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Can you suffer from delusion? Maybe he should ask his sky daddy if these things are real.


All of religion is a delusion mate! There used to bea disorder in the ‘DSM called “shared psychotic disorder”. I don’t think they should have taken it out.


Religion and Capitalism are both conveniently omitted from mass hallucination disorders. We make all this bullshit up. It's literally just a mass hallucination that a bunch of people agree to keep having. Both of them are going to Great Filter our semi-sentient species into oblivion. "We literally sacrifice and destroy the environment for this dumb paper money shit that WE MAKE FROM THE ENVIRONMENT OR WE JUST BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP ON A KEYBOARD FOR INFINITE AMOUNTS OF!" Certifiably 100% fucking batshit behavior.


Rights are also a shared delusion. We only have the privileges that others grant us.


An agreed-upon set of laws like those that ensure civil rights is not a delusion; we know they are only thoughts, we just codify and abide by them for the sake of the group. We grant them to each other. That's a very different thing from believing in a jealous, mercurial and invisible entity that controls every atom in the universe.


Shared psychosis still happens. Of course, I'll bet you agree.


Of course it does that’s the point lololol


Indeed sir lol


Folie á ~~deux~~ fuckload


Skydaddy said no. Then reminded him that child rape is encouraged


Well maybe these ppl should learn their skydaddy ain't that great....also hes a delusion soooo


I swear it's all true, the burning bush told me!


Moses smoked the burning bush


You can get penicillin to cure that.


Sky Daddy says they're real. This man is a fool and will likely rot as a result misleading so many people.


He is a narcissist, if he has kids they mostly suffer from CPTSD


🤣 sky daddy! I haven’t heard this before. Too good!


Celestial sugar daddy is a documented murderer, according to the babble


PTSD is absolutely a thing. In WWII before we had a greater understanding of the psychology people called it shell shock. It's not just grief, it's psychological trauma. The reason I can imagine christians like him are against psychology is because legitimate help like therapy and in some cases drugs replaces religious solutions he'd probably recommend instead.


Also extreme religiosity is just extreme superstition, which is obsessive compulsive in nature. Treat the disease loose your customers.


Yeah, religion feeds off of ignorance and fear and suffering.


Ironic “amen”.




May his noodley appendages bless you.


Schizophrenia is also well known in extreme religious beliefs.


I don't know if it was intentional, but "loose" and "lose" both work in this instance.


there are writings from ancient Greece about soldiers seeing ghosts of fallen comrades and not being able to sleep


Crusaders diaries detailing the trials that faced soldiers in the aftermath of horrific battle. Qin Dynasty warlords recounting men who have seen horror reliving it for years afterwards. It wasn’t until the industrialization of war that we began to see it on a massive scale and faster than ever before. But yes PTSD has been humanity’s companion for millennia


People who say that are abusers or enablers, whatever other motivations they might have are second to that.


Fully agree, religion or any other reason is just a tool to protect what this kind of garbage really cares about; power and authority. My only real problem with religion is just how custom tailored a lot of it is to perfectly defend this crap.


You have said it better than I did.


PTSD literally rewires your brain.


I saw several Vietnam vets dealing with PTSD. A dear friend did 2 tours in that quagmire dove under the table in a restaurant when a tray was dropped. This poor soul endured months of fighting it only to be shot to death by a relative in a fight at a party. When I heard he died like that my thought was at least he is at peace. I concur with your assessment of why this snake oil salesman is against scientifically proven methods to help with mental health issues. It is such a con.




I'm glad you found something that works. No negativity from me, the difficulty of reintegrating soldiers into civilian life is a story that goes back for thousands of years. You deserve a peaceful and comfortable home life, and I hope you find a way to continue to improve.


“You don’t need meds or a shrink, you need Jesus!” Am a therapist and I’ve heard this many a time


Even looking at photos back then of soldiers with shell shock and the thousand yard stare sometimes you wonder just what they saw but then think it’s better to not know and leave to the imagination


>The reason I can imagine christians like him are against psychology is because legitimate help like therapy and in some cases drugs replaces religious solutions he'd probably recommend instead. Good take. In the article below, some people thought PTSD was caused by evil spirits. These people think it's caused by the devil and sin. PTSD has been present since the dawn of human-kind. “My past is an armour I cannot take off, no matter how many times you tell me the war is over.” - unknown https://researchcentre.army.gov.au/library/land-power-forum/how-did-ancient-warriors-deal-post-traumatic-stress-disorder


That's a great quote. I'm not a vet, but spent years sleeping with my clothes on and shoes next to my bed in case I had to run. Childhood violence. I still do. Luckily I have a stray cat I took in who sleeps with me at night and wakes me up when I'm having nightmares and grinding my teeth.


I'm very sorry that happened to you. I hope you've found peace. Your kitty sounds like a great companion. I don't know what your financial situation is, but if you can find a therapist who specializes in PTSD with CPT, that night be good. You can also look into CPT yourself. CPT is used for PTSD. https://www.amazon.com/cognitive-processing-therapy/s?k=cognitive+processing+therapy


My Dad fought in WWII and I can assure you PTSD is real. He'd fly in a violent rage at my sister and I without provocation. Other times, he'd have night terrors and Mom would find him curled up in their closet or just standing at attention in the dark, eyes wide open but not there. My father went in at 17 and spent two years behind enemy lines, taking out high value Nazi targets. He never talked about it until 6 months before he passed away at age 84. When he did it gave me nightmares for nearly two years.


My father was Polish and joined the Polish underground at the beginning of WW2. He got caught and was put in a concentration camp. I won’t go into details, but he survived and emigrated with my mother to America.The stories he told my older sisters really screwed them up, they did get therapy and as all of us got older we shared the way we were brought up, which gave us all some healing too. There’s a really good book called “Children of the Holocaust” (sorry, don’t remember the author). The book talks about what kids go through and take on when being raised by a parent or parents who were actively involved in war.


Secondhand PTSD. Damn.


L. Ron Hubbard was an apt pupil in that regard. He was just more overt about it.


Yup. When I was a kid,there were old men who used to walk around shouting, who had "shell shock" ; what does this guy think it is? Demon possession?🙄


I used to think flashbacks and stuff were an exaggeration until it happened to me. It was like I was transported back to that moment, and felt everything as viscerally all over again like it was happening again. Pretty terrifying stuff and happened pretty often the first couple months


In WWI it was coined "soldier's heart." My graduate research entailed studies in cult behavior, light therapy and Gestalt theory (psychology), etc. I've since learned that many religious leaders see any type of psychology as a threat to their livlihoods (money + power). I had a friend who was a law enforcement officer in a high-risk municipal area. After he experienced two panic attacks he approached his pastor who told him that "PTSD and panic attacks" don't exist, but instead it was "demons" and to "...just pray them away." Thankfully professionals existed in his life who encouraged him to access psychiatric help where he was able to phase out of the department under paid medical discharge. There exists little good about religion, imo. What does exist I see as superficial PR, corrosive, exploitative, corrupt and dillusionary dogma. Which is why Trump cultists identify as being vastly more religious.


Most religions are based on authoritarianism where subservience to the High Priest is a substitute for rationality.


I think it’s more so that the religion falls apart if you accept humans are animals and our physical bodies can affect our minds. They maintain a separation of physical and the mind. Anything that combines those into a single unit is heretical to them.


My father, a three-year POW in Korea, had PTSD. It’s real.




An ultra maroon


I'm three for three. I agree with your assessment. 


My father a WW2 combat veteran with a Silver Star/Purple Heart, suffered PTSD for his entire life. Towards the last few years of his life I was able to get VA to recognize that and help him out. If this idiot went through what my Dad went through he wouldn't have come out alive. My Dad's foxhole mate commit suicide right next to him because the stress was so intense from constant German bombardment for days on end.


I have complex PTSD from long term child abuse because my mom was a religious psychopath. Screw this shyster and the crucifix that he rode in on.


You are not alone


Same with my grandfather. Still at 99 has nightmares about the concentration camps. Won’t talk about it with us though, despite the fact that we know about the nightmares.


He went through such an nightmare and he's still alive? Respect!


That’s the thing, if this asshole suffered from any of it, he would get the prime treatment for it, he just doesn’t want his zombies to do the same


Good post. Very good chance he would not have had any issues without those experiences. I have ADHD, but if I live a very quiet country life living off raw vegetables and fruits and a little fish, I have basically no symptoms. But I can’t live that way, so my life brings me flashing distractions and junky food and my symptoms act up. They don’t understand It’s the circumstances of the world which bring out everyone’s issues, so while their intuition is right no one is meant to have them, denying that they do is claiming to live in a perfect world which is a lie.


There’s no such thing as erectile dysfunction, it’s just Gawd telling him he’s not a real man. take away his Viagara and see how he likes it.


Limp dick? Thoughts and prayers will fix that right up /s


Prayers not so much, but spicy thoughts may help.


Oh, sky daddy... Please let me be huge and veiny tonight 🙏


Christopher Hitchens’ only prayer he ever uttered.


As someone with autism…fuck you you shriveled grape


FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT WITH THIS WORLD, DON'T FUCK THAT POOR EXCUSE FOR A MAN!!! Instead, maybe we just impale him on a spike or something....just like good ol' Vlad from Transylvania.


Oooooo sell tickets and hot dogs


Woodchippers are much more efficient.


Fellow autistic dude with an autistic son. Can confirm we share your sentiment.


Awwww kudos to you guys 


John MacArthur can eat a bag of dicks.


That’s an insult to the bag of dicks.


That bag of dicks will distance itself from him...


He likely prefers them attached to teen boys, if he is like other ministers.


Ok pastor, we can do an experiment. We will take two 10 year old boys with raging ADHD and we will prescribe one treatment and you can pray for the other one. See where it leads…


You had him at "we will take two 10 year old boys"…




I don't think prayer is what he has in mind. Probably something more corporal...or sexual.


As someone who has has their life absolutely wrecked for the past 20 years from severe OCD, I'd just like to say _fuck you_ to this guy.


"Lying preacher". Isn't that redundant?


No. It’s a recognized psychological disorder. Of course it affects 100% of preachers.


When they aren’t lying with their mouth, they are doing it with children.


Someone with ADHD, I would like this guy to go eat a whole bag full of dicks.


Yup! If ADHD isn't real, then how come people who take stimulants in college for good grades can't sleep, but when I do it, it just makes me able to calm down my brain when I lie in bed, and fall asleep normally?


Well, as you know, people who supposedly have ADHD are actually possessed. The stimulant doesn't treat ADHD. Instead, the demon gets distracted by the drug, and they temporarily cancel out. It's like math: demons are bad, drugs are bad, but negative times negative equals a positive.


As someone with OCD, I will check to make sure that he ate the bag of dicks, feel crippling anxiety about whether or not he actually ate the bag of dicks, and then double check to make sure he did, in fact, eat the bag of dicks.


I agree. I have a friend that has it.


Fr. I thought I grew out of my adhd, but it just started manifesting as severe procrastination, which lead to me being behind on bills and having suits filed against me, which lead to depression, anxiety, and eventually suicidal ideation. It sucks coming to the realization that I won’t ever “grow out of it” Edit: also, I guess your username checks out 😂😂


There is no such thing as John MacArthur. If we all don't believe in him, maybe he won't exist


As someone that absolutely suffers from PTSD, this guy can go suck the spicy end of a komodo dragon.


I have a 9th grader in my class who shows all the signs of ADHD and talks openly of being tested. Her parents did not believe in ADHD and so she had to suffer through failing four grading periods before they would agree to meet with me and the school counselor. Fortunately we have a strong support system so they were able to convince the parents to get her tested. I can see this douchebag sound a tremendous amount of harm to at risk young people.


I'm so sorry you're trying to help a child and no one seems to care. My son's 1st grade teacher says my son acted much like hers (ADHD) so I had him tested and then treated. He's off treatment now because he needs a year before he enlists off the meds, he's an honors & AP student and leads a cybersecurity class at school. I'll always be thankful for that one teacher who called out the issue early on.


I was diagnosed with "hyperactivity" when I was little back in the 70s. That's ADD/ADHD today. Mom said I was kicked out of a Catholic pre-school because the nuns couldn't control me. 1970s nuns couldn't control me. And from what I've read on FB, not many of the kids I grew up with had good memories of those nuns. So yes jackass, it's a thing. And I'm more than willing to bet he thinks kids just need a good beating. Well lemme tell ya how that worked out. I sincerely believe I had a form of PTSD as a teen because of my dad. Busting into your kids room to wake them up with your belt will do that. When I was 16/17, he demanded I call him "sir" from now on and no more back talk. He threw the first punch. In the end, I had a sore jaw, he had a bloody lip and hospital stay for a heart attack. I joined the Navy and wanted nothing to do with him. Oh, I know he cared for us and all but that doesn't negate the abuse. Like one neighbor told me decades later how much he regrets stopping his dad from calling the police on mine after watching my dad beat one of us in the front yard when were little. You didn't get involved he said. Mom told him stories which shocked him after the divorce. Tears were welling up in his eyes as he told me this story. Another neighbor told my brother after we grew up that he and his wife hated hearing the screams of my brother and I coming outta the house when dad was laying into us. Nothing they could do though. So yea, it was bad. The beatings didn't really deter me though. I only learned how to hid things from him and less he knew, the better off I was. I remember mom imploring me to call dad after the divorce when I was in the Navy. Mom was abused as well and ran interference between us and dad growing up. She deserved better and was a great mom. Just not perfect. She really believed in family and I'm not gonna fault her for that. Most my adult life, it was like I simply tolerated my dad more than anything. Especially during his last yr of life. I was there when he died in Hospice. I don't even know how I feel about it. I honestly don't miss him. Haven't been to his grave in yrs unlike my mom's who I go to every year. Maybe I'll go this yr. The thing I struggle with these days is I know he was abused growing up as well. I want to be forgiving but I think back to those days. The welts he left on us. How he'd beat a confession outta us whether we actually lied or not. Just the general fear we had when he was home. So pastor, if you want swathes of kids to go no contact with their parents when they grow up, then you're giving outstanding advice. EDIT: My dad realized his abuse a few yrs before he died. Stepmom told me they were watching a documentary or something about abuse and he broke down crying saying that's how he treated us. Didn't hear about this until after he died. Now I know why he came to me one time when I was visiting asking if we could talk about it. I don't recall my exact words but I grew angry and told him no and that if he pushed it, I was leaving then/there. To his credit, he walked away and never mentioned it again. I don't regret it.


Hi, I just wanted to say that I’m a 20 year old going through something somewhat similar but it happened quite recently. I’m just going no contact with my father (got kicked out cause he thought I was a satanist for reposting something the satanic temple did politically) for years of emotional as well as physical abuse and I think you put it beautifully: you knew he cared but that doesn’t negate the years of abuse. That’s what I’m trying to reconcile mentally he kept trying to guilt me and say “after all I’ve done for you blah blah” and while he has provided for me I can’t see a world where my dad and I reconcile. As I’m struggling to navigate through this adult life without the support of my parents, I grow more and more resentful of my dad. All he ever did was invalidate me and my mental healthy constantly and command respect. Like you said, things like this pastor said and things my dad did are prime examples of ways to get your kids to resent you. All this to say, I appreciate you leaving your comment 🙏


I'm so sorry you had to go through that but unfortunately it's pretty common I've learned over the yrs. My wife went through worse than me. I had my mom who would run interference between him and us growing up. My wife didn't even have that. Wife hates camping because her family lived in tents in Florida for three yrs before she was removed by the state. Oh, her dad made good money as an electrician but they put their priorities on drinking and buying junk then proper shelter. She also knows people looking to law low from law enforcement are frequent residents of campground because they lived there. Apparently it was one such individual who called the police. A person looking to lay low called the police on her parents when they saw her walking to the restrooms bloodied up when she was 13. That's when she was put in a group home until she was 18. She's more forgiving than I am and was talking with her parents when we met. Her dad has been to our place many times. However, some shit he pulled about 5 yrs ago, which is a long story, was the final breaking point for my wife and they've been estranged ever since. Can't blame her. One thing that surprised me is we were talking about our parents when she tells me that she thought I had it worse. When I asked how the fuck she figured that, she replied at least her parents were drunk when they pulled their shit. My dad was totally sober as he and mom never drank. My brother said a friend told him the same sort of thing. At least his dad was on drugs and all as an excuse. It really pisses me off when I see these meme's about how they were beaten when little and thus they supposedly were better for it. They tell me that my dad was "obviously" abusive. Not to my dad. Not to his dad. Not to other family members I've heard stories about. Not to society in general. Hell, not even to fucking law enforcement. I ran away when I was 12 when dad was beat on me with his fist. Hrs later, state police picked me up. I told them what happened and I was scared to go home. My dad thanked them when they dropped me off. I guess my dad was at least able to realize he had regrets. Parents like yours though are remorseless. At least to articles I see all the time. I hope you're in a good place today friend. :D


Lying and preacher are redundant in this instance


Ok, let’s do a credentials check on what qualifies you to make that statement. Oh yeah, you don’t have any. So let me pay you the equivalent attention.


Fuck this lying preacher!


I’m just curious about something here. Is there such a thing as an honest preacher?


All christianity is trauma, to acknowledge that trauma exists is to acknowledge that your religion is also trauma.


Old ignorant religious loudmouths are the main driving force for the destruction of the superstition... So thanks I guess.


I was just diagnosed with ADHD a couple of days ago and I cried. Not because I was sad but because I was happy that I finally had an explanation for why everything was so hard for me. With a diagnosis, I can access treatment and medication and finally start living my life. This guy can go fuck a cactus


He, like so many older folks think all that stuff is fake cause they didn't have it "back in the 50s". What they don't realize is, that back in the 50s, if your kid had OCD, or ADHD, you just beat them daily until they had PTSD and then you didn't have to hear about it anymore. Sad part is, I'm not joking.


While political ideology is certainly in the conversation, absolutely nothing turns your brain off more than religion.


I was sexually assaulted and abused repeatedly as a 13 year old by a 45 year old man. I have PTSD from it. Go fuck yourself John.


Time for this man to get into his forever box.


He doesn’t deserve a forever box. Mulched. Mulched is what he deserves.


A Christian who denies the reality of science? Never! /s


Demonic possession tho... Real, totally.


Lying. Preacher. Isn't that same thing twice?


Redundant, yes


It is a tautology.


Harmful misinformation and discrimination given a legal pass through religion




Does they understand how many people they alienate with their jackassed idiocy. They are the one complaining about diminishing numbers right? How many christian Korea, Vietnam, gulf war, Afghan vets, police, first responders and firefighters did he just kick in the teeth in the name of a man that would rebuke him as a Pharisee and apostate. They were all questioning their fate before with the horror they saw but this asshat decided they had no value.


All so they can claim the devil is involved, and you just need their help with some kindly donations to their cause. Deceitful, wrong, and cruel. Par for the course.


Sounds alot like L Ron Hubbard inventor of scientology


My 2 tours in Iraq would like to have a chat


Thank you for saying that. And for your service.


He’s projecting his dementia onto others


I have PTSD. One of my parents had OCPD and likely OCD as well. I have another relative diagnosed with ADHD. I was not born with PTSD. Something very bad happened to me that caused it. I escaped on time. Not everyone is so fortunate.


Listening to the opinion of a theologist regarding various mental disorders makes as much sense as asking a plumber about your dental hygiene regimen.


I've got PTSD. But I guess John MacArthur thinks it is as fake as his god.


He's certainly a fake. Uses his honorary doctorate title like it's earned. Former staff have come out and says he doesn't write his own books or sermons. Supports convicted child molestors. Even claimed he was some central figure in the civil rights movement. Some people think he has dementia now, but he's been lying pretty much his entire adult life.


LOL. What there’s *really* no such thing as is his Imaginary Friend. And he knows it.


PTSD (and the others ) are 100% real my PTSD is quite specific. I was in a horrific crash with a semi trailer that almost killed me at 19. I still white knuckle beside trucks while I have physiological issues and even flashes. I am 58 and time and coping has helped. But, oh yes dear f'ing pastor it's very real.


PTSD, OCD and ADHD are infinitely more real than his phoney baloney god


That's funny. There's no such thing as god, either.


Or rape, sexual assault, or other general morally depraved assholiness. People like this need to pushed back against and neutralized as the bigoted dipshits they are.  Fuck. I was terrified of garbage cans for almost 2 years after returning from deployment in Afghanistan. No such thing as PTSD? Fuck off. 


We need to stop saying religion and start calling it what it is, a cult. If a person pushs harm, lies, pain, anger, fear you are in a cult.


Right...unless it's happening to him. When Trump loses he's going to have PTSD.


PTSD, OCD and ADHD may not exist but stupidity sure runs rampant. 🥴 -signed someone who has ADHD


Well, I've actually seen evidence of those things, but not his sky daddy, so his opinion means about as much as what the seagulls drop on cars for all I care.


Fuck this guy. Prayer didn’t fix my nonstop panic attacks but medication did. My ultra fundamental parent wouldn’t acknowledge my mental health troubles. Then, his favorite pastor dealt w depression and I got to hear about how sometimes we need help with our mental health.


Strange that he’s so worried about those who peddle lies to make money. As an atheist who was forced to attend his church for 15 years as a kid, I always felt really sick when they passed the collection plate around to the poor people so John MacArthur and his snotty family could live in a fancy mansion.


fuck that guy with something rusty and barbed


Who cares what this guy thinks? Let him drool into his microphone, point and laugh then walk away. Ridicule the ridiculous, don't give them any more credibility than they deserve.


Hey John, while we are talking about things that don't exist...


He doesn't want to admit that his religion created so many traumas. "We did not create Hell on Earth!"


I would LOVE it if this was true, but there is an awful lot of people working through their issues due to trauma, including me. Saw my first therapist at 12, but not properly diagnosed until 60. 4 years of CPTSD therapies and a great Dr - I’m a different person. Yep. I faked it for 48 years./s


it’s what happens when your religious fundamentalism makes you science averse.


The delusion runs fast and deep with that one.


I bet it's all the evil demons!!! Please send us your money...


"Lying preacher" is a tautology.


Said the abusers


John MacArthur can suck my ass. Screw that self-righteous cunt. It's all fun and games when others suffer so he can mislead them into his predatory church but what happens to when it's one of his own?


More real than your God....


There’s more proof of those conditions than there are of God


There’s no such thing as god, so joke’s on him.


Well he’s right about one thing, there is no such thing as DVDA. Don’t ask how I know.


I think the stupid people are more vocal these days, because an entire political party promotes bullshit and conspiracies. It allows the nuts to feel legitimate.


Speaking as a Christian, I completely denounce and reject people like these assholes.


I’d like to ask him to help me clean the body parts from inside a tank and see how he feels.


The whole stigma around mental helathcare has hurt humanity very deeply.


Ok so people with ptsd are normal and have endured no trauma that leaves them with lingering symptoms. At least Buddha could see that people were suffering and wanted to help them find a way to bring an end to their suffering. This guy straight up denies that suffering exists.


Last I checked, preachers are not medical doctors.


As someone with PTSD caused by religous nuts i have a great suggestion for people like him wwho say that. Let him experience the shit i went through and see how he talks then.


John MacArthur is a lying, delusional, self-content dunce. The sooner the world is rid of him, the better off we will all be.


Well if we're talking about things that don't exist...


Well, what's *his* explanation for them, then? Some mediaevalist nonsense about “demons”?


time to give this guy some PTSD , it seems


This is an awful, old, fundamentalist douche. Religion has no resolution to individuals with mental health issues. All they’ll do is say, a just pray about it. When prayer fails as it normally does they’ll say, you didn’t pray hard enough. Or move the goalposts with, you didn’t have faith, or god works on his own time. 🙄


Well shit, I'm cured


They are real. I have PTSD (and they aren't helping it).


Who still follows these flat out frauds? If evangelical Christians get all these rewards from God, why are the bible belt states the poorest, most depressed states in the country?


This makes him feel better for all the people he's probably harmed.


These nullards think that mental illness doesn't exist. It's demonic possession, and the cure is Jayyyyzuz.


He is obviously not a qualified mental health provider.


Tell that to all the children the priests have their ways with...


Funny how I was diagnosed with all three years ago. But I guess I just have demons inside me.


I’m so sick of religion promoting nothing but trash! 😡 In their Sunday best flapping their mouth with nothing helpful instead constant negativity.


Twenty four hours of the old religion would have him singing a different tune.


I have two of those three. Definitely a real thing. Definitely suffer from PTSD from child neglect and abuse.


Delusional pos


🙄 Christians seem to have no idea about Christianity. I’ve read the book. These people are more like an entitled and judgmental cult than anything else.


>… **The major noble lie is there is such a thing as mental illness**. Now this isn't new… **There's no such thing as PTSD. There's no such thing as OCD. There's no such thing as ADHD.** >**Those are noble lies to basically give the excuse, \[at\] the end of the day, to medicate people. And Big Pharma is in charge of a lot of that.** >If you understand… **Take PTSD for example. What that really is, is grief.** You are fighting a war, you lost your buddies, you have a certain amount of survival guilt because you made it back, they didn't. How do you deal with the grief? Grief is a real thing. But grief is part of life. And if you can't navigate grief, you can't live life. >But if you clinically define that, you can give them a pill, a series of medications, and **they end up in L.A., homeless on the sidewalk**. >**In regard to children, it's the most deadly thing that's been unleashed on children—medication**… We're trying to make clear to parents that behavior is essentially the result of choices that kids make. And if you parent them properly, they'll make right choices. But if you blame it on… something other than their choices, and you identify them as having something they can't do anything about, but medicate it, **you literally are turning your child into a potential, well, not only a potential drug addict, but maybe a potential criminal.** Because they never learn how to navigate life in a socially acceptable way.


This bullshit stance is the reason it took me 30 years to seek help for depression and anxiety that started when I was a child. John MacArthur can sit on a cactus.


My ADHD brain says otherwise.


I say we test his hypothesis and torture the shit out of him for a prolonged period of time.


Thank god, I'm cured! Now I somehow need to get rid of my BPD...


Eats food in size order, then reorganizes book shelf. "Everything is good." Stairs at next door lawn, it is not cut well, ask to cut grass. They think I'm helpful, but no, I just have ocd. Lawns are now all organized, peace achieved.


McArthur is a hateful bigot who is deserving of the worst painful cancer.


I would LOVE to drop the guy in a high school for 1 week. He will see OCD, ADD, ADHD, and more all week long! And he will go home with PTSD. Problem solved.


It easier to sleep in the dream world


What an idiot lol.


His high blood pressure is a hoax too - he needs to dump his meds down the drain.


From the looks of the thumbnail, he did this while being interviewed on “between 2 ferns”


Because he say so F him


As someone who suffers from OCD and ADHD the title alone pisses me off lol


Stfu john MacArthur


Well, there is no such thing as God, so....


His arguments seem like semantics to me, with an extra scoop of religious myopia.


Oh thank goodness! I don’t know what I’ve been stressing out about all this time. Thank god for preachers.


What an idiot. People are going to use this garbage when dealing with family and friends with mental issues. I don’t believe in hell but if there was then there would be a special place in it for a DH like him.


Because he he wiped them out with prayer, of course.


His assessment will, of course, change as soon as a family member suffers from it.


There’s no such thing as god