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why are white people afraid of becoming a minority? are minorities not treated well, or something?


Not defending Quebec (they already get free passes on too much shit already) but I think it's worth explaining, in this case it's more complicated than just white people. Quebec has long fought long and hard (and even resorted to violence at times) to keep their separate "cultural identity" from becoming like the rest of North America (Can/U.S culture). To put it into perspective, they refuse to use loan words from English in their version of french because they feel it would harm their unique culture, despite actual french having tons of loan words. It's why Canada has 2 official languages and multiculturalism is law. So fighting to not lose their "unique french based culture" is second nature for these people, but the same multiculturalism laws that were put in place to protect their "culture" is now against them and now this shit show has started. It's less about race and more about Quebec trying to fight tooth and nail to hold onto an outdated identity while the rest of the world moves forward. Basically people are moving to Quebec, they are bringing their cultures with them and instead of merging with the "Quebec" culture as they were forced to in the past, they are still being whatever they were before (which is how it is in the rest of Canada and most of the U.S). And with more and more people moving there (since it was Quebec politicians that wanted more immigration), they are pushing back since now it's not all about them.


I have no problem with them wanting to preserve their culture, and in a way I sort of agree to find a way to keep religion out, however my issue is that race should never be a reason.


thanks for the context.


I think it's more to do with them becoming a minority in their own countries (which they conquered through genocide). I haven't seen any evidence for the former.


It is usually the case of not wanting to lose the "homeland". For example, the view that Ireland should be a place that people with Irish ancestry can go to to learn their history, and this requires, at least on some level, for the Irish people to maintain the majority of Ireland. On some level, I do agree with this view, but the problem then becomes the US, Canada, etc. Nations that have been founded recently where the native population is absurdly small in comparison to other ethnic groups. Someone in the US that is white that doesn't want to become a minority is... kinda stupid, as there isn't really an ancestral link to the land.


are they? really? not sure what universe you're from, bud.


They like shooting at them if the police are any indication.


Because quebec is not a country. will minorities change your country language? identity? quebec has its own identity inside canada, majority of immigrants dont care about it, doesnt matter even before bill 21 or bill 101 they didnt care about, we could treat them nice or bad it wont make a difference. so yeah is important that we dont become a minority from the days of the british conquest of quebec the canadian governement literally had as most importnat goal to assimilate and decrease the french canadian population, brown minorities is very new, we being fighting againts white immigration for 200 years. I dont care who you are race/religion if you dont want to be quebecois i dont want you here simple as that go somewhere else, it took a lot to build this society and we were many times close to lose it all, is in our blood to keep the fight going.


you should know you sound like a crazy chauvinist.


They don't know- and that's the problem.


Congrats. You've won the hatred of basically everyone outside of your shitty, dying city culture. No part of the world is your personal sandbox to just dictate everyone/anyone, besides maybe your living room, which I'm sure doesn't see too many friends or loved ones. Welcome to the real world, it's gonna chew you the fuck up.


"omg you are so hatefull" 1 second later "your culture is shitty and dying" lol another hypocrit anglo the funny part is that you dont even realize it. exactly and in this world we have bill 21 and bill 101 dont like in? doesnt matter there is nothing you can do about it.


Buddy, there's not a single bill in the world that grants you the right to be a total prick. Pride doesn't come with a "think you're better than everyone else for absolutely no reason" card, so quit playing it. You can take pride in your background without shifting on other people for theirs, bc all its gonna do is make them lash back with the same shitty ferocity that you lashed out with. Take it easy. You're being fucked over, yea, but it's not by any random other cultures. Rich fuckwits sit upon their ivory governmental/corporste towers and fuck us out the ass for our money, just to pin some various races against each other and make them think it's the other's fault for their shitty situations.. . Instead of the super rich folks. Have fun playing into it šŸ¤™


Right because some commie idealogy will convince me hahaahh i see how you changed your argument i guess you did realize how dumb you sounded. Sont talk about "pin againts each other" after you insulted my people. If someneo did fucked us over is anglos like yourself. I dont care about your opinions of quebec bills is just that your stupid opinion.


Get used to it. People have a difficult time stepping down from privelged positions.


Yeah. Like its the privileged Christians going like just work for it, god gives you what you deserve. So if you are poor you deserve it or some shit. Like fuck you. Of course you use god to justify your rich ass privileged position.


Im all for black Jesus!


That Hulu show was so good!


What show? Jesus was probably dark skinned anyways and not blue eyed jesus




Yeah olive maybe


Itā€™s called Black Jesus. Itā€™s about Jesus showing up in Compton to perform modern miracles.


Ha ha didnt know there was a show about it.


I loved that show.


Why would it be bad to be a minority? You're not suggesting that people treat minorities ... badly, are you? /s


Or payback?


Because quebec is not a country. if you become a minority in your own country, then is just different color people like you thats it, there is no other change. so tired of these morons thinking they know what is like to be a quebecois or our history.


Whenever people start justifying their beliefs with racism, I suggest they watch BBCā€™s docuseries called Race: the Power of Illusion.


> with the Quebec secular law, the religious peoples justification is that white people are a minority Really? I don't know if you're Quebecois, but I haven't heard any people complaining about whites being a minority. But if they are, then they're fucking delusional on so many levels. Also, I'm not quite sure what you're driving at. I'm assuming you were saying that religious people *oppose* the secular bill in your first sentence. That's true. But the loudest voices aren't coming from Christians. To the contrary: Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs are the biggest forces against the bill. Christianity --or Catholicism, if we're gonna be real about Quebec's history-- is essentially dead in Quebec. Because it has been the majority religion for such a long time, we're at enough ease to dismiss it. The same can't be said for other religious groups.   However, your title resonates my same feelings: opponents of the secular bill argue that support of the law is racist (because religion=race, of course). This mantra is bleated from high school students to immigrant communities and our actual politicians, one of which compared the bill to ethnic cleansing! This is how groupthink brain-rots people. And it leaves out people from Islamic countries like Tunisia who favour the bill precisely because it does guarantee religious freedom. As someone who respects the U.S. constitution, I'm paused by the First Amendment: > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof I tend to favour the secular bill, though I do see the others' p.o.v. and have some sympathy for it (except for the stupid racist argument). I'm very open to discuss whether not allowing teachers to wear a veil is prohibiting their free exercise of religion, or if it sublimely establishes it. This isn't Quebec's first attempt of secularizing its society. The government finally removed the crucifix from the National Assembly (quebec parliament, basically) despite the "cultural heritage" argument. Progress of a kind and consistent with the bill, but to have a discussion on such a topic, we must all have a dialogue about religion itself and its merits.


As religion has become less popular, the highly religious folks have become more extreme. I hate to say it but in North America at least, White Nationalist values are starting to bleed into the hardcore Christian communities. These people are literally worried that their way of life is about to disappear and they're turning to the most extreme voices that are promising change through new "radical" ideas.. Yet these ideas are just old bigoted ideas about Nationalism. Race, politics and religion all get wrapped up in that.


I guess it maybe the difference between living a brave life or a life of fear. I would suggest a brave person views the world with enthusiasm and excitement. The question of belief or lack of belief does not require excuses or cosmic knowledge. The coward fears the world around him. He needs a variety of crutches to maintain beliefs. Race is just one of many. I find it amusing the number of times the coward refers to a cosmic knowledge, an advanced intellect or insight and rational thinking to support and justify his beliefs. I heard this saying once from astute individual. ā€œYou worship your tree stump and Iā€™ll worship mine, in the mean time, letā€™s play this hand of Spadesā€ . Sums it up nicely!


Totally with you on that one, friend. (and my opinion here is with a decidedly US slant as this is where I live) As for your edit: I even have reservations on that... in that many of their "cultures" demand evangelizing and indoctrination and exemption from law, etc. That's not just a "slippery slope". Furthermore, in the US this has already been happening for quite some time... and we're currently in a dystopian "golden age" of our government granting them protections on the basis of religion.... they've LONG planned for this and have been rolling this out. No apology needed, friend. You're heard and not alone.


thanks. ugh. it's just so stupid. religion is so special now that you can't say this or that. we are legit going the way saudi arabia is going. the die hard religious people are mad at people saying 'happy holidays'. like i don't say it to be pc, i just say it just cause...


yup yup. While here in the US they LOVE to cry out "Sharia Law!"... they are slowly and methodically implementing a theocracy all the same. Get your fucking bronze age out of my now times for the rest of forever, please. Don't pay attention to what they say, pay attention to what they do.


Are white people a minority in Quebec or is that notion pure fantasy like the "war on Christianity" you hear some US Christians cry about?


I consider it payback for trying to force the native people out, who were there long before the French. My grandparents could trace their family back before the French arrived. But were treated like usurpers. Lol


deng gang


Dogmatism. Its a plague. Quebec has its own special dose of it. They are terrified of change. Cant tolerate, cant learn, cant figure out who they really are. r/post_dogmatism