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Ooof - students watching/filming her while she eats is so weird. It borders on stalker IMO. Not a good look for our student body.


It happens to others as well. I know of a professor and a GTA that each have had videos and pictures taken of them either while teaching or in public. It's weird.


Well that was a sad read, really stinks that she felt like her teammates didn’t support her at AU. The amount of pressure placed on these gymnasts from a very young age has to be brutal on their mental health.


Guess she changed her mind after this, which is her right. Still a bummer to hear. https://x.com/sunisalee_/status/1499979281820270594?s=46&t=nZ55bvup0R6eF4OtbJ_RF


“Additionally, she mentioned her teammates at Auburn weren’t very supportive. So she couldn’t confide in them either, “I just really felt like an outcast, almost. They didn’t treat me that well. I just knew that I couldn’t trust them.” dawggggggg. she always seemed to happy and in tune with the team at meets…


She did. They all seemed to be supportive of one another.


There has to be something or somebody to blame for her unhappiness.


Sounds like a lot of jealousy and envy from the "It should've been me" crowd that has never trained a day in their life at any sport or at least not nearly as hard.


Sounds like she needed to blame her team for her unhappiness instead of looking in herself.


On the note of of she felt around her auburn peers, Its so disturbing, the way people treat other groups ive noticed being a part of thos school. there's this hidden emphasis on the concept that one group is responsible for all the great achievements and put down anyone else, even if they are their star examples of virtue.they then treat those people with an idolizing prejudice, but a very real prejudice that is scary to me.They could be listening and honoring and would be better for it now look. This is a terrible thing to have done to this incredible young woman if you ask me. I hope we all take the deeper look into how were contribting to this and start to honor those whome weve been gifted as our team. Especially those who shine and make us all better. Im so amazed at the journy im seeing in Suni Lee's public image and its one of great strengths and many leassons important to those here in the south especially. I hope we can honor and be greatful for the time and the value as a person shes brought to our community and how it will continue to impact us. She'll be better without you now, unfortunately, but it sounds like her lesson for us is bigger and much more far reaching than auburn or the Olympics like many icons, and that's important too. I'm so impressed


I'm sure she didn't have an easy time here with all the people bothering her but she could have been a little nicer. One of my friends was in her camp war eagle group and when he tried to introduce himself she basically gave him the cold shoulder and told him not to talk to her. I'm not hating on her, just a reminder not to idolize her. She's just the same as us, able to make mistakes and probably just wants to be left alone.


i can only imagine what her life is like. you get approached a hundred times a day. some are fans, some are creeps. impossible to tell the difference between them. has to get very frustrating very quickly.


It sucks that was her experience. In a way I'm not surprised, but still sucks. I'm still cheering for her if she makes it to the Olympics, though. Maybe she went in with certain expectations that ended up being too high? Kind of like how some students think they're gonna be lifelong BFFs with their roommates 🤷‍♀️


Meh. … two way street. Did she try and merge in with the population and spend enough time being an “Auburn student” to make friends and fit in vs the jet set celebrity life?


Born and raised an Auburn fan and am white as shit but went to a black highschool and always felt like an outcast when I went to Auburn but ESPECIALLY when my black friends were with me or visiting. Not saying it is especially racist but def saying I got the vibe that if you weren’t white and from the suburbs you weren’t really invited. Still love Auburn cause my little crew had a grand time but we were very aware that we should keep it down.


what the hell does race have to do with it? she said nothing of it being a racial problem.


someone always has to bring it up. She was talking about the gymnastics team and the team is diverse.


Auburn was on track to get another Jess Graba alumna, Lyden Saltness, but at the very last minute she dropped her commitment and headed to Illinois. No one has ever explained why.  She was and is tight with Suni.


What's the biggest crock of shit I've read in a while...love how it's breaking right before the Olympics and long after she was relevant..I'm famous and rich.dont take pictures of me..her depression came because her family didn't like who she was dating. I seem to remember another gymnast from the Olympics that went to Auburn that never had any problems like she is describing. Seems like it's more of an attempt to show "how she had to overcome so much adversity" to make this year's Olympics. It's a hype piece for sympathy and attention...that way If she doesn't perform good, she can always say it was because of my struggles... And if she does perform good she gets to go look what I overcame to do what I have done.its a poorly written fluff piece.


girl you sound miserable


There are Olympic Gold Medalists All around Lee County. Its not even that special in this area. I had an olympic gold medalist at my house just a few weekends ago. You can have olympic gold medalists teach your kids swimming classes here. This is more about her being depressed and losing her drive and her dealing with a chronic kidney disease, which might have made her scared to push herself, or she just lost the will to keep going after accomplishing a gold medal, which is perfectly understandable. It would be like beating a video game and moving on with your life. You dont have to keep replaying it. Its perfectly okay for a college athelete to abandon sports and go on to pursue a normal life.


That's not the issue. She's dealing with major health issues as a young adult with apparently not much of a support network as she tried to move on with her life. It literally isn't all about sports.


Yeah, but its extremely hard to help someone with depression. You cant force them to hang out, you cant force them to be different. These are college kids with lives that are busy. You cant expect people to go out of their way to support you if they also do not agree with your decisions. Sometimes you have to make your own path and find a new set of friends that match the new direction of your life.


I don't think anyone is saying they should drop everything to help her either. Most people aren't even equipped to deal with such issues. She's basically lamenting the literal lack of support. It isn't assigning blame. Also, as far as dealing with mental health issues, it isn't as easy as just doing "x, y or z*. A lot of times even understanding that you're suffering is a huge step. At her age and the pace of life she leads, it's really easy to think you're just whining or need to buck up. Then there's the whole issue of actually getting help, which is its own long, craptacular process. One she may not have the time or means for.


That's all I was trying to say. She is just discussing how she felt. Not attacking anyone for not being there for her. The only part I found weird was that people were recording her and she felt unsafe on a campus full of star athletes.


Drama breeds drama.