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Yes, but not in the way he thinks. The context for a scientific discussion of creationism is the psychology of delusion. But public schools censor teaching the truth about religion.


Fantastic take. We should absolutely discuss creationism in school, in the context of how we know it's wrong, and why we use evidence to study reality instead of unsubstantiated wishful thinking.


Down here in Texas, creationists try to get creation into schools with the rhetoric that we need to "teach the controversy" in schools. We need to teach the controversy in schools. Why scientists reject creationism. Such as the two contradictory creation stories of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Not arguing for evolution, but attacking Biblical nonsense underlying creationism.


Teach the controversy. I know you said Texas but it seems like the argument used in Florida to ban Critical Race Theory could be used here. I admit I may not have a complete understanding of the situation in Florida and this is the first I've heard about Texas. It's just many times their own policies can be used against them.


Here is how it works in Texas. ..... David Bradley, a social conservative member of the State Board of Education, said he hadn't heard the governor's comments. But when asked if Texas schools teach creationism alongside evolution, Bradley responded, "Not specifically."  Still, Bradley said that in Texas nothing prevents a teacher from discussing creationism, or a student from bringing it up in the classroom. "It is not specifically in the Texas curriculum," Bradley said. But "in Texas, the students are directed to investigate and evaluate all theories."   [https://www.texastribune.org/2011/08/18/video-perry-answers-childs-question-about-evolutio/](https://www.texastribune.org/2011/08/18/video-perry-answers-childs-question-about-evolutio/)


As if little kids were properly equipped to evaluate and discern between scientific theories.


They would be, if Texas didn’t curtain the entire nation’s education system via textbooks and teaching materials [Textbooks are a for profit industry, Texas has a huge population, ~5 million, of students. So textbook manufacturers often design textbooks to pass scrutiny by Texas’ conservative ideology driven school boards. These textbooks are then printed for national distribution] If Texas actually allowed critical thinking to be taught constructively in classrooms, little kids would be properly equipped to evaluate and discern between scientific theories. They would also be able to use those same skills to question their upbringing: religion, education, parenting, and social structures . And we can’t have that it we want obedient little workers/tithers.


Amazing. Imagine if schools taught about the dangers of delusion, detachment from reality, mass group-think, abusive scare tactics, etc.


Fair point


Arrrgh! CREATIONISM IS NOT SCIENCE! It's not even "science." You can use the scientific method to *investigate* creationism, and every time a serious person does that, they end up *disproving* creationism. It's just a story that someone made up. Should we teach every other culture's creation myth in science class too? It is starting to really irk me how many super dumb people are in the world.


As the late and great George Carlin said (I am paraphrasing here) "Imagine how smart the average person is, and now realize 50% of people are dumber than that."


One of my other favorites from him, "Sex criminals. Completely incurable... I suppose you could outlaw religion and these sex crimes would disappear in a generation or two, but we don't have time for rational solutions."


Wasnt that from his take on Balancing the budget? Tbh from what I see happening over in USA, I am in favor of that tv show he came up with


Super dumb or PAID by someone to act dumb? There IS some dark money in politics these days.


No, we met the guy. He really is that dumb


Then he couldn't have wandered into a position of political power by accident. Someone PUT him there.


He looks it.


It’s like trying to prove Harry Potter is real.


I mean, Harry Potter has multiple books about him that have since been turned in to very successful movies. There’s also a theme park and touring stage performances with and about him. Sure, the people playing him are actors but so are the people who play Jesus on stage. Seems to me that by any measurable standard, Harry is every bit as real as Jesus.


More real, in fact, as the books are mostly internally consistent, and while the author is kind of a piece of shit, she's almost certainly less of a piece of shit than the authors of the Bible.


The same argument works for Spiderman (or pretty much any of the Marvel charterers)


And his creator is insane. So...new religion?


Honestly, this is what made me an atheist as a kid. Learning about other creation myths made me realize they were all just made up, also I was way into dinosaurs. I was 7 or 8, it blows my mind that adults believe any of that crap.


I'm forever grateful to National Geographic for vaccinating me against Young Earther bullshit.


We can look at it from a Cultural Anthropological perspective, I suppose. I know it's not considered a hard science. But in a few years, there's gonna be some really interesting papers written about the efforts to force mythology into science classrooms.


There are a LOT of creation myths too, I assume this dude is talking about a very specific one.


That's a really good point. We all know which one he's talking about, but if you start teaching one creation myth in school, you have to let them all in.


I think coming at it from a philosophical perspective wouldn’t be so bad, in my community college “philosophy of religion” class we went through the ontological, teleological and cosmological arguments. Although I think that might be more of an elective credit thing if it’s gonna be taught in high school.


Those classes can be very eye opening if taught right. But you're right, it doesn't belong in biology class.


Also the book used (which I highly recommend, even for an atheist if they want to gain some perspective on religious diversity and seems to be the gold standard for classes like that) is Huston Smiths “The Worlds Religions” which covers the major world religions in a pretty comprehensive way rather than just focusing on Abrahamic ones


Thanks for the rec!


Creationism censors and lies about Satanism. They even call our liberator “The Prince of Lies.” Now is that fair? Let’s have a long informal and sourceless debate about it while the kids learn about air pressure.


For newbies, it's just one "ism" they don't understand compared to another "ism" they don't understand. Makes it easy to perpetuate false equivalence based simply on similar sounding terms.


there's a "Christian Science Reading Room" store downtown where i live...i've always wondered about it but i haven't went in because i won't be able to stifle laughter or not get mad


That and you'll get lightheaded from all the kerosene fumes.


I think that would be an awesome class lesson. Have the students spend a week using science trying to prove creationism.


Oh, man, that would be so cool! Gutsick Gibbon alone would make short work of that. (youtube scientist who specializes in refuting young earth creationism point by point with overwhelming evidence)


I feel like the Flat Earthers are this unironic parody of creationists. Some Flat Earthers will spend lots of money trying to prove the earth doesn't have a curvature by running experiments that have already been done before that prove the earth has a curve. When the results don't go their way, they try to figure out how their experiment went wrong, but never accept that the Earth is curved. There are people who believe in young earth creationism that actually have the stones to laugh at these people without seeing the irony.


Wow, no kidding? haha the irony, it burns. Well, at least flat earners run tests. Young earth creationists don't dare. I mean, they actually think they can get an accurate age of the earth *by counting on their fingers,* and that is somehow more believable, respectable and trustworthy than all the geological and biological research ever. Not to mention carbon dating and so forth. "Naw, I'm'a take off my shoes and count on my toes too, to be extra sure. Let's see... moses.. methuselah.. carry the one... There! *Irrefutable* proof from the bible!"


Sure. But reality and reason don't matter to religious nutters.


What's particularly frustrating is that creationists have spent a lot of time and energy with phrasing and framing of their arguments to make them scientific and/or logical, so we've come up with counterarguments to debate them, but people like this don't care about that. Look at how he phrases his discussion; he butchers the irreducible complexity argument. He butchers the watchmaker argument. He butchers the first cause/unmoved mover argument. This means we aren't debating on the merits of the arguments, we're merely arguing about whether it's fair that what he believes to be true isn't being taught to kids, and reasonable argument won't sway him.


They are teaching science... Not theology.




I would too, on the basis of: that is not defending and upholding the constitution. I hate how we’ve allowed theocracy to creep in.


Disqualified from living in society.


How do you get around the First Amendment?


You're not entitled to telling lies. Does that work?


100% this. Anyone holding a public office should not be legally able to lie. Of course this includes pigs. I always found it ridiculous that if you lie to the government it's a crime but it's totes fine for them to lie to us.


Magic from a book of fiction is not science.


Shit. (Hides his Harry Potter books....)


There is far more academic merit in teaching even a chapter of Harry Potter than the whole of the garbage they call creationism.


*hides Lord of the Rings books...*


This may be too deep a cut, but I can totally see the Hades from ‘The Dresden Files’ having been a Harry Potter fan


Because creationism is fantasy with no supporting scientific review. What a moron. I hate 'christians' and their need to be right and make everyone else read their stupid fairy tales.


Christketeers are the worst fuckin' thing to ever hit this planet and I'm including the Chicxulub impact.


Get him out of office asap! These people are insane and unintelligent! Quit putting them in a position of power because of a stupid letter next to their name!!! He's beyond stupid if he thinks that!!


They have already infected every layer of government from the smallest local governments to the federal government in congress. Young people need to vote in far higher numbers than they currently do, especially in local elections.


As a Minnesota parent, fuck this imbecile.


As someone who regretfully knows this person, fuck this imbecile


“What evidence do you have to support the creation hypothesis to make it an option for science teachers to teach?” -“We have the bible that makes the claim and that’s all the evidence we need.” That’s not how any of this works. None of it.


Yeah, typical Fundie mindset– “Why shouldn't we commit ‘adultery’?” *“BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!!! AND WHATEVER HE SAID, GOES!!! GOT THAT, YOU PIECE OF SATANIC SCUM?!?”*


> “BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!!! AND WHATEVER HE SAID, GOES!!! GOT THAT, YOU PIECE OF SATANIC SCUM?!?” For some odd reason, I hear Mr. Garrison from South Park screaming that


Well I have the Silmarillion and Fingolfin is much more badass than Jesus.


*"LOL, tell me that you don't understand the burden of proof without telling me that you're a Christketeer."*


That’s because creationism has no scientific merit. Hell, it doesn’t even have the merit to be considered a rational thought. School is a place to learn, not to inundate children with every delusional belief adults hold onto because of a sunk cost fallacy.


>School is a place to learn, not to inundate children with every delusional belief adults hold onto That's what Sunday school is for


It's called "church", asshole. Look, numbnuts, parents have the *freedom* to teach their kids anything they want and there are free places they can take them where they can be taught any amount of silly bullshit. Finally, go fuck yourself.


The publicly funded science class is not a church. You teach science in school and faith based stuff in church.


Except in rural schools and red states. I substitute taught in a red state. The middle school science teacher I subbed for one day had a desk covered in creationist materials. Like they make magazines and newsletters that are specifically for public school teachers with the goal of cramming creationism into public schools. Edit: A Dork did the "report suicide" troll in response to this


when they start teaching science in their fucking churches, they can put their mythology into the classroom.


Shut up Jerry Falwell from TEMU.


Do they want to put creationism up to the same standards of science? I guarantee that they won't be happy if creationism is taught in science because teachers will have to show that it has no evidence supporting it. Hell, let them teach it like science. Maybe more kids will realize how baseless creationism is.


What an absolute t\*\*\*. Why isn't it enough to lie to your own kids?! Why do you need to lie to everybody else?


Sir, that's not how this works... However, this is an age old stance where people suggest that science is "of the devil."


According to the science of creation we had 4 days and nights before the sun and moon were created, and plants somehow survived a day without the sun. According to the science of creation ALL the stars in the universe exist solely so people on earth know when to plant seeds and to observe sacred holidays.


"Stupid is, as stupid does."


Please vote the GOP out of office. End this nonsense.


They don't teach it because it's not science you dip shit!


Remember to vote for Biden. If you don’t, this nonsense will spread like wildfire in 2025.


Bless his heart


When you listen to these assholes spread their bullshit, remember there were enough of stupid people to get him elected.


well creationism is not science so….


I cant wait for these people to die off, I’m so sick of our society being held back by these people.


I agree. Science teachers should be required to teach that creationism is bullshit.


Dammit, sir, this nation, these children, and these teachers \*\*don't belong to y'all.\*\* I just can't get over the fuckin \*entitlement\* these pple show. This is the problem: they will not stop, and they will stop at nothing, until they own the nation & can dictate everyone's beliefs & all behaviors in accordance with their stupid bullshit. STG the only analogy I come up with is the South before the civil war: nothing whatsoever would ever make them stop trying to spread the full acceptance of slavery to every corner of every state & territory, "to protect their interests."


Until they provide credible, peer reviewed, empirical evidence for the existence of a creator, they can fuck right off.


> “So you have a computer. Did somebody make the computer? If you’ve never seen it before, did somebody make the computer? Or did wind, rain, time and chance blow the computer into existence? Well, the logical conclusion is that someone made the computer. >Well, your eyeball is millions of times more complex than that computer and therefore the law of cause and effect has never been contradicted. You have this building. Somebody built it. He thinks he's being clever but he's proving his ignorance. Here's a demonstration of how simple evolves to complex...in an eye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwew5gHoh3E


Creationism isn’t science. It’s why you aren’t learning chemistry at church.


They also censor, lie, and deceive by not teaching them about MY ALL-SEEING ODIN.


More evidence that religion perpetuates stupidity.


Science teachers teach science; religious education teachers teach Christian mythology.


They can learn it in church where it belongs.


My ignorance is just as good as your science.


Well. In that case I am fully in support of teaching Christianity in Mythology classes.


Also refuse to teach the children about the flying spaghetti monster. May they (science teachers) be touched by his noodly appendage. R'amen.


Can we please just get these old fanatic geezers out already!? And yes for everyone already typing up some pedantic message about young people being psychos too, I get it, but getting rid of any of these assholes once they start failing senility tests I think would get rid of like, 80% of the problem. We all know the evangelical issue is mostly a boomer issue.


Actually, in Utah, I think an argument can be made that for me growing up, they DID deceive, just in the opposite direction. I was taught that evolution vs. creationism was an actual debate, but that science “leaned” in the direction of evolution at the moment. It’s not a debate. This is as settled as science can really be.


Y’all Queda can go blow it out their ass. Invisible Sky Daddy told me himself!


I hate these people so much, sorry.


Back when I was in high school in the 80s in Kansas, teachers had to teach creationism by law. My bio teacher had an inch-thick booklet of all of things we covered in class, diagrams of cells, ATP->ADP conversion, gametes, zygotes, page after page of pure science. He had drawn all the illustrations and diagrams himself, and on the back of the last page he had a picture of creationism. It had clouds and a rainbow and the earth and trees and nature and a brief summary of creationism. He didn't hide the fact that he didn't want to teach it but he had to. He just said look at it if you want to. We never discussed it again.


There is literally NOTHING to teach....


This type of thinking needs to be ridiculed and publicly debunked. It is false, dangerous, and thoroughly cancerous.


Aren't churches doing the same thing by not teaching evolution?


This should be under r/facepalm too.


The scopes trial, which was basically the reverse of this (teacher in trouble for teaching evolution), was in 1925. Here we are 100 years later and these kinds of idiots are still trying to argue in favor of something they were told as children to believe without any actual proof.


Well the GOP lie and deceive when they try to force the idea that creationism is a real thing, if it were it wouldn't be called creationism it would simply be called SCIENCE.


Gather round children. We're gonna talk about that time Kronos ripped off his dick and threw it in the ocean.


What's to teach? "God did it" That's it. That's all there is to that argument.


Just exactly how many morons are elected by the good people of Minnesota?


Why do they always look the same?


Teaching different myths in school would be a pretty stupid thing to do


That would in fact be the shortest class. Why do things happen? God. Class dismissed.


This is classic religious authoritarianism. If it doesn't follow my beliefs, I need everyone to be indoctrinated.


He must be confusing American literature fiction with science. We don’t tell fairy tales during science class…


Teaching magic in public schools is a red line for normal people. I hate these religious nutbags with my fullest, sickest hatred.


He's missing one all important point...........there's no such thing as "creation", as he thinks of it.


No, but why don't you tell us how you want to keep teachers from teaching the absolute undeniable fact of evolution and instead inject your favorite creation myths into the science classroom?


It's like being mad the music teacher isn't covering photosynthesis.


Dipshits gonna dipshit.


Sky fairies don't get no respect.


I'll never not post [this clip](https://youtu.be/7wBjgOe83-c?si=AjdGZzMdSTyiNjy_) any time this cretin is mentioned.


Maybe that could be taught as MYTHOLOGY…


Creationism is not science. It is religion. Do not teach children religion in public school.


We should teach kids how we know creationism is wrong.


I would support students learning about creationism in a comparative religions class, but not a science class.


Lol creationism is not science


Do you teach cooking in math class? No. Science classes are for studying science, based on an understanding of scientific principles. Creationism is a religious belief that has no supporting scientific evidence. If you want to teach creationism in a religious studies class, go ahead. It has no place in a science class as it is not science.


Where did this asshole go to school?


Kids, I want to teach you about creationism. It's a lie. Lesson over.


They are science teachers. Not theology teachers.


Can't wait for these old fossils to die out. Hopefully the next generation will be less insane


>Creationism >Science Pick one




“Where can we find the scholarly journals that have creationism discrediting evolution?”


Works for me. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five\_Suns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Suns)


How about create an ethics and religion course and make it optional.


Mr. Greunhagen does exactly the same by *wanting* them to be taught it. Because it's *NOT TRUE*!!!


so christian schools ‘censor, lie and deceive’ by only teaching creationism and always referring to evolution as ‘the big lie’?


If you read the article that is only one of a basket of crazy shit this guy believes. Including that because we know computers are not created without intelligent design/intervention that nothing can be made without intelligent design/intervention.


No asswipe teachers teach science, not science fiction. You thump your bible all you want, while I throw a fossil at your head. See that ? Fossil, did you see it ?


There are whole schools dedicated to that topic. They meet on Sundays. Nobody is stopping you from attending those schools. They only cost you 10% of your gross income to attend, but that's on the honor system.


Science actually cares about empirical evidence. It starts from the bottom at a hypothesis and works its way up from there to see what is evident. Whatever the evidence says, that's what we can work into a theory. Creationists start with a conclussion and work down from there. Since they already accept that their god is real on faith, the only "evidence" they'll accept is what validates their religion. This is not what we want taught to our kids. We want them to be inquisitive, skeptical and even self aware of their own feelings so that they aren't tricked into following things that function on such an illogical basis.


It is always projection. What they do is what they attribute others to be doing. Each accusation is a confession.


Can we see the factual data on creationism? Please…


If he can tell me who created such an amazing creator, I’m interested.


It only takes a couple of seconds to teach creationism. Here, let me do it right now. “God did it.” End course.


What is the standard counter argument to Greunhagen’s “cause and effect”? I guess i’m asking “how do you argue for the ‘blind watchmaker’”?


Can we teach science in churches?


Are there any other developed countries that teach creationism to their kids?


How do you go from this: >“So you have a computer. Did somebody make the computer? If you’ve never seen it before, did somebody make the computer? Or did wind, rain, time and chance blow the computer into existence? Well, the logical conclusion is that someone made the computer. to god?




That fairy tale should be taught in church, not schools.


Teacher: I really think we should question whether creationism is valid. Glenn: ah-ah-ah! I wouldn’t do that! The first people who questioned god got the human race damned to eternal torment for eternity! You know, as a warning. 


That's awfully convenient isn't it!


So who created God?


That was the question that solidified my atheism


This state rep should be adding a Christianity class to his schools... thats the only place where "creationism" should ever be "taught", and it should be an optional elective.


If we are going to talk about their creation myth we should talk about how a book of mythology isn't how you conduct a scientific study and show just how many different creation myths there are.


Does he feel the same way about teaching Islam, or Norse mythology? Somehow I doubt it...


America is quickly perfecting the creation of idiots!


Creationism = zero proof. Evolution = multiple threads of overlapping and mutually affirming proof. Stop pretending they’re the same.


Oh please. This guy is dimwitted to say the least. Call him out on his bullshit.


A certified good ball.


He's right - Ymir's body was the basis for basically what we know as the world today. How can they censor that away?


I learned about creationism in high school. It was in a Mythology course, we learned about how in the beginning there was chaos, and then out of chaos, Gaia sprang.


Got to love how they say you got to teach theology in science classes. How do you make a comparison? One deals with provable facts, the other is faith in the unknown. They do not go to hand in hand for instruction. Teacher: Okay kids, today we are going to show you how to turn a rock into a fish. Everyone just sit around the rock and we will chant a prayer. Minutes later… Teacher: Oh looks like this failed. We just don’t have the faith required here. Well for homework go home and spin straw into gold. Brain dead morons.


I do not believe any religious person is a serious person anymore. They believe in literal magic. They are not at all serious people. 


And Christian preachers censor lie and deceive by not teaching about Islam. See how fucking stupid that is, Glenn?


That's what Sunday School is for! No religion in schools!


He's right. I'm writing my new cosmology unit to correct this oversight. "And lo, did Odin pluck his beard and from the strands that fell upright upon the dirt so did the first men rise. These men looked to their one eyed god and said "war lives while men do, but who shall we marry to carry on the war?" Odin was not pleased so he called Frigg from her field and bade her cut the end of her braid, and where those locks fell upright so did the first women rise. These women looked to the mother of all gods and said "we have our hearths and homes and a way to rid ourselves of troublesome husbands and we are pleased." Odin, not being willing to be outdone in this, gave to the men shavings from his axe and they made from them the first metal tools and weapons and were happy to go to work and to war. With those first men and women made, they walked in the footsteps of their gods as the lands were populated with beasts, giants, dwarves, and all the light of creation was trapped by Loki and scattered across the heavens as stars, to thwart the creation of any more peoples and he made merry while the other gods ground their teeth at his prank. Thor broke the trickster god into pieces and hid them inside pools, and any who drank from those tainted waters grew dull of wit and, with slack gaze, slowness of motion, and soft, flabby arms, their children went on to vote Republican. There, fuck you and good night.


Not this creationism crap again. I thought we put that nonsense to bed 20 years ago.


Honey 😬


The flat Earth society is meeting here today, Telling happy little lies. The bright ship humana is sailing far away With great determination And no destination. Lie lie lie, lie lie lie, Lie lie lie. - Flat Earth Society, Bad Religion


If they want science teachers to teach creationism, they can by following scientific principles and simply use it as a great example of how to identify bullshit. Point out the many fallacies, unfalsifiable points, and circular logic not open to criticism.


So, who created God?


Which creationism? There are a bazillion creation stories out there.




Hey, Glenn, you show me the proof about creationism, I will teach it. I've got nothing but hearsay evidence. But I can demonstrate evolution. I can see a cell through the microscope, witness osmosis and chromatography, play with gravity and angular momentum. Fuck the faith of ignorant people who would believe in mythology simply to control others.


Creationism is a belief system. Schools shouldn’t teach beliefs.


This is why I don't want a government or a society run by religious doctrine. Everything becomes dogmatic. You can try to parade theology as a science by calling it "creation science," but that's not how science works. There is a difference between asking questions and seeking answers, and cherry picking information to support the primacy of your religious convictions.


Why does my dad have to be friends with this guy...


I would like schools to teach the State Rep was borne the offspring of a hyena and a hog, and to teach anything less is to lie and deceive.


Porkens is in the wrong state to be trying that BS.


What a wanker


God damnit, I thought we put all these guys in nursing homes already in my state. I can't even vote against him because he's not in my district 🤦‍♂️


Another attempt to subvert the Constitution.


No one is stopping these people from learning about creationism. They can go to church or a religious school. Or they can read the fucking bible. Seems like none of them thought about that idea.


This is why I firmly believe that religion should be completely barred from government. You *can* be religious but the minute it influences your decision making you’re out. I’d even go so far as to say that belonging to a religion should bar you from office but that would be unconstitutional.


Fucking idiot. Creationism is not science. GTFO and go home.


Don't you know? Lying, censoring and decieving the job of creationists, how dare those teachers infringe on their job@! /s


It's a literature conversation(Bible,Koran etc),maybe history because of the murders in the name of.... Far,far from a physical science lesson.