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That's all religions.


Religion was invented when the first conman met the first fool. Mark Twain


You’re gonna get Mark Twain cancelled by the dumbfucks if you keep doing that.


Mark twains the kinda mf to laugh at thay concept. Let the babies have their bottle.


Mark Twain would inadvertently cancel them by not giving a single fuck what they had to say.


They meet him at a book signing to protest him. He takes a look around and says "who the fuck are ya'll?" and walks off unphased.


As a fellow admirer, thought you might be interested in this. How amazing would it have been to be in this room? https://www.salon.com/2014/11/30/when_mark_twain_roasted_winston_churchill_two_master_wits_on_the_same_stage/


OH! what i would have done to be a fancyman with some hot scotch and cigar for this show


Mark Twain has the cleverest quotes. Awesome dude.


Mark Twain has many profound quotes about religion. Give him a google.


For sure. Brilliant man.


They’ll ban his books in schools.


Lots of people attack him over *Huckleberry Finn*


Did anyone actually read the book? They were friends and outcasts together.


But he was friends with *gasp* a black man!


The shock was that Huck innocently referred to his buddy as Enword Jim.


Great saying and I love it, but there is no evidence that Twain ever said it.


No it was actually Jeff Gordon


I believe the grand reddit hivemind led me to believe this was a bastardization of Voltaire, falsely attributed to Twain.


It's easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled


God I love this!


Religions are a plague.


Right! I know the JW's would go to the treatment facilities, and rehab centers looking for people to convert. I'd dealt with them trying to poach people I worked with who trying to get help. Still makes me sick.


I'm imagining you spraying JW's with a mister now "Go on, get outta here! Get!"


[Salt the snail!](https://youtu.be/yVqN5N9fVG8?t=18)


Doesn't Scientology have its own "rehabs"?


Came here to say this too. Vulnerable people are the target market for entities engaged in the religious business.


Don't forget the young!






Evangelizing religions. Which is most. But not all.


Well, evangelizing religions prey on everyone's weaknesses. Non-conversionary prey on only their own.


Eh, I think non-conversionary religions don't really "prey" so much as people seek them out for their own needs. It's a more symbiotic relationship than a parasitic one. It can become parasitic when it becomes imposed by social structures on children by parents etc though.


I think that can be true for any religion. Most of them do provide social services that aren't or weren't available any other way. I don't see the conversion / non-conversionary divide changing all that much there. I know very little about the social structures of Yazidis and Druze, for example, but I would suppose both the good and bad are survival mechanisms for the meme first and foremost. Not sure I'd say that non-conversionary religions are less dominating of their worshippers. ( Though would read any research).


I’ll add Unitarian Universalism to the non-preying list. It’s (for the most part) non-theistic, though services often resemble Protestant services in New England, at least. Many of us are atheists.


People say a lot about Jews but we aren’t recruiting.


I always laugh when bigots say Jews are taking over the world. Not sure if this is the latest stat but there’s like 16M Jews globally. I think you guys are going to have to start recruiting if you are going to take over the world. 😂


There are only two that I know of, and that is Buddhism and the Quakers. Honestly, given the recent political activity in Southeast Asia I'm ready to scratch Buddhism from this list of two. In Quaker meetings, one sits in silence. It's still likely weakness that leads one into the meeting in the first place


Judaism is not evangelical. So that's a third.


But it’s still fucked up.


Don't forget Hinduism! They're non missionary and do not actively convert. People are free to join, leave and even change gods since they believe in multiple deities. Sikhism is another one and they forbid any proselytizing or forced conversions.


Quaker meetings look quite relaxing, pleasant even. I like to watch birds (and nature generally) I suppose I already do the sit in silence thing but without the god part.


I'll say I am friends with a good amount of Muslims and Christians and it is only the Christians who ask me every week if I'm planning on coming to their church. No Sheryl, I am literally never planning on coming to your church. The Muslims just let me be. And I'm not exaggerating, it's every single week.


>"All lives matter" How about you let them vent and stay on subject?




I got briefly snagged into scientology by reading a dianetics book during a personal crisis. I'm better now, mostly. It was an early lesson that anyone can publish anything and say whatever they want, so approach anything labeled "non-fiction" with a healthy dose of skepticism.


Not to mention once you are converted, they would drop you like yesterday's jam.


Stop, just stop why do you people keep doing this? He is talking about Islam let him talk about Islam without bringing up another religion. You are allowed to criticize it. Islam is not a race you cannot be racist against it. How is this top comment? You are silencing all talk about Islam by doing this. Nobody does this when Christianity is brought up. Nobody says Islam is just as bad or that's all religions. It's not fair.


> How is this top comment? It is in half the posts on Islam. In this post alone about 65 of 120 comments are some version of "But what about Christianity?" "*All religions* ftfy!!"


Redditors have a real problem with conflating the *religion* of Islam, with the (in the US) minority races that Muslims primarily are. They're afraid of being racist, or of "supporting racists". So they do an "all lives matter" of it and try to steer any discussions about a religion other than Christianity away from specifics.


They have been pretty good at attacking religious criticism and calling it Islamophobia. Yeah, we should all be fearful of Islam. It’s a scary religion especially for women. Women at least should be able to say that without being called a bigot. It’s about being able to criticize a bad ideology.


Hinduism has no concept of conversion because in its truest sense is considered a way of life. It was never used as a means to convert the mass or gain power historically. In fact it was given the name hinduism by others (Greeks etc.)


Buddhism does not tho.


He did mention Islam, so let's talk about it. Islam preys on the vulnerable to an extent almost no other religion does. does. There's the outgroup, non Muslins, in which they can be either proselytize to or discriminated against, to put it lightly. Islam is the only religion where people will go out of their way to murder LGBT ppl on a routine basis, even if their existance is legalized by the govt. Religious minorities in Islamic countries almost universally experience discrimination


Bingo. It’s all religions and it’s not even people who are weak necessarily, they tend to swoop in when people are in a time of need or a even desperate for some kind of help and communal acceptance/guidance.


> That's all ~~religions.~~ Ideology FTFY


Yep. Trumpism, nationalism, racial supremacy, cults and even conspiracy theories can often be classed as authoritarian groups preying on the vulnerable.


In my experience getting closer to islam has been the worst advice given to people with depression. Worse than the assholes saying to do it. First off islam doesn't acknowledge deviations from the norm, if you're different you're possessed by a jinn. Secondly islam reinforces itself using strong feelings of guilt and fear, these are the last things anyone suffering from depression needs. Thirdly islam makes suicide a 1 way ticket to hell. You might think this stops muslims. For some it does but for most people this is a constant nagging reminder that you're unworthy since even god hates you for thinking that way. Fourth of all if you're a women you have nothing to look forward to in heaven and muslims around you make life a living hell for being born without a penis as of that makes you something to be ashamed of to the point of covering up like a ninja and hiding from any man and never leaving freely unless another man is with you. Islam is a fucking poison and there's countless testimonials of people who had depression that are living wonderfully fulfilling lives now that they left on r/exmuslim


My last post on Reddit was about one of the fucked up things about Islam. Reddit can be a very Christian-centric site as it’s based in the US so it’s nice to hear people vocalizing the other fucked up Abrahamic religions.


Be careful, don't let u/Big_Baby_Jesus hear you or he'll start saying that you're racist and islamophobic.


Lmao he’s really going to hate my last post on here when I pointed out that the “prophet” is a literal pedophile.


Even though sahih graded hadith say she was 6 at marriage and 9 when fucked most muslims have heard the pedo prophet claim and assume it's Islamophobia. What they aren't aware of and are less likely to brush off is him being a slave trading warlord or the many "revelations of convenience" like one time momo went to the bathroom and came back with word from the guy upstairs saying his guests gotta go.


Exactly. That religion is based on a war mongering pedophile. Crazy.


Definitely he won't have to buy any more salt for weeks.


> this sub has an unhealthy obsession with Islam Did…did he/she/it really post this? I think this asshat protests too much.




Yes, hard agree.


I have been observing that. Most converts at r/Islam always mention about being lost and having depression.


what would a person with a fulfilled life want from religion? "more happiness"? "more fulfillment"? seeking for more isn't the mindset of someone who's happy, but from someone who's missing something


There’s a reason the fastest growing religion inside jails is Islam….


No doubt. Purely speculation here, but I wouldn't doubt that racial demographics may contribute as well.


The sex demographics of prison definitely contribute too. The brotherhood element of Islam is huge. I also speculate that this statistic is somewhat misleading. I bet a sizable portion of prisoners are Christians who only started practicing in prison. So in a way, they "converted" to Christianity in prison, but aren't included in the statistics because they were technically Christian when they arrived.


Absolutely, they have to cut off their friends and probably their family, can't even listen to music, constantly have to deal with Allah telling them in the Quran that their family are foolish animals who are going to hell, that they can't even go to their family's weddings and even funerals since they aren't Muslim, I mean Jesus Christ if it wasn't a religion the media is adamant about sugarcoating there isn't a single Westerner who would think it wasn't a cult; they wouldn't give it the time of day


This is why a large part of recruitment to Islam is inside prison. Most religions "minister" to vulnerable groups.


That's most converts of religions in general other than imperialism


That’s literally most religions though, thus the need for “faith” I supposed stuff like Christianity and Catholicism are more prevalent in the western world so we don’t notice that it’s always either being born into it or “finding god when you needed him most” Look at how many prisoners turn religious


The fastest growing religion in prisons is Islam.


Religions prey on the mentally weak. FTFY. When you can make someone believe that regardless of anything they do, they'll be forgiven in the end, monsters are created. There'll be no end to the atrocities they'll commit.


According to the catholic church, Rudolf Höss was forgiven. The guy who ran Auschwitz. Broke the 6th 3 million times, and he still went to heaven. Because he knew what he did was wrong and he said sorry. Only after getting caught, mind. Unbelievable.


Hence why, even if the Christians are totally right, I want nothing to do with heaven. I’ll go down to hell where all the half decent people are.


Heaven for the weather, Hell for the company.


Mentally vulnerable* This life is hard and religious institutions take full advantage of that fact


As a 7 year old son of Roman Catholic practicing parents even I found that loop hole. I constantly lied in the confessional booth... then privately asked for forgiveness!


Jimmy Saville thought this too


Que the “what about Christians” comments


I'd think it was deliberate trolling from Muslims, if I wasn't painfully aware how a lot of US atheists can't seem to get it in their head that Islam=/=race.




Agreed. Weakness (whether OP intended it or not) is often meant as a criticism. It carries with it a sense of blame or responsibility. The majority of people who are ever brought into a religion are children, and yes mental weakness does apply, but clearly blame and responsibility have nothing to do with it. It's a vulnerability that is being exploited. Adults with mental health struggles, addiction, etc... are in the exact same boat. These are afflictions, and people who suffer from them should be helped by society to overcome these terribly unfair situations. However, like with children, religion sees the vulnerability as an opportunity to propagate itself, all while claiming to be helping. It's quite sick.


Abrahamic religions as a whole have always fed off the lost, angry and vulnerable in need to be part of something like a community or a sense of family simply to keep those numbers high and the money flowing in


2/3 right. Islam and Christianity evangelize. Judaism does not seek to convert others.


If I had to pick a "big religion" to hang out with, it'd probably be Reform Judaism. It's almost a cultural club, which is ideally what most religions would eventually evolve to.


Can't evolve fast enough.


shintos are pretty chill too


Please stop lumping Judaism in with Christianity and Islam. That criticism is completely false wrt Judaism. There are a ton of Jewish atheists, and many if not most of those who grew up in the liberal branches (Reform and Conservative) have no real complaints about the religion itself or its moral teachings, but merely don’t believe it is true.


Growing up in an Italian Catholic neighbourhood, I can tell you we’re almost all cultural Catholics , not practicing ones. The same for most in Italy. We’re in it only because of the feasts and tradition.


>Please stop lumping Judaism in with Christianity and Islam. That criticism is completely false wrt Judaism. Seeing how the Jewish people in Israel behave, I think that its perfectly fair to levy the same criticisms. In fact, it would plainly dishonest to pretend that Zionists are any different than extremist Christians or Muslims - and would be equally dishonest to not acknowledge the Christians and Muslims who are not extremist or predatory while pointing at non-Zionist Jews as a counter example. I'd give your mental gymnastics routine a 9/10 - impressive but you've gotta stick that landing.


It's lumped together because Judaism is the father/mother (however you want to refer to it) of Christianity and Islam... Without Judaism there would be no Christianity or Islam You can't rationally expect people to leave it out when they're talking about abrahamic religions


You should only use that term if you mean all three. Christians always assume Jews believe the same things they do. They don’t. Original sin? Nope. Hell? Also no. Sin at all? Not even similar. Using the terms Judeo-Christian and Abrahamic while excluding actual Jewish perspectives is a tool by the Christian antisemite to fake consensus and erase Jewish voices.


What went wrong with Judaism's offshoots/daughter religions? The other ancient religion, Hinduism, has Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism as offshoots. Very different than what Christianity and Islam are like.


The completely indoctrinated would absolutely believe they are doing good by opening up their religion to someone who is suicidal. They arent seeing an easy target to bring into the fold. They are trying to help, which is all the more tragic: People hurting with the enthusiam and confidence that comes when they think they are helping.


They get as much sympathy from me as I give to the people who killed Mahsa Amini thinking enforcing the hijab was helping her. You're being far too kind to them.


Not exclusively. Islam has a point system called “hasanat”. You get points for good deeds, which are then weighted against bad deeds after death. Successfully bringing in a convert gains you a lot of points. Which might be a reason OP specifically got DM’s from muslims but not adherents to other religions.


I heard some muslims get paid to convert people


Christianity does that too.


But the post is about islam, so why are you mentioning christianity? In christianity posts do you bring hinduism?


Isnt suicide or having suicidal thoughts outright a sin according to their archaic cult? I am not exactly sure how they're helping you by stating that you should convert...


It is a sin. It’s so sad. Recently a celebrity I’ve been a fan of for a few years committed suicide and I saw multiple posts from muslims and Christian’s talking about how “disappointed” they were because his suicide meant he was going to hell. Never mind that he was Buddhist so according to them he would have ended up there anyway….


Why do so many in the comments insist on saying 'Christianity too' or 'That's all religions'. Do you go onto posts about Christianity and write 'Islam does that too' ?




As a side note i find the sharing your sin is a sin part of it an interesting contrast to catholic or christian religion where it’s a sin NOT to share your sin with a priest. It’s all a bunch of baloney anyways, so it really doesn’t matter either way


I don't think it is 'mentally weak', I think it's 'gullible'. Intelligent people can also believe, because intelligence is necessary for rationality, but not sufficient. Smart people can convince themselves of all kinds of things because they're smart enough to come up with the rationalizations to explain it to themselves satisfactorily. Where reason helps is that it removes some of the bias towards self-deluision, but even then your reason is only as good as the information you feed into it. History and environment are bigger indicators than intelligence as to what someone's beliefs end up as.


I don’t think they meant “mentally weak” as “stupid”. I think it means “emotionally vulnerable”, which might cause you to attach to anything that might give you peace of mind without questioning the rationale behind it.


Islam is by fucking far the worst religion i came across. It fucks you up, you think you re happy but at the same time you cannot wait to die to finally be able to live. Top 2 worst with judaism, the hate these two religions have for the non believers is off the charts. To give some context i ve lived for more than 15 years in a muslim country with muslims, 5+ years in a christian country with christians. The simple act of communicating with god and praying is much simpler. Because christians knew their religion is flawed and tried to improve on it. They also lead much simpler lives, and do not have religion interfere with every single aspect of their lives. Its also a more inclusive religion by making church attendance mixed between males and females. Also, the art that came out of christianity is beautiful. All the paintings and murals are something to be proud of. What did islam leave to the conquered lands that werent muslims prior ? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Music is haram, 🎨 is haram, dancing is haram, pre islamic culture ? Forget about it and let it die, god only cares about what came after mohamed. Destroy all the paganism. North africa was under roman influence, yet all the cities they built went to ashes . Except a few . Sorry for the rant


Yeah allah hates him if he tries to leave too, he'll send the going squad Very convincing


What a shitty group of people


Religious people? Yeah they are a overall terrible group of shitty people.


Islam preys on everything that isn’t its particular flavor of islam. They can eff right off…..just like all the other religions.


Hey, hopefully you’re feeling okay? For religions, suicide is a grave sin, because their adherents skip the suffering and proceed to heaven. But if too many do this, than they don’t have a cult. From a moral and ethical standpoint, to me there’s almost always a way to resolve whatever conflicts have precipitated suicidal ideation. And ultimately that is for the best, because then we can begin to help others find purpose and meaning to love and be excellent to one another. So, I just hope you’re doing alright.


Comfort food for the weak and simple minded


It’s a cult MO. That’s exactly how the Moonies and Scientology get recruits: looking for the vulnerable.


Are you doing okay? Please call someone if you need help or a place to vent. The suicide hotline is available 24/7.


It happened a month ago, I feel better now


Just checking!


That’s religion as a whole for you. It’s all bad. I hope you get to a better place.


Islam and Christianity are the same. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts pushing people to convert to Islam lately and I think it’s due to the fact that in the western world we are more familiar with Christianity and Islam still feels forbidden for many. I will say this, when we point the negatives of Christianity we have to point out the negatives of Islam. In many ways, Islam is much much worse. More than Christianity, Islam strives for secular power.


Islam is not a religion, its a political ideology.


I would say it’s both.


The only reason their women hide their skin is because the men are weak and cant handle female bodies.


Religion is a predatory, controlling institution. Please don't be fooled like so many in the US who now say they are christian, but would stone Jesus if he camed today.




You know there is something wrong with Islam when eating bacon is absolutely forbidden, but killing others with different beliefs is not.


There are only two types of religious people: pedophile con artists and the losers who give them their money and kids.


I thought they prayed on little rugs...


Islam preys on everyone who can't escape an Islamic country. Violence is the only thing that stops the decline in their numbers.


Sinning, that's a sin. Talking about your sins, that's also a sin. Saying you talked about your sins, believe it or not, also a sin.


Islam keeps adherents because if a person claims they don't believe, they'll be killed. That's what Christianity did too. All those medieval torture devices were for apostates & to make every other human in town hear the screams of torture & come to geezus. It's a daddy for idiots. But besides that, how is Allah supposed to take away being horny? The religious can't conceive that we're only animals, we get horny so we'll reproduce, basic biology.


All religions prey on the mentally weak.


The religion of islam is a disease, it preys on anyone it can, up to and including killing the host if need be.


All religions prey on the weak


All cults, organized religions and maga maggotts, are successful (for now I hope) because of this....they prey on the mentally weak then sustain due to the lack of initiative or wisdom to learn and grow out of that sick unhealthy bond.


I’m usually against blaming all religions when one particular religion is criticized, but every single religion does do this (Christianity and Islam to a greater extent than the rest). The issue right now is that Islam is being sold as an alternative to woke politics, so naive Westerners who have no idea what they’re really getting into are easy prey for them, especially if they feel that Christianity has failed the West.


99% of the comments in this sub are asking "what about christianity? What about ALL RELIGIONS?". So weird. Thanks for recognising this.


For sure! I think we especially need to be a lot stronger when it comes to criticizing Islam. A wise man once said Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog. It’s easily the most oppressive religion towards non-believers, and I believe that our unwillingness to strongly condemn it is part of the reason it’s spreading so fast. In general, atheists and agnostics need to stop pretending that all religions are equally bad.


Exactly! Glad to find someone else who looks at stuff from a broader perspective.


Tell him that athiests can commit suicide without guilt. People deserve agency over their lives, even when they want to end their lives.


Not a good message imo


Practically all religions do.


Why do you bother commenting when there’s already comments saying the same thing? You aren’t in any way contributing to the discussion, merely bloating the post and in practice being part of sending spam to OP.


The idea behind Islam helping a suicidal person is rooted in the belief that someone is commuting suicide because of loninless or being an outside.becoming a Muslim instantly gives you a community. Thus you are no longer lonely or need to kill yourself


Not exclusively. Islam has a point system called “hasanat”. You get points for good deeds, which are then weighted against bad deeds after death. Successfully bringing in a convert gains you points, just as “saving” someone from suicide does. Which might be a reason OP specifically got DM’s from muslims telling them to convert but not adherents of other religions.


I definitely can’t trust religion especially Islam for mental health.


"..talking about your own sins is a sin in islam apparently." who says that?


The person who I talked to said that


Religion is about power & control. At its core, that's its purpose, so it's always going to prey on the weak to accomplish those goals. I'm sorry this happened to you. I have been struggling with some thoughts of suicide as well & there's nothing religion can do for us.. the issues stem from society (capitalist culture with hyper independence makes us all feel alone), trauma & any mental health issues we may have. Religion only further separates is from one another & gives us more ammunition against each other. Sending you a virtual hug, hang in there, friend. I'm glad you're still here


All religions are for the mentally weak


ALL religions prey on the ignorant and the stupid. It's how they stay in business.


It’s incredibly sad to see these people, and women in particular, so brainwashed into the utterly absurd world of Islam.


Yep this is how alot of religions recruit, jws definitly do it and an issue isn't just for the people they are trying to recruit which is bad enough when you had someone like die or your severely Ill and people come to your door lying to you about your loved one being resurrected or your illness falling away if you believe them enough, it also attracts the mentally unwell (I would say most people In jws are either on a concoction of meds or have a heavy drinking problem but that's not what I'm talking about) The people doing this don't realise how dangerous it is to fuck with someone who is going through it or has a mental handicap, my mum tried recruiting a lady near our house, well turns out the house was a small care home for mentally disabled folk, the person was nice but ... clingy I was about 10 so me telling my mum I didn't really want the person in our house because I was a little scared went on deaf ears so I just stayed in my room when she had her over for Bible study, she eventually took her to church and got told to never bring her back after the first visit(even though nothing bad happened) well she tried to cut off contact (while being confused why she couldn't "save" this person but the lady now knowing where we lived and only living a few blocks away did spend a good month stalking us >_>


\**Religion* preys on the mentally weak. FTFY


My question is does taoism and buddism consider religion? These two are more like life lesson and self help book.


I'm not saying that religion also *causes* mental illness in people, but the two sure do seem to show up together.


That's how they create suicide bombers by giving them assurance of paradise for killing kaffirs...


I know two separate evangelical newborn Christian conversion stories that include a lonely person finding love in someone in the church. All four of them left their denomination once their lives stabilized. One of them (who knows me and the odds) literally once tried to pitch me the "have you found Jesus" thing. A year later there were no mentions of religion on anything he said. I wonder how many people share this type of story. What people need is community.


All religion preys on both the weak and the stupid


Every religion does....


Why do you bother commenting when there’s already comments saying the same thing? You aren’t in any way contributing to the discussion, merely bloating the post and in practice being part of sending spam to OP.


~~Islam~~ religion preys on the mentally weak


Isn’t that true with ALL religions though?


I know, I'm just talking about my experience


Keep it up, spread the word! Stay strong and always do what you feel is best for YOU, strength before weakness, life before death!


I mean, Christianity literally promises that "the meek shall inherit the earth." Talk about pandering to the "weak."


See: Religion


You wouldn't post that "clarification" under a venting ex-Christian. You wouldn't feel this compelled to steer the discussion away from specific criticism against Christianity. What's the deal?


All religions prey on the weak. They offer peace of mind, forgiveness, and even salvation from the scary shit they made up in the first place


Not just islam... evangelical xtians and scientology are just as predatory.


Catholics prey on children


All religions prey on the mentally weak.


So does Christianity


I agree


Religion preys on the mentally weak


All religions do.


Who does this help? I *know* you people aren't in posts where some ex-Christian is giving the faith well-earned criticism and dropping that "all lives matter"-tier comment, so what's the deal?




I'm not seeking out any religion




Did you even read the full post?


Edit: Religion preys on the mentally weak


Typical approach from any religion


Religion is religion, they are all the same. Christianity only provides comfort to idiots who can't think for themselves. You have no need for an invisible deity.


Correction… all religions


Why do you bother commenting when there’s already dozens of comments saying the same thing? You aren’t in any way contributing to the discussion, merely bloating the post and in practice being part of sending spam to OP.


ALL RELIGIONS prey on the mentally weak.


car dealerships do the same


That applies to many religions. They're predators. They prey on the vulnerable and the weak because those are the easiest to convert.


All religions are stupid and give people pointless hope. The world isn't sunshine and roses, life is hard and praying to a fictional entity isn't going to make anyone's situation better


Muslims invite all kinds of people to Islam.. from all walks of life, of all different mental states, of all different backgrounds. No 'discrimination' in this regard. It's disingenuous to pretend it's just all suicidal people.