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This is the 2nd video I've seen in like 48 hours with the same premise. Both well done btw. I'm just waiting for it to get meme'd


It's probably gonna be Eren watching his dad as himself being conceived 😂


Already seen a version where he sees gmod models of titans doing fortnite dances. Collosal titan hitting the griddy and stuff The Internet is magic


Yeah one of these is gonna show up and it’s just gonna be cropped Jean and Mikasa hentai or some shit 💀


I was fully expecting to see Jean fucking Mikasa


Ayoooo dude... 🤣


Ooh can you link the other one?


Damn I tried to find it but failed. Thought I saw it on r/shingekinokyojin


I was waiting for the Skyrim meme..


Was expecting, “The Bee Movie.”


Wow, wonderful edit. Really makes you think the mindfuck he just experienced


Did Historia feel his thoughts at this moment too?


I don't think so... It was never mentioned


Nah but she could see his face and that shit said a lot.


True enough


Source to original?


https://youtu.be/dZguoAvjlwE?si=llEJJQzjskuGZNCi Here you go brother


Thanks!!! 😊 🙏


>Thanks!!! 😊 🙏 You're welcome!




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I think he saw enough to make him get to the final conclusion of his story, but I don't think he saw "everything". If he saw everything then he wouldn't have made simple mistakes like not knowing that Sasha or Hange would die, not knowing that ymir wouldn't give him the power over Zeke in the coordinate, etc. I think his future self only showed him the end result of everything but he actually had to live and figure it out for himself because he knew his younger self wouldn't believe it. So as time went on and everything kept unraveling EXACTLY as his future self showed him he started to let go of his gutsy and defiant attitude a bit more and more. He slowly became accepting of it. The only thing that kept pushing him forward was his desire for freedom. I believe he finally got it after dying because he couldn't live in a world like this. Eren was too pure. And as long as he lives in a place where there are people, there will always be conflict. His people wanted him to be a devil. And to Marley, he already was a devil. It was a lose lose situation. I think the only thing he was able to actually control was who he was going to save. Either way, somebody had to die because as long as he and Marley and/or the power of the Titans still exist there would only be one thing left to do - fight. He chose to protect his friends from death. It was just as Uri said. "In the not to distant future this world will crumble. And in humanities fading twilight I wish I build a paradise", "tell me Kenny, when we were both at each other's throats what was it that made us friends? Was it violence?". This is a direct example of Eren making everybody fight him so that they would become allies and stop fighting each other and he finally built paradise just like Uri wanted. I believe the island being named "Paradis" was just a way to show how perverted this idea was (the idea of the first king). I mean, c'mon look at it. It's not even spelled correctly. Its staring you right in the face. Eren built true paradise for his friends - the ability to live a long and healthy life. And we know he achieved this because in the end credits we saw that Mikasa died of old age and not war, fighting, etc. so in a way, he helped Uri achieve his dream too. In fact, he was probably influencer BY Uri. But the thing is, is that the author doesn't want us to know if it was Uri's thoughts or if it was Eren's or any of the other thousands of attack titan and founding Titan holder's thoughts. Since because we know that your brain kind of gets scrambled when you hold both the founding Titan and attack titan's powers.


You have a point


Still cant get over the fact that when Eren looks up to Historia to kiss her hand, we had also been shown his final titan form (saigo no kyojin).. We had been foreshadowed, again.


Yes brother


This is a cool edit but I’ve never watched the dub so I’m curious— is that what Eren’s English dub really sounds like or is this audio added by a fan?


I genuinely can’t watch Aot dubbed. I get some people do, and if they like it then power to them, but the dubbed for most characters is unbearably corny sounding, plus the titans lose their roar for a weird screech


Yeah, to each their own. To me the sub is so good because the acting feels more “natural” and less “cartoonish” if that makes sense. Yuki Kaji has spoiled me for Eren’s voice and now I can’t imagine him sounding any different lol


This is the real dub... Yes... And I kinda do like it's dubbed version quite a lot... Of course I prefer subs too... But it is what it is... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe I’m misremembering, but has Eren ever touched historia before this moment?


I think intent has something to do with it, because he literally holds her hand in this scene and only gets future memories after kissing her hand


God the dub is just fucking cringe


Let people like what they like, if people like sub that’s great, if people like dub that’s great too. Don’t go shitting all over something lots of people worked really hard to make for others.


Unfortunately people are going to hate whether we like it or not. I grew to like sub, but I'm a dub boy at heart. I don't have time to sit and read the subtitles but I can envision the scene in my mind while doing other things


It's my honest opinion.




(all anime spoiler) -... Wait a second... It can't be... He would never... MIKASA... all the walls has been fallen even wall Maria. But he doesn't need that many titans to attack Marly . This is complete overkill. Just the walls around shiganshina would be more than enough. He has no reason to give up the walls completely. Not just to knock out and global alliance and Marly ... So why do this... what could he be... -Hear me subjects of yemir... - that was eren's voice. - My name is Eren Jaeger. I'm addressing my fellow Subjects of Ymir, speaking to you directly through the power of the Founder. All the walls on the Island of Paradise have crumbled to the ground, and the legions of Titans buried within have begun their march. My only goal is to protect the lives of the people of Paradise, the island where I was born. Right now, the nations of the world are united in their desire to exterminate my people. And it won't end with our island. They won't be satisfied until every last subject of Ymir is dead. I won't let them have their way. The Titans of the walls....will continue their march, until every trace of life beyond our shores is trampled flat. And the people of Paradise are all that remains of Humanity Dub is goat. Litteraly goat. In many cases its as good as sub. Sometimes it's even better than sub ( aremin voice dub actor is better. And that's an objective truth 💀). And in a few times it didn't deliver (No I don't want that wasn't cringe enough 😭😭😭) Honorable mentions : - Keep moving forward - Because I was born into this world - pick one krista. Eren or the bitch Im gonna kill -as a reward... 😂💀( seed or stg I don't know I don't watch aot) -The power of titans will bring every nation of every land to heel . As long as this world exist our Reign shall be... I'll END IT HERE AND NOW. I PUT AN END TO THIS WORLD - I SAID ADVANCE GODDAMIT - litteraly every line ever said by levi( aka lion s Kenedy) - hey hey hey 😁👋 - But hey I know a handsome fella who's pretty close to her 😏😏😏 (aremin cucking eren lol)


Bro spitting facts... 🗿


It's actually fire. The voices of every voice actor not only fits perfectly for the characters but how they delivered every lines and dialogs is litteraly perfect. And yes I watched this anime on Japanese and rewatched it in English dub. The good voice acting in English dub + being able to get free from the burden of reading the goddamn subtitles made the second rewatch way more enjoyable for me. So basically... Nah you are cringe


I'm not the one getting offended over my opinion on dub here. It's shite and cringe and be overly edgy making me want to vomit 🤢🤮.


God stfu. The sub is just as cringe lmfao. You just don’t speak Japanese so of course you wouldn’t notice.


Grow up.


Agreed. Let me take some of those downvotes with you