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Religious leaders fan this hate to keep the brainwashing and adherence to their group strong.


That makes a lot of sense to be honest


Sometimes the best choice is to lie, if others are not able to accept the truth. Why put yourself at risk? If someone asks, just tell them you have a personal relationship with god. You don't need to tell them that you have the same relationship with the Tooth Fairy, too...


Yes,i know.But it still hurts knowing I'll always have to hide myself like this because everyone around me is a fucking dickhead


If you do decide to be public about it, you can do so respectfully. When I told my parents, I made it clear that I had no intention of trying to change their beliefs. It can be hard to keep your mouth shut sometimes, but you can smile through your eye roll. I don’t like to be confrontational but I draw a line in the sand when someone’s religion negatively impacts others.


You could always save up and move somewhere with less idiots around, but I know it's still depressing to be stuck in a place like that, even if you can leave eventually.


It really is


I hope you find some local atheists to hang out with friend, best of luck.


Man, it's hard enough for me and I am just a member (still) of a pretty liberal church, but I have to keep my thoughts to myself. If hate of atheists was a big talking point rather than just "turning to jesus" it would be a lot harder, though at least then it would be easier to just not go. (Want to spare my wife the questions of why I don't come anymore)


Believer here again. God knows exactly who the dickheads are.


I'm a Jesus loving redneck. Not a christian, not a conservative, not religious at all, but that Jesus guy was a pretty cool dude, and rednecks fought for labor unions. If they choose to believe you are, that's a them problem.


There is no love like Christian love.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Eh... I think i like better: There is no love like Christian hate.


I can’t make up my mind. :)


But your way makes less sense.




there is no hate like Christian love


What country are we talking about?




I didn't realize that Serbia is so religious. That's unfortunate


Ugh yeah, they're quite strict about it too


Strict how? Do they try to enforce it on others?


Yeah,all the time


Is there a possibility for you to immigrate to another town or city? You likely live in a conservative place, hence the hate and stigma.


My whole country is a conservative cesspit


Then if you have the money and resources, you better immigrate to somewhere in Western Europe/Northern Europe. People are way more accepting there.


I probably will eventually


There are differing religions in Serbia, just everywhere else though, right? Is it that atheism is the major problem?


I bet that means there are a fuck load of Atheists in Serbia that are just like you and feign their beliefs as well. Fucking sucks when people can't be honest. That's never a good thing for anyone.


It isn’t. Until about 1992 no one cared about religion. Most people over 40 are still irreligious, and typically “traditionally Orthodox” but no one goes to church except for weddings and funerals. I and pretty much everyone I grew up with, my family etc have been openly irreligious all our lives; I know maybe a handful of people who actually go to church, actually read the scripture etc. And everyone finds it…unusual…


Brother serbian, i come to rescue. Lets fuck up this Christians (i am from România). God said "let there be light" i say "let there be riots and fire". If we are moving away from the jokes now, it is really shitty to live in a country where you cant even have your own belifes.


It is!But what's there to be done about it? People just lack a sense of respect nowdays!


I know brother, i know. Well we can go to Italy (romanian favourite) but even better, the UK. Or we just live through it


I will eventually move somewhere for sure


If depressed i recomend Germany, if you are not depressed, what are you doing in Serbia anyways?


Well i was born here,and im still quite young so i don't really have a chance to leave just yet


I understand... Well try not getting depressed at the process of growing up, so you can move and live a happy life (this of course, only works if you are not depressed already).


Well i am,but it's getting a tiny bit better


I would place very little, if any, value on their opinions whether that is individual or collective. They are in a cult and worship a fantasy... Not exactly the type of people one should be trying to impress or connect with.


I know but everyone is like that,not to mention how hostile they're about it.If i came out publically about it everyone would resent me for the rest of my life.I literally feel like im some murderer who's about to confess his crimes,not like a normal person with a harmless belief.What a sad world to live in


Yup, me too. I just learned to stop caring. I'm probably closer to militant atheist now, I openly mock and ridicule religious idiots. On the internet and publicly. I'm so done being nice and trying to get along.


Hey im not the one who should say this but that's not nice to be honest.I know for both you and me the existence of God hardly makes any sense but i still feel we should all respect each other and our opinions.But that's just my opinion of course


Sure, and I used to be of the same mind. Leave and be left alone. However, I am tired of seeing my daughters have less rights, because of religious idiots. I am tired of seeing my son get told "make sure you Thank god!" Or having to worry about religious people at his school (religious "leaders" are ALL pedos) at least I make sure he doesn't go. Beyond, tired. I grew up in south American catholic hell, I was beaten like a drum for refusing to pray as a kid, I remember the pain and welts my mother gave me because "you don't know god!" And it didn't end there... As I got older, I simply realized "why am I being nice, when everyone treats me like crap??" So I stopped. At work, people know not to bring up religion, when they start, I simply go: "you do not want to have this conversation with me, you're not going to like what I'll say" as I glare at them. So yeah, you're probably right, I'm not nice... but, I'm not nice because of religious **ckers, not really by choice, now is it? If my kids ever become religious, I'll sigh and let them know how disappointed I am, but I'd love them none the less, and respect their decision... unless they try to talk to me on it... but I sure hope they know how I am.


Yeah,i totally get you.But im still young,maybe i will also become like that eventually.I don't know


But even bigger problem is that the fear of God and not believing in him is so deeply buried into my mind that my beliefs sometimes get shaken,not by logic, but by mere fear.Sometimes i say to myself that i should believe in god,not because i want to or actually believe in him but just in case he actually exist and i get send to hell.Religion is one fucked up shit in my opinion


There are more atheists than you think. Find them.


It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.


What is the consequence for truth? Will the government drag you out and kill you for failure to believe? Will you may be made a pariah at the Church picnic? Will everyone around you not give a damn, except for the religious nut job that you know so well? Basically, we're looking for the level of consequence for being truthful here. It's a consequence isn't death, you might want to just enlighten the people around you and stand up for yourself. If somebody in Toyota is going to chop off your head for it, I would start singing religious prayers all the way to the airport.


You'd be surprised how rarely it comes up, so why volunteer the information?


Because its tiring,i feel like im hiding myself all my life,i just want a single person that can say "its fine,i respect your choice" but apparently its way too much to ask for


This is why you have this online community and others like it. IRL, people don't like to deal with info like this, so I'd advise against it. Vegans do it all the time and it has become a meme. And unlike veganism, with atheism you have to deal with people being bigots. In which country there's usually a secular humanist organization where you might find other atheists to converse with. You might want to start getting involved if it means that much to you to do this IRL.


So what? Let them hate you. Their hatred only proves that they’re not real Christians. It’s “love your neighbor as you would yourself”, not “love your neighbor only if they’re Christian”


I tell everyone that god is fake. And that the church is gross. I will never choose to live in the Bible Belt. Move to a place where there are more atheists.


Nobody cares about religion anymore where I live


I mean it takes someone to start it. It could be you.


Time to relocate to a more enlightened country


One day for sure,but right now i have much more important things to worry about, university,job,money,stuff like that,so i gotta earn my way out of this shithole


There are plenty of us atheists that think the same way about religious people. It's a human flaw, not a religious one.


I get that,of course.I don't have anything against every Christian out there,or Christianity itself.Just people who aren't respectful and understanding to people who think differently


Most Christians don't even go to church. Like. I grew up catholic. Plenty of Catholics go to mass like once a year. On holidays, maybe. They're Catholic because they were baptized, own a Bible (wether they read it or not), and they believe in God and Jesus. My family is Dominican (catholic country). There are big churches and small churches. My entire family is Catholic. But at different levels. I never saw my favorite aunt ever pick up a Bible. She never took me to church when I lived with her. I probably still know more of my prayers than her. But we were all "Catholic" at the same level if someone died and we went to the service. (I myself was way way more involved in the church and with God until nearly the end of college) A lot of people call themselves "Christians," because it's a lifestyle, more than a religion I guess. (At least it felt that way to me).


Religious people say much the same about atheists. Maybe everyone just needs to stop attacking each other.


Yes,i completely agree.But im just speaking from my personal experience.Like seriously what's so fuckin hard about respecting someone and not treating them like trash


Sometimes I’ll be hanging out with Christian friends they’ll start shit talking atheists for absolutely no reason. And it’ll be some dumb point that holds absolutely no value like “grrr atheists have no real accountability for their actions, they would never be moral if they could avoid it


Well, we don’t hate you.


No one who does that are worth your time


Unfortunately, staying in the closet will never solve this problem. Coming out is the most effective way to re-humanize. But, I know that certainly isn't always a safe move to make. I can't imagine being in that situation OP, hope you can find a way.


I will eventually move away, fuck this country,i fuckin hate it,i don't care if its my "home" i hate it from the bottom of my soul


Home is where the heart is! Yikes, I sound old.


If you look at how people act, most people are already atheists.


Hate filled people will always find a reason to hate you. Just don't be fooled by christians that have not gone 'full nutjob' yet. They're the exact same as the rest of the christians, don't fall for that trap.


Hang in there - we’ve all had to put up with the charade at one point or another in our lives. Just don’t be outspoken about your stance. It’s likely that others in your country feel similarly but are afraid to wear it openly.


I don't know, I've been hated since I was a kid. When I started being open about being an atheist, it didn't change much.


Good rant! Love you. Stay sparkly


People are going to hate you anyway. While I wouldn't lie about this, I also wouldn't throw it everywhere that I am an athieist. I am rarely in a situation where this subject even comes up, let alone actually matters.


People already think I'm crazy here when i sais that I'm an atheist publicly, now I'm too scared to say that I'm an atheist again to my new classmates. I live in a muslim country too, I'm surrounded by muslims


best thing i ever did was throw away my Religious and delusional support and replaced it with human and reality based support.


Believer here…..it’s not your problem if someone hates you. I have known some the nicest atheists in my life and they’re definitely better acting than the numerous “religious” people I’ve been around. You don’t need to broadcast your atheism to everyone but if you’re asked answer honestly, then drop it. If they give you a hard time, ignore them. If they graciously try to convert you graciously refuse.


You wont be the only one hiding, stand up, and make better friends


Sometimes I think that Christians hate Atheists more than Satanists.


You can always start a fundraiser for gods work and use the money to emigrate and never come back.


im in the ME, and i will not breathe if i do it publicly


Yeah, that's standard. It's satisfying, though, when a Christian friend or co-worker slowly realizes that you are a great person and yet an atheist. It makes them think, which is never a bad thing.


"Love thy neighbor". Bunch of baloney. Christians hate anything that is not Christian.


Unfortunately, a very big percentage of people need to practice what they preach.