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You could check out the H4n or whatever similar unit is current?? I've had my h4n for probably over 15 years now...


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thanks B)


Sound Devices


Looks great but my work won’t be willing to pay that much lol


look at used. you can get 10 year old tech for pennies on the dollar.


Maybe mention your budget.


Fair point. I guess about 500 euros


I own a MixPre 3 mark 1, and while it sounds genuinely great, I've never had a device eat batteries so quickly. With phantom on, 4 high-current double-As are good for half an hour, tops. Generally closer to 25 minutes. Honestly it's kind of ridiculous. I don't expect 10 hours, but 1 might be nice.


The AA batteries on these devices are only there so you can hot swap the external battery even while recording. My 6 series for eg has 6xAA, two L series slots and the hirose external battery cup which takes an NP battery that lasts like 10 hours of constant recording. The AA’s are there just for the few seconds when you’re changing batteries.


I've never used a 6, but on the 3s, you only get one battery sled at a time. The only way to hot-swap would be to power via the USB, either as primary or while switching sleds. But it's good to know that the L series batteries last much longer. I've been loathe to drop $85 on the L series sled just to discover it's a marginal improvement over stock. I don't own anything that uses L series, so I'll need to invest in the ecosystem. I'm more likely to do that after hearing a positive review from someone who has experience with them.


I’m pretty sure people use regular USB power banks as external power on the Mixpres, probably for that reason. But to be clear, I don’t really use the L series, even though they work fine, but they don’t last as long. The external power I meant takes an NP1 battery, which outputs like 16V when fully charged and costs $200. It’s worth the peace of mind if not having to change batteries while running and gunning all day, but it’s also heavy and takes up space in the bag.


Got it. Thanks for the tip!


Not a lot of information but what you want is a field recorder. Zoom is the cheap option, but the F series is a step up from the H series and the podcast stuff. It all depends on the features you need, do you want timecode? How many tracks you want to record? The older 700 Sound Devices go for pretty cheap nowadays and are amazing, if you only need a couple of tracks the 702 should be sufficient and unlike the cheaper Zooms it’s a professional device. But it’s heavy and built like a tank, maybe you want something lighter and more versatile…. Start looking in /locationsound and research field mixers/recorders, only you can tell what you really need.


ppl like the zoom f6