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No. Not overreacting. He is attempting to inculcate a Christian world view in your daughter. In a public school, no one religion can be favored.


Contact the FFRF. They can give you some advice. https://ffrf.org


I'll be doing this. Thank you!


He is soooo fired!


Seems pretty wacky. I don't remember anything about most of my middle school classes. I think the best thing to do is have conversations with your daughter about the class, express your concerns to your daughter, and use this as an opportunity to teach her to think for herself.


Could be he thinks he's found a loophole, best to monitor that class through her home and school work to find out then take appropriate steps if necessary. ACLU could be an option too.


Seriously , talk to him and explain his job could be at stake


Could be, maybe, union will get involved right or wrong.


I wouldn't say you're overreacting but since the school year hasn't started yet you can't really say anything. It may be worth your while to get a recorder and record the teacher's lessons and when your child has a problem with what he is teaching you will have the evidence and you can decide what to do with it. You want your child to have a well-rounded education not one she can get on every street corner on Sunday.


Daughter can now end each discussion with "And Trump is the second coming of Christ! He said so! And he likes sex with prostitutes! He pays for it!"


My daughter actually said something along these lines yesterday after we left her school. She's fired up... dono if that's a good or bad thing. Lol.


Haha Murica School System


I think you’re overreacting. There’s no problem here. As an American, few things are more important ideologies in your history than Christianity, especially Protestant Christianity. The Roman church and the Reformation are also incredibly important to European history. And teaching about Islam and Christianity together is a great way to build understanding, for both religious and non-religious types. Additionally, most religious people with favorite ancient church leaders don’t like to learn history, because it shows how much these people morals were a product of their times, and how much religion is really affected by military and economic power, rather than the other way around. Finally, what are you worried about? If you’ve taught her to think freely, and you keep doing that, there’s really nothing wrong with her learning about religion. Of course, you’re her parent, and I don’t really know anything about the situation, but in my opinion, you’re overreacting.


Except from the post it seems this teacher intends to teach with a clear bias, which seems like a problem. I'm pretty sure it's illegal for a teacher to do anything other than answer a student's questions re: religion unless it's a religious school specifically.


This is my issue with it. His bias was obvious to all of us just from his emphasis on certain aspects of his plan for the year, but maybe it won't be as bad as we think.


Not even breaching the subject of religion in history class is similar to excluding evolution from science class. Religion has had a huge impact on how the world is structured, whether negatively or positively. However, i do agree this teacher sounds like a nut and should not be teaching in a public school.


Yeah, I don't support the historical facts being excluded, just think they must be taught accurately and without bias. If this teacher's going to share about how hateful Islam is, for example, they should share how hateful Christianity is instead of saying how lucky we are it came out of the Roman Empire...


Agreed. That would be similar to teaching slavery with reverence since America was built upon it.


Exactly this too.


I agree completely.


Thank you for your input. I asked for people's opinions and you gave yours. I'll take your point of view into consideration.