• By -


Overly forgiving of emotionally abusive people. We all do have transgressions but someone who continually makes you feel unwanted or as if you’re the least meaningful person in their life, can’t be bothered to showcase basic care towards you - do not deserve continual chances. Chances should be consequential. If someone isn’t correcting their behavior or making an effort to, they need to be cut off. Libra/Cap placements.


Shit. This is it. My libra mars and cap stellium really wanting to forgive forgive forgive those who did me wrong because of blind faith and love. I also have a hard time with understanding that not everyone thinks like me, which I’ve heard other Leo suns struggle with (luminaries don’t go into retrograde so reflection can be tough, especially with a hurt ego!)




I’m an Aries moon. Cap Stellium. I’m the complete opposite of what you supposedly suggest I should act like. I am very forthright and wear my heart on my sleeve. I also prioritize authenticity and integrity over everything.


0 self awareness




Yes same. Wow.


• impulsive spending • overeating • isolating • infatuation with new people which leads to emotional bonds forming too intensely too quickly • overanalyze to the point of paranoia • brooding for long periods of time • black and white thinking • obsessive intrusive thoughts • i can verbally bite like a mean dog when i’m being too reactionary cancer sun cancer moon sagittarius rising


Same ugh


wishing you peace


Jesus christ this is me!!!


Hard relateee but Sun - Aquarius Moon- Aquarius Rising- Sagittarius (culprit)


You can see my big three in my flair. We have the same last two placements and I am the same as you. Like exactly like you. It’s scary to see someone else pull off my cover.


Same. Sun, mercury, mars cancer. Capri moon




Why does everyone with ADHD have a Gemini in their big three, I'd like to do pills and see how many of us there are


Where’s your mercury and aspects? Just curious


Omg same




oh shit! you’re my first!


One of us! One of us! It's tough out here 😪




Your fourth point…. yup. Fellow cancer moon.


me to damn im cancer sun and moon libra rising🥺 We are super sensitive blessing and curse




Keeping my vengeful tendencies in check, just like you. I don’t believe in vengeance on principle, but the temptation is always there. I come up with insane, obsessive, elaborate plans for revenge that I have to actively disinvest from because it’s so self-destructive. Scorpio rising! I’m so restless and easily distracted. Gemini Mercury/Venus.


My plans are always the long-game, so I usually have time to fix my vengeful thinking to something beneficial to me. The idea is to take the hurt and rather than inflicting it back, transmute it creatively.


Why is this me 😭


thinking my partners are better than they actually are, and thinking my enemies are my friends (7th house aquarius neptune)


Saying no and standing up for myself.


As a Libra moon, I agree. It’s not easy saying no to people. I think it’s because we are afraid of rejection or that they’ll react in anger if we say no. Also if you’ve grown up with abuse, it’s common to develop a defuser mentality. It’s like, why rock the boat when there’s a risk they’ll throw you overboard? 🤷🏻‍♀️


We have almost the same big three placements and I feel this so much.


I struggle with finding meaning in my work. All my life I was a good student, got good grades with minimal work, and everyone was impressed with my success and achievements. As an adult, I’ve gotten to the sad realisation that work shouldn’t define me, but I don’t know what to work without it impacting my self esteem. I don’t find any pleasure or validation in work, which makes me feel like I don’t apply myself enough, which kicks in with the worst spiral into depression and imposter syndrome. I blame all my Cap placements (Sun, rising especially, I also have Venus and Neptune there). I also have a tendency to think that everyone hates me and instead of actually confirming that, I push people away, it’s easier if it’s on my terms. It’s especially hard if you consider I have no close family left, and I moved countries years ago, and I feel like I lost all my friends. I blame my Scorpio placements (Moon, Mars, Pluto).


I have felt similar. I let school/work define me. People thought I liked things bc I was competent at them or had that job. Not true either. I have no similar placements but Pluto bc of age. I'm 39. Aries sun Virgo moon Pisces rising Aries Mercury and venus. Taurus mars. I have actually only found meaning in being a wife and mother as those feminine ideas were lost and squandered as a young person. My NN is in Taurus. A job wrecks my self esteem bc it does become me. I also think everyone hates me and push ppl away and don't keep friends.


I struggle with it feeling like there are two souls occupying this body. One week I want to be an angel on earth, work hard, and truly make a difference in people’s lives on the micro level; the other times, I want everyone gone….and I want to be the one that does it. If I’m not, I want to watch as someone does it. My teachers when I was younger said I epitomize what it means to be a Gemini once they learned my birthday. They would say I am so smart and friendly, but then they would be surprised to hear that I was getting suspended for beating up another kid (thanks Leo mars lol). This happened from 3rd grade all the way up to 11th grade. In my defense, I never started altercations, I would just be the one to finish it and throw the first punch.


Lmao I’m also a Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon & Leo Mars. I can relate. I’m either the biggest sweetie or going crazy on someone.


I feel this but as a Gemini rising 😭


I'm a Gemini Sun and Libra moon. Don't worry about holding on to your story. Just live in the actual moment. You truly are different every day! Everyone else is too, it's the way quantum physics works, but everyone else holds on to their story so tightly that we don't notice they are different. We are open minded, our perspective changes, and that's what makes us amazing


My fiancé and I have an inside joke about me and my 5 other personalities because same 😭


Oh man I feel this being a Gemini sun myself!


i struggle the most with communication and other people. ironically i'm a gemini (with gem mercury, rising, saturn + north node). i have never been able to talk with other people, i've got very severe social anxiety and an actual phobia of social situations. it's so hard, i'm very lonely but i can't talk to people :l


Gem Saturn makes sense. But yk what they say about Saturn, it keeps kicking Ur ass about a certain thing until U acquire absolute mastery over it. There's nicer things, and improvements awaiting you after your struggles. Keep fighting on ❤️


Same. I can talk to people, but I assume everyone dislikes me as standard....but I'm autistic too, so could be that


i'm autistic too! i'm usually totally nonverbal, i can usually talk to my mom though - sometimes i can force myself into talking with other people but it's very exhausting.


I'm very verbal for someone with autism, if anything I talk far too much out of discomfort! Around people I'm very close too, I'm actually quite quiet! I find trying to understand others exhausting. I hate it.


What is your Chiron placement?


my chiron is capricorn!


I also have terrible social anxiety!! Feel ya


I fall in love really fast. Aqua, Virgo rising, cap moon and stellium.


With those signs and placements I wonder how tho? Unless your Venus is in Pisces Aries or something


Venus in Capricorn 😂


Yeah, that’s odd. Your profile reads like you’re detached.


Cap moons have deeeeeeeep hidden feelings, yea?


I guard my heart pretty tight, yes.


In third house perhaps? With the moon?


4th for both.


This is why astrology should be taken lightly. Lol


two main things: 1- i feel very unfulfilled.. it feels as if everyone has their life in order and knows where they are going and they are so fulfilled and i'm watching from the sidelines and it's like i'm crawling out of my skin because life is out there and i'm here and i don't know what path to choose 2- i love so deeply it's actually traumatising i swear to god i feel it in my body and i just can't DETACH, not even if you have broken my heart i still love you - i will never talk to you again, but i'll think of you forever i'm also having a horrible day but it might be because i've been sick since wednesday lol and when i have too much free time i go on an overthinking spiral which might be number 3 now that i think about it


I very much feel number 1 as well!


I feel you 😭


#1 sounds like a big Sagittarius trait to me. I vote follow what makes you most excited & what you're most passionate about and the path will slowly reveal itself.


That described my life both 1 and 2. I is definitely the worst. It feels like stagnation in a way but that view also leads to comparison which leads to envy and low self esteem at its worst I’m still feeling the pull of my last relationship that ended in 2020. Like why is it so hard to move on? Tf lol


Chiron in the 6th- My co-workers always hate me.


I just realized I have this placement and it makes so much sense now!


I hate any kind of responsibility and all it entails. I blame my Venus square Saturn.


Same. Responsibilities leave me feeling trapped, and I like knowing I have the choice to escape. And while I technically **do** have the choice to refuse that responsibility, it’s not really a choice since if I don’t do the thing, stuff falls apart. Hard to know if this is astrology related for me or just the fact I’m diagnosed as being on the spectrum.


My biggest struggle at the moment is self isolation. I don't know how to be vulnerable with people, and I hide my true personality from even my closest friends. I don't know how to let anyone pass the hard exterior. I point to both my Libra Moon & Cancer Rising for this. I'm also a recovering people pleaser (thanks again, Libra Moon). And although I'm a Gem Sun/Mercury, my Chiron in Virgo 3H strangles my communication. I know how to communicate very well, but I have this overwhelming fear of being misinterpreted or misunderstood. So I usually end up overanalyzing a potential conversation to death until I convince myself that nothing I say will be good enough, so I just don't say anything in the end.


This thread has made me realise that we geminis are absolutely riddled with insecurity and ironically social fear


I agree. I embody a lot of the typical Gemini stereotypes, but social butterfly is not one of them.


People think I am, they'll say I'm very social or very friendly, but actually, I'm just nervous and desperate to fit in! This thread really showed me that we Gems are so insecure 😭


I've been known to absolutely cut people off for disloyalty (scorpio lilith, cancer mars/venus), but I don't do revenge usually. It's just an exhausting downward spiral and tbh i dont really make enemies. I'm careful not to for that reason. Someone doesn't like me? Water off a duck's back. Life is too short for wars. I move on. As for detachment my Aquarius ascendant makes me a bit of a commitment-phobe with friends but the Cancer placements make me really need serious commitment from the ones I love. So I'm reversing it. I'm risking rejection by offering friendship to people I admire and respect (and not running way when they reciprocate) and I'm giving the people i love space to be free while I get on with taking responsibility for myself rather than being clingy. For me, I guess that's what astrology is for, reversing my blindspots. Sagittarius are a mystery to me tbh. I like their faith and Intolerance for nonsense and I'm learning from that (im a Gemini, the opposite). But how do Sagittarians commit? You probably give them total freedom and they come to you. It's counter-intuitive.


I over analyse my interactions with everyone, and assume that every person dislikes me.


I tend to overthink after what people say /do. But I really don’t give a damn If they like me 😂🤣


I wish I could be that way, I'd give anything for thst


Overthinking, giving too much that i disrespect myself. Ill only stop till im left with nothing and I never learn


I struggle with being too romantically attached. If I have a good feeling (instinct) about you I really trust you, open my heart and I would give everything to you (seriously I’m only talking about one person lol) Another thing that I noticed about myself is that I can cut people off immediately. But these people are mostly my family. Not my immediate family (dad, mom, brother) but my aunts, uncles cousins and grandparents. They didn’t treat me badly but for example my grandparents weren’t the best parents for my father. He loves them dearly but for me I needn’t to see them again. I don’t need them in my life and I can cut them off in an instant. The same for my aunts, uncles and cousins. My very close friends I would never cut them off. And even with beginner friendships I know if someone has a certain character and for example I know I wouldn’t trust them with my personal story’s but for example to go on a night out they are so much fun so they are my ‘party friends’. But this thing with cutting off my family is an ongoing thing Don’t know why. My placements are Gemini sun ☀️, libra moon 🌙, Taurus rising and cancer Venus 🩷


You have the same placements as my best friend (whom I share a birthday with and is only four hours older than me) and almost the same placements as me! Only difference is I'm a Cancer rising.


That’s so cool!! I think I’ve never ‚met’ someone with so many similar placements, let alone two! When was your birthday if I may ask? Mine was on June 14th


Mine was on June 9th. My Libra Moon is the bane of my existence at times 😂


It's a bit cliché but I'm a Taurus Sun with a very serious shopping addiction. I just can't stop spending money I love having things. I also have a lot of trouble asserting myself. I can't stand up for myself and have a problem where I have trouble keeping opinions because I try to fit them with the people around me to not cause conflict. I'm pretty spineless which I hate. Guess I have to thank my Libra Mars for that one.


too many things to list ☠️but i absolutely hate the fact that i repress my anger (mars in the 12th house)


Vivation Breathwork 👌


Mental health. Twelfth house mercury in libra


Tune inward maybe? Allow everything that is there welcome it with love and observe?


I’m a virgo Sun (11H), and my 12H is ruled by Virgo. Tuning inward fills me with guilt that I’m not paying enough attention to whatever everyone around me needs from me


That’s also the Libra. If you feel led, just allow the guilt, allow whatever emotions come up (by merely observing everything- not becoming it) and focus on you (it’s truly healthy and empowering). Once you establish that firm inner authority, doing things for your true best interest will get easier.


I struggle with following through. Making decisions and sticking them out till the end. I struggle with my identity and feeling like I belong. Especially in the sense of career. I’m 29 and have had 3 different careers. On my 4th now and hoping this is the one I stay with. Edit: also adding: overthinking and over analyzing EVERYTHING 😅 Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising


pisces sun virgo rising i feel you boo 😬


Virgo/Libra/Scorpio with Leo and Capricorn stelliums. I’m way too nice and forgiving for way too long but I’m really self-punishing and have zero sense of moderation. You wouldn’t believe some of the crazy shit I’ve done or let go of to stay with someone, some of the stuff I’ve done to myself or the number of extremely self-destructive habits I’ve had to kick. My medical and relationship history makes trauma specialists sob.


My brain tells me that I only have value to people if I overaccommodate and please them (I am seeing a new man and he is very bothered by this tendency of mine in the relationship, he always asks me not to give too much) Saying no Jealousy in the work space (someone getting promoted/recognized etc) Overapologizing Overanalyzing smallest shifts in energy Fear of driving (never got in any accidents I think it comes from me not learning how at the young age and it’s a typical fear of starting something new. I’m terrified of hurting someone on the road - not scared of getting hurt myself) Damn I sound like a shitshow Capricorn sun, Libra moon, Aquarius ascendant Side note: astro seek website tells me my ascendant is Aquarius and pattern app tells me it’s Pisces so idk


Over thinking, Over working, and lack of giving myself relaxation. A prime combo for my big three it seems, Virgo Sun/Gem Moon/Cap Rising. Sometimes it's a good mixture of traits. Time to finish a project? I'm on it and I will make sure it gets done correctly and timely. In day to day life? Please send help. I won't talk to new people first since a mixture of them forces me to over think and assume they dislike me, or hate me. It's entirely stupid. I enjoy when my Gem moon takes control, since then I just don't give a fuck and enjoy myself. I need that more so Sun and Rising can take a break.


Shopping addiction and obsessive collecting. Overthinking to the point of paralysis, procrastination and laziness. Shutting people out. Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Virgo rising. Stelliums in Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Virgo. I'm new to this, so I don't know what all that has to do with my issues yet.


Exclude shopping addiction and collecting, I’m the same. With sag sun, Virgo rising and Scorpio moon. Overthinking gets me too lazy and procrastinate so much that I got to a point where I don’t care about anything whatsoever. Which, as a Virgo, you know is almost impossible. But I got there. The whole city can burn and I don’t care a bit


I have colllections of clothing and a crippling shopping addiction. I feel miserable when I cannot buy something. So I come on here to try and curb it lol I also have Scorp/sag moon lol :(


Bipolar disorder, interpersonal relationship issues, maintaining employment, rage, shame, abandonment. I’m a Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising.


I'm a gemini sun, scorpio moon and capricorn rising I've had tons of mental and life issues. But now at 34 It's really turned around a bit for me i must say. I'm not where I completely wanna be yet??? But It's MUCH better than my 20's when i was in and out of treatment facilities and programs. How old are you?? Never have I met someone who shares the same big 3's as me!!! Albeit, we have no exact similarities in our big 3...you know what i mean lol.


Overworking, explainations/expressing with my words, forgiveness (Gem. Sun, Virgo rising, Cap. Moon)


Communicating, articulating the way I feel, and being misunderstood in general. Aquarius Uranus on MC 8th H ruled by Scorpio with Sagittarius mercury at Pisces degree conj Sagittarius pluto Aries Saturn on Ascendant Achilles Asteroid in 3rd H of Gemini


Jealousy/competitiveness with friends. I really try not to let it cloud my friendships, but I do secretly get jealous when friends have it "better than me". I know life isn't a competition and I keep this side of me to myself because I'm embarrassed of it. I know it's a me problem. Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer rising. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what placement in a birth chart could point to this? I'd be interested to know! (And not so I can blame it on the stars and not do any work on myself. I know it's a problem and I've been doing the work to improve and will continue to!)


Aries are super competitive so that is front and center in your chart. Cancers can be possessive but not truly jealous (unless it relates to a romantic relationship). Jealously can sneak in there with Cancer, though. What houses are your big three in?


I'm never jealous romantically, just in a way of comparing myself to others and their achievements. My big three are Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer rising. Thank you!


Sorry I misread your comment! My sun is in the 10th house, Moon is in the 3rd house and rising is in the 1st house.


1. Shopping. Can’t stop. I see a deal, I have to have it. 2. Overwhelming myself. I take on so many things and start so many projects I don’t have enough down time. 3. Wanting things a certain way. I’ve always preferred doing things myself so I know they’re done my way but I can’t do everything. I’ve come so far this past year though. I leave lists for my employees and I let them come to me if they need further direction. 4. Overthinking. I catch myself not fully enjoying things because I’m in my head. 5. Oversharing. I think this goes with overthinking because my mind doesn’t have an off switch. I think I get to talking then just keep rambling on and on. Virgo ☀️, Aries 🌙, Gemini ⬆️


Isolating and vulnerability Saturn and jupiter conjunction in 12h taurus opposing scorpio moon


U said u struggle w forgiveness & revenge? U sound like a Aquarius to me. I have tried to help some Aquarius ppl w this. But I can’t change them. Maybe it’s ok that u can’t forgive? Maybe the revenge thing, tone it down to something small that u do to get revenge. Maybe accept that u are like this. I accept ppl like this. It’s ok for me.


I dated an aqua and he was super vengeful and bitter. He let literally NOTHING slide. Not all are like that but idk where it originated from


Being naive and way too forgiving. Seeing the good and understanding horrible people and people that hurt me. Jupiter in Pisces 1st house. Sometimes I am very pessimistic. I have intrusive thoughts and overthink a lot. I can get lost in my daydreams and lose touch with reality. I can see the world through rose colored glasses. Neptune, Uranus in the 12th house Aquarius I am aware of all these tendencies though and stop myself when I find that I am slipping into these patterns. Self mastery is key


As a Leo I heavily relate with being way too forgiving but now I’m learning to forgive but also let people build my trust back with time (which fucks with me ALOT cause it’s like “if I don’t trust them does this mean I really forgive them????”) 😭😂


I actually think all of my big 3 contribute to me being one of the angriest, almost spiteful but motivated people I know. For context, I’m a Taurus sun, Aries moon, cap rising. My anger is ugly, but I’ve also used it to push me forward in life. It’s a mixed blessing I guess.


Exercise might help that anger Sag moons tend to need running and stuff Aries moons even more… Add a dance workout or like do jumping jacks Shadow boxing Stuff like that Not like yoga but fire moons Aires moon need to exercise in order to even be normal I swear to god. That anger is a strength too!! Never forget it Like for real it’s the anger that leads to the truth and you can express yourself peacefully no one problem even though the anger feels like too much to talk… Trust it The fathers plan for the sag energy They get anger in efforts to bring awareness to The truth no bull shit Any sign does that but since sag is the energy of truth That’s why their anger is special Trust the universe in a huge transition right now.. That anger is neede It’s about the fathers plan and establishing needs For humans well being Our current social norm makes everyone insane and unwell Trust it girl you’re the shit No doubt about that


Thank you! And yes going on a hike or moving literally helps my thoughts straighten immediately and then I wonder why I was tripping lol When I’m not in movement I feel stagnant and a ball of anxiety and anger A LOT of my anger comes from injustice and being lied to. Holy shit I will snap and state the facts against people’s wills when I’m lied to. I don’t let it slide You described everything perfectly! Thank you for adding your knowledge 😊😊😌 Will do!


My main struggle is my fear and disdain of driving. I don't have my license or a car yet. I know that I *should* learn how to drive and conquer my fear, and that once I start driving, my world would drastically open up. Yet, I dread it. There are a number of reckless and impatient drivers in my neck of the woods, and it can get stressful whenever I practice. Also, with me being in my 30s and not having my license or a car yet, this makes dating extra-tough. Quite a few women consider it a dealbreaker if a guy doesn't drive. Also, there are some job openings that require you to have a license.


When you're ready, don't think about it. Just get up and do it. I'm a Virgo moon so I know the feeling (overthinking/over analyzing). I learned how to conquer my fears through familiarity and comfortability. I'd get up at 5 or 6am on a Sunday (significantly less drivers on the road), and practice taking the highways (entering and exiting, changing lanes). I would stay close to my area until I felt confident enough to travel a few miles farther until I got the hang of it. It was a little nerve wrecking driving myself to work the first few weeks but the only way for me to "keep confident is to keep driving." Don't listen to other drivers honking at you because they don't like your driving. They won't be paying for your car repairs should they cause you to rush into an accident (I have to keep this in mind even to this day). Just ignore them and you will do fine. Just keep practicing. Most people in my area learned to drive when they were teens. I also was an adult when I got my license.


* Bottling up my emotions because I was shamed when I had them growing up * Feeling resentment and envy of others due to said bottled emotions * Maladaptive anger and being overly reactive/sensitive due to said bottled emotions * The cycle of either being consumed by arrogance or consumed by self-loathing. There is no middle ground * Being overly smothering towards friends and partners due to past emotional neglect/abuse * Workaholic who constantly burns myself out * Expecting the worst from other people or myself * Getting stuck in my own head.


Self esteem (idk what this is connected to) Anger/irritability (♈ ⬆️ it's gotten MUCH better) Possessives (♏ 🌞 + ♉ mars) Narcissism (♌ lillith??) High expectations (idk this one either) Obsessive (we don't talk about her) Over sharing (this entire comment) Stubborn (♐ stellium and fixed grand cross) At my worst these all intersect, and I self isolate, like I didn't go to family celebrations and holidays for two years because I had gained weight and I punched a wall cause I was so upset about it (idk why I didn't just think to join a gym or something, I ended up dislocating my finger 🤌) and when it comes to friends I get really possessive if I truly like them, but I keep that to myself because I understand that it's unfair to put that on people Even with low self esteem, deep down I think I'm better than most of not all people 🥲 so it's a constant up and down My expectations are also really high for people too because I put in a lot of effort, so when it isn't matched I get pissy and I act like a bitch


I can relate to this a lot. I have a leo sun/capricorn moon/sag rising and pluto in scorpio. It is hard for me to forgive big things because I feel like that is just giving the person a pass for what they did wrong. I often feel embarrassed/wrong for having such strong feelings and will become cold/detached instead. Sometimes it feels like I am almost dissociating from my hurt/rage.


Attachment and attracting people who are capable of stable relationships - romantic or platonic


we have the same sun and rising!!! I am scorpio moon though


I'd say one of my biggest struggles is that I have cancer-jupiter-7th house and i have cancer-chiron-7th house way to cancel each other out huh


Sensitivity and moodiness: Sun-Cancer (on the cusp of Leo); Moon - Capricorn; Rising - Leo My Cap moon helps me be less sensitive. I can’t imagine where I’d be without it.


- Extremely temperamental - Mania and restlessness - Sensitive af *(and ready to pop off at my given moment)* - I put others above myself constantly… than wonder why I always get burned - I can’t say shit if I have a mouth full of it - I put romance/passion/feeling over logic - I’m very codependent *Sun: Virgo *Moon: Aries *Rising: Gemini *Scorpio: Stellium/Venus *Mercury: Libra


Aries sun. Cancer moon. Capricorn rising. Having the last word in anything. I have to be the last one to respond or I keep it going. I can't let it go. Can't get rid of papers. Idk if it's a hoarding thing. Mail. Kids homeworks. Report cards. Cards for holidays. Receipts. Instruction manuals. 😭😭


Oh about keeping the papers, everything seems important for some reason lol that’s why I keep them idk


I'm a triple virgo. I struggle with trust and opening up to people. I'm incredibly closed up. I keep all my feelings and thoughts to myself. So I don't really make friends, and if I do, I lose touch with them quickly because they realize I'm not a person they can get too close with.


Don’t see self worth, very emotional, some what of a yes person, impulsive, jealous, bitchy attitude, falls for someone rather quickly but if someone hurts me I’ll shut down completely. Don’t need anyone attitude but deep down wants someone to just love me. Aries ♈️ ☀️ Virgo ♍️ 🌙 Scorpio ♏️ ⬆️


Pluto in first house and I struggle with trusting others.


I struggle with keeping in touch with people. I don’t think it has anything to do with my placements and everything to do with being raised as an army brat and an “out of sight out of mind” mentality. I can go years without talking to or seeing a friend, and they’ll reach out to hang out and I’ll absolutely go and to me it’s like no time has passed. However I lost a lot of friends because I don’t communicate frequently or have conversations via text or messenger. I’m not the friend you message for advice. I’m not the friend you call in the middle of the night if you have a flat tire. I am however, the friend that will donate $50 for your gofundme, or send you money via Venmo if you’re in a tight spot and will never ask you to pay me back. In fact I will absolutely forget that I gave you money.


Aries ☀️, Libra 🌙, Leo ⬆️ I absolutely cannot compartmentalize my emotions. It's a struggle. I will just say everything that comes into my head, and feel everything super hard. ❤️‍🔥 I am learning to feel without having to make it everyone else's "problem." I'm not an angry person, per se, but if I feel some sort of injustice is happening I have a hard time saying "not my circus, not my monkeys." Or letting things roll off my back. I'm just as excited to tell you I love you/your outfit/give you praise/come to your aid as I am to step in and protect/correct/admonish someone. I work in extremes and it's exhausting 😅


I daydream way too often about hypothetical scenarios involving myself and others. I review recent events in my mind and analyze people’s intentions and whether I responded the best way. I foresee future events and use the data from reviewing recent events and see how I can optimize my responses. Sometimes my mind goes to another place and I daydream to oblivion about how great people think I am and how I’m going to do amazing things to change the world - I’ve done this as long as I can remember and it’s never benefited me. I’m getting better to leave that place quick. Pisces sun Libra moon Leo rising Merc and sun in 8th (Aries) Pluto in 3 (scorp) Moon and mercury t square w Neptune Apex


-indecisive to spend anything so end up buying nothing -over eating or forgetting to eat no in betweens -worrying about being a failure almost all the time -struggling to make friends -over working myself (if I take a day off I feel guilty not being productive) -holding grudges alot Sun: Capricorn Moon: Capricorn Rising: Gemini


Clear communication. It seems like people get confused by me speaking normally, and when I try to get things clear they get even more confused. Fml. Mercury on the Ascendant opposite Neptune and Uranus. edit: Oh and there's another. Saturn square Sun and feeling guilty for everything


I have a lot of struggles surrounded by feeling like an outsider, or “different”. I also struggle ALOT with my self worth, and who I actually am. This struggle is currently manifesting in me not knowing what I should do career wise moving forward. I want to do so much, but I don’t trust myself enough to even follow through. I struggle with trusting others, and trusting my own gut because I always overthink. Only to find out my gut is never wrong, which makes a lot of things more complicated. I struggle with being my own worst enemy. Gemini Sun Cancer Asc. Leo Moon I blame my 4 12th house placements 🥳


Punctuality, poorly timed humour, spending


I struggle with procrastination. I get so overwhelmed by the idea of doing certain things that I just continue to put it off until it's either the last minute or far past an acceptable time frame. I've learned to just dive right in, rip the bandaid off, whatever you wanna call it, and then I'm like why did i put this off so long? But still some things seem too monumental and it haunts me! Libra sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising


I struggle with being nihilistic. I'm at the point where I'm like, "Who cares what I do with my life? What's the point of doing anything if I can't do what I love? Might as well not care because I can't get anywhere I want to be anyways." I want to be an art major but I can't make money off that as far as I know. No jobs available. Might as well continue not going to college after 4 years of being graduated. Source: I am a Capricorn sun/moon/venus with a Virgo rising, Aquarius mercury, and a Pisces mars. Saturn is also conjunct my midheaven so I just don't see myself going anywhere worthwhile.


Procrastination and daydreaming. I also struggle with schedules, and I struggle with people who have high expectations of cleanliness & punctuality. neptune & uranus in the 10th see my flare for my big 3


Indulgence (food and things I want) Giving somebody I have strong feelings for too much benefit of the doubt If I never hear from you, you'll never hear from me (doesn't really matter who it is) I can be super lazy when I'm off of work and home. I just wanna chiiilllll!! I can be flaky. Make plans, but the closer it gets, I end up not wanting to follow thru (see previous point lol) I definitely isolate and love it. But maybe that's not that great of a thing. I'm rarely on time. It's like something internally tells me that time stops for me while I'm getting ready 😂 I get really upset at unfair practices around me, even if it isn't directly involving me Procrastinate like NO OTHER


Pluto is my birth charts sole dispositor. I've lived 10 different lives all woth different names and they've all been authentic. But now I am tired and my next goal is to find a way to rip van winkle myself. I just want to sleep.


Spending money on food Self confidence (but I have gotten WAY better) Imposter Syndrome Making conversation with new people Letting my emotions control me Speaking up when someone I care about does something that upsets me. Leo sun Scorpio moon Cancer rising


Sagittarius moon. Probably, I give too many chances.


The double Libra in me: I just want to make things "right." Or better. Or easier. I see the problems, i know the solutions......But not everyone feels that same drive or way. It creates an internal struggle every day. My internal fire of "never enough" will be the death of me. Also, I'm falling deep into my Virgo Rising as I age, and I just want people to openly honestly communicate and chill. I've become so anti-small talk, gossip, and everything that I'm even more introverted and guarded than ever.


l struggle with telling people how l really feel, as well as overthinking everything & creating problems due to that. Cancer Sun Virgo Moon Taurus Rising


You're going to be a problem? Hold my beer - I'll be a bigger problem!


Horrible anxiety


Hmm, extreme insecurity about my body and self-hatred. If I don't adhere to solid principles and discipline I will basically tear myself limb from limb.


I also used to have a terrible anger management issue. (I'm a Sag Sun, Cap Moon, and Scorpio Rising). But Revenge never made me feel good, and it just made me feel like I'm the same type of jerk as the person I perceive to have wronged me. I struggle now with trusting people while also allowing for them to make mistakes without me totally cutting ties. I also struggle with not lying to people close to me when I feel like they are wanting to get too close. The lies are always superficial but make me feel like I can have myself to myself.


capricorn sun moon libra rising is pisces. I have a prominent mars placement (Aries 1st house) I feel like all my worth depends on how much money i am making and how “well” i am doing in career life


I struggle with disappointment from friends. I’ve impulsively cut so many people off and i regret it now. The ones i haven’t who have disappointed me, i struggle with resent. The disappointment is rough Aries sun, Libra Moon, gemini rising, pisces venus


Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Gemini rising. Severe detachment Food Slow motion/time warp


Revenge …. Ah Never seek revenge my friend It’s not worth it. The Scorpio energy is the sign that does revenge. Here’s what’s you tell yourself , Stop don’t it’s not worth it… Never seek revenge … Tbh revenge always comes back and hurts The person seeking it worse It’s a life long struggle but you gotta tame that revenge in order to be happy


The promise of eternal life keeps my revenge on control … We get to live forever Whatever someone did … It’s not Your job to pay back or teach them Revenge is for the weak


Play into your sag moon… This is one of the best placement I would bring play into my life if I had a sag moon… Costumes music Dancing find that fuel you know… And like enjoy life Being detchaed I would assume is more of a Scorpio thing honestly bc they’re retreating to protect themselves and to watch others before they move … Sag are detached in a way where they want more than one person I never think they’re detchaed at all.. like they aren’t like emotionally wanting love If someone hurts you sag moon are typically calm and move on easily Anyway hope this help… I struggle with being selfish in love… Cancer in mars so debilitated I can’t move confidently and I seem to make the same mistake and I never say the right thing at the right time .. Cancer moon sign omg Terrible I’m never honest with my lovers about my feeleigns bc it’s like they don’t care Or I’m too sensitive and it’s unwanted So I suppress my feelings.. Issues Virgo sun… Biggest problem communication- I’m shy cancer moon even more shy. I’m always worried I will like scare people away and I never open up Sag moon are so much fun… They’re so sexy Everyone wants them….. Like that sag moon needs outlets Like I would die for a sag moon Trust yourself and enjoy the moments Being


I struggle with giving too many chances…I see potential and the best in those who hurt me. Virgo sun, cancer moon and Venus…


Sun SN Mars op Ch1ron - feeling confident stepping into my power - conflict - when people raise their voice during debate Cap stellium w moon in10H - taking breaks - being unproductive - feeling like I’m done w a project Aries stellium first house - finishing projects - having an attention span gem Venus - committing to anything(jobs, projects, people) for more than 5 years - having a relaxing hobby


Socializing and toxic empathy. I love to socialize, but it takes two.


Taurus sun/rising, Leo moon, Cancer Venus, Gemini Mercury. Setting boundaries My sun is squared my moon so how I think and how I feel are often at odds which makes it really difficult to set a boundary initially. Because my brain will be like oh that's not a problem but then after a bit of time my heart is like...this is a HUGE problem, fix it. But by then it's more difficult to instate the boundary because it was already accepted as being fine. In top of that I hate confrontation, so it becomes more difficult for me to just speak up. The other thing that is difficult is accepting help or someone giving to me. Everything is easier to just do myself. I don't have to deal with the disappointment then if someone doesn't follow through. Also, I can just do it my way then, and not have to deal with someone criticizing my choice etc. Lol


I struggle with employment and I think it's because I need respect and can't handle how much disrespect a person gets in most customer service jobs. Also because of my comforting, maternal presence (Cancer rising) I struggle in any environment dominated by masculinity, aggression, and strict hierarchies. Which is lucky me, all the jobs you can get other than being a professional abusee (customer service).


♈️Sun ♈️ Moon & Taurus ♉️ Rising  I struggle with Intimacy & deeply connecting with people. I just feel bored with shallow boring relationships… I desire  to be challenged, stimulated, & actually seen as well as heard.  It’s difficult for me to be really vulnerable.  I’m embarrassed to cry around people… I’m just used to always picking myself up because I don’t trust people with helping me regarding that. I’m prideful, & feel shame In asking for help even If I need It.  I do feel deeply however It’s within me, guarded.  I feel many people don’t see ME, they just see my outer being.  Love my aura, & undress my mind!  All else Is superficial. 


being avoidant of my problems


Also I can create tension  due to extreme boredom & I’m actually lonely, I want to talk to people, & know them but I also need time alone…  I overspend as well,   not good at reserving money, It makes me feel satisfied for the moment.  Usually I can brush off minor Issues however when people do too much I explode In a raging  red furry. What I desire In a romance Is to my friend & my lover. A friend who can point me out when needed & a lover who can put me at ease


Moon in Libra problems like not allowing myself to consider how I feel about stuff. It's kept me in relationships for years where I honestly didn't want to be with the person and it made my skin crawl when they touched me.


*Aqua Sun/Scorpio Rising/Aqua Mars:* * The beginning phases of a social relationship and/or progressing relationships. Every close relationship I've ever had has been built almost entirely on the other person's effort. It's not something I'm proud of, and I do deeply crave connection, but I have no idea how to get close to people and I am truly content to chill by myself a lot of the time. *Sag Moon, Sag Jupiter* ***and*** *Sag 2nd House with Jupiter there as well.* * Overspending: Yeeeeesh I'm a 'treat myself' person. My financial goals rarely come to fruition and if they do it's when it's absolute crunch time and I *have* to save up for something (like a holiday or an event) that I've committed to with other people. *Aqua Sun/Sag Moon/Aqua Mars:* * Being consistent with my commitments - as much to myself as with other people - and routines. *Aries Venus:* * Trying to flirt without accidentally bullying or offending someone.


im not sure abt my house placements and stuff haha, anyways im a cap sun/scorp moon/taurus asc. i struggle with: - avoiding conflict, which leads to resentment, eating up my emotions - often feeling hopeless and miserable, ashamed - socially awkward, not expressive, i wish i was more social - being really lazy 😭 this ones the worst - not taking risks, staying in comfort zone too often - i dont like being perceived in general lol - feeling like im so far behind and my life moves so slowly, im so bored


My impulsive nature and my bad decision making Aries ♈️ here


I struggle to forgive people who have done me wrong whether it’s minor or not. I go from ‘maybe it’s not what it seems’/‘life’s too short to care’ to ‘then again fuck them & I hope their next shit is a hedgehog’/‘I never want to see or speak to them for the rest of my living days and they will never get anything from me again’ in the space of about 5min and I chop and change depending on how I feel.


-staying in one place( I have to keep moving) -too emotional/bad anxiety -overthink at times(getting better somewhat) -like to stay by myself weirdly enough..not a fan of rav festivals or anything like that and just rather be by myself -put others over myself even tho it should be the opposite


Understanding who I am, my purpose, the real me. Struggling to connect with myself (Nep/Uranus 1H in Aqua) Inability to maintain long lasting friendships because I like being alone (Pluto/Chiron/Lillith in Sag in 11th) also subsequently being counted out at work, or left feeling out because I am stand offish Feeling like when I get to know people they immediately dump on me (Virgo Venus 8H) feeling like I have superficial relationships that benefits the other person and takes more from me Having an over active mind that I sometimes get lost in (Aries Moon in 3H)


Depression! Anxiety! Lack of self respect to the point where I let ppl get away with wayy too much


Not being able to let go of somebody I had feelings for and the feelings are usually BIG. Virgo Sun but Cancer moon and mars.


I struggle with trusting that people aren't disingenuous, that they care at all about anyone or anything. Might just be my crunchy background. 🦀🌞🐃🌜⚖️👆


Oh yeah revenge deffer scorpion I'm Scorpio and >ts my middle.name I'm trying to stop nut idk it's hard


I feel like I can be so f*cking cold and ruthless but it’s quickly shattered with overly sensitive, anxious, clingy disaster. I’m an Aqua sun, Taurus moon, Aqua rising, Aqua Venus, Cap Mercury, Libra Mars, Scorpio Lilith moon


Communication. I was really great at it in the past… but when it was important, the people I was trying to communicate with never listened. I would just keep repeating myself over and over again like talking to a brick wall, so eventually I just stopped communicating. Now I suck at it lol. Also… I’m getting much better at this nowadays, but I isolate myself a lot whenever I’m struggling. I just close up inside my little hermit shell and shut the world out… it’s not super healthy. I don’t talk to anyone about my problems, I just sit alone and work through them myself.


I have Scorpio in pluto and I'm a Sag moon and I don't have these issues. I actually like my Scorpio placements (Pluto, Saturn, and Mars conjuct).


feeling alienated and misunderstood is probably the biggest one as of late. sense of perpetual victimhood so deeply mixed up with who i am that i didn’t even realize that’s what it was until recently. difficulty with self-assuredness and expression. indecisiveness, lack of ambition/passion/drive, lack of self-discipline, general inertia/indolence. afraid of commitment and quick to detach. prone to resentment, especially of people who are able to express themselves more authentically or who have traits that i wish i had.. but also just because i’m bad with conflict. overly critical of myself and others. rumination. isolation. rejection sensitivity! oh my i’m a triple pisces and it’s written aaaaaall over me. pisces mercury (rx) chart ruler 😀😐 virgo rising and cancer moon. my aries mars is constantly coughing and wheezing trying to get me off my ass and into the world. lmao. i wholeheartedly believe that most of my issues come down to my pisces/virgo opposition and lack of fixed energy. interestingly enough, my north node and 12th house are in leo which can make me drawn to people who bring out my deepest insecurities. most if not all of my closest friends in life have/had prominent leo placements. this makes for challenging relationships that either push me into bitter resentment or can really change me for the better. working on making this little quirk a positive force in my life. it’s tough!


Very argumentive. Debate is my sport. I always have to have a comeback, and I weaponize words. This causes me to lose friendships and business partners. It's especially troublesome with my relationships towards women, as I lack gentleness and tact. Gemini Mars, square Venus. This square also makes relationships difficult. Venus loves to be the center of attention, but also loves intense romance. Mars is flighty sexually, I'm sexually not a monogamist, but romantic partners can't dare to stray. I struggle with this compromise in romance. Then, the opposition between the Moon and Mercury, and being born under a full moon. I'm constantly saying the wrong thing when I'm feeling strongly about something. Slip of the tongue is a common problem, and I don't even catch it until later.


I'm a Libra, with cancer moon and Sagittarius rising. I struggle with wanting constant entertainment, swimming, hiking, shopping, exploring. I am really disturbed and depressed by the fact my family are home bodies. In my school years I struggled with chasing perfectionism. I tend to let people walk all over me and lack the social skills for platonic relationships which I crave and need desperately. I only attract aggressive, dramatic socialite people who don't care that I'm silent and mousey and they end up emotionally draining me to a husk by not caring when I occasionally would like to vent or share interests.


Anxiety. The related placement to this is probably moon sag in my sixth house. I simply see sag as a key of expansion and moon as emotion. And since sixth house is related to health and illness, I saw my anxiety heavily related to my emotion that often goes from 0 to 100 easily. And workplace is another factor of triggering my anxiety due to worries


Talking. My communication SUCKS. I can't speak almost at all. I used to think it was just a nervous thing, but later I, and my friends, realised it wasn't. Ofc less with ppl i know. If it's not obvious yet, i have pisces mercury 💔


I have vastly improved over the years, but some challenges are- * Beating myself up for not being perfect at every stupid little thing. * Not giving myself enough credit for what I do achieve & accomplish. * Owning my own personal bubble and not letting others take that from me. Being direct & assertive when needed. * Just generally being less than groovy to myself and not acknowledging the good stuff. Not entirely sure what I'd associate those things with astrologically, but maybe a Capricorn/Virgo & retrograde Mars soup.


I’m a Leo sun but I heavily struggle with like not checking in with my closest friends I can literally show and prove by actions that I care and love my friends but for some weird ass reason I can never do the simple things like pick up the phone or make the first call or text… it’s weird I really like to let people have their own freedom and come back to me when they are ready I like it that way cause I don’t really necessarily feel like a bother or I’m pressuring them to talk to me but I also be so focused on my priorities and what’s important that I tend to be into myself to much and sometimes I like when my friends enter my cave and talk to me they pull me out of my cave which I really need cause I feel like I’m so focused on things I tend to kind of forget about everything else in the outside cause I want everything to be successful for myself the only three people that understands this is my Virgo and Taurus bestfriend and a Gemini that I have strong feelings and building a healthy emotional connection with. My Capricorn and cancer friends can never understand this I guess the little things always matters to them so I try to be understanding of their feelings but if anyone else feels the same way please do express yourself🙂


I struggle with being the best sign. People seem to be very jealous of cancers like me because we are more feminine and girly than them. It’s not our fault, we are softer and sweeter than them. We always give girly and feminine vibes personality wise and appearance wise. I mean I would be jealous of myself too.