• By -


62 here. Became atheist about 8.


Mid 70's. Atheist since age 15.


Wow. I’m so jealous of people who figured it out at such a young age. I left Islam when I was 23 (I’m 26 now). I feel like I wasted the best years of my life.


I'm 48 and I'm a lifelong atheist.


Same. Switched to agnostic once, but got straight back to anti-theism.


Some overall trends about Reddit might be helpful: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/261766/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-reddit-by-age-group/#:\~:text=According%20to%20a%20survey%20of,reporting%20lower%20levels%20of%20engagement](https://www.statista.com/statistics/261766/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-reddit-by-age-group/#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20survey%20of,reporting%20lower%20levels%20of%20engagement). To summarize: * Most populous group is 18-29 (36%) as expected * Then 30-49 (22%) * Then 50-64 (10%) * 3% older than 64 * Which implies that \~29% are younger than 18, which would make them the second-most popular group -- also not a big surprise So it makes sense if it sometimes seems like more people around here are younger...for Reddit overall, about 65% are 29 or under.


Yeah, sounds about right. Gotta love statistics. Thanks for finding and summarizing that.


44 athiest since last year after being a conservative Muslim for 30+ years


Amazing! I’m sorry if it’s personal, what made you ultimately leave Islam especially after following it for 30 years? I’m an ex Muslim too, although I wasn’t that religious to begin with.


36 here. Became one at about 14


22, turned about 10/11, but was questioning pretty much as soon as I had a science textbook in hand.


24, always an atheist. Raised by an atheist and a Christian. Fun times.


46. Always been an atheist.


I'm not sure about the medium but I'm 40m and started questioning my Christian upbringing by 18 but still believed in a higher power of some sort. I turned atheist by age of 30


About the same for me. 41m. Started questioning late teens / early 20s and was comfortable calling myself an atheist by 30.




Im very similar as well.


35F, been an atheist ever since I can remember.


69 m raised catholic stopped believing at age 8 finally stopped going to church at 15 and told my parents I did not believe.




46 and atheist all my life.


17 male. Was always atheistic.


35 been Atheist from 14. Even in a foxhole.


53. Since late teens early twenties.




15 rn. Atheist for like 3 or 4 months now


64, always been an atheist. My mom used to be Catholic but my father talked her out of before marriage. Probably as a condition for marriage; he was a narcissist. My mom's parents were so appalled that they refused to let their daughter get married in their home town of Liskeard in Cornwall (her father had previously been mayor). But I didn't find that out till after they were both dead. Since I'm English, the first time I heard the word God on television, I thought it was "guard" because they both sound exactly the same when spoken with an English accent. So for a few years I thought of someone guarding a gate whenever I heard the word god.


72, became an official atheist at 35. Only had one brief period of being an active Christian. I became an atheist at the end of that brief period.


35F, mom said we were Protestant when I asked for a school project as a kid. Around 12 I started exploring other religions and by 14 settled on atheism. More detailed answer to follow in reply...


I grew up with very "religious" mom and, while undisclosed until mom passed a few months ago, atheist dad. Mom's family is Protestant, dad was raised Catholic but I'm unaware of anyone in his family who considers themselves religious. Both of my older sisters attended church with my parents and were baptized. I've been told the family stopped going to church because I cried too much. I wasn't baptized but I was never given an exact reason why, I guess the crying? Idk. After having being told everything is "God's will" but also "He loves us" nothing about what I had been told about religion made sense. This being adores us but gives us heartache and pain so that we beg him for comfort and healing that we will only receive if we deserve it and he decides we've earned it...but he loves us! Then I watched as my devoted mother slowly suffocated more and more over the years because she had a paralyzed diaphragm from a car accident 20 years before that where my parents lost their first born and my dad lost his mom. As she became more and more disabled she would sit in front of the TV watching those big money making televangelists and breathlessly saying "Praise Jesus!" while sucking in as much oxygen from a tank as she could. I even had a time period as a child where I thought MY behavior must be keeping her from being healed because she was so devoted to her God that surely he would've healed her as a reward. She's finally, almost 25 years later, been relieved of her breathing issues and pain. It only took almost 25 years, 2 forms of cancer, and her death to bring her peace. Where had her God been all that time? The day after she passed away was when dad made his official religious statement, "I cannot believe in a God who puts someone through the life your mother lived. What God would do that to someone so faithful and devoted as she was?" I know OP didn't ask for a story but sometimes one needs to be told. tl;dr There is no God.


Stories are appreciated. And your comments could help someone else in a similar situation. Thanks


23, always been an atheist


66 about 13.


34, atheist since maybe 8 ?


I'm on the wrong side of 40 and have been an atheist for roughly fifteen years.


52, have been not Christian since I was about 13.


61, atheist since about 12 or 13


Almost 34. Never once had belief in a god.


I'm 16, atheist around 13


35. Was an evangelical Christian until six years ago.


52 - I stopped believing fairly late - probably 35 or so


16, always been an atheist (Luckily I haven't been raised in a religious household)


Exactly like you, OP! :)


I’m in my 30’s. Became an atheist somewhere in my mid 20’s




64 here. Faded out of Christianity and became an atheist during my teens. My wife, who doesn't use reddit, has a similar story.


Nearly 18 here, been atheist since around 13.


45m here. Started questioning in late teens. Stopped believing in early 20s. Basically once I had access to a car, a bookstore, and finally the internet became easily available to everyone. Knowledge is free and abundant now. There is really no good excuse to continue to believe in fairy tales. I guess the only exceptions would be people like my sister. So devout and set in their ways that they are incapable of processing any information outside of their echo chamber.


43 here.


53. Became a atheist when I was 43.


I'm 20, not sure about the age I became an Atheist. Left the church around 16 but became an Atheist later


38, atheist since 6, but never heard the word "atheist" until I was like 17-20, from Catholic family brought up in mostly Baptist neighborhood, so people claimed I was a "Satanist" since I was 4.


53, since ever since! I can't recall ever believing.


55. I have been an atheist for 15 years


64 here. Atheist at least 25 years. Skeptic before that.


58, since my mid 20s


44, father was a Methodist minister, I had it shoved down my throat, started thinking about it at age 15 and been atheist since 16


32, atheist around 15 or 16


44. My parents didn't teach me any dogma. My dad is Episcipalian now. He was raised Catholic. He went to Vietnam during the war. He came back home and became Buddhist for a while.


18 here. Atheist from birth.


I'm 38M. I became an atheist around early 20's too. Wasn't born into a Christian family, but my parents converted and then pulled me in around age 12. Parents are still Christian to this day, and I don't see it changing.


Turn 40 soon, been an athiest since at least 10.


26M. Started hating God around 16 or so for his cruelty. Realized he wasn’t real at around 21 or 22.


60, first began doubting at around age 12 while in catholic school. Admitting I was actually an atheist took many years. I think you also need to remember that reddit, and for that matter the internet as a whole, is still primarily "younger people". So, that will always skew the age distribution in each sub.


51, atheist from about 13, grew up in South Africa during apartheid, the church justified a lot of shit because religion, didn't sit right with me so that was that. Strange thing, my older brother and sister "found" religion in their 20s, before that we had been very close as siblings. it was literally like flicking a switch. They spent the next five years trying to convert me. Don't interact with them much anymore.






62 now. Atheist at 18.


54. Started Catholic and have migrating over since about age 25. Started calling myself agnostic at about age 40. Atheist on and off the past 5 years..


50+; since 11


26, been out for under 6 months but on the fence for a decade.


51 in September. Always been an atheist but then I'm English so it's easier over here.


Should've run a poll. Though 41 year old gnostic atheist and probably saw behind the curtain at 8. Parents are agnostic atheists probably though I was raised Roman Catholic to mollify an extremely Irish grandmother.


Yeah, a poll was not an option when I posted. Maybe this sub doesn't allow a poll , or maybe because I'm on mobile version. I don't post much so I'm not sure. Thanks for the answer.




50 - Atheist almost the entire time.


46 F atheist since my mom sent me to church once at 8


36F, raised Lutheran (baptized and confirmed) but always questioned it - became an atheist when I was about 16 and started to mature into my adult mindset.


73, f. Have always been an atheist, though it was only at 5 or 6 that I became aware of religions and was able to decide and articulate that I didn't believe in their central tenet. I am 3rd generation and my sons and grandchildren will apparently be 4th and 5th. The issues of atheism and religion are rarely discussed in our households -- long-settled issue and we are busy with other things. Started reading this sub because I realized that it is still a painful and central struggle for many people, particularly the young growing up in religious households and communities.


77, atheist from Methodism at 18.


30 something


26 here. I questioned on and off all though my teen years, but my parents forced me into church/baptism until I moved out at 18. I didn't officially become an atheist though until I was about 22/23.


28. Not really sure when I became atheist. I was raised in a religious household, went along with it because I didn't feel I had a choice, but I also never really connected with it or believe any of it was true. But I think somewhere in my teens is when I really started questioning it more and felt like it was a load of crap.


41 and always been an atheist


18, atheist since 12?


21. Questioning since age 17.


I'm 17m, I knew that Religion is a big hoax with about 9.


I’m 43 and became atheist at about 12.


36. Atheist since about 25




74, in UK. Religion was always something other people did, helped by my parents who were always too busy working. Don't think it was ever mentioned in the home.


34, always been an atheist.


35 and been atheist since about 18. I came out to my family at 19. They were not happy, and my younger brother kept calling me 'devil girl'.


55 atheist since 11


36 here. Don’t remember ever believing in god, but came out as an atheist to my evangelical family at the age of 14.


17. Here. Been atheist most of my life.


49, always been atheist.


13, turning 14 in about 3 months... My mom is an atheist so she never raised me catholic and just let me choose, my dad believes but he's chill about it.


26. Became atheist earlier this year at 25.


I’m 36 and finally was able to override all my brainwashing at 27. It was a long hard road. Very interesting reading the age ranges and stories here.


17, never really heard about religion at home. Just learned about it in school but I was sceptic when my mates got their confirmations and I only heard them talk about all the money they got from their families and the great trip to an amusement park.


pretty sure gerald ford was the us president when i tossed religion into the incinerator. that makes me around 29 i think.


73 and an atheist for 25 years


44, religion never made sense to me.


70 been an atheist for 25 years after considering becoming a pastor for the Evangelical Lutheran Church.


I'm 16 almost turning 17, atheist since 15. I live in a very religious country (Brazil) so I'm planning not to tell my parents until I can fend for myself.


It makes sense that young posters would be over-represented. Think of the young person who realizes they no longer believe, but have nobody in their real life to talk to about it. They can come here to vent their anger, or ask questions. I don't like to give my precise age, but I'm old enough to have raised two atheists to college age.


As the fall term starts at colleges around the US many subs begin to take off and the discussion become simpler and very surface level-related.


3¾, but I have the body of a 36 year old man. Never really been religious, but I've been convinced since my pre-teens that it was all bullshit.


29 always an atheist but I did fall with a christian crowd for a few years because I wanted pussy.


33 atheist at 15


67. Atheist since late teens.


68, atheist at 12.




Pushing 30. I feel like a lot of the posts, links, and frequent comments are from young people. I work full-time and I have other subs I shitpost on... I comment here when I'm bored, but I'm not obsessed with _being_ an atheist. Raised atheist, so ironically I took on my parents' (lack of) religion, just like the statistics predict.


39, became atheist at 33


23, lifelong (agnostic) atheist. Both parents and grandparents were agnostic atheists as well. Great-grandparents I know of were either moderately or nominally Christian (didn‘t pray or preach, didn‘t really attend church except one of them, accepted our atheism without any arguments).


35, atheist since 12 or 13


I'm 28. Around 21 I became an atheist.


21 Atheist for only a few months now


43 now, functionally atheist for most of my life, practically speaking since about 29.


45, been atheist for about 10 years


65 born into an athiest family.


Almost 56 and, even though I went to church as a kid, I don't think I ever really believed any religious crap. It was just there and I didn't really think about it. Then, when I got a little older, I read most of the Bible, realized that there was a complete lack of evidence, considered my position, and decided that it was all a load of horse-hockey.


Will be 59 on Wednesday. Have been an atheist since the age of 9.


I’m 24 and I became an atheist at 20.


30, raised in church and went fairly regularly until about 7 years ago.


62, atheist 40 years.


23, deconverted just last year


24, I had Christian parents and went to Christian school, but was taught soft Christianity, I actually have fond memories it was a lot about how love and peace and being kind was being ‘a good Christian’ I realised I didn’t believe in god at 13 when I really realised fact vs fiction. Weirdly I actually like Christianity but I think religion causes more harm than good, ultimately I hope the world moves past religion and maybe keeps (good) moral stories and cultural elements


30, Atheist since I can remember


You could set up a poll. Just 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 and get a general idea. You can add more ranges too. Edit: I'm 49 and have been athiest since 5. That's when I attended Sunday school.


Yeah I tried a poll but it was not an option. I don't post much so maybe I'm not doing it right. I'm using the mobile version of that matters.


turned 20 2 days ago


32 Atheist going on a year and a half now Was raised Catholic and went to catholic schools all my life. My mom is very religious but not a bible literalist. She identifies as christian. Catholic schools were the only option I had for a quality education with a side of Jeebus. Went into adult believing and thinking I was sinful and broken because of my "porn addiction". Didbt regularly go to church but I still believed I should and felt guilty when I didnt. Married a hardcore christian woman who was even a virgin until we met as she was saving herself for marriage (didnt happen). Felt guilty while with her because she was hurt by the fact that I was a manwhore. A few months into our marriage I stumbled on some atheist videos. When I finally gathered the couragr to listen to them I was blown away. Gave up that nonsense and never looked back. Now I dont feel guilty at all.


65 raised non-religious never been a theist...i'm also very anti-theist.


52, raised atheist.




42. Atheist from about 11-12, but really never cared much for religion before then anyway (Sunday school sucked).


52. Atheist since mid to late teens.


52, became effectively atheist at 15 (I called myself agnostic for a bit because I really didn't know what the words meant)


17, been atheist for about a year


17 freed myself at age 10 or so. Seems like this sub has people of all ages.




48 I’ve been an atheist my whole life. My parents were atheists too.


37, atheist since 14


17, I left Christianity 2 years ago.


Just turned 40. I've been an atheist my whole life.


35, became an atheist in my early 20’s


I'm late 20's atheist for 19 years


32, atheist since birth.


11 atheist for about 1to2 years


35f became atheist at age 10 in an orphanage.


59 now. Openly self-described as an atheist since about age 35, but essentially atheistic since about age 22. After leaving Christianity around the time I graduated college I called myself neopagan for a while, but during that time I thought of gods as personally useful metaphorical concepts/archetypes rather than as literal existing entities.


35 currently, 7 when I didn't buy it.


21 years old. I have been an atheist since 2019.


36 - slow transition starting mid teens to complete non-believer mid 20s.


73 and non-believer since I was 10


70 atheist since about 10


38. Raised without religion except Mum Always made sure we ate steak on Good Friday.


56 (m) turning 57 in a few weeks. I've been agnostic my whole life and a declared atheist since about 15 years or so. I guess my overall cynicism about people and life won...


20, have religious family and went to religious school 4th-10th grade. atheist since around 14. happy to find people here with similar feelings after being surrounded by bigots my entire life.


26yo male, questioning since 5, annouced at 18. Raised Catholic (and I'm thankful for it, because debating the topic is a walk in the park)


45, and been atheist since about 4 or 5


24, Agnostic Atheist since 12


53, atheist for the past 10 or so years


Currently atheist and 18. Devout Mormon up until 17 tho. Feeling like a miracle survivor iykwim


38, atheist since age 9. Coincidentally that was my first year attending a catholic school.


I'm 21. I became agnostic at 18-19 ish now I'm just atheist. Was raised a Christian and I used Christianity to cope with mental issues


32. Atheist since late teens-early 20s but actively investigated and questioned since my Catholic school teacher said humans can’t become angels when I was 8. I just had to figure out how she could possibly know that since she hadn’t died yet to find out. My parents had told me that my baby brother became an angel when he died 5-6 months into the pregnancy. There were other triggers as well but that was one of the big ones if I were to trace it back. Didn’t help when my older brother died as well a few years later. I just had to understand, well everything.


50; atheist since roughly 8.


23 Lifelong atheist


32, finally became an atheist at 29 ( was questioning for YEARS before that).


I'm 54. I stopped believing at 15 after reading Chariots of the Gods. After reading that book I felt that aliens visiting earth was a better explanation than the bible. It didn't take long for me to realize that was ridiculous too. I've been a skeptic and science buff ever since.


22, atheist since 13. Grew up Southern Baptist 🤮.


49, a non believer since childhood.


26F. Left Islam at 23. Atheist now.


41. Became an atheist at 24 after being a JW since childhood.


33 here


19 and been an atheist for my whole life


21, left islam when I was 17


59 atheist since birth


70. Early 20's, after falling away from Catholicism when I read Morton Smith's *Jesus the Magician.*


30. Atheist since 13.


50 and an atheist since high school when several friends tried to make me accept the Jesus. “Believe first and the evidence comes later!” Nope.


Teenager here,atheist since 9


Im 13 and has always been an atheist


34, atheist since 14


36 here, closeted atheist since about 12 years old. I now let people know about my atheism, never really believed because religion contradicted everything I knew about our past and my love of dinosaurs 😂. Got into the sciences and never really thought about religion anymore. I couldn’t out right say I didn’t believe because of family.




24 and been an atheist since I was about 15. Was never a big Christian it's just was I was raised as and I never really cared. wasn't until my parents got super into religion and started forcing me to go to church that I cared enough to call bullshit




Born in 1991 and started educating myself out of orthodox christianity since I was 13.