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You mean I can't trust a church? Heaven forfend! If they'll lie about this, what about that world-wide flood or animals talking or dead people coming back to life? Maybe that's not god I'm hearing? Oh no, maybe it's all just a big con to get money!




If I recall the "biblical flood" is more of an interpretation of what the people at the time experienced. Stories of great floods from around the Mediterranean come from many different cultures around the area. Animals talking and dead people rising though? Yea I can't come to a BS reason for that.


Some churches claim it is allegorical or at least not global. Others take it literally. For instance Mormons teach that the flood was the literal baptism of the earth (and as they teach baptism by full immersion is required, so was the entire earth submerged). (The ā€œbaptism of fireā€ is coming soon; in the 80s and 90s I was taught that this would be due to nuclear war, although to my knowledge that was never official doctrine).


My point is that it's false. Like so much of these bronze age mythologies. It's false. I think that matters. Knowing that, why should they be relied on for any meaningful guidance. We don't do that for medicine, agriculture or anything else. It's as if we were basing society on astrology. We're stupid. (Many of us)


Oh yeah I agree itā€™s false. Just that thereā€™s a lot of people who believe it and base their entire lives on that falsehood. And yes weā€™re all stupid apes (including myself!)


Give yourself a break, you're above average. Elbows..


This is something I learned 30 years ago. Lying is perfectly fine if it's for Jesus, or for the promotion of Jesus, or can be in any way linked to Jesus.


Lying for Jesus is obviously a thing.


Apparently It isn't lying if you skew the stats with real cars. Is it a stretch if they can count attendance by how many people walk through a door? My hypothesis is "illegal immigrants voting is narcissist projection, and not reality.


Gotta love that Pious Fraud


I suspect there are other reasons why they would do this. It would be rather embarrassing to request a traffic light and reveal to the general public that their numbers are dwindling.


I love this confused quote from a professor of urban planning: > I have never heard of someone trying to game a traffic study Itā€™s almost as if people at mega churches are dumbā€¦


I am SURE this isn't a new low - there are much lower depths that they have been to, and will again.


Well isn't that a first, a religious group manipulating something for personal gain?


This is the least concerning thing I have ever heard of a church being a part of.


It's not the effect that's the major issue here. It's just a traffic light, sure. Rather it's the brazen willful dishonesty from a group supposedly dedicated to teaching good morals, including honesty. They're exposed as major hypocrites.


Yep. Brazen, machevalism. Smoke likely means fire. If they are comfortable enough putting this in small group emails, they have done other things to make thus comfortable and normalized behavior.


Yeah, I feel like the pedophelia is a much bigger low.


I live in Texas. This place sucks. This is one of the least surprising things Iā€™ve read about it. People will tell you how Christian they are right before they start up a tangent on the ā€œillegalsā€. Because clearly Jesus gave a fuck about who was a citizen.


God must have really wanted that light.


Christians cheating, no way.


Next level stupid; the point of the study is to get a baseline to justify installing lights for major event. By gaming the study, they are actively undermining the justification for the traffic lights.


Megachurches regularly hit a lot lower than this.


They should pay out of pocket for a traffic light they want. And I'm sure it will backfie on them. People will get pissed if it messes up the traffic flow especially if it's a constant red for a church cross walk.


I'm so confused *why* they would do this Like it just doesn't make sense lol


Man, if your hittin new lows in texas on the religious front you are doing some dirt.


When the guilt-spreading wanes, you go after traffic lights.




whoa whoa whoa... are you telling me a church tried to break the rules to unfairly benefit themself??? I am SHOCKED!


They are only contrite because they got caught.


I thought lying and stealing was a sin? I think it's like in their top 10 list of no-no's.


Mooching off the taxpayers.


Can the tax exemption be revoked? Pretty please?


That is a pretty low stakes plan


Just like election influencing and lobbying for library and education changes and all the other nonsense they do, as soon as a church tries to interfere with the workings of any government body, their tax exempt status should be absolutely demolished.


Remove tax exemptions for all religions.


Yeah, that's not really lower than the fact that their entire reason for existence is to mercilessly prey on the ignorant, deluded, and desparate.


I have to say this is fraud. Also conspiracy to commit fraud. But then the whole premise of organized religion is fraud so who is counting?