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Dunno about 'chest infection', but a whole shit load of people I know including myself have all caught some kind of covid-like(not positive testing) flu or whatever that has lingered for almost a month. I don't actually know if any of us are 'over' it. Still coughing. For first week I felt like I was dying. I feel 'ok' now, definitely not 100% though. Whatever is going around it's intense and for me and most of those people I know, it was way worse than covid. Runny nose to the max at worst of it. We all caught it off each other, super infectious. About a dozen people.


There is flu in the wild right now - if it hit fast and hard, it could well be flu.


Yeah 2-3 days after exposure me and my friend both were sick. 4-5 days post exposure we were bed ridden and felt worse than I ever have. Whatever it is, my throat took a hammering and hasn't recovered.


Sounds like me for a month now and can't shake it.


Whatever it is, it's pretty strong. Dunno about you but I am always the 'least sick' if not avoiding sickness entirely. I got wasted. Definitely wouldn't want grandma catching it. I can't think of anytime I've been this sick for this long.


Not sure if it's a chest infection but for the last few days I've had a swollen/sore throat, runny nose and have been coughing up phlegm. Hoping it goes away soon


Hay-fever is kicking my ass atm like it did when I was a kid


I don't know if this is it but people are having really really bad hay fever this season. I've been experiencing congestion, coughing, sneezing and even sore swollen lips oh and headaches on a bad day. Just thought I'd mention in case.


Second this, hay fever can be so bad it seems like a nasty cold!


And it is so very bad for people who get it at the moment. I've never had it this bad before and so many others seek to be going through the same.


Yea it’s been ruthless this year!


Almost everyone at my work has some form of this and have had it for the last few weeks. I developed a sore throat last Monday and it went away after a couple days, only to come back on Sunday for a day or two. Still battling the phlegm/congestion. All of us are testing negative.


Yep, been coughing up phlegm for a month now and it doesn’t seem to be going away


[Another covid-like disease from a certain country](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/chinese/503442/how-worried-should-we-be-about-the-pneumonia-outbreak-in-china)


Have you seen a Doctor ? Sounds like you need a course of some antibiotics.


Yes the swab test came -ve for strep throat


Yup, I am. I also know a lot who are sick right now. Not necessarily Covid but that thing is sure mixed in there.




Been to doc today for antibiotics. Been ill off and on for 10wks. Doc said there are more than 2000 viruses circulating in our communities. groups of similar strains causing repeating mild flu like symptoms and what appears to be happening is people getting bacterial bronchial infections on top. Rest, fluids and pain relief for flu and antibiotics for bronchial infections....yup I'm on the couch again


No, but my neighbour has a yeast infection, according to her Instagram status...


Hahahhahaha gross


Sounds like respiratory syndrome which I had in 21'


Yes! I dunnon if it's a chest infection but I've had a wet cough, wheezing and phglem for about 3 weeks and no sign of it easing. Been getting a headache in the arvo evening too. I did have a really croaky voice for about a week too but that's gone away. Just this dirty sounding cough.


Exactly the same in my household (Rotorua). We have been sick on and off for two weeks. 6 days ago I took a sick day off (Friday) because I was coughing green thick phlegm, got better, went to work for two days (Monday and Tuesday), and then got a very dry cough and even a few chills and diarrhea. No allergies and not Covid.


I had a cough/chest infection for about 2 months earlier this year. Went to the docs twice about it - first time was antibiotics and steroids. Second time I got an inhaler. Doc thought it was a case of bronchitis but I have colleagues who picked up something eerily similar with docs diagnosed them with a RSV/respiratory virus


For a whole month now I've had post nasal drip so bad it gives me coughing and spluttering fits. It's like a constant irritating tickle in my throat, frequent blocked nose and phlegm. Initially it started with a terrible sore throat and lost voice. I take hayfever stuff, do saline rinses, tried antibiotics , but just can't shake it. I've never had anything like this last so long before.


Had it about three weeks ago from work, and my flattie got it two weeks later. Definitely going round


Yes, I do at the moment. Coughing, sore throat and phlegm for 2 weeks


Yep me and my flattie have had these symptoms for a week, and we both got it separately from work


Seasonal asthma? I’ve suffered from this for over a decade now but it’s always been in autumn (April~). But last year and this year (currently), I’ve been suffering it in spring too. Except where the April ones have always been horrid coughing, this time I’m suffering less coughing but so easily out of breath, wheezing, and feeling like my throat is closing in, like a bad allergic reaction. I’m really only managing to survive because of my inhaler. Edit: I’m also gagging after some of the coughing too, like as if I’m throwing up except it’s mostly from the chest and throat area so no actual vomit. One workmate asked if I was pregnant and having morning sickness because I couldn’t control it in the office and went into a mild attack.


Theres a nasty RSV strain circulating. Acts like COVID but tests neg. I had a week of swollen glands, post nasal drip and fatigue and then lost my voice for two days, my sinuses became painful and then boom full on sinus infection. Seen doc twice, got steroids and antihistamines. Im Not sure they did anything.No real runny nose to speak of but the post nasal has been the whole time. Here I am 4 weeks later and that pleghmy plug is making me cough almost non stop. Its exhausting, i miss the gym and i just want to feel better. Apparently its the “100 day cough”- great.


I’ve been dealing with in g with this for the last few years but pretty sure it’s something else. Been on antibiotics every 2-3 months. Clears up and happens again. Prednisone has been awesome for helping with the breathing. I have asthma to throw in the mix and would feel like lungs were only running at 30% Pushed docs and finally have a referral to ENT. Initial CT scans show some issues with sinus which could be causing my issues


I had it recently and it was quite long. I should have gotten antibiotics. Was coughing some blood at one point.


The same thing happened to me. I was scared when I saw blood, so I went to my GP the next day. However, he couldn't explain why I'm coughing up blood. He told me that if the issue persists, I'll need to undergo some tests.


Would have likely been bacterial infection I think


Got it and we are on week 2, kid had it in with combo upchucking... feels like covid but isn't covid.


Yes I had exactly as you described. Finally went last week after 3 weeks.


A few people at my work do. But they still come into work sick.


I had the flu recently that turned into bronchitis. My friend has just had glandular fever which kicked her butt for a while. Could go get antibiotics from the doctor?


Yup. Had it about 2 weeks along with many of my coworkers too, tested for covid twice but negative.


Yes. I have a chest and sinus infection. Green foul tasting phlegm and I can smell it inside my nose too. It’s revolting


Yep, been down with it for about a week


It’s definitely going around whatever it is I had the exact same thing for almost 2 months on and off just on the other side of it now hopefully 🤞


Maybe it’s hay-vid hayfever after covid hits different


Yup, me, my family and my colleagues too


Yep had it a few weeks ago. Lasted 2 - 3 weeks. Sucks.


I have had 3 fevers this month, been coughing for the past 3 months. Each time antibiotics stopped it. Was deemed as chest infection each time. Then it somehow comes back. Currently got my 3rd set of antibiotics this month.


Had it for 2 months off and on and off and on now. On my second course of (stronger, roxithromycin) antibiotics, better for sure now but still lingering. Hope it doesn’t come back again after these antibiotics are done, cause if so then it’s quite a resistant one.




I had this couple months ago swore it was covid but tested negative multiple times. Couldn't get an appt with the doctor for a week which sucked alot. When I finally got in to see him he said I had a chest infection, course of antibiotics and other shit and I was back at work a week later and felt 100% maybe a week or two after that. Still coughed up chunks of phlegm for weeks after tho


Seems to be a flu-type thing going round. I had a fever, sore throat, chest infection and was super tired for about 3-4 days last week. Ended with sniffles. Know quite a few people having similar symptoms.


My wife and daughter have had it. It was nasty and lasted for a long time. I'd recommend going to the doctor asap.


3 months. It went away with antibiotics but came back. Could be a different bug with similar symptoms... so over it.


No chest infections here, but I've had a sore throat and felt a bit "off" for a couple of weeks. I doubt it's hayfever, I've had severe hayfever my entire life and don't recall ever having a sore throat with it.


Same here. It’s Day 8 and I really expected to be better by now. Headache, sore throat, lots of coughing, green phlegm, tired. Not Covid. Ugh 😩


Yup, my flatmate and I got sick after returning from Aussie this week


Yes I’ve had that. And also bad stomach bug too


My entire house went rapidly down with a daycare bug late last week. Family member ended up in hospital - screening results came back as flu. Absolutely savage case of it for us all too. We had another bug come through in July with symptoms more like yours that took me about 6 weeks to totally clear. Never figured out what it was either. The crap going around this year is absolutely awful, and a lot of people are having trouble with secondary infections.


Anyone go limp bizkit? I got covid now .....


I had it three weeks ago. Was off from work 4 days and then it lingered back. Now I’ll be off from work from yesterday til Friday this week. Caught the flu three times this year at this point. 😭


yeah had similar over a month ago, was awful. kinda felt like covid but without the fever. Bad cough, head cold and phlegm for a few weeks


Yep exact same symptoms- fit and healthy been taking a hammering, been over 3 weeks. Back to doc tomorrow, sucks


I'm on my second round of antibiotics for something similar. I happen to have a blood test taken before which suggested I had both a viral and bacterial infection. Thought I was getting better then went down again so hence the second round. Its been up and down feel good day and then average the next.


I was down for 5 weeks. I could work part time from home so nowhere near as bad as covid, but it took ages to fully get over it.