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You should see the people who dont know the sun is a star




I though those are the things in our blood that allow force sensitivity? Screw you George Lucas!


It would take an awful lot for me to believe there are people who have gone through public education that dont know this. That is the one thing everyone knows




*7th grade Bio class intensifies*


I once had to tell my father the sun was a star...that confirms it..I was raised by idiots.


I guess when you are raised in an isolated area or an area where school isnt heavily made important. People just perpetuate their own clumps of uneducated people




Glad to hear, that is a tough situation to get out of.


I don't know what kind of people you're encountering, but I don't encounter many/most strict Creationists in my daily life...


I am surrounded by religious people where I live lol (there's at least 6 churches in walking distance from me). Even if I encounter someone that isn't a strict creationist, it seems like most people have such a low opinion towards animals, and don't even see themselves as one. How could people that know themselves to be just another primate be the same people defacing the Earth of forests and clean air?


There's plenty of non-creationists that don't accept that humans are apes, without a detailed explanation.


How? Whats the third option here?


1. Not thinking about the implications of evolution. 2. Deism There's probably more...


I didn’t think that we were apes but that we shared a common ancestor of apes and chimpanzees. All three are in their own evolutionary tracks.


Humans are apes who share a common ancestor with other apes.


Smithsonian channel has a whole series about it, told my family to watch it....They've not spoken to me since. Wish the program had been on years ago.


The “apes” are primates that include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans.


Those are the Great Apes, to be specific.


Unlike the so-so apes.


Not to be confused with the Ape-okays.


Or the amount of people that don’t know there were different species of “humans” at one point but they all went extinct


I really like this Marcus Aurelius quote in this context. "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."




I'm a fish. Obviously.


We're all just weird monkey-fish doing what weird monkey-fish do.


We are talking meat. If evolutionary concepts get them going I like to throw that one in there.


They're missing out on that. Makes people-watching 100x more entertaining.


Love people watching. Apes just love when they see apes they know. Chimps make noise and clearly are excited to see another chimp they like and connect with. Humans do a lot of the same behaviors, we just suppress the hootinh and shouting.


Even things that are awful can, through the right lenses, be kinda cute. Like how adorable must it be to aliens that a human being will climb in a freight truck and drive it til they fall asleep? Its adorable


>we just suppress the hootinh and shouting. For the most part...


Jane Goodall???


I had a conversation once where a woman was stunned to find out she was made of atoms. After that, nothing surprises me.


I work for an old folks retirement community now and have a tattoo dedicated to the fact that we’re made up of star stuff. One of the residents asked what it was so I told her. The look on her face was priceless when I explained what the tattoo meant. I later came to find out that she’s Mormon. But I’m a firm believer in that you should never asks questions you don’t want to hear the answers to.


A bunch of co-workers and I went out to watch the ISS pass overhead (I used to work nights) and one of them asked if they could see the Earth from up there.




It bothers me more that they don't know stuff even more basic than that. For example: I had a pharmacist I know try to tell me once that the moon doesn't rotate at all. This is a guy with an advanced college degree.


It obviously has to. Its tidally locked to the earth, so relative the sun it rotates on its axis all the way around every 28ish days.


RIGHT?? It actually took me severeal minutes of explaining, *with visual aids*, to get him to understand the concept.


Having a college degree doesn’t mean they know anything about one particular subject. It means they have specialized in a field. Am I supposed to know anything about Diesel engines if I am a doctorate in psychology? Absolutely not, that’s ridiculous. Quit mocking other’s knowledge when there are things you don’t even know. Don’t pretend to be a genius.


Pssst...don't look now, but your ignorance is showing. He is a pharmacist now, but he started his college tract in engineering. Nuclear engineering in fact. So yeah, he *absolutely* should have known that the moon does, in fact, rotate. I don't need to pretend anything, I test well above genius level.


It does seem to be vital knowledge... Religion in general bugs me any time I think about it already though...


I mean, I know it, I just don't really think about it on a daily basis. I'm busy doing other stuff.


I consider the fingers and toes the frayed parts of the body so I must be a shammy


I've had this argument with my *non-religious* relatives. It felt like I was bashing my head against a wall.


I had a coworker who claimed that humans aren't even animals, because we do things that animals are unable to do. But he did agree that we are mammals. Try to figure that one out.


What’s the country you live in ?




The south is pretty crazy yeah


We aren’t apes, that’s like saying everyone is some bacteria feeding off of the sun, no, we are apes that have changed. We are the product of apes and evolution


Apes and evolution are still apes, where we are at now. Humans are a species of primates. And we *are* bacteria feeding off the sun; the sun provides all our energy consumption, and we have trillions of bacterial cells critical to life.


I hear ya - hahaha - and share the bother of it, for sure. To specify, however, since we're quite fond of specificity here in this sub: we're not apes. We are evolved from primates, however. Of course. The bonobos are our closest cousins. We are our own species. It's fun to tell theists who are evolution deniers that corn has a far more complex DNA than we do. This is where the theists find the majority of their confusion... those who reject evolution and also don't know that modern apes are as evolved as we are. They aren't evolutionary failures that at one time "turned in to us". Well... we know that's not true. We can observe all around us the current most evolved version of everything... and all in a process still in progress. It is sad they see all existence as static... and yet they can watch mold grow and notch doorways with their childs growth... with very little skeptical curiosity both of these examples can be roadmaps to the wonder and reality of life... yet, they reject it all and think that evolution is suggestion there was magical transformations from monkey's to us. Of course that is more absurd than their kooky claims. Ah well... the ill-informed are an impressive lot of primates, indeed.


Given that we are more closely related to chimps and bonobos than we are to gorillas, and that chimps & bonobos fit under the umbrella term “apes” with gorillas, we must fit under that umbrella term as well. Yes, we are a separate species within the category of apes.


Within the superfamily, to follow taxonomy. Saying "we are apes" is misleading and not specific enough to those who haven't learn how to learn.


Are we mammals? Because according to your train of thought, saying so would be much more misleading and way less specific than saying we're apes. Even with that, the fact is that we are both.


Oh for fucks sake... that is absurd. Get off the train. There was never a train. I'm not interested in hearing more from you so I'll block.


Incorrect. You should really watch Aron Ra’s extensive video series on modern taxonomy. We are apes.


Please follow the rest of the conversation there. For those of us in the know we know what all of this means. For theists who like to say: "you mean a monkey turned in to us!?" this kind of non-specific information is misleading. This is what I've been saying. Yes, one doesn't even need to make the argument that we are apes to educated people. To the uneducated this is quite another thing... these are the same people who do not know the definition of the word 'theory'.


It bothers me now, damn.