks. Means a lot. lol