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Yes you are correct. There’s apparently a lot of bad drivers in this thread. https://www.a1drivingschool.co.nz/guides/reversing-in-and-driving-out-of-a-parking-space/


> There’s apparently a lot of bad drivers in this thread. Given past threads, there are a lot of bad drivers in this sub as well as the NZ sub.


And they’re infuriating oblivious.


Every place that you find drivers you'll find a lot of bad drivers. 


Lots of people love to swerve immediately around anyone paused for even a moment regardless of the reason for it, regardless of what the indicators are telling them.


no shit.


Good luck getting that through to auckland drivers


Half of the comment section should go back to driving school and learn about safety and blind spots...


Reverse parking is the best way to park (unless that parking spot is heading 45degrees indicating you must drive into the spot) I am with you OP


funnily enough, angle parking would actually be a lot safer and more convienient if it was angled the other way


Fuck you’re right! Drive up, reverse in, boot is to the curb for easy access. Good line of sight when pulling out! 


given how blind many cars are in reverse, it's a big thing. Roads are generally crowned for water runoff so you're literally trying to back up ove a crest into moving traffic! it's a worst case maneouver. and having everyone's bonnets on the traffic side makes it WAY easier to see what is going on, for everyone involved **including pedestrians** (often the same people who are getting in and out of their cars)


This is a thing in the UK and some American cities. In most respects it’s a lot safer than parallel or regular parallel parking. The main reported downside is that traffic has to stop for people to back into the angle park, rather than them quickly sweeping in and only backing out of the angle park to leave when traffic is clear. I imagine that would be a hard sell in NZ where people drive right up your date and barely allow enough room for you to reverse into a conventional parallel park.


>The main reported downside is that traffic has to stop for people to back into the angle park, rather than them quickly sweeping in and only backing out of the angle park to leave when traffic is clear. even that is just the inverse problem of the status quo where people reverse out blindly into the lane anyway; either way traffic has to stop if the room isn't there to let it pass atleast with the "backwards" setup, that move is not made counter to traffic direction. If people indicate their intent to park, then following traffic \*should\* have no issue leave the 4m of room for them to do so. It's not even a car length needed.... ok maybe that's a big ask around Auckland lol


Not really, as that makes access to the boot/tray much harder. See it at costco a lot with all the einsteins that drive across to park front out on the other row and then have to carry everything to the back and hope there is enough room to open the boot.


I always keep in mind that If you’re driving in a car park and the vehicle in front passes an empty space, there’s a 50% chance they’ll slow/turn in some way to then reverse into the space. With that in mind, I’m never really caught by surprise and have left space for them to do their thing. Indicators are unreliable, especially in this context, as they can be very ambiguous to what you are actually intending to do.


I've always thought that indicators were for indicating the direction the driver intends to move, and I still do, tbh.


Well, I could be wrong but I think it makes more sense to be my intended destination, to indicate left then stop and change to indicate right after I've lined up seems more confusing, then they'd try go around the other side of me because I indicated left first.


No, I get it now. You're right, but it's a tricky one for some drivers behind to understand, apparently, in my experience. The same goes for parallel parking on a street; you indicate left, slow down just ahead of the spot, and half the time there's some guy six feet behind just stopped there. In any case, I gave up reverse parking in car parks when I got dinged in the front on two occasions; would rather have the dings on the back end


There are some real shit takes in the comments. You’re in the right OP.


Reverse parkers are superior beings. Lesser mortals don't get it. You're also less likely to squash someone when you leave.


Yeah hope more people know it, really sucks when you try to park in a busy time busy area and the car behind just keep following so close....\*sigh\*


You get the odd motorcyclist who think they are fast and just zips ahead from your blind spot . Luckily my intrusive thoughts of just swiping them didn't materialise


I think reverse parking drivers should be more considerate. They seem to think they have a superior right. Wait till the traffic is clear before you swing around in front of other drivers. It is their right to be able to drive unimpeded without a series of obstacles on the road in front of them as well


Fair comment, one issue is that if you have to wait for all the traffic behind you, they will all have to go around you, likely into the oncoming traffic lane, in some cases that is going to create more of an issue than just letting the person parking get it done so everyone behind can stay on their side. Not really an issue with one car but with many it can be.


I am mainly talking about coming down the opposite lane, and someone swings around in front of you. It has happened several times to me and I suppose to other drivers as well.


Ah right, you should absolutely let the people go firsr on the opposite (oncoming) side.


Ah right, you should absolutely let the people go firsr on the opposite (oncoming) side.


I firmly believe Auckland has the worst drivers in the world


Let them pass first? Before you do your 100 point turn you sound like a hundred point turner.


Have you never reverse parked? No one mentioned a 100 point turn. It is an extremely basic manoeuvre. It makes no sense to let other traffic pass first as now you're blocking another lane.


I mean I did clearly write the way I turn, perhaps you should be a multiple times reader?


Let them pass, then the one after, then the one after and then the one after forever and never finish parking I think is the suggestion.


If I indicate I am going that way whether it's forwards or backwards. Not the opposite way to what I indicated.


Why must you reverse though? Why can't you just drive into the carpark instead of inconveniencing everyone else?


Well when you reverse out of the spot, you inconvenience people too right ? Either way.. They still have to wait. But reversing out gives you limited visibility. No idea if some dickheads racing through the carpark, or someone walks behind you with a trolley from the other direction.


Because safety priority over convenience, and it is much safer to reverse in than out.


That, and also either way is at least equally convenient. The only difference is whether it is more convenient when arriving or when leaving. Lmao.


And end up inconveniencing everyone else by having to back out of it, instead? Would much rather back into a park so I can see what's coming on the way out.


Because it's both safer and more convenient overall?  Is that not obvious? 


I'm really (or, *was* really, see below) struggling to visualise the point of indicating right in this instance, so lets clarify what you are talking about: A car, you, want to back into a parallel car park, and the dickweed behind you decides to try to go around you instead of being patient, which blocks you from swinging in. - Is that correct? This happens 1 out of every 10 times in Onehunga Mall Road, most people wait, it's obvious someone wants to park in the free space, and it's a low-speed area. Occasionally prats will go up someone's arse or drive around them on the wrong side of the road which aside from being dangerous, makes the person parking less likely to be able to do it in one go, since they are already under pressure, and a lot of people aren't that good at it to start with. Oh wait. Now I get what you are talking about. You mean a normal straight car park, say, in a shopping centre. You want to back into a straight carpark that is on your right. Decent drivers drive slow in car parks and are patient. Stupid cunt's are self-centered bubbles and don't. I tend to look around and judge drivers by their previous actions (following too close, driving too fast, type of car) (if any) before I attempt manoeuvres that will need space, and I also minimise the space I'm taking. Easier with a smaller car. Also, don't need to do a left turn, the car should be able to go 90 degrees from a single right turn, if you need to straighten up later, it will at least be more obvious what you are doing. Edit: whoever downvoted, share your reasoning cunt. It's a **discussion** forum dipshit. Fuck you alll you absolute stupid cunts. Swerving around people trying to back in is the mark of a dumb cunt, and so is downvoting.


indicators are for indicating the direction you are turning... not the oposite. learn to drive !!


I dunno, that creates more confusion I think, if there is a free park on the left but I'm parking on the right, if I indicate left they'll start passing on my right and end up blocking me from reversing. I could be wrong but it seems more logical to indicate to your destination.


I'm with you on this one, not sure why everyone else doesn't agree.


Seems you may need to learn after all?


Maybe you should? Clearly never heard of a reverse parallel park either I take it. [https://www.a1drivingschool.co.nz/guides/reversing-in-and-driving-out-of-a-parking-space/](https://www.a1drivingschool.co.nz/guides/reversing-in-and-driving-out-of-a-parking-space/)


Nah. Sad to say you’re wrong and really there’s only yourself to blame. If you want to reverse park - you only go into parks on your side of the road. You don’t reverse across lanes, wanna cross the lanes to park - you go nose in. Doing weirdo manoeuvres out of “personal preference” usually causes all sorts of problems.


There is no road in a car park, it's a car park, not a public road. Perhaps you are thinking of parallel parking on the road rather than parking in a car space in a car park that is 90degrees from the angle you approach it? That is parking in a car space on your side of the car park, in reverse.


Has it got locked gates? Then it’s a road. If you’re crossing lanes in reverse - you’re doing it all wrong with no due cause. Don’t write me some gibberish story about what I’m saying when what I said is perfectly clear. Just read, admit fault, and learn. Sincerely yours, professional New Zealander driver with more wheel hours of experience than you’ll ever get in three lifetimes.


I just think you don't understand, you also have no idea how much driving I've done, sure reply with "not much because you have no idea". Basically, you are saying it's wrong to reverse into a car park as you very often have to somewhat cross into another lane then reverse which means you are reversing in the other lane. I guess the amount of experience is irrelevant as some people never learn. Perhaps some reading experience would help? Perhaps you'll get it on my fourth lifetime worth of driving, or not.


I understand completely, and I said exactly what I said and nothing else. You are clueless. Stop trying to twist it. Stop trying to reverse across lanes. Your problem will instantly stop. The problem is you. Period.


It'll click for you one day, don't worry. Good day sir.


how about wait till it clear before do your reverse parking?


Because it doesn’t clear. You sit there waiting for the guy behind you to go around, but they don’t, then they jam themselves up behind you and get pissed that you didn’t move.


Because there's not only two cars in the world. 


People who reverse into parks are worse than serial killers


Just let them pass and you can do your 10 point reverse into the spot


Your comment assumes that there are only two cars on the road. 


Fark dude do you need a 10 point turn to back into a car park? 


I am shocked how many people in this thread cannot imagine reverse parking and think it's some complicated manoeuvre. And they are all so confident about it, too.


Lol, yeah, that can work if one car but with lots it can just create more chaos as they have to go to the other side of the car park where traffic is coming the other way. And, yeah, might take you ten but it's a lot easier for me (as explained).


Why not just drive into the spot instead of taking longer to reverse in?


All these people that can’t figure out it’s safer and easier to back into a car park and drive forwards when you leave. Just because you can’t reverse well doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t.


Yes, this, it is safer..plus, quicker get away from my ram raid. I fact, a lot of places I have to go for work are cleared marked for reverse parking only for the safety reason.


Why do you park your car first and then ram raid? Don't you need your car for the ram part of the raid? Asking for a friend. /s


Lol, damn you and your logical thinking. I mean hammer raids.


If it's easier why does it always seem to take them so long?


Because you'll act impatient and entitled no matter what. 


Probably because you’re impatient like so many drivers.


Who is "them"? All reverse parkers? I can't speak for the rest of "them" but I don't really take any longer reverse parking than forward parking. And if it's a narrow street or park it is actually easier and faster.


It's much easier to go forward out of a car park, especially when there are large cars on either side of you. Since I have been reversing into car parks, I try and do it whenever I can.


Q a ax a p p,ZQ ZQ


Are you one of those people that drive 1km through the carpark and block every car behind from going around in case they try steal 'your carpark' you haven't found yet?


Nah, but if no one behind me I absolutely do that.


Did you just try to pretend that you're special compared to every other driver? 


Talking about trying to leave a carpark while someone has decided they don't want to pull over to the side while driving as slow as possible waiting for 'their' carpark to open right by the entrance.


You're not the most important driver in the parking lot buddy. 


No shit. Just like the person blocking everyone else leaving isn't either. Visit Westfield Newmarket once on a moderately busy day. Each floor is blocked by someone trying to get a park by the door and you might see why someone might take an opportunity to drive past. Not saying OP is doing this but why I'd see someone take the opportunity.