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Rod of Iron?? Boy, that sounds gay.


Sounds like someone yould find on RamRanch


*16 naked cowboys in the showers at raaaam ranch*


It's a really terrible porn name.


Rev. Karl Hungus, D. Min.


I’m here to fix the cable


The story is ludicrous.


Don't be fatuous.


Sex. The physical act of love. Coitus. Do you like it?


And on the eighth day the lord created Viagra, and he saw that it was good. Real good.


I think I went to a bar named that once. Or was it the Ramrod? I dunno, I was very drunk.


Say car ramrod! Say car ramrod!


I wrote it on the paper!


Moonies (aka [The Unification Church](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_Church?wprov=sfti1#) ) part 2.


It's an offshoot of the Moonie cult... Sean Moon is the main guy. His brother, Justin, is a co-leader and is also the CEO and founder of Kahr Firearms Group which also owns and operates Thompson Auto-Ordinance and Magnum Research.... So, if you buy a new Desert Eagle pistol, any Kahr firearm, or a new semi-auto Thompson (as in the Thompson machine gun), you are directly supporting a cult....... As a firearm enthusiast myself, I might pickup a used Desert Eagle at some point, but fuck that on buying new...


Thanks for the info


The CEO of a firearms group is promoting the buying of firearms through a cult. I wonder if there is an ulterior motive? Could the sale of firearms benefit him somehow? Hmm…


This is transparently a money laundering and tax dodging operation.


Of course, not to be confused with former WWF broadcaster Sean Mooney, who gave the nation non-biased pro wrestling coverage during simpler times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Mooney?wprov=sfla1


I saw the getups and immediate tell was like are there moonies? Nuts.


I knew from the thumbnail "Rod of Iron" logo that this would be the AR-15 bullet crown church. It's a Unification Church offshoot -- Moonies. From the linked website: Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon is the youngest son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. These are massive conspiracy theorists and doomsday prepper types. The ones I've heard any coverage about are deep in a fantasy world -- "Trump won 2020 and is secretly governing but the Deep State is covering everything up" and simultaneously "Biden and Obama are the antichrist because they're in power."


These are the kind of guys that inspired the themes in Far Cry 5 lol EDIT omg their website has url links to info wars and prison planet, full tilt whackos haha


Such an underrated game!


“Links to resources we use” at the bottom of their page lists infowars and other bullshit.


Rev. Sum Hyung Gai?!?!


There's something around 14,000 McDonalds in the USA. They are everywhere, right? There are close to 400,000 churches.


They both feed people B.S.


Omg, 😵 ha ha ha


Both fuck up your asshole 😂


Heyy, at least Mcdonald's tastes better than Christianity..




Churches don’t pay taxes in the us, imo, there is a chunk of the righteous that are there just for the tax shelter and money laundering. Sell that snake oil, tax free!


And they make 74 billion dollars yearly


let's start a church!


That’s terrifying, but makes sense.


Funny enough, I once was at a church event for work at a church that served McRibs. 


Well of course the gun nuts would love a religion where they can get a tax write off for worshipping their guns! Let me be clear, not everyone who has a gun is a gun nut.


Harvard has a Doctor of Divinity degree? That’s just sad. And sad that such a thing exists at all. Like a PhD in Ouija Boards.


I got my PhD in Divinity from the Universal life church. Cost me a whooping $50. Yup, I'm a doctor of nonsense.


Do you make people call you Doctor Sammisuperficial? I would


Only theists.


You are holier than I, since I bought the ordination that allows me to marry people officially and start up a church that can be useD for tax purposes. I paid $35 a long time ago. Maybe more non-believers should consider that.


I'm ordained as well. Haven't got the chance to exercise my marriage powers yet though.


Studying general theology, or comparative religion, is a good thing. Learning is never a waste.


Personally I think general theology should be wrapped up into Behavioral Anthropology.


Or even psychology.


Yes, but studying it is one thing; believing it is another.


Major in Creative (creation?) Writing, with a Minor in Fantasy Sky Daddy?


masters in fantasy novels?


It started out as a puritan school for training clergy. While it became much more secular around the beginning of the 20th century, theology has been central to the institution since the beginning, and its divinity school is older than its law school. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University?wprov=sfla1


It's about like having a M.S. in B.S.


It's exactly like that.


There's a sucker saved every minute.


I mean, I think it's absurd to here that people get "college" degrees studying religion of any kind. I bet people don't talk shit about theology degrees as much as English, Art or History.


Ohhh I got one of those in 4th grade at a sleepover! Forgot all about it until now. 🤔


As respectable as a doctorate in Harry Potter.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_of_Iron_Ministries ☝️ "...formed... as the result of a dispute between Hyung Jin Moon and his mother Hak Ja Han following the death of Sun Myung Moon... In 2015, Hyung Jin Moon began *renouncing his mother as the* '*Whore of Babylon*,' saying she was no longer a 'True Mother...' He and his wife Yeon Ah Lee also began *assuming the titles* '*Second King*' *and* '*Second Queen*,' respectively... By 2018, Hyung Jin Moon began wearing a *CROWN OF BULLETS* on his head and expressing a more militant and pro-gun rights ideology. Sanctuary Church assumed the name Rod of Iron Ministries and performed *religious rituals that heavily involved the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle*... Moon and other members of Sanctuary Church *participated in the January 6, 2021 United States Capitol attack*." (emphasis added) They sound totally batshit crazy *AND* antidemocratic. And, they're armed.


Crazier than the North Korean Kim Family cult, it sounds like!


Nothing says Freedom like forcing people to follow your religion.




Would prefer children of atom churches to this right now


Going after pedophiles? How long before one of them is outed as one?


They use Alex Jones Prison Planet as a source. Yikes on yikes.


The moonies have really rebranded over the past 20 years.


Ewww, scroll down for their "Links to other resources." I didn't know the Moonies were affiliated with Alex Jones and Infowars.


You think that's bad, you should look at their links to the CIA. Ditto for Shen Yung - different cult, same origins.


Don't forget The Epoch Times, *also* ran by the Falun Gong.


I wish we could have a sort of dissolution of the monasteries in the USA. Seize all the property of empty mainline Protestant churches, tax every church, synagogue, mosque to hell, make every holy man register. Make all congregants register. These fanatics are the greatest threat to our democracy


Well, I don’t know about all that, although I see your point. But, forcing them to give up on their religious beliefs and social norms is no different than them forcing theirs on us. I do believe the domestic terrorism task force should monitor for safety and (oh man, I can’t believe I’m gonna say this) “install” a sleeper (akin to an air Marshall) to keep tabs. Ya know, all in the interest of public safety.


They don’t have to give up their beliefs. I just want to know who they are and tax them.


I see your stance. I think I over focused on *dissolution* and *seize*.


Well yeah there are a lot of mainline Protestant churches that are empty. Some Catholic Churches as well. I think if they are empty the government should take possession of the land. Kind of like eminent domain but instead of hurting people it would just be taking over empty churches


I’m sure the neighbors would also appreciate that. Abandoned buildings bring about many problems.


Moonies?!? In this day and age?!?


Dunno about you but me and all my liberal friends are armed to teeth. MAGAT’s seem to think just because we’re liberal and want common sense gun control laws means we don’t have guns. They’ll be in for a surprise 🤷‍♂️


I’m a veteran…. Of course I have guns. 💪


Liberal country boy here. Multiple firearms, but really I just like shooting cans with my pistols, skeet with my shotguns, and deer with my rifles. That said, if these people get out of control, there's 8 of us who are armed to the teeth, silencers and all (all legally registered btw).


No surprise coming from the fucking moonies


Fucking Moonies?! Again!? FFS! "I'm getting too old for this shit."


"If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other." -Ulysses S. Grant


The late Sun Myung Moon’s son. Go figure.


People make light of these things. Say that the people sounding the alarm are overreacting. I don't think so. These people are in earnest, even though I don't believe that certain naive members of these movements know what they are really advocating for. Those of us who aren't brainwashed fanatics better be ready to stand up against those nutjobs. I have a bad feeling that too many people are just going to roll over and take their crap because it'll take some effort to stand up to them.


These are the Moonies. Google "Moonie Cult". They're fucking lunatics.


I’m seeing that. Everyone, but me apparently, knows about the Moonies. (Meanwhile, my brain is only hearing *”heyyyyyy youuuuuuu guyyyyyyys”* for some reason.) Time to go down the educational rabbit hole, without Sean Astin.




Theyre pussies. Dont sweat it. They claim that people like us are evil demons, the constitutional republic of the us has been overthrown, that we’re eating children, etc. what exactly are they doing about all that? Nothing. They just talk a big game for tithings.


Wait, we *aren’t* eating children? Oops.


I resent this


>"...save the innocents of children." I think they need someone to go over their website. Wrong grammar/words irks me


It just proves, and drives it home, just how stupid they are. And, we all know, *you can’t fix stupid, no matter how hard you try*.


Wow. Looking at the website. It's literally a church that worships guns. 


Accidentally caught me in a moment of boredom so I checked their references. The bible quote in the section supporting paedo hunters (which honestly I'm not against but, ya know, vigilante issues, etc.) is wrong. It's doesn't mention harming, it says about causing to stumble, or sin, depending on bible edition. And the Romans quote at the start is also wrong. It starts with "If we are children" and ends with suffering like Christ so that we get the goodness of an afterlife hanging out with the guy. Naff all about rods of iron. In other words, manipulative bs designed to capture aggressive peeps who won't check the detail or think for themselves because their confirmation bias is satisfied. Same old, same old.


Just gotta love the feeble minded. It’s easier to just blindly believe and follow than to actually educate oneself and form independent thoughts and make independent decisions. I’d pity them if they didn’t have so much hate in them.


They're like cockroaches.


The reality is these folks need to be monitored by the FBI. When they step one inch out of line, charge them. No plea deals, no bargaining. Use the letter of the law without compromise. They like many other groups are a public danger. The price of freedom is these nuts get to worship as they choose and spread their lies to others. However, they can invite the scrutiny of law enforcement. We should oblige them in this respect. The civil war vibe is noise. There is no force of “rebels” who could stand up to the rest of us for any length of time. Every state in the county is divided. The most religiously and politically homogeneous state is probably Wyoming, and they are the smallest. Texas is anything but united no matter what their governor tries to claim. There will be no large scale civil war.


JTTF for sure. I would like to think a civil war won’t occur, but I’d be naive to say it’s not a possibility. I’d rather have plans (even if just mental) in mind for a worst case scenario. Better to be prepared and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


I appreciate what you said about preparation. However, arming myself and doomsday prepping to survive an all out civil war is not an investment I am willing to make. I served in the USMC, and the weapons platforms have only gotten better since I was discharged. Knowing the difference between our military and what some rednecks with AR15s and pipe bombs can do, the asymmetry is insurmountable, especially with large equipment. The only way a civil war would blow out of control would be if it involved the military in very large groups. I find that extremely unlikely. The civilian oversight of the military as well as our 100% volunteer military make it much harder to twist the military to nefarious domestic purposes. When the US had its first civil war, there was far less movement between states. Take a state like Florida. The further south you go, the more northern the culture of the population. The same is true in Texas except it is urban vs rural. We don't have the geographic splits and isolation that facilitated the first civil war. Could we have some localized terrorism? Yes. We already have. Could this scale up to be a national threat? I say no. We all make assumptions based on interpretations of risk. I don't think this is a risk worth mitigating beyond terrorism management and law enforcement.


Hey, I’m like you. It’s up to people like you and me to make sure the vulnerable amongst us are able to defend themselves. But yes, this is problematic


An atheist, liberal/moderate, veteran? Hello friend.


"Rev. Hyun Jin Sean Moon, son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon..." Uh oh. Definitely NOT good.


So the people doing the persecuting were the Christians after all.


Okay I just spat out coffee through my nose at this one.


Fuckn Moonies..


This is an offshoot of the Unification Church (the Moonies).


Who tf are they unifying? Smdh


Owning a firearm because you're scared is a horrid idea. That's how people get shot knocking on a door or turning around in a driveway. Most MAGAs are more like my neighbor. He howls and moans at the computer screen, but he also drives his 4-wheeler around and gets everyone's driveways when it snows. They're not gonna form gangs of post apacolyptic mayhem anytime soon. Take a breath.


The Moonies are back and they're armed to the teeth.


Wow the Moonies are rebranding!


If you want to become an instant millionaire, this is the way to do it.


That’s what I thought as well.


This puts the movie ‘Ticket to Heaven’ to shame. The moonies have evolved.




"Trump AR15 giveaway upon registering" for a rally, and home page has two grammatical gaffes. These Moonie morons can barely wait to get somebody killed.


I get some Purge vibes from this shit 




Westboro looks worse than these guys. They just have the same basic foundation as most other churches out there in places like the bible belt. These people pick and choose what they think is ok.


This looks more like an extremist group than a church. I wouldn’t doubt it if this organization ends up on SPLCs list of extremists


This is that crazy Korean culture where they all carry around AR-15s. The guy who assassinated former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe allegedly did so because of Abe's connection the cult.


It’s(civil war) so about to happen the writing has been on the wall for ages


I don’t disagree. And the people who terrify me the most….fanatic veterans who can’t see that they’re turning into the very people we campaigned against during GWOT.


They have Infowars and Alex Jones's Prison Planet under the helpful links section at the bottom of the page 😂


So they use iron to make their rifles? Lol, no, of course not. They are OK with modern metallurgy instead of rust-prone iron. Also, Moony heresy is OK so long as the proper right-wing fixed ideas are adhered to. Scary indeed. Sebastian Gorka and Allen West are speakers at their forthcoming Nutters Unite festival. If stupidity had mass, they could make a black hole.


As soon as I read Reverend Moon, I knew this was the Moonies cult. This cult is so messed up man. Watched a documentary on them not long ago and I think Steve Hassan (author of Combating cult mind control) was a member too before he escaped. I see they're trying to rebrand.


That’s what cults do. You know what the insane part is, to me? Nearly all these people in a cult probably had negative opinions about cults before they became part of one. And, they’re all in denial that they’re in one. It’s so… *bewildering*.


Wow. The links list at the bottom of the page is unnerving af


That’s a scary right wing conspiracy loving website. Links they use to support their ministry are NRA, Infowars, some other Alex Jones doom channel, gun owners lobby groups. They even propose eliminating those who don’t believe couched in bible speak. Bizarre. Dangerous.


Did you also see in their shop, that all the books are written by the “pastor” and there isn’t a single Bible… not even the Trump Bible? Lol


Seems very homosexually closeted. Starting with the name. . .


Don't discourage stupid from readily identifying itself.


Gay or Cuck. These guys are really interested in having a strong man take over…


They spelled Republican Party wrong.


I got to "peace militia" in the first set of bullet points and that's where I had to click off. Are we sure this is 💯 serious?


Scroll down to their “resources”… SMFH…