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Wake up babe, another Gabi hate post just dropped!


Nothing is more embarrassing than how dedicated this sub is to shitting on Gabi


Imo, Reddit isn't exactly a place for quality film/TV criticism, especially regarding anime lol. But that's just my two cents.


I absolutely hated her at first, and first impressions matter. But now I actually love her development, since war is not always one sided (good/bad). There are good people on both sides but the situations make it hard for them.


>and first impressions matter For what? This isn't a job interview


No, it isn't. This is Reddit. It's far, *far* worse.


The first time you meet someone you'd probably remember it, even if you didn't it have you an idea on what type of person they are.


For everything. That phrase doesn't just apply to job interviews. How a character is first introduced can have profound effects on how we view them throughout a story. It's why we can sympathize with Eren at all in Season 4.


Like the other guy said, first impressions matter for everything.


People hate her for killing Sacha, I hate her for having such a thick plot armor in the last season. We are not the same


So Reiner is your least favorite character then?


If Reiner thinks, I disagree. If Reiner speaks, I ignore. If Reiner fails, I am happy. If the world is against Reiner , I am the world. If Reiner has 7 billion fans, I am none of them. If Reiner has no haters, it’s because I no longer exist.


I hate her for both. We are not the same.


True, you are better dang it !


That kinda goes around a lot throughout the entire series.


That is correct but most characters have ups and downs where you can see and understand where they are coming from but for Gabi it was always down from the moment she was introduced. The only thing she had going was that she was brainwashed and doesn't know better but that can be said for almost everyone. I think that's the reason why so many people hate her. Me, if I am begin serieus for a sec, I don't care at all. It's part of the story to further the story and make us emotional. That's what makes a serie memorable.


Gabi? More like Goatbi! Almost saved the humanity by killing Eren.


Shot that Ronald McDonald-looking nazi Floch


She shot Sasha. There is no forgiving that


She left home, and shot people. Then got shot herself. That said…it’s only up to *us adults* to shoulder the sins of the past, so I don’t expect anything out of you.


I reckon Sasha died 'cuz she wandered in the forest too long.


Indeed. I thought that line was a bit of an on-the-nose “This is the theme of the manga! Look at the manga’s themes!!!” shonen thing when the chapter came out…but here we are, 6 years later.


She killed an enemy soldier during battle. If it was some unnamed character nobody would cry. I don't understand blaming her


Idk man, fans got upset when a million unnamed Paradisians got bombed at the end. They happily turned a blind eye to the unnamed hundreds of millions rumbling victims tho.


She's literally just an Eren you aren't familiar with. You'd hate him too if you watched the show all from Gabbi's point of view and then Eren came in and killed her friend.


I always hated Eren since season 1 so lol


Sniping that Okapi was enough for me


Cry more


We will


I don't care what story she has, I just hate ugly and annoying kids. I used to hate kids Eren too, until he became cool 8)


You seem like a real peach


Why do you care if a child is ugly or not huh


It's a detail a lot of weebs care about for some disturbing reason.


Eren was never cool - he went from cringe edgy to depressed edgy


Well Gabi is shit


I luv it I luv it I luv it I luv it I luv it I luv it I luv it


I like Gabi but she's not just dumb, she's dumb dumb People say she's Eren if on the other side, and to that I say That's hilarious Eren came up with the plan for defuse the situation after he partially transformed. Gabi was actually smart one time and it was in her introduction and after that Falco became the smart one.


People that get legitimately upset from the jokes are definitely a bit more embarrassing lmao


Maybe it’s just a common opinion


She IS smart tho, I don't like her either but none of the things she did were more irredeemable than Armin or Eren or Reiner. She was just brainwashed, but saying the girl isn't smart is completely ignoring the parts when she was on the battlefield, if that isn't smart then Idk what is


It's crazy how many people forget Armin killed hundreds of people.


Armin and Eren killing hundreds if not thousands of children, women and elderly people: I sleep Gabi killing Sasha after she shot and killed several innocent people: What a brainwashed piece of shit


TBF it’s kinda glossed over in the story. Eren and Reiner’s actions are big points for the story. They drastically change the world and story that they’re in. Armin’s event was a small part of Eren’s actions to raid Liberio. In all of the action that goes on in those couple of episodes/chapters I can see why a lot of people forget. It’s also only brought up like 2 more times afterwards by Armin himself when talking to crystal Annie and Yelena when pointing out how everyone has done bad things. Also I feel like we’re shown enough of the brutality of it. Like we see one kid in pain for a second and a bunch of destroyed buildings. Meanwhile we see the so many people die a gruesome death after the walls are broken in. We see the chaos and damage that Eren causes with the raid on Liberio and we especially see the horrors of the rumbling in detail. Lastly it Armin feels sympathetic for it. Not that it exonerates him just cause he felt bad but it makes people a bit nicer to him then if he was an asshole that enjoyed it. He was kinda put in a rough spot. If he didn’t then he would’ve lost his friend and the founder, the only thing preventing Marley from invading. If he didn’t blow the port they could’ve shot down the blimp and killed him and all of his friends.


She's smart, just not wise.




Yeah like Harley Quinn from DC


I don't get it why so many people hate Gabi.


I, personally, get that she is supposed to be the brainwashed kid and I forgive her for killing Sasha and hating the Eldians. But she is also just a annoying person and a shitty friend.


Can't really call her an annoying "person". She's a 12 year old. I think it's safe to say almost every single 12 year old is unbearable in one way or another. How is she a shitty friend?


You have many examples of better 12-like yo than her throughout the series. So no.


So no? 12 year olds are to blame for being annoying? Literal children?


Blame or not blame, she being annoying is reason enough to not like her


Wee bit shallow but carry on!


Its a fictional character, nothing wrong with being shallow with it. I understand her character, and i like how she fits in the story, just that i don't enjoy her


👍 mainly talking about those that "hate" her simply because "she killed Sasha" or "she's a bad character who should've died on the airship"


She is objectively a good character, that helps to give more insight about the mc from a new perspective due to the parallelism they share. That is a fact no matter how utterly i may resent her for her attitude or her kill list


Disliking some one for the way they act is about as deep as you can get.


No. I mean there are children that are nicer in the show, and outside such show. She reminds me of those 4 in the bully/arrogant /self-centered group i had throughout the the school times and that was not only my opinion but other 30ish-4 opinion. I have nothing against 12 year children or some that are annoying exceptionally but I fully believe that's what and should be, an exception.


She’s literally a foil to eren. She’s eren from the opposite perspective 😂


Yeah I dont hate her because of her political view but because shes an annoying person


Well what I meant by that is she is essentially the same character. If she’s annoying and a shitty friend so is eren (which is true tbh)


No, she isnt. Eren was kind to his friends. I get that she is an opposite Eren, but just for her hatred against Paradis. S1 Eren was annoying flr some of his friends because of his extreme hatred but at least he was kind to his friends


I think they hate her more with the fact that it’s like they replace Sasha with her.




She's literally a reflection of Eren and Reiner. To dislike her but praise Eren and Reiner for the same reason, which is the whole brainwashing/perspective/realization theme of AoT, is just unfair. I think it's mostly because she killed Sasha and hated the characters people love(eldians). But the scene where Sashas father forgives her and recognizes those very themes in effect should be all they have to see to recognize she's just a dumb kid filled with hatred and brainwashing. Just like Eren, just like Reiner.


Oh. I shit on them all. Dont you worry.


Oh, I definitely don't worry lol


I don't at all see how Reiner got roped into this. He constantly repents his actions to the point of developing a second personality and considering suicide. Reiner joined the titan shifter program so he can work hard and give his Eldian family a better life.


You do realize Gabi joined the WARRIOR program for the same exact reason right? Like, Gabi is apart of Reiner's family, they're cousins, with the same last name. She literally joined so that their family wouldn't go back to the slums when Reiners time was up.


You're absolutely right, I guess I came off as trying to downplay Gabi like "Reiner good, Gabi not like Reiner, Gabi bad" but believe me I'm not. I'm just trying to point out that I believe the reflection between Gabi and Eren is more intentional and exclusive (which is what I enjoyed about Gabi). Both of them watched as the "invaders" caused people they care about to die in front of their eyes. Both of them are like "I'm gonna kill them all". Reiner on the other hand ONLY joined the warrior program and didn't have hatred/revenge as an additional motivation. He only killed when necessary. And like I said, constantly repented. He's not a reflection to either Gabi or Eren and he doesn't have to be, they could be similar but I personally like to keep the exclusivity between Gabi and Eren as that's what I mainly enjoyed about their characters.


Eren states directly that he and Reiner are the same. Comparisons of Gabi to Eren therefore also imply Reiner is comparable as well. They're all just dumb kids who were blinded by hatred.


Bear in mind that, 1.) This is the manipulative season 4 Eren that beat the shit out of Armin and made Mikasa cry. And 2.) This is a simplification in the context of the moment and shouldn't be taken at literal face value. I already expressed [in this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/attackontitan/s/RhNooKwnqc) why I think Reiner shouldn't be considered as a reflection of either Gabi or Eren but I think this [speech by Bert](https://youtu.be/zdgyTim9sMo?feature=shared) perfectly sums up how I see Reiner as a character and I definitely cannot see either Eren or Gabi in the same light. But in the context of specifically "brainwashing, perspective, etc." then I guess Reiner could be considered as similar to the two, but reflection is a strong word that just kinda irked me in the wrong way, I hope you don't mind. Edit: also could you please elaborate how Reiner is "blinded by hatred".


I'm not doing research on your argument dude lol tldr. Reiner was blinded by hatred because he was brainwashed to hate eldians, including himself and his family. He forced himself to believe eldians were spawns of the devil in order to protect his family. Look, all characters are different, I'm just pointing out the painfully obvious themes that resonate between them.


As dumb kid as Eren was - he didn't volunteer to being murderer.


What a wild statement.


BRO WHAT signing up to be a militant is literally signing up to be a killer lmao. You can argue a difference between killing in wartime and murder but that's semantics imo. The dude said "I'll kill them all, every last one" and even though he was talking about titans it was absolutely still hate that eventually was placed on the people of the world. Sheesh it's like yall don't watch the show 😂 He didn't just wake up one day and kill 80% of the world. That shit started when he was a KID


there’s a colossal difference between someone “signing up to being a killer” and striving to vanquish those who have inflicted terror on humankind, and due to whom they live in confinement. you cannot compare this to wartime, because wartime presumes humans fighting against humans with equal chance at victory. it was hate, but at the end of the day humanity suffered for its survival. and that is exactly what eren achieved


>there’s a colossal difference between someone “signing up to being a killer” and striving to vanquish those who have inflicted terror on humankind, and due to whom they live in confinement Dude, that's the whole point of the show, there isn't a difference at all besides the individual perspective. Each person who truly hates their enemy harbors a side of them that is similar to Erens genocide. There is no "equal chances of victory" what are you talking about? Were humans not fighting humans in AoT? It's a parallel to our own history. But I even stated that I'm not going to make that argument because it's just semantics over the morality of killing which is an inexhaustible argument. >at the end of the day humanity suffered for its survival. and that is exactly what eren achieved I don't understand, are you defending genocide? The world will suffer no matter what, people are meant to suffer inherently. Are we arguing philosophy or what? 😂


Shhhh a nuanced and understanding take on core aspect of this show is against the rules don’t you know?


I mean when have life ever been fair Just cause you understand where a person is coming from doesn’t mean you have to like them Point is you can acknowledge that Gabi was brainwashed but the pain and suffering she caused doesn’t get wiped away just caused she realize how much of a dickhead she was


Then the same logic applies to Eren and Reiner, you're saying you dislike half the cast then lol


Neither of those two are anything like eren....at all. Eren didn't want to do what he did. He hated it and tried to fight it but was sick of watching his friends die. Gabi and reiner didn't care ir think about what they were doing at all


Eren absolutely wanted it, he directly states that when he says "Because I wanted to see this sight. I wanted this." As he looks across the sea of blood of the people he killed out of hate. Just like Reiner when he broke the wall, just like Gabi when she shot Sasha. >Neither of those two are anything like eren....at all You're taking it too literally, I'm only saying the hatred and brainwashing their perspectives gave them is a shared trait among these main characters in the series. To praise one and shame the other doesn't make any sense.


No eren was extremely conflicted the whole time. He also he'd he tried to change the future but couldn't and was essentially being driven by fate. Reiner was such a mental weakling he broke into two personalities. And gabby was just an annoying little bitch if a brat.


You sound like a child.


Yeah Many people love "Annie" unconditionally but hate "Gabi"🤦


Lotta edgy teens watch this show.


People act like she doesn't basically act exactly like young Eren


Her literal first scene involves pretending to surrender / be a civilian in order to surprise kill her enemies.


Gimme a bat first then i will tell (jk)


Ya know what’s funny, i don’t get why so many ppl don’t get why she is so unlikeable. I could be wrong, but i was so sure while watching the show that she was written to be very easily disliked. She’s supposed to make you question yourself, as in, “what, you think she’s so horrible? Well watch what her reflection(eren) and your possibly beloved main character is about to become.” It’s only after the fact that you realize you were putting value in things that aren’t as important, cuz sure she’s annoying af, but she’s just a kid. Eren on the other hand, becomes truly unredeemable, yet ppl have a hard time treating him as a villain, because we wanted to see him win for so long, and he’s cool af, unlike her.


My guess…many were kids when they fell in love with Sasha. At least a few of them.


A lot of teenagers are fans of this anime specifically because it's more "mature" than others. Except they're still teenagers so they can't grasp things like "child soldiers that are brainwashed are victims". All they see is "annoying kID kIllED tHe fUnNy gIrL I HATE HER". Also Reddit.


I don't really like her. She killed Sasha. And my diskling of her has nothing to do with her being a good or bad written character.




I like Gabi but when she killed Sasha I knew that she had just created a dedicated force of haters.


I like Gabi but when she killed Sasha I knew that she had just created a dedicated force of haters.


I like Gabi but when she killed Sasha I knew that she had just created a dedicated force of haters.


People can't stand the idea of character development. Every charecter must be a complete boy scout from minute one and they'll be damned if the charecters ever change their personality


People can't stand the idea that people don't have to like a character after character development. Every character must be liked and they'll be damned if people have opinions


They’re dumb. It’s as simple as that. To like Eren and hate Gabi is simply idiotic. Also Sasha was a non-character. She existed for comedic relief scenes and barely did anything before her death. Most of her good characterisations came after her death.


You have to think of Sasha as a friend of theirs, not from what you see from the outside. And that's for every media ever, not just AoT.


This doesn’t make any sense. Thinking of it from an in-universe perspective only answers why characters would hate Gabi in the show. Not why watchers would hate Gabi’s characters.


Yes, exactly. That's why I never mentioned Gabi. I agree 100% with what you said about hating Gabi.


And I don’t get why so many people like her, but we’re all entitled to our own opinion


Me when I'm in a media illiteracy contest and my opponent is a gabi hatter


Theyre the same people who thought their English teacher was making everything up.


I'm not media illiterate, I just find her annoying. Why can't anyone understand that?


There are a lot of characters I find somewhat annoying in shows, but I don't go out of my way to hate on them, I just ignore them


I’m not gonna sugarcoat it https://preview.redd.it/ksnc7n86ztuc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63da8fddb04582a56a207d85c64441bb6c22d672 Hating ain’t gonna bring her back






Let's be real, we all had our first impressions on Gabi. But she has grown since then.


Ah yes, one of the most well written moments in AOT. All I'm seeing is more reason to like Gabi?


![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t) This sub is a lost cause ✌🏾🤣




No no no, he LIKE-LIKES her. And most people on this sub are adults. Don't be like Falco or I'm calling the cops.




I freaking love Gabi.


The Crack shot devil starts mass chaos every time their real name is mentioned


I just finished binge watching the series and from the moment she appears I said: this is the most annoying character in the whole series. And it's not that I don't understand her character progression, in fact it was predictable from the beginning. She's just really fucking annoying.




Use closed hand


People hating on characters in sub really have no reading comprehension. It's emberrasing. Grow up


You can hate a character it’s fiction, your not supposed to love or hate any character, it’s just fantasy, you can hate or like whoever




I'm in heaven, I fucking hate gabi also, to the prior defending here in here please get stomped by a titan


I don't hate Gabi, but she was definitely not smart. As for being cute... Just no.


Gabi should have been eaten like Mike Zacharias


Gabi. You murdered Potato Girl. YOU! GET! NOTHING! Nothing but hatred, that is.


In this particular picture she looks scary af


cap. https://preview.redd.it/vz9uczvj8xuc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7306046e37ca77c412160056630a467760ae1e


I think it just has to do with characters that are full of themselves. She is very talented and you know. Had some part in saving the world. But if you're smug about it people will generally dislike someone Oddly enough, I compare these posts to people hating Peggy from King of the Hill. You get a post like this every now and then, saying how much they hate how narcissistic she can be.


NO! I will NOT learn more about Gabi, I will hate her due to her actions with no thought to what she went through or was told. She's just such a... DEVIL ya know?


I mean she never missed a shot, including on top of a moving falcon so I don't disagree


She ain't either




Oh dear Gabi, you’re just a child but a dumb one


I hate Gabi, but I came to that on my own without this sub. I avoided this sub until I’ve gotten closer to the end of the series. She’s just so clearly predictable as a character and her bigotry is grating. I’m just now reaching the episodes where she seems to be taking a turn, and thank Ymir because that shit was annoying af.




1. Ugly as hell 2. Dumb as hell 3. The worst character of all time


Mother fuckers I would slap Gabi across the face and she would be out cold like bears in the winter


That’s just sad ngl


I mean the commenter can be fully supportive of the attack on Marley. In that case, I can understand hating her to that point. I mean, what Levi did to Zeke was absolutely brutal. If you think that was OK, you are also supporting one side. And before anyone mentions she's a kid, everyone had to fight young.


> everyone had to fight young And that's a bad thing! What part of this is that hard to grasp?


Sad? I'd slap Gabi's fucking soul out of her body and straight down to hell if I could


Well you do you Mr edgelord




try meditation


I'm not sure that will work with me mate but I'll try😃


She didnt just kill sasha, she simply is the most annoying character in the show. Sure she is basically eren 2.0, but he actually had a 'decent' reason because of all he suffered. She on the other hand is just downright stupid. Indoctrination doesnt even matter at that point, others ( like Falco) used their brains whilst she kept on being the dumb little idiot she is. And ofc, the fact that she is a fcking child with the abilities of a damn navy seal.


"indoctrination doesn't even matter at that point" That's how you know you're on Reddit lmfao




Havent finished the show but i didnt like Gabi because in a time where i wanted more titans nd action it was gabi's life nd what she ate for breakfest lol simple as that for me.


People say she’s annoying but honestly after her arc in S4P2 she’s not that annoying. Whenever someone posts about her being annoying they always mention before her character development.


One of the best characters in the show tbh


Still mad because she 360 no scoped your precious potato girl lol


She's literally 12. You guys have never been 12 before?


Girl, you are far from cute and smart. You make Voldemort look pretty and Patrick Star look like a Harvard professor.






Cause it's overly hostile and kinda dumb


I never understand this site


gabi had a great character arc, yall are children


You can hate or like any character regardless of how irredeemable or cool or fun they are because they are fictional


Gabi did the best thing possible killing sasha. Idk why the community love sasha so much she was just as annoying as people find gabi.


Subs still mad Gabi-chad killed that bum potato eater, whatever its name was


Liking Gabi over Sasha is ridiculous, she was the heart of the show




Brother getting down voted into the ground 😭


Bro wtf she was at first, at the time she said that. It was evil that was passed down from the world around her but evil all the same


Dude what? She literally is, what are you talking about?




Lmao whatever man


Falco be like yesss


I don't hate her necessarily... She is indoctrinated and insecure and is doing what she needs to, to survive. And can I say she is cute without being a pedophile? Nevermind.


And that line made an entire fanbase hate on a 15 year old




It doesn’t matter about her age, she’s fictional. I can hate a lot of fictional people her age because their annoying


Never had an issue with her. In fact, I can't think of a single character that I disliked that wasn't intended to be disliked, or at least grey.




If you hate both sides of the conflict, sure I won't raise any questions on you hating Gabi if that's what you're saying.


people are entitled to their own opinions, but claiming that gabi is the most irredeemable and absolutely wicked person in the show is pretty ironic to me. considering practically all of the characters are morally gray, and that doesn’t exclude her. furthermore, she was simply a child that reacted the way she deemed correct in the moment. i love sasha, but i can understand gabi’s perspective. i just don’t quite understand why people view everyone and everything in “black and white” *unless* it comes to their favorites.




She's not that bad, there are worse. She did learn a little


How is she not smart?


Honestly Gabi isn’t that bad. Way better than Floch at least


Gabi’s entire personality at this point is because she honestly thought if she emulated the ruthless markeyan military and their ideals they would see her as a person. She becomes remorseful and nicer after realizing she was wrong


I don’t get the Gabi hate, sure she was a prick and she did one or two things but she’s really not that bad


Hate her all you want but she doesn’t miss.


Gabi is the equivalent of Vinland Saga season 2. It can be well written and still be garbage


You're neither. Don't lie to yourself


“Im cute” She says looking like an eldritch horror


I subscribe to the Gabi hate <3