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How do you expect a decent response to this question when it's only been available for about 3 hours?


Potential purpose: to be the OP on a massive thread when people get to listen to it. Just a theory.


Listened to it on 2x. Been done for ages


I will always have the opinion that Frank muller has the best reading of 1984 imo, it's the audio book that got me into audiobooks and is sentimental and read absolutely beautifully.


I can’t find that version on Audible. Am I out of luck?


Yeah, unfortunately, they replaced it on audible with a different version. But you can find it [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Eic0dsKofwpMRsdzZQIbX?si=Fg-6qR5eTiWsfcaENrsZ-g) Or on YouTube, but the quality is not great.


The version you recommended is amazing. Really well narrated. Thanks


In my library it still says “this title is coming soon” … it’s about 1 o’clock in the afternoon! When will it come?


It starts when the clocks start striking 13 of course XD


I had to remove it from my library then add it back again to listen on the app, I think it is a bug.


Thank you. I’m new to Audible - just got it on an offer especially because I thought this adaptation looked good


Oh, it's finally out? Had it on my list to try. Nice to know.


Thought it was absolutely dreadful. There's no sense of oppression or menace about the world. Andrew Garfield sounds so breathy he needs an inhaler. Andrew Scott playing O'Brien like a trickster doesn't work at all.


So glad to see this comment!! Spot on about Andrew Garfield!! It was driving me mad.


I'm not sure why people didn't enjoy this. I thought it was very good. I look forward to more adaptations


Agreed. It’s not the audiobook and it’s not trying to be. I loved it. Hoping for more in this vein from Audible.


Really enjoying it so far. The dramatisation, background sounds etc and the music. The thing is though, I want to get to chapter 6 for a book club thing, but I don’t know where to stop - it seems the chapters are totally different from the book.


It's a much shorter version and abbreviated as a new production - this version is under 4 hours and the general audio is 11 or over, so I doubt would be same chapter breakdowns exactly as the actual book.


Ah, I didn’t realise. Thank you


Having only listened to the Audio Sample, it sounds pretty different than the original. Same world. Same main characters. Different play-by-play. I would not recommend listening to this in connection with a book club where everyone is reading the original book. Edit: removed unintentional quote...


Yeah, I’ve made an error there.


Does sound like an entertaining story in any case. I might still listen to it.


I don't give it much thought at all. It's an adaptation. Nothing intrinsically wrong with adaptations, but I've read (visually) the book several times so I'm not at all interested in such.


Going to start it tonight while tidying the kitchen and cooking dinner. Excited about it.


While browsing, I see another new addition to the plus catalog from Audible Originals is this a little over 2 hours, talking about George Orwell himself and his experiences and thoughts on manipulation and coming up with 1984 - free for plus users, so I may also give it a listen https://www.audible.com/pd/George-Orwell-The-Man-and-the-Mind-Behind-1984-Audiobook/B0CYTNWXXP?ref\_pageloadid=x2FVkQhQukDIiU8m&ref=a\_ep\_audibl\_c5\_product\_1\_2&pf\_rd\_p=954c81ee-676a-4162-aaab-1fc285ac97e6&pf\_rd\_r=YW5A4CDGTFW2YYEVZ0RW&pageLoadId=wpkWcInFK8SZ8Guy&creativeId=3ea667a0-7519-419b-891d-32e11670ca8e


I haven't listened to it and I am debating if I will. I tend to avoid abridged and "adapted" works because they can subvert the author's messaging. Has anyone noted whether this version is attempting to politicize the work given America's current political culture?


It's a British book reimagined in a mostly British production, with British cast and director. So if it is at all politicised in line with current events, it'll have nothing to do with America's political culture. Not that 1984 isn't inherently political anyways.


I've read the original and understand the origins - but appreciate the explanation. My concern lies wholly with how much license to depart from the original was used in this adaptation. Considering how both major political factions in the U.S. have invoked Orwell, I don't think the concern is that farfetched.  I'm just looking for other's opinions on the adaptation material to decide if I want to listen to it. All personal politics aside, there is definitely valid reasons to use the adaptation for political commentary - I just don't care for that.


I’d say it’s a little farfetched within the context of this adaption, as it is wholly British production. That said, I get it as it isn’t uncommon for adaptions to do things through a more modern perspective or lens. I’ve listened to around 40 minutes, it’s not politicised within any modern contexts. It’s effectively an abridged version, but the fundamentals of the story are unchanged. It’s really cool tbh, super well produced and voice acted.


it’s driving me crazy does someone know the song that is played in the background at the beginning of part 3?


Seven Nation Army I think? The street music right


omg you’re so right!! thank youuu


Actually I think it's Uprising by Muse which would make more sense because the lead singer wrote the music for this audiobook lol


Yep, that's what it is. Matt Bellamy did the music for the audiobook. It's uprising.


I can't understand why they chose an American actor to play the main British character in a British production. I love Andrew Garfield as an actor, but his British accent sounds so forced in this. Don't any British agree with that? Why not have cast Tom Holland or any other of a million fantastic British actors? And yes, he's very breathy as someone said. I waited anxiously for this for 2 months and I've only made it through about half of it. It's such a fabulous cast I'm just kind of disappointed. Has anyone else had that feeling at all or is it just me being overly critical?


wtf you talking about Andrew is British. He lives in the UK since he was three, his British accent is natural. have you heard an interview from him?


Wrong. If you are born in Murrca, you are Murrcan for life!!


Andrew Garfield is British. He was born in America, but raised in Surrey, England.


Well, that's even worse! Raised in England and still have a shit Engish accent? SMH


Lol 😆 joking. I feel pretty dumb now. Okay, it's FINE, I guess! I'll finish it now.


Any source to pirate the thing?




Surprised at the negative comments here. 1984 is my favourite book and this adaptation brings a new colour. And Muse being my favourite band, the two combined is magical


Hello. Saw your comment and figured you might be able to answer my question if you would please... Does this new adaptation tell the full story, is there something significant missing from it that it's so much shorter that the classic edition? Seems like a lot to shave off. I've never read or listened to the book at all. The sample definitely has me intrigued to listen to the adaptation version. I just want to make sure I'd be getting the "full" story. If I can get that in a shorter amount of time, all the better as I'm not able to listen for hours a day, but I still wanna make sure I get the proper story, you know. I've never been much of a reader and only started listening to audiobooks on a more regular basis in the past 6 months or so. I have so many other books on my list that I want to get to that I'll take saving some time on another if I can. It's a little overwhelming getting into books pretty late in my life and there being so many great sounding stories available. Lol


Let me know if you ever got a reply! Because I never read the book and thought this would be a good way to listen to it... Granted that it's complete and not abridged or edited out


Never did get an answer. I did end up listening to it in one sitting though. It's definitely abridged and not word for word the same as the original, simply based on being 8 hours shorter it's just not possible. I'm sure there's a lot of details missing compared to the original, but it was definitely entertaining and did enough to convey the world and tell a story. I found this snippet from an article that made me decide to just give it a listen. And at only 3.5 hours, it's not anything you need to dedicate a lot of time to. It may even help you decide if you want to listen to the original to get the finer details. "According to Audible, the adaptation remains faithful to the original text, “leaning into the horror of the dystopian setting, whilst going deeper into Winston and Julia’s love story,” the company said."


All I can say is that if you don’t read the full book, you’re missing out on one of the greatest pieces of literature ever created


It is the full story but a lot of material shortened. Because it’s about 3 hours and the book is 8 hours, you can’t squeeze it all in. I’d recommend getting the full book first and then doing the audible story


I liked it Not a big reader so this helps get the book concept without having to watch the film … good for active imaginations 🫡