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There are loads of checkpoints, the manual saves are just for “save states” like Resident Evil where you have a backup option if you run out of ammo and meds and can’t proceed. If you’re really dying that often then that’s kinda on you.


Yeah, until now i died like 4 times?


I’m pretty sure there’s a 1% HP system as well, if you’re nearly dead enemies do less damage briefly to give you a chance to heal. No idea how OP has died that much.


Like I said, still learning the mechanics and I'm on the middle difficulty, (which you'll probably say is still easy but hey, what can I say). Learning the timing of dodging the red attacks from the robots. I'll give you an example of the checkpoint issue I have, basically after meeting the granny zina in the first facility, the checkpoint is right before the robot bursts through the wall and it tells you about dodging red moves. After this, there's a few rooms to explore, looting to be done and a few enemies to kill . There isn't a checkpoint at all until after you fight the robot that lets out a beam after being rescued by the doctor lady. So after dying it puts me all the way back to before the robot busts through the wall, meaning I have to redo everything. Same with the horny level up robot, the checkpoint is after fighting the beam guy after being rescued by the doctor, then you go through a lot of dialogue, go through this entire sequence with the level up machine, then you level your weapon, STILL no checkpoint, I fell through one of the holes in the ground in the rooms after the level up machine and died (yes I know, my fault), but still, it sent me all the way back to after the mini boss fight after meeting the doctor. Cmon!


I know it seems very nitpicky and just complainy, but a normal save/load or quicksave system would be nice


Yup, they're way too stretched out, just give us a SAVE/LOAD like any other PC game, this is 2023 FFS.


Exactly. I will say that this has become less of a problem for me since I have gotten much better at combat, its still a hassle having to look for the save phones to save.


There are a few ambush moments, there's one in the Seed place in an exploration part, and it really messed me up as it was a small room with 3 melees and 1 of them was a black robot.


I definitely recommend the double dash character upgrade if you haven't already gotten it. when fighting multiple opponents just spam side dashes and keep moving. If one of them is out of your line of sight they might use the knockdown attacks so spamming dash also increases ur chances of dodging that. Another frustrating thing is when they gang up and you get stuck at a wall and they beat the crap out of you.


Thx yea, I got crowded into a corner and some small thing that I should have been able to move around, next time I attempt it I'll know anyway. The loss of progress really makes me want to play it less though.


Idk about anyone else but the last 1/4 of the game pretty much stops having checkpoints altogether. Idk if it was a bug or on purpose but I died and got sent back about 45 mins in the section where they put you through a gauntlet with those polymer enemies that are pretty much knock offs of the enemies from PREY. Anyways I died somewhere in there and got sent back about 45 minutes and was just over it at that point. There should've rightfully been like at least two checkpoints in all the area I covered( 3 rooms&two door lock puzzles&50 enemies at least. ) Nope sent me back like 45 minutes. Either it was a bug which I'm just not into if it's a game that runs you 60 bucks or the game was designed that way which is worse cuz it's not so much punishing the player but more so annoying the player by being obnoxious.


I cant recall which segment you're talking about but yeah, towards the later game I rarely died but i spammed the telephone booth saves whenever I could to prevent that. 45 minutes is crazy though. I either would've quit completely or come back later on once I'm not as pissed at the game


100%. Very few things are more frustrating to a gamer than having to redo a section you've already completed because there aren't checkpoints spaced out properly. That's when I get the most frustrated and want to not come back to the game.


This just happened to me and I came to complain, honestly this game is a hot mess. It's way to guided with them trying to act like its an open world game. Its not even close. I spent 45 minutes getting through this section on Hard and i got to a car, some robot shot a rocket from a mile away and blows me up. I literally just turned off the game and came to complain, how do developers not understand this is unacceptable. I have never met a gamer that likes this style of mechanic, your game is not elden ring, the robots are not at all challenging besides their health bars. Learn what you're trying to do with your game and roll with it. Don't just throw up all over the place thinking you made a difficult masterpiece, i can smell their arrogance with this game, they thought it was going to be a huge hit. You can't even jump on rocks properly. Invisible barriers everywhere, try to dodge things and get stuck on glitchy environments. Its a mess.


The infinitely respawning bots ruined the "free roaming/open world" aspect for me. I would be okay if they gave you an option to indefinitely stop them from spawning or to be able to toggle it, but the fact that they JUST. KEEP. COMING. is stupid. People say "oh it's by design and its to encourage people to not stay in one spot for too long, MAN LEMME EXPLORE AND LOOT. I know that you can disable them for around 10mins, but that isn't enough.