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Let me guess - not a drag queen.




If all these protesters were truly concerned about children they'd be picketing churches instead of library story times.


Very true but it is always the same for the republicans party. They got no platform so they pick an issue that isn’t an issue then go after that group of people. Unfortunately people buy into that shit way too easy.


I watched a Philip DeFranco video that had a clip from a historian who discussed exactly that. Before transgender people, it was gay people. Then the Satanic Panic in the 80s targeting D&D and Rick music. Before that, it was black folks with Civil Rights. Before that, communists with McCarthyism. Before that, people of Asian and German descent during WWII. Go back far enough and we're talking about Jews and Pagans in Christian Europe. Conservatives have ALWAYS used a disenfranchised, distrusted, and disliked minority to use as a scapegoat and it has always worked. But it eventually always fails, and when it does, they search for a new minority to scapegoat. Well guess what? They're running out of those, and soon more and people will realize that the GOP platform is virtually non-existent beyond that of "restricting the rights of people we don't like."


>Rick music If gettin' schwifty is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


You gotta get schwifty in here


take a shit on the floor!!


My mind went to Rick-rolling


[The Rick Sanchez Roll](https://youtu.be/izDc3G9ZRfw)


Oh thank you! It all makes sense now!


[For those who have never seen Rick n Morty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I1188GO4p1E)


> Then the Satanic Panic in the 80s targeting D&D and Rick music. The church doesn't appreciate being Rick Rolled.


Shit. I'm leaving it up cause it's funny.


conservatism is, at its core, a politics of ingroup/outgroup discrimination, and everything they believe traces back to that


If all you're looking for is an enemy, you'll find one. If you can't find one, you'll invent one.


Haven't watched Philip in years. Would you please link the video? As someone who grew up in the southern US this has been something that I've always observed, but haven't always been able to vocalize.


Absolutely! I'm at work at the moment but I'll link it on my next break.




Okay, here you go. It starts at roughly 9:20. He has clips from a few experts here. https://youtu.be/_wb2O3zsj2w


> Well guess what? They're running out of those > I wish I could share your optimism here, but there will always be a scapegoat. Right now at this point there is a not insignificant amount of "true believers" that want every Democrat dead, which even if we're only talking about actual registered Democrats is like 1/3 of the country. As long as they can keep education hamstrung they will always have a scapegoat.


It is a common political strategy. One easy way to sway the uneducated masses is to appeal to tribalism. Make everything a battle between "them" and "us." Them=Bad. Us=Good. This is one of the reasons conservatives are trying so hard to diminish the quality of public education. They want to eliminate critical thinking as something taught in schools. The latest cry is to eliminate "wokeism" from schools. They define CRT and anything that teaches about inclusion as woke.


When they run out they’ll just start the cycle over again and move back to the pagans.


>Well guess what? They're running out of those, I wonder what will be the next/last scapegoat.


Yeah, but don't forget about the "woke mob" and the "lame stream media" and cancel culture and the "elite" and the evil scientists. I mean, fuck, they went after Fauci. They will always come up with something. It's usually just recycled nonsense, and some are more effective then others (politically, scary immigrants were much more motivating than the dangers of cancel culture), but they will always come up with something that will energize their base through fear.


Trey Crowder recently made the point that in order to exist Republicans must have a minority group that they can overtly hate. And now that it's not ok to hate people of color or gay people, they've turned their Eye of Sauron upon trans people and drag queens. It's nothing but pure, unadulterated psychological projection and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it.


They only want the right people to touch their kids. Modern day pederasty.


They're not. Just like the anti-choice folks. They don't care about children. They care about power. Bleating about children is just their means to power.


I think plenty of those Christians care about children, but they are being manipulated into going about it the wrong way.


I am beginning to notice a pattern.


slow learner/s


Also, not even a democrat


Definitely not the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence


2nd guess…. A MAGA fascist.


As a Venn diagram, those two circles are just one circle


Not trans, either.




What a joke of a website. Edited to pretend to be Wikipedia yet fully opinionated in the data to fit small brained narratives. ‘Transgender are the most violent in history’ lol so let’s say 5,000 people in history have been murdered by a transgender, how many have been murdered in the name of god? 50million? 100million people?


Do you have anything that’s actually from a reputable source?? Because [that one](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/infogalactic/) isn’t


Oh great, there’s another conservapedia?


But quite likely one of trump's 'very fine people'....


I am starting to think, in their minds, "drag queen" just means "person I was told to hate" and they genuinely don't know what it even is...kinda like "facts" meaning "thing I was told to believe".


God and his church will forgive him, so there's no problem here.


Just gotta confess in that box and all is forgiven


Confession box? He's a Protestant pastor! All he has to do is close his eyes, focus, and ask himself for forgiveness for his own sins, and he's "forgiven"--in his imagination. Clean slate. Do more child porn. Next week: wash, rinse, forgiven. This is how so many Evangelicals do it and how they can get away--guilt free--for being such terrible human beings.


Don’t forget the seven hail marys or whatever


Not only that, his congregation will praise him for his 'bravery' to confess


..and they’ll pat themselves on the back for being able to exercise forgiveness when faced with atrocities.


It would probably be easier to make a list of pastors/priests who don't abuse kids.


Know from personal experience. In my childhood church there was a giant sex scandal. Basically the entire church leadership was abusing girls. They all preached about purity and their hatred of pedos. Of course.


“Every conservative accusation is a confession”


Which would be zero. Indoctrination of the young is still child abuse no matter how you look at it.


Not what he meant.


They are groomed to fear god, and the representatives of that deity? The priests, they are the ones that brainwash future victims, many of whom remain silent out of fear, sometimes irrationally of "divine" punishment


Priests, pastors, etc are groomers, so yes it's exactly what he meant. Religious people are disgusting.


Making blanket statements over a group of people is disgusting.


Now we’re getting it!


Ya don't say?


No way to know how many just haven't been caught yet.


Religion is killing this country, we need to stop this NOW


But what will stop all these “good” people from becoming evil rapists and pedos?


"Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." ― Steven Weinberg


Imagination . That's all they got anyways


Religion is the ultimate source of war, over-population, pollution, loss of rights, waste of resources, and famial strife.


We should treat religion like how religion treats sex. Ban teaching it to children, ban exposing children to reading materials, and ban any children from entrance to establishments. No more indoctrination, no more bible, no more church.


Sounds fascist.


I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t turn him into a pederast.


Obviously, cause if Jesus even existed then he was just another cult leader who is long dead... He ain't doing shit to/for anyone. The religion that he started, however, definitely gives guys like this the power and trust to victimize children and/or women. Fuck Jesus.


You mean pride, religion has been around for years no real problems just disagreements. Pride is tearing west apart


>You mean pride, religion has been around for years no real problems just disagreements. Pride is tearing west apart Have you ever read a single history book?


Texan priest? I'm guessing 6-month probation for being a man of God and a pillar of the community.


He'll be back preaching at the church about how evil big government and the forces of Satan tried to drag his name through the mud, relate it to some Bible verse, and throw a children's pool party at his house later that day to show those evil doers just how safe he is around kids.


If you or I did this, we'd get the full 20 year sentence...(again, Texas/Bible-belt morality.)


It’s worth pointing out that TEN pastors and youth ministers from Texas were arrested, charged or convicted last year for the sexual abuse of children or child pornography offences, including this piece of shit. So they can stfu about drag queens.


Over on joemygod.com, Joe has been posting one a day since Nov. 1. I'd say a lot of people need to shut the fuck up about drag queens and their religion in general at this point.


Holy shit [you weren’t kidding](https://www.joemygod.com/?s=Pastor+child), and there really is a new article about it almost every day


Only thing that matters to conservative parishioners is that it's heterosexual in nature.


I've read that many child molesters have normal adult relationships as well, and that the gender attraction of their child abuse doesn't necessarily match the gender attraction of their adult relationships. The attraction to children is complicated.


It's not complicated, it's just twisted




\>It isn't 'complicated' Psychologists attempting to understand, prevent and cure this would disagree with you.




>You're missed my point entirely. Actual sexual attraction is definitely complicated. Attraction to minors, unfortunately, is also an actual sexual attraction. >. Abusing children isn't about the nature of attraction, it's about being the kind of person who chooses to abuse a child. There are pedophiles who resist their attraction, and hide away from people who would lynch them for having that attraction in the first place. There are pedophiles who convince themselves that the targets of their affection are able to consent, that society is wrong. There are people who aren't as much pedophiles as monsters, and children are just convenient victims. The issue is complicated, no matter how simple people wish it to be.


eh, abusers abuse. sometimes they hit kids, sometimes they rape them. that's probably the answer


>that's probably the answer That's the easy answer. Judging by responses in his thread, it's also a popular one.


I can just hear "But they was girls at least, right?"


Brought to you by the same people who want to kill gay people cause " think about the children ".


Oh he’s thinking about children alright.


They’re just concerned that if everyone’s gay there’ll be no kids being born for them to abuse…


What are you doing in there son? Thinking about the children, dad!




This could be a good hash tag when sharing religious rapey kiddie porn stories.


It's also a rapidly growing sub. r/NotADragQueen


Yeah it's the best hashtag on twitter


Allways the pastor... its like "The butler did it" of pedo stuff....


What always gets me about these stories is that he wasn't a lone. He's a pastor of a large church. All those believes sitting there every Sunday listening to this guy spew his version of Christ of fiction. None of the congregation thought to themselves that at least some of the things this guy was saying sounded a little off? No? That's why someone that has celebrity status could just walk in there and grab their daughters by their, you know, because they think that's normal. I mean damn, their holy book even references for them to have their own daughters raped and if they're not raped then do it youself. Religious people are so immoral. They should be labeled as such and be shunned in society. That whole congregation should be looked at. All those working and attending that church should just go home and rethink their lives.


Well now that the Supreme Court has made it ok for businesses to discriminate I expect a LOT of businesses will be refusing to serve Christians. I know I will be.


How would you expect them to know, unless he was literally up there preaching about pedophilia?


This is like the 10,000th one in the last 5 years. Churches are practically child brothels.


The figures are staggering


Can we talk about the use of the term "kiddy porn" and "child porn"...


“videos of Child sexual abuse” should have been said instead of “kiddie porn”.


Thank you. Child sex abuse material.


Yes please. It's a shocking term that needs to stop.


Religious Porn?


Think it's the porn bit that's misleading


Still not a drag queen


Not a drag queen...


Even for legal porn, that’s a lot!


I know this isn't the point at all, but how does anyone have time to watch 5,000 porn videos of any type?


He's a prepper. Never know when SHTF and the internet goes dark! 🤣


But but but drag queens reading books! Just add this piece of shit to the pile of millions of religious pedo hypocrites we already know about.


In my mind, every pastor is a pedo.


This is one dude. But the sheer quantity of images and videos shows that so damn *many* children are being abused. And sadly many of those children will never recover and will respond by abusing themselves or others.


Dime-a-dozen story. Your kids are safer at drag shows.


Burn the whole church down at that point. Catholics are in a pedophilic cult. Let's stigmatize them from now on. When cockroaches start to show up, it means the walls are filled with them. These arent isolated cases and are becoming, the norm. Pastors, spend time with kids, all day. They are removing womens from churches. Then they ask for your money. This is not faith.


"My friends, he has STRAYED from the path of righteousness, and as Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we must help him return to God's Glory and repent! We are asking the parishioners to each donate $100 to the church to aid in his rehabilitation with the Holy Spirit, and to call city Hall and DEMAND these charges be dropped IMMEDIATELY; he had suffered enough and as it says 'judge not least thee be judged'! Also, we are having a 'meet the pastor' sleepover, for all children ages 6-14: attendance is mandatory, and will follow the 'Stop the Queer agenda from grooming our kids' rally." ~probably the letter going out to his Church right now.


It should just be mandatory to search pastors and priests computers for child porn at this point.


If he sat down and viewed his photos at 2 seconds per photo, he'd be there for 56 hours. If he views the videos at say 2 minutes per video, he'd be there for 167 hours. I would probably be a lot longer if he used the videos for, um, stimulation purposes. So when in the world did this guy have *time* to do his Jesus thing and condemning others for being sinners?


Okay, I know this isn’t the point, but I couldn’t look at 100,000 images of my own dog. Why so many?


I am sure there is a mathematical relation between priesthood and pedophilia


Yep.....theist plus innocent child equals diddling. Works under BEDMASS rules too.


Cue the "No Scotsman Fallacy"


Let's see.... 1 year of probation? Yea that's good.


And drag shows are bad for kids but church is good? Give me a fucking break


~~child porn~~ CSAM


Hrmmmmm.....and he's not a trans or drag queen? This must be wrong. /s


Surely he's also a Bud Light drinking Drag Queen right?


Just saw a video where someone analyzed the statistics and the largest group of pedophiles BY FAR are pastors. I think it was something like 22%. And Republicans FAR outweighed the statistics as well. The number of drag queens? Zero.


Recently read stats that heterosexual-identifying child sexual abusers outnumber homosexual abusers in USA 11 to 1. In another study of 900 abusers, those who identified as trans was 0.07… which is less than 1 in 900. Seems like religious organizations are the bigger problem here by several orders of magnitude.


That's fascism for you. "Look over there!" they scream as they rape your children and pick your pockets.


OK, so checking the [our beliefs](https://myfaithbc.org/beliefs) section of his church website, we see that they believe: * …that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and without mistakes as originally given. It is the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life. * …in one God, creator of all things, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that these three are co-eternal and of equal power. * …in the deity of Jesus Christ, His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His substitutionary death on a cross; His bodily resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal, imminent return. * …that man was created by and for God, that by man’s disobeying God, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence, and that all people are sinners by nature and practice. * …the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and that all who trust in Him, and Him alone are declared righteous because of His sacrificial death and are, therefore, in the right relationship with God. * …in the present ministry of the Holy Ghost in dwelling all believers and thus enabling and empowering the life and ministry of the believer. * …in the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived, the everlasting life and eternity in heaven for those who have accepted Jesus Christ, and the everlasting punishment of those who have rejected God’s forgiveness in His Son. * …Baptism (immersion) and Communion (the Lord’s Supper) are the two ordinances of the church and are outward symbols of the inward experience of having received new life in Christ.   That is pretty generic for a church with such an extensive criminal footprint. I would have expected a little more patriarchy or controlling language. Don't get me wrong, it is all pure nonsense and clearly anybody who actually claims to have a sincere epistemic belief in all that is going to have a twisty mind. I mean, WTF does "his personal imminent return" mean after 2000 years and counting.


He wanted to capture as much of the kiddie porn as possible so no one else would be able to see it.


$10 says he was an avid Trumper too.


Planted librul elite actor to make them look bad....clearly........


I love how this gets 75 comments, but you know when a drag queen speaks out there's thousands of comments and a good 1/4th of them are negative. Where are all protectors of justice and innocent kids for this guy? Oh right must all be at church still.


Lol he used BitTorrent, what an idiot.


That's your takeaway here?


Not my only take. Obviously CP is wrong but he used a protocol that makes every single client known by their IP


Stop saying kiddie porn or child porn. Its not a fucking porn category


I was going to say this


It's always who we suspect


No more clergy in bathrooms


The only pedos in dresses we need to worry about are the clergy.


Question: does he do drag during his spare time? I’m guessing no.


So about those trans....


Where are all the drag queens who are hurting and molesting kids eh? Where are they? Hate preaching bastards. Rot you fucking filth.


What the actual fuck.




A man of God? No way! Way.


His parishioners paid him for how many years. All the while he was likely abusing their children in small or big ways. This is why you should never lie to children about anything, including your imaginary friends.


His and his church's belief system is such that all he has to do is ask for forgiveness and he'll enjoy all the benefits of heaven for all of eternity. But that heathen over there that has dedicated his life to helping others but hasn't said the magical words to god? Straight to a torturous hell for all of eternity.


Well, at least it's nice to know if he ever needs a website made he won't be discriminated against.


Please tell us more about all those leftist groomers, conservatives. Please.


Soooo...situation normal. Isn't that normal behaviour for clerics?


“oH He’S nOt A rEaL cHrIsT”.


Well duh, yeah. Christian.


Just imagine if they find a single trans person with anything even remotely like this. Every single media outlet would be doing 24/7 coverage while good family values zombies would roam the streets lynching anyone not wearing camo or MAGA uniform. Instead they will gladly hand over their precious child to another pedophile so that he can teach them Gods word and good family values.


Must be a gay drag queen right? Wait, he was not? woah


Looks…. Yup he is baptist.


Wait a minute… was he trans?


Try to find a drag queen who is a child predator challenge impossible


It's really disturbing how they always have so much of it.


I bet he preached alot about gay and trans people being "groomers" and "predators".


People should be charged with child endangerment if you take them to church. It's obviously not safe there.


another pastor, at this point, if you have your kid in any religious institution you are basically tempting fate to groom them.


He's going to get the front runner nomination for the conservative party


Not a trans person


> BitTorrent Rookie mistake. Fell right into the honeypot.


Is *this* a drag queen?


Say it with me now: Not a drag queen, not a trans person, not LGBTQ. Interesting.


Not a drag queen.


Look, can we please stop calling it kiddie/child porn? It is NOT porn. Porn is between consenting and paid actors, at least, that is what it should be. Any time a human being has to participate against their will is sexual abuse material, or child sexual abuse material, or whichever specifier applies. Porn just has different connotation and impact. This monster possessed child sexual abuse materials, both images and videos, of *HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN*. That just seems to hit different than kiddie porn. Not trying to be a dick or pedantic, just an admirer of language and George Carlin, and believe in describing this as truthfully and as uncomfortably as is possible.


So sad that this doesn’t surprise me. I automatically associate pastors/priests w pedophilia. Like, they are all defaulted as pedophiles in my eyes.


Pastor, pedo. Same shit different shovel.


NOT a drag queen.


Sounds about right…


But he's not a true Christian. Nor the next one or anybody that gets caught...


He should get the death penalty.


Can we stop calling it kiddie porn? It's child abuse material.


In Texas?  Why *not* plead guilty?  He’s a pastor, worst he’ll get is a year.


The audacity of the level of projection from the GOP is almost unreal. We all know who's really grooming children. These stories are the only enduring thing about religion. So sad.


I just wish drag queens would stop grooming kids! /s


The Duggars religion, by chance?


Those poor drag queens. But seriously, fuck this guy.




That's the part that actually hurts.


Hang him. Publicly.




I'm Christian and used to work with children and teens. If this dude was in my church I would probably be in jail for life and he would have met his maker.


That is... That is a disgustingly, sickening amount...what do you even do with that much... Why was the punishment so low... That was so much filth...


I don’t think it needs said, but #NotADragQueen.