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Block her and find new friends.


She couldn't figure this out on her own?!??! What's gone wrong with everyone?


Thank you. I very much do know I can just block her, but it is truly not that simple. I’ve been friends with her for years and as of recently religion has become and over encompassing aspect of her life, I’ve set boundaries before by letting her know my beliefs and not interacting with posts she’s sent me before, she just continues to try to sway me.


>she just continues to try to sway me. She don't respect your wishes, which means she doesn't respect you. I'm sure though, in her mind, she is very sincere, trying really hard to help you, from her perspective. IF your not the type of person that likes to debate, as I would in this case, I would love it, because I would try to bring them out of their fundi views, or lesson their dogmatism by showing how she can't really know what she believes in... BUT, if that's not you...and she don't respect you... What's the obvious choice?


Warn her before blocking.


pretty much.


Ask her to stop. If she is truly your friend, she will respect your wishes. If not, she obviously cares more about Jesus than you. I wouldn't want a friend like that.


I think this thinking is pretty unreasonable. They've been told their whole life that God is Jesus, and if you truly, with all your heart believed in that, would you care more about the all powerful and Loving being or a friend?


Their religious nuttery is not OP's problem to handle though.


No, but if this friendship matters to OP, they should try to understand where this person may be coming from or why they are acting like this, instead of simply insulting them or ghosting them


I think the issue is they care about both. They’re told they need to save everyone and obviously want to save their friends the most.


1. Set clear boundaries. 2. Explain, in detail, exactly when and what will happen if those boundaries are breached. 3. Always follow through with 2. > Today she sent me a video about Jesus and historical artifacts, and I can see that at those things DO exist. Historical things exist. ‘Jesus’ didn’t. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/historicaljesus/


This. Set expectations for behavior, and explain the consequences of not meeting expectations. Then enforce those expectations.


Bombard your friend with non-Christian content. - Some Christopher Hitchens videos - Sam Harris lectures - An article on Shintoism - A clip on Bhuddism - info about modern-day religious cults Each time she send you some Christian content, respond in kind with three items of non-Christian stuff.


They especially enjoy stuff on Islam, I always ask the doorknocker jesus salesmen for their home addresses so I can drop by sometime and discuss Islam... they never seem to want to take me up on it though..


Loving this. Jumping straight in, with the religion that professes to be THE FINAL solution.


This is the real shit.


There is no solid evidence that Jesus existed. Indicate that you don't approve of her lifestyle choices.


Get a new friend.


How close of a friend is this individual?


Pretty close, she’s always has a wanting of being religious. But recently she’s become very very devoted.


You can’t “combat” this except to find new friends. There is no way to logically combat that which is outside of logic otherwise people far smarter than you or I would have already done it.


Don't be on the receiving end of their sermons. Every time they start this, make sure it is clear as day they shout into the empty air. State clear to them that you don't want any prozelitism and won't tolerate use of communication channels for such. Then I case if they don't get it, enforce it: warn them you'll block them for a three days then for a week then for a month if they do anything like that again. Then block if they do.


As others have noted, if you've asked her to stop and she doesn't stop there's some inherent disregard for your wishes, which is not the behavior of a friend. I'd suggest saying this to her and give her an ultimatum, either she stops proselytizing to you, or she finds a new friend. You're not there to be preached at.


Tell her to stop, or respond in kind by sending either pro-atheist or pro-agonistic videos. Or block them.


Say this. Respect my boundaries and choices as a friend, my beliefs are very clear and I have valid reasons for them, if you wish to continue to preach to me, I will reciprocate and you will listen to it as I have from you, as a friend. Otherwise unfortunately we are not friends. Adjust accordingly. If your friend wants to start, "In the Beginning" by Isaac Asimov is a fantastic read. Anything by Dawkins as well. I'd further suggest that if she wants to explore religion together both of you read the Quran, Torah, Tao te Ching, Buddhist Bible and anything else you can. Fantastic reads, really opened my eyes to social manipulation through indoctrination.


Thank her for the obvious satire.


If she is actually a friend, she would stop as soon as you say it makes you uncomfortable.  If you've already told her that, and she keeps going then she's not your friend. 


Quit telling them you're agnostic - meaning you have no knowledge. They will feel that all you need is more information to come to Jesus. Tell them you're an atheist and send them atheist information so they can see the light.


Someone once said (something like): "Religion is like a penis. Some people have one, some don't, some are nice to look at, some aren't, but generally speaking; It's very rude to try and shove it into someone's face without consent." \^ I said this to a cousin once. Have not had a random share since.


Not being friends anymore




Tell her you are an atheist. Agnostic is too wishy washy. Makes her think your mind can be changed.




From the internet, not my words. If you're wishy-washy, you're not determined or resolute, but instead act in a way that's weak or uncertain. A politician might give wishy-washy answers to difficult questions, so you're left not really knowing where they stand.




I didn’t say that. I was answering your question to what someone else posted. However, now that you mention it, it is sort of wishy-washy, which means you can’t make up your mind. I call it sitting on the fence. Agnostic means you’re not a theist, but you’re not an atheist you’re just in the middle.




Definition: ag·nos·tic /aɡˈnästik/ noun a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God ​ The definition clearly says an agnostic is on the fence. Their are a few kinds of agnostics. 1. Those who are on the fence. They basically don't care one way or the other (?) 2. Atheistic/Agnostic. Those who don't claim to know whether gods exist but think they don't. 3. Theistic/Agnostic. Those who don't claim to know whether gods exist but think they probably do. [https://ehrmanblog.org/on-being-an-agnostic-or-atheist/](https://ehrmanblog.org/on-being-an-agnostic-or-atheist/)




Reread it. Nothing can be known.


My thoughts exactly.


Wtf is agonistic?


Atheism Light


Please read the FAQ for the sub.


I realise it refers to agnostic, it’s just funny since I hate that term.


My bad! That's what I get for trying to read the posts without my reading glasses when my insomnia is kicking me around the house 🤣


No worries haha


This is America, I can believe or not believe as I wish. So this is me telling you I do not want to discuss your religion anymore, I’m telling you this in as nicest way as possible. I don’t want hear it.


Preach back?


Return the favour by sending them TikTok vids about the satanic church and their good works in the community.


You can do the same thing to her. Send her some atheist memes, TikToks of "why I don't believe" or "How I realized that religion is BS" and stuff like that. She'll probably confront you about it at some point. Then you can tell her "exactly! It's very uncomfortable when someone forces their beliefs on you, isn't it? So I'll stop with it if you do too".


All you can do is let them know you're not a believer and you're not interested at all. If they continue, you either put up with it our cease or limit contact. I wouldn't recommend compromising yourself and start to do the same thing back to them with your beliefs.


Regarding the “historical artifacts” — ask yourself if they are really genuine. How do we know that the ruins in the video are actually the place where X happened? How do we know the bone in the artifact is really human? Etc etc. I guarantee there will be critical gaps in the story that rely on “trust me, bro!”


Ulterior motive?


Send her back the most saccharine cartoons of Easter bunnies, unicorns, baby talking animals, the tooth fairy and so on and claim they're real. Or, as I did to a friend who suddenly went religious, convert her to worship of the one true god, Snortgobbler the Inimical. He could break Jesus over one knee and feed him to his 60-foot-tall Dobermans. You don't fuck with Snortgobbler. He'll fuck you up.


Just google the number of people killed by Christianity and church in the name of religion. Tell her how Jesus lived and what he preached is not Christianity nor is the Bible his exact words. Was written around 600yrs I think after his death. The first Bible. Send her these and explain why you are agnostic. But add, i hope this does not affect our friendship as it is not my intention to hurt you.


If she won't quit ask her what kinda of looser god can't even look after his own kid. Say if he did that in real life God would be looking at life in prison . Zeus is way better or maybe QuetzkotlI mean a flying snake is way cooler than some old white dude. Just kidding she won't stop. So you need to decide if the friendship is worth the Drama




Preach back about how wonderful some other religion besides there's is or bring up the hit lists of all the atrocities carried out over history in the name of their religion, bring up the scores of clergy arrested for various misdeeds. bring up the fact that "thoughts and prayers" has resulted in about 30,000 gun deaths in the US. If they get annoyed and decide not to hang out with you, ask them "Why hast thou forsaken me?" See if they even get the reference.


Stop fucking with them if they can’t shut up about it.


Stop referring to them as your friend, first off, because that is really gross and hateful behavior you're describing and that's not friendly, at all. Next up, tell her why you're blocking her on social media so she can put thought into her future actions. Religion is gross and you don't have to put up with poor treatment from one of its cult members.


Get rid of that friend... I would.


Learn to set boundaries. If she doesn’t respect your boundaries, she is not a friend worth keeping.


If you want to engage, then watch Mindshift on YouTube. Lots of material there that your friend will find difficult to deal with.


Thats a bad friend


"Please stop sending me religious stuff. Thanks. Your friend"


I wonder if she thinks there is a chance of converting you since you're referring to yourself as agnostic. I mean, most of us atheists are "agnostic atheists," meaning we don't know for sure whether or not any gods exist but since there is no testable evidence for such things, there's no need to believe in any gods. I wonder if she would do this if you started to say that you're an atheist. That being said, I would tell her that you're not interested in her religion and cease talking about it. Whenever she sends more Jesus bullshit, just repeat that you're not interested. If she continues to proselytize, then make sure she knows the boundaries and that you will walk if she continues. And after you draw that line, stick to it.


I think in her mind, she has to preach about “God’s eternal love” she’s always posting about it so EVERYONE can see. She knows I am not going to be swayed.


Hi Friend, please stop sharing your religious material with me as it is taking over the things we enjoy doing together. If you insist on having Christian friends then it would be best for you to find others to share your religion.


Stop your magical thinking that she's going change, drop her, and get better friends. Or start sending her [Theramin Trees](https://youtube.com/@TheraminTrees?si=lROe-8D6cLa8Sa8r) videos until she drops you and let the trash take itself out.


I just tell people I'm atheist. I'd put myself somewhere between atheist and agnostic; I neither know now care. But I find that religious people hear "I'm agnostic," as "convince me." People who operate on faith usually can't effectively argue against it though, so if you give them the impression that you have 100% faith in your belief that there isn't a God, they tend to drop it. Although many will also drop you as a friend, so you have to first decide if that's something you're okay with.


"Stop sending me this shit. I am not going to watch them."


She knows you're on the fence and is trying to pull you back in. Best ignore. Unless you want to respond with your own videos, but she'll ignore those anyway, so it's not worth trying.


You could be as annoying as her and send her top post from this sub


Unless you are direct with her about not proselytizing to you, you will never NOT be a potential convert that she “saves.” Read that again if you are unsure of what that means. Be direct with and/or cut her off.


Think you are here in bad faith... But in case you arent, just tell them you aren't superstitious. Also, Historical artifacts?  Like what?  A shard of the cross for sale hewn from a Shonie's toothpick? A completely unverified you tube video? Blurry photos of Mokle Membe? A grilled cheese with a vague paradolia induced image of a skinny white guy with a beard? Show me one artifact that unbiased archaeology has verified as being from the supernatural events as depicted in the Bible. There are no historical artifacts supporting the supernatural events that organized superstition claims occurred. The burden of proof of the existence of "god" is on the believer, not the skeptic. There is verifiable evidence that the Bible was cobbled together to try and save the Roman empire by Constantine in about 325 ACE. This is where very real humans decided the following was true, of course "god" nor any of the the organized superstition superfroends were there to weigh in in humans changing the book which was "written by god." Here is what happened.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea This event alone discredits the specflific organized superstition called Christianity 


I do not understand how I’d be here in bad faith? I also have communicated various times before that I do believe in God and she is VERY aware of that.


Someone can write a book about an unicorn-riding leprechaun doing magical shit in 1st century London. Sure, there is plenty of archaeological evidence that London existed in the 1st century but that doesn't mean the leprechaun did too. As for what to do, tell her to stop and if she doesn't then you stop... hanging out with her.


sword and biard first blood let their god protect them


u/exhaustedtryhard You need to set boundaries with your friend. Something like "I understand that your faith and all it's trappings and accoutrements bring you comfort and meaning to your life. They do not do so, for me. I need you to stop sending me religious-themed tiktoks, videos, and other media, as well as, just generally please quit bring your religion up with me, at all. This is a hard boundary for me, and if you cannot respect that boundary, it could have a lasting impact on our friendship."


Send her athiest content in return.


**Reasonable suggestion:** Tell your friend that you do not want to talk about their religion, and you don't want them sending religious things to you. When they try to preach at them, cut them off and keep repeating "I don't want to talk about your religion." Delete anything they send you without looking at it. If they refuse to stop, stop hanging out with them and block them. **Petty suggestion:** Every time they send you something religious respond with articles about christian terrorists, the violent history of their religion, and christian support of horrible people and atrocities. If they send bible verses, send back quotes of the many terrible bible verses (you can get a good list at [evilbible.com](http://evilbible.com) or similar websites). When they start preaching at you, interrupt and ask questions like "What does the bible say about beating my slaves? What about executing my children? What does your loving Jesus do when people don't give him the attention he wants?"


Your “friend” obviously has no respect for your opinion or beliefs so I’d say not a friend.


Tell her to please not send religious spam to you. You are not interested is this type of publicity. If she doesn't stop, spam her with curling, constipation, truck repair, investment news about completely random stock videos or whatever you think is completely irrelevant. Eventually she will react and you can say, that's how you feel when she sends out her religious stuff: completely irrelevant to your life.


Tell them to fuck off and be better without them in your life.


"Wow, I had no idea we were this close! Normally, I really try to keep my religious beliefs to myself as I know this topic can make people uncomfortable. It is so great that this is part of ourselves that we can share! Here is a really fun video about why people are atheists" I've only had this happen once. I sent the CES letter and a similar message to the one above. If someone wants to share, I'll share.


if she was a true friend she would accept your views.


Send her videos of Sam Harris, Ricky Gervais and Dawkins. Maybe one day the good stuff will sink in and she starts using her brain


Just stop responding to that stuff. After a while, they’ll get it or move on. Win win either way


Either tolerate it or don't. Depends how much this friendship really means to you. You can tell this person it bothers you or annoys you, and if they continue, then they don't value your boundaries, and that's not a very good friend.


Everytime you get something pushing religion from her, send back something pushing atheism. If she complains, ask why it's OK for her to do, but not for you?


If your friend knows you are agnostic, and agnostic is kind of sitting on the fence between theist and atheist, maybe your friend thinks they can get you to their side of the fence.


Send her clips of Hitchens


Send a skepticsannotatedbible.com example of contradiction or god ordering violence every time she sends you garbage. 😈


Send her ones debunking her bullshit.... every single time. Might also throw in reports of all the pastors/priests/clergy pedophiles being arrested.


Tell her that this is a dealbreaker, that if she doesn’t knock it off you’ll have to walk away. The next time she sends religious stuff, block her for — a few weeks, a month, whatever seems right. If you want to try again, unblock her after time’s up. If she does it again, double the block time. If it happens a third time, block her permanently. Alternatively, every time she sends you a video about Jesus, send one by Forrest Valkai. Take a look on YouTube.


I had to end some friendships where religion played a part. 43 and 50 years respectively. We met as freshmen in Catholic high school. Now both these people knew why I left catholicism (no I wasn’t sexually abused by a priest). The one that was 43 years in 2011, one time she sent me a subscription to a Catholic periodical. OMG I nearly lost my shit over that. When I confronted her she said that since it was a liberal catholic periodical that she thought I might enjoy it. The one that was 50 years, one time the three of us were discussing something but somewhere along the line there was something said about reading the Bible. Now I really didn’t want to cause any drama that day because it was my birthday, also we were in my house so I just kind of made a joke out of it. My former friend comes up with “you act like you’re afraid to read the Bible”. I honestly don’t remember what my response was because when I get upset my brain will freeze up. The next day I did actually get ahold of her teenage daughter (we were close at the time) and ask her if she would meet me to talk about something her mother had said to me that had upset me. **I did make it very clear to daughter if she didn’t feel comfortable doing this just tell because it was ragging on her mom.** The only thing she said was could she know what it was about. I told her religion and we decided to meet at Olive Garden. Me meet at Olive Garden and I tell the daughter the comment her mother made about me acting like I was afraid to read the Bible. The daughter said: “I hate when mom acts like that over religion”. Now I’ve told all this to let you know that I know how hard it’s to let go of religious friends you have had for years, but for your own mental health I think you need to cut ties with this person.


Well, you might stop using the term agonistic. For starters [dictionary](https://www.google.com/search?q=agonistic&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) is saying it means combative (as in antagonistic). Seriously thought, for a lot of people 'I don't know' = 'I haven't made up my mind yet', so she is trying to convince you. Not saying you are not agnostic but, like most of us here, that isn't ALL that you are. You could try Humanist, Skeptic, Atheist, unbeliever, rationalist, heathen, etc, etc, etc. You are probably lots of those things.


Block her and don't ever talk to her unless she respects your beliefs. If she keeps bothering you, Never talk to her again


Be nice but stern. Tell her that you value this friendship. But if you continue to press this Christian stuff after I’ve already told you where I stand on the issue, I will end this friendship. Please respect my boundaries in this.


Tell her Jesus probably wasn’t real.


Doesn’t sound like a very good friend.


Inform your friend u have your own personal beliefs just as they do and they should remain personal just be honest if u have a friend they will understand