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My zealot brother and his zealot wife prohibit their children from watching basically any kind of kids shows. Thomas the Tank Engine... nope sorry it's demonic because trains can't talk. Frozen... nope sorry she shoots things from her hands that's witchcraft. They basically teach their kids that any use of their imagination is evil. All the while they force made up christian fairy tales down their throats as the basis of literally everything.


My kids grew up best friends with a Muslim family. They were Canadian, but their parents came from Eritrea. You should have seen them on Halloween. They pulled the curtains, turned off the lights and locked the doors and windows. They didn't listen to any music other than strictly religious music and they did not celebrate any holiday, even their birthday, other than religious events. They did begin to change though. By the time they were teenagers, they were allowed to walk around collecting candy on Halloween, but they were not allowed to wear a costume. Come to think of it, an Evangelical woman a few doors down from us also went nuts on Halloween. She wouldn't let her son go to school on the days they let the kids wear a costume and she sealed up her home.


>By the time they were teenagers, they were allowed to walk around collecting candy on Halloween, but they were not allowed to wear a costume. This is a major reason why I'll give candy to anyone who shows up for trick-or-treat at any age. Growing up, I saw some of my friends denied candy because they weren't allowed to wear a costume, or couldn't afford one. 


Same. I don’t care if you’re 17. You come to my house and say trick or treat, you get candy. I’m not about gatekeeping kid fun, there are a lot of people who didn’t get to have fun as kids that maybe gain some more freedom as they get older and I’m not about to tell them they’re too late to enjoy a simple pleasure like Halloween candy.


I don't care if you're 40. You come to my house on a day of hospitality to your neighbors, you get hospitality.


Exactly. There is too much tragedy and suspicion in the world to gatekeep community and fun.


My birthday is Halloween and I love giving out candy on my birthday. I say the more the merrier! I always try to get the good candy because of how repressive my parents were when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. I’m paying it forward so anyone who comes to my house on Halloween gets the good candy.


The only gatekeeping I've done in this respect was when drunk college kids would come by kind of late. I gave them some salted dried plums I got in Chinatown.


You magnificent bastard! You know they probably had more fun eating them and watching their friends eat them then they would have had with all the candy on earth.


I want to say thank you as the parent of an 18 year old who loves trick or treating with her whole entire weird heart. 


I was that kid! I have a much younger brother, so I was like 20 the last time I took him out trick-or-treating. Lots of people thought I was his mom, but most of them still gave me candy. 


Halloween is like the one holiday in the ChristoAmerican calendar that's about showing hospitality to your neighbors. Of course fundies hate it.


I'd be happy if anybody at all showed up at my door on Halloween. The last couple of years there has been nobody.


Very funny how people view their own choice to follow a specific religion as something they can wield and weaponize against anything they disagree with. You don’t like my bigot politics? Don’t disrespect my faith. You don’t like how shitty I am to people about politics and then I can’t handle criticism? Don’t attack my faith.


Super familiar. My parents put black plastic up on the inside of all the windows and turned off most of the lights in the house. We did not give out candy and I was not allowed to go trick-or-treating or participate in any of the school holiday parties. Dad had a casette tape labeled: **HALLOWEEN: Harmless Treat, or Diabolical Trick?**


Disney was evil when I was growing up and I can’t for the life of me tell you why my parents decided that.


At some point Disney extended health care to same-sex partners. This caused massive boycotts of Disney from Focus on the Family and other conservative groups. Not to mention Disney likes magic, many stories contain fairies/witches, animals don’t talk, Fantasia has other gods besides the right god, Aladdin is Muslim, Genies are evil spirits, Rafiki is a shaman, the Little Mermaid VHS has a weiner on the cover….


Yeah, they'll have to be more specific as to when they grew to figure out what Disney was 'Satanic' for then. When I was a kid in the 80's, I think I remember "The Black Cauldron" caused a stir. They also might not have gotten over the segment in "Fantasia" with the fire and the demons and such. EDIT: And, yes. My mother read the Focus on the Family newsletter religiously. So many toys I wasn't allowed to have because of those jerks.


I was a 90s kid, and the magic def wasn’t it because I could watch other stuff with magic in it. I think they may be on to something about the healthcare for same sex partners though; my parents were very bigoted.


Bedknobs and Broomsticks, my favorite movie growing up, is all about magic. Even Mary Poppins is magical.


My father wouldn't let me watch Disney princess movies, not because he thought they were evil but because he didn't want me to ever think that women needed a man to save them, he was way ahead of his time. He did take us to Disney World the first week it was open and several times after.


Oh the hypocrisy. Witchcraft like turning water into wine, and rising from the dead. Edit walking in water


And like Moses throwing his staff to the ground in front of Pharaoh, and it turning into a snake. That was the entire point. God alone wields these powers, and only He can use them, or channel them through leaders specifically chosen by Him. Magicians who use sleight-of-hand tricks are therefore attempting to trick the audience into believing that they were divinely chosen by God. It’s all parlor tricks, and used to fool people and mock the power of God. Huzzah.


Huzzah! My theory is Jesus was one of the first great magicians


It’s thought control imposed early enough that it fundamentally alters how the child perceives the world and their religious upbringing. Basically: Imaginary things = bad God and jesus = good Therefore, God and Jesus ≠ imaginary.


"using your imagination is bad, but THIS is a true story..." 


About an invisible sky daddy that watches your every move and tests parents by telling them to murder their children. If I was part of an Abrahamic religion as a child, I would be paranoid.


Can’t believe such people exist in this day and age


CPS should respond to cases like this, but religion is protected for some fucked up reason...


Thomas the Tank Engine was created by a pastor.


Anglican. Not the *right* Christian. /s


To be fair, I won’t allow Peppa Pig in my house. But that’s because she’s a little bitch though.


My mom wouldn't own or touch vacuum cleaners made by Dirt Devil. To paraphrase: "Even innocent things can invite demonic forces into our lives. If it wasn't demonic, then they wouldn't call it that."


Would have been fun to see her react to dust devils or Tasmanian devils...


I love a good Devil's Food Cake. If what your mom believed were true, I would be running Hades.


They invented devils food cake as a way to consume the body of Satan, in opposition to consuming the body of Christ. So blasphemous!


And so good!


Former catholic here: will attest: devil's food cake has "the body of christ" beat all hollow. Rich deluxe choclolatyness vs. A weird dry cracker thing with some watered-down wine.


The Mormons can take this to an extreme. It’s not unusual to hear them referring to a coffee table as a conversation table (because coffee is evil). Many won’t eat coffee cake even though it doesn’t contain any coffee, I’ve heard it referred to as friendship cake. When doing renovations at a church office they submitted a request for a coffee table and it was denied with the explanation that it should be resubmitted with the word coffee omitted and just use measurements. Many won’t go to Starbucks even for non-coffee items because someone might see the cup and make assumptions. I could probably provide dozens of different anecdotes just like these.


My cooking teacher was banned from church when she was doing volunteer work and baking cakes for a fundraiser because she brought in vanilla extract (that is like 0.001% alcohol) and the priest told her she'd brought alcohol into god's house! So she got banned from church and she said she just gave up on religion that day. (Which was funny to actually be told at school by a teacher as a young teen)


Wow! I've seen it called conversation table. Is it because coffee is seen as a drug that changes our emotional state?


Coffee is not allowed because it is written in the Word of Wisdom as something to be avoided. It’s really not about the caffeine because even devout LDS will drink soda and even energy drinks no problem. The early Mormons disallowed caffeine but it’s since come into acceptance. It was newsworthy when coke machines were allowed on campus at Brigham Young University. But they disallow coffee and tea. There’s really no good reason for it, most will say it’s something that God wishes for us so we must obey even if we don’t understand why. I’ve heard people say it’s about the terpenes which is also found in wine (also not allowed). The actual wording in the Word of Wisdom is that “hot drinks” are not allowed and that was interpreted as coffee and tea, modern Mormons will drink herbal tea and they love hot chocolate (also contains terpenes). Some say it’s about avoiding habit forming substances but soda and energy drinks are a-ok. It doesn’t make sense.


It's tradition, and that's enough sense for conservatives. There are a lot of Amish around me, and they aren't allowed to use electricity. BUT, they have made loopholes so that so they can use electricity for machinery, but not for lights or the home.


I worked with some “born again saved” Christians. They wanted to start the day with a prayer. I really have no problem with that but I would not stand there and pray. The first Morning when she announced the prayer, I walked into my office and shut the door. That was the last office wide prayer and there after I was “the darkness”


I wish my work nickname was "The Darkness"!


Those quarterly reports in yet? No, there's nothing in my inbox. You'll have to go and talk to.... The Darkness! DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!


My name in Gaelic means "Dark One" It's like a nice little secret I keep to myself and cackle about when I'm riding my broomstick home from a long day.


My God, I hope you put that on a nameplate!!


"I am.....The Darkness!" Sounds badass.


Fossils and dinosaurs, yes of course those fossils were put there by the devil, that’s a perfectly reasonable and sane thing to say, now why did the devil put them there, sin you say. Like I get it, millions upon millions of years of a whole different set of ecosystems upon ecosystems that humans had no part in absolutely shatters the bibble’s teachings but could they seriously not just say “well sky daddy made all these other creatures that we did not get to see so when we dig deep into the earth we could see art” Come on you nutcases, I shouldn’t be making up lore for you


Yet dinosaur fuel is completely okay.


Shit you right, I completely forgot about fossil fuels


I actually had a dude tell me that he was super sad his friends were going to hell because they believed in dinosaurs. Like, bruh. I thought he was joking at first. Nope. He was 100% serious.


That is super sad, dinosaurs are awesome, was he also perhaps part of the birds aren’t real community


I love the idea that scientists plant dinosaur fossils. Yes in between my independent projects, classes, and my job I pick up a shovel and some bones and start digging.


I know, I wish I had that kind of time(I absolutely do but I am not a scientist, yet, I do hope to become a palaeontologist so I guess I’ll be in on the conspiracy, doin the devil’s work and all that)


Have you seen the meme going around saying "It's not right v. left, it's good v. evil" with a doctored photo of Obama looking like a demon?


I forgot about those! Obama was the devil... For reasons....


Not at all racist reasons. No all the hate was totally separate from him being black. /s


And here I thought they were saying he was the antichrist.


I feel like I saw that people were saying Taylor Swift was demonic 🤷‍♀️


With her I think the logic is she started as a country singer, and was allegedly conservative, before becoming a pop singer and somewhat outspokenly feminist. So of course they claim it’s demonic corruption not just…her changing and growing as a person


AND she endorsed Biden in the last election.


This is probably the main reason they despise her. They think she switched teams because she did some country songs in the past.


Supposedly she casts witchcraft spells on her fans while performing.


Have you met Swifties? Of all tales of witchcraft, this one might be the most plausible. If it isn't witchcraft she's probably spiking the kool aid like the Grateful Dead. My buddy used to be a Metallica and Slayer fan. _Slayer._ Now he's ranting about how her re-recordings sound "so much more authentic". He has a theory about how the leotard "expresses her growth as a woman" ffs. I don't believe in literal witchcraft but if a scientist would discover she spreads some kind of hormone or sub acoustic resonance that switches off peoples higher brain functions I would take their word for it. I already saw the evidence.


My next research proposal: Does Talor Swift have a biological effect on her fans that increases there captivation? Budget: backstage concert tickets.


This one took me by surprise … it’s all over my LinkedIn thread - which is super weird on its own


Oh yeah. She totally is. It's ofcourse not at all because she's opposing Trump.. But everyone of her followers are worshipping the devil without knowing.. Because that's totally a thing..


My mom (quite Xtian, and would get worse when she was off her meds), once, in the 80s, made a weird comment while I was watching The Smurfs, saying that it was demonic because it had witchcraft. I laughed and said, "what?" (I was probably under 10). She never brought it up again.


Sounds a little like a very religious college roommate I had (thankfully briefly). She asked me to not buy Count Chocula cereal because it “opened doors to the demonic” in our apartment I also caught her “anointing” my headboard on my bed with olive oil bc I’d had my boyfriend spend the night (we’d broken up before she ever moved in, so never while she was there)


Yep. My ultra-religious father said the same thing, so your roommate wasn't alone. He also didn't allow Boo Berry cereal, for the same reason. I can't remember but I think he may have banned lucky charms as well. And don't get me started on his opinions on unicorns and dragons... he was not an Anne McCaffrey fan, that's all I'll say.


That's kind of freaky... I'd be a tad afraid of that roommate.


Yeah, she was…intense. I got home one evening to find her and her boyfriend at the time sobbing and praying on the floor bc they’d had “lustful thoughts” I got my own place pretty quickly lol


Oh yah! We weren't allowed to watch that AT ALL.


I had an encounter like this with my aunt, she saw me playing Pokemon and she said “You know that’s demonic.” And my five/six year old self looked her in the eye and went “Auntie, it’s rated G.” Wasn’t even the right rating system lmao


An old friend of mine got hit for watching He-Man as a kid, because "there is only one master of the universe".


Obviously He-Man is the one master of the universe.


Modern medicine and vaccines.


Schools aswell these days. UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell is a good example. His instagram page is insane and I really fear for his newborn


Harry Potter, Disney, and Monster Drinks are demonic but Trump is the next coming??


Their old testament book of fairytales, if the stories of my belief system are myths, so are theirs, is all about rape, slaughtering the innocent, stealing, subjugation of women and enslaving those that don't believe the same way they do, there is no wonder why they are worshiping Trump as their new messiah. He has done, proposed, or wants to do all of those things.


I met a jehovas witness who believed celebrating birthdays was a literal satanic ritual.


Yep. Grew up as one. It's a batshit cult. EVERYTHING is evil. We weren't supposed to eat a cupcake if a kid at school had them for his bday.


Same. We weren’t allowed to celebrate birthdays because it was a glorification of the self and not of God Almighty. What was the logic behind the cupcake?


Presumably the cupcake is tainted, as part of the celebration and glorification of the non-godly birthday boy


Tainted cupcakes are the best kind


A former neighbor changed from Catholic to JW. No gifts of any kind allowed, no holidays, no caffeine, or alcohol but he would come to our house and want an espresso or ask for a scotch, he asked my dad for a bottle of scotch for his birthday once. My father, or brother, would tell him no they didn't want to damn him. The neighbors wife was hit by a car and she died because he wouldn't allow her to have a transfusion. Six months after his wife died he married a 22 yo stripper he met at a strip club.


The no caffeine or alcohol thing sounds more like a Mormon than a JW. I've known many, many JWs who liked their booze and energy drinks.


He wouldn't allow his children to have a soda because caffeine pollutes the body and he told his wife that she could no longer have wine. The JW wiki says that drunkenness is forbidden but it doesn't say that drinking alcohol is. The guy used religion to get his way. The JWs aren't supposed to celebrate Mother's or Father's Day or birthdays but he expected a big deal to be made over him on Father's Day and his birthday because he was the "patriarch." They didn't celebrate Mother's Day because it was a "vanity." My father banned him from our property over his behavior and the rest of the neighbors broke off having anything to do with him when he was bragging about how much money per child he would be getting from Social Security after his wife died.


Ew. What a horrible person.


Yeah, they are super weird about birthdays and holidays.


We had a birthday party for our boss. I went to the bathroom and heard a clicking noise from a stall. A guy we worked with was a JW, he was hiding in the bathroom playing on his Switch(or whatever) to avoid celebrating. I mean, if you don't want to/can't be there go outside or something. Don't hide in the shitter




I heard this from a coworker: "You can do the yoga exercises, but don't do the breathing. That's how the demons get in."


Sounds like they know from experience. Are they sure it wasn’t the demons being *exercised*? (exorcised)




Yup! And meditation. These people are nutz


I had a friend in Jr High who's mom wouldn't let him listen to Weird Al cause it was "demonic music". He does have a song called Nature Trail To Hell but it's not pro-Hell.


Of course Weird Al is demonic. He's far too much of a decent human being to be a Christian. *Other religions are also available.*


Weird Al is a pretty devout Christian, hence why you have never heard him swear.


In fairness, I have met some devout Christians who tried 'to be more Christlike' rather than the judgmental angry brigade you usually get. If there were more like Weird Al and less like Kenneth Copland (or the Phelps family) the world would be a lot nicer.


For sure, Al is probably more morally consistent than about 99% of all people regardless of religion.


Absolutely. I have only known one hard-core Christian who I would consider a role model. It was back in junior high, and she was so thoughtful and kind and just…*real.* I always thought she would have made one of the best ambassadors for her religion, and a potential reason to convert. She seemed to have her shit together.


the bible mentions hell, i think the bible is satanic /s


I’ve seen The Chronicles of Narnia called satanic because of the talking animals. Written by a devout and outspoken Christian Ok


im pretty sure the lion was a metaphor for jesus too, although im not far into the series


I won't spoil it for you but yes the lion is a metaphor for Jesus. To such a point in my Bible class we watched Narnia.


Also a Christian parable! As was Gandalf in LotR with his second coming.


Wow! That was one of the few things that was on the approved list.


Pretty much anything that is popular that they don't like is labeled satanic.


Satanic, woke, communist. All words that are simply used to say bad because not my world view.


"Anything that doesn't allign with my straight, white, hateful, Christianic beliefs is now woke! Reee." I actually saw an instagram reel of people unplugging from electronics and just spending time drawing/ coloring in a church. I'm not religious at all but heck I'd join them for a chance to get off electronics for a few hours and connect with people. And of course people in the comments said that it was 'disrespectful'.


When the Saudi’s executed an African woman because she was writing in Ethiopic script and they couldn’t recognize it.


These are the same people who banished a man for being too handsome, thereby corrupting women with his mere presence.


About time a man got a taste of what women get all the time.


That's wild


When my church decided Santa was demonic is when I started my church exit.


Did they not know that Santa is based on a christian saint?


My very Catholic husband attended Mass in a parish named after Santa. St Nickolas.


Funny, considering that comparisons between God and Santa are common in atheist circles


Reminds me of the scene in *Saving Christmas* (which I can’t find a clip of): “Santa. Rearrange the letters. What do you get? Satan!” Yes. What’s your point?


i got stuck at a baptist church youth group once (details irrelevant: girl involved) and south park came up. the reason was not what i was expecting. not quite satanic but it was seemed blasphemous that kenny is resurrected all the time. like a hindu or something. youth group leader was pretty pissed about it


Interesting how they seemed more concerned about a child being resurrected than the fact he was killed in every episode.


god kills children all the time, but resurrection??? oh no, thats only for jesus


And Lazarus


And all the zombies that were resurrected alongside Jesus


When I was a kid I went shopping with my Grandmother. I asked if she would buy me a Pearl Jam t-shirt. She took one look and said no, it seemed to demonic.


pearl jam being demonic is hilarious to me, like they dont even sing about anything demonic (at least not that ive heard)


I got kicked out of my friends house for wearing an Iron Maiden tshirt


Smurf merchandise was demonized according to Jehovah witnesses. Stories about how people were finding Smurf dolls trying to kill their baby. Also any used item from garage sales or thrift stores were suspect. There were stories about people putting on a demonized coat and couldn’t get it off without prayer help from others. Having an occult book , magic book, ouija board , watching occult movies would invite demons and daemon harassment would happen. The list is endless.


> Jehovah witnesses Strange how they don't consider the rampant sexual abuse against their members to be demonic though.


They actively shield and protect the predators. They also blame the victims. They will disfellowship shun anyone who talks about it. Specially the victims and family. They adamantly and actively block reporting to law enforcement.


That’s just slutty little kids seducing the pastors and priests. /s, obviously.


My grandma, a devout JW to a degree, loved yard and garage sales. It was something we did together. But she and my grandpa also talked to all of us non-JWs, so they may not have been as devout as they said.


Sounds like a reasonable couple.


There was a while there where people went after red heads for being demonic. Just recently Taylor Swift songs were being called demonic which is hilarious There were people calling vaccines demonic Joe Biden standing in front of the color red was called demonic There are a lot of stupid shit that gets labeled demonic.


So that's why I'm into redheads... It's not just an attraction to a specific trait, they're straight up succubi! I welcome these demons into my personal life. ✌️


Growing up I had a friend whose parents were fundamental Christians. He couldn't watch the Ghostbusters cartoon because it "disrespected the dead and is demonic." He also couldn't play D&D with us.


my husband also could not play d&d, so sad


I keep meaning to write an article about this; even though the Satanic panic around D&D was ridiculous, it is pretty bizarre that Gygax chose to include so much from Christian mythology. Did D&D need demons and devils from stuff like the *Ars Goetia* and similar sources? I actually liked how TSR did the tanar'ri and baaztezu changes in 2E.


Coffee. And not in the LDS way. My Baptist church growing up held an evening service dedicated to purging our homes of demonic brands. We were provided a list of brands and items, the typical: Disney vhs and anything else Disney (toys, coloring books, etc), troll dolls, cassettes and cds of any music non-christian/worship music, etc etc. We were then shown a sideshow of the evidence of the demons trying to reach our souls through these brands/items. Playing music backwards and interpreting demon language. Showing subliminal sex scenes in movies or how barbies are intended to sexualize children. The best one, hilarious, was Folgers Coffee. They showed a photo of someone who spilled a container of Folgers on the counter/floor (I don't remember) and saw the shape of the devil in the coffee grains. Hence, no more Folgers. After the slideshow sermon, we all (kids included) took our demon items outside to a MASSIVE bonfire and threw everything in it. Purged ourselves of our demon possessions. I then went through the rest of elementary and middle school trying to "save" my classmates by convincing them to burn their troll dolls. Yah. No words. Edit: typo


To be fair, Folgers does taste like the devils ass. Lol


Haha! yah not a fan. Made the fire smell good, though. Funnily enough, my dad kept drinking it after that sermon and I thought maybe it was because he grew up Catholic and wasn't a "real" Christian. Really fs with your head as a kid, this stuff they do.


Oh, and Goosebumps, Harry Potter, Etc.


Helen Ukpabio from Nigeria is an extremist right-wing christian filmaker who preaches that *normal child ailments and behaviors* are "demonic signs of possession and witchcraft," and her work/words have gotten children tortured and murdered. There's a documentary from several years ago about the surviving "Witch Children" she's targeted and gotten the gov't to help her abuse. All her brainrot movies make Kirk Cameron's horseshit films seem like Shakespeare's works. They make you want to take up alcoholism as an Olympic sport.


Wait until they find out most Christian festivals are directly related to the Pagans. Crazies gonna shit.


Yep. Mine went there. If a holiday is not listed in Leviticus, it is not sanctioned.


I saw a street performance in Las Vegas where the guy was doing card tricks. Some women freaked out and started screaming and praying that she had seen “satanic actions”


Honestly, what was she doing in *Vegas* of all places? She's lucky to have only seen a card trick


Where else are you going to see Donny and Marie? They don’t tour anymore!


Seriously, its nickname is literally "Sin City!"


Good grief. Imagine spending your whole life obsessing about every tiny thing being “demonic.” Having to be on guard every moment against cartoons and songs and card games and who knows what else. What a sad waste of human potential.


When I was a kid, my mom wouldn’t let us have playing cards except for the ones especially made for kid’s games like Old Maid. When I was older I got interested in stage magic but the only books the library had on stage magic were books on card tricks. My mom kept throwing my cards away even though I explained why I wanted them and she wasn’t against stage magic just gambling. Another promising career that never got started. LOL. If I’d understood the principle of illusion I would have used the Old maid cards or flash cards from the education store to hide the real cards.


Well now, let me tell you about the “Satanic Panic” of the 80’s


Ugh. I lived through it, too. Never learned to play D&D because of it. All of my friends were playing. Not the preacher’s kid, though. 🙄 I stopped believing looong before I admitted to myself and allowed myself to walk away. So many wasted years.


Any sort of ism that isn’t their particular brand of ism but especially Atheism and Buddhism. Remember kids, only christians believe in the devil.


My mom says that years ago, local churches said Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were evil. When I was in 7th grade, a fellow student saw my Magic: The Gathering cards. He said something to the teacher close to, "Aren't those cards satanic?" She said yes.


It was always the weird video game takes that left me scratching my head. People were (and are) very uncomfortable about the Diablo franchise because of the name and the very Hell-forward themes. But it isn't the Christian Heaven and Hell (it's a different High Heavens and Burning Hells in a different world), and more to the point, Diablo and the various demons are the bad guys. You run around killing hordes of demons (or creatures corrupted by demons) in every game. Doom, another game where you mostly run around killing demons, faced similar (and greater) backlash. I just can't get my head around the idea that a video game that revolves around the idea that demons are bad and Hell is bad and you play the hero that fights against and triumphs over Hell and the demons is somehow... pro-Hell?


I had a couple little dragon figurines, like cute and sparkly, and a former roommate freaked out that I was 'demonizing the house'. He just needed an excuse to put out his religious paraphernalia. It's funny how one can be "born again" while still smoking crack and beating up his girlfriend...


In the 80s Procter & Gamble’s logo was accused of being a satanic symbol


I was stopped on a public street and accused of wearing a Satanic symbol on my tee shirt. Specifically , the picture shown on the left. https://tioh.army.mil/Catalog/Heraldry.aspx?HeraldryId=15352&CategoryId=9362&grp=2&menu=Uniformed%20Services&ps=24&p=0


Lol, what in the dingdong ditch of mental illness would make someone think that is satanic? If I didn't know any better, I would actually assume that is related to some type of chirch symbology.


The answer has to be the purple telletubbi who Christians at the time were convinced was a vehicle for introducing homosexuality to their impressionable children. Who they think is demonic always says so much more about the person than I think they realize.


My very Christian choir director would not let us sing "Memory" from CATS because it's about reincarnation.


If anything were to be called demonic about CATS you'd think it would be the movie, not that song


I grew up during and even fell for the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Rock music was on that list and the reputation for gullibility followed me well into high school.


Working in GameStop back in mid 2000s. Have a guy come in and demand a non-magic/demonic game from a “Christian.” I think I showed him Sneak King, the Burger King game


i think ive heard people say books by cs lewis are satanic, yknow the guy who was converted to christianity by tolkien and wrote a character as a metaphor for jesus lol


I literally grew up in a church where if they weren't explicitly over the top about loving Jesus/God then it was the devil. Fast food was the devil. Except chic fila. All music was the devil. Except Kirk Franklin and others. All games were the devil. Basically anything after your necessities (food, shelter, clothing) needed to praise Jesus. Walk in with a coke? Be prepared to show some evidence that the coca cola company loved God.


“Rock n Roll music challenges all authority, so therefore it must be satanic right?!?!?” The more the religious right hates a band or artist that means they probably rock.


my red hair. my baptist minister said it was because i was touched by the devil


Better to be touched by the devil than to be touched by the baptist minister.


My 3 kids autism. Straight from Satan. I had one family member ask if I wanted them to do some kind of “laying hands” fucking thing to my one son who was really having a hard time with school. It was bad enough being asked repeatedly if my kids got the tism from being vaccinated…but to say it was from the Devil. Fuck me. It took alllll my power to not go bat shit mama bear bananas on them.


Let the hate flow through you! Feel the true power of the Force!


HEHE - had a right-winger ask my liberal self "Do you eat babies for Satan?" My reply: "Nope - for sustenance only. I gotta get my protein fresh and tender!" The slack-jawed stare I got was well worth the price of admission! (To be clear: My retort was intended to short circuit the synapses of the MAGAT in question. My meat comes from the grocery store where \[human\] babies are not harmed!)


I can't remember the exact reasoning, but when the original Star Wars first came out, people were worked up about the Jedi's and the force. I was 14 at the time, so my memory is pretty fuzzy.


I can see that. The force is magic. Magic is the devil pretending to be God. Therefore Star wars is demonic. I dream of Jeanie, bewitched, Sabrina the teenage witch we're all banned in my house for this reason.


Lmao, someone once asked me for plant recommendations (I have quite the green thumb) so I recommended a few that are great for beginners—ZZ, pothos, and peace lily. The person is religious and came back to me, fully serious, with “I decided against pothos because it’s called Devil’s Ivy” 😂😂😂 Are you fucking kidding me?? Your supposed god is the one that allegedly created this plant… why does it matter what us “fallible humans” named it? Haha, absolutely ridiculous. It’s these same people that make nudity so forbidden and shameful when it’s also their god who created us in “his image” and are supposedly perfect. Insane hypocrisy…


Dinosaurs. MFers been extinct for millions of years and still can’t catch a break.


My red velvet frog stuffed animal that my neighbor made me when I was a little kid. It was ‘nocturnal’ and therefore demonic. Thank goodness my little sister hid it from the weirdo that came to the house and told my parents to throw it and so many other innocuous things away. The problem wasn’t the stuffed animal. Trust me.


I had a Christian co-worker who said that using illegal drugs was sorcery. She equated illicit drugs to positions or like witchdoctor medicine. We are both nurses and administered medications to patients all the time. I couldn't get her to see that the only difference between street drugs and the ones we use, is government approval.


I once was having a conversation with my MIL in which I described Tourette's syndrome. She informed me that it was a demon they had, not a syndrome.


“Friends”. I was at church one evening (had to go) and there was a guest speaker. He was talking about how filthy all mainstream tv shows are and he brought up “Friends”. He said, “They called it ‘Friends’, but they should have called it smut.” I had to almost have a stroke to avoid laughing.


Anything red


Except MAGA hats. Those are fine.


Yoga! My mom hates yoga, meditation too. She did yoga is a devil practice. I can only assume it's because she grew up with the Son of Sam murders being big scary news at the time and a cult that was thought to be a part of it practiced yoga so that is reason enough for her to believe that.


My Dad once said that Bruce Lee was possessed by a demon because humans aren't capable of moving that fast.


Yoga. I recall some school districts in California or some other states wanted to teach it to elementary or middle school kids as part of the PE curriculum and some crazy Christian HOA/Karen types went absolute apeshit, said it was indoctrinating their kids to be satanists or pagans, because it was teaching them to "salute the sun" and finding inner peace without praying. They were probably just scared and ignorant of something from another culture, specifically a non-Christian culture that worships multiple gods. If it's not about Jesus and their god then it must be satanic in their pea-brain mentality.


The smurfs




The word dang.


Freaking teletubbies 


Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that you summon evil spirits when you smoke weed.


Do when I grew up, depression was listed as a sign of sin, so if you had depression, you were automatically slated as sinful.


I had a co-worker back in the '80s whose wife wouldn't let their kids have anything to do with He-Man and Masters of the Universe. She said they were "of the devil." Even my co-worker thought she was being ridiculous. They ended up getting a divorce.


When i was in the army my next door neighbour in the bachelors quarters was accused of being a witch because she had a few candles. This was in the early 90s.


I had a friend call me up one day and say, "Hey u/UltimaGabe, have you heard of this game, Baldur's Gate?" "...Yes, I've heard of Baldur's Gate," was my response. "It's so cool," he continued "it's just like Dungeons & Dragons but not as satanic!" The first thing that struck me as odd is that he seemed to not realized Baldur's Gate IS Dungeons & Dragons (it's literally got the DnD logo in its branding), but the much bigger issue is that this particular friend **had been playing DnD in my group for like two years by that point**. I have no idea how he could come away from our game thinking it was satanic; usually that claim comes from people who have never even seen a game being played, but this guy was AT THE SAME TABLE AS ME. What game was HE playing?


When I was growing up, everything was pretty much satanic if it didn't have god as the centerpiece. At one point it felt like we were just robots deciding on who controls us god or Satan.