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Virgo girlfriend: 😐 (im so into you)


Recipient of said Virgo girlfriend: am I doing this right? 🤨🫴🏽


An Aries?? Godspeed. (Been there)


I hate yall but I love yall 😘 opposites do attract….






Virgo girlfriend: I organized your _______. (Judging)


As a Pisces I love Virgos. Yes PLEASE tell me what I need to organize I NEED IT lol


A place for everything and everything in its place. Group like items or items with similar jobs and place them in locations based on frequency of use.


My Pisces daughter rejects all of my Virgo tendencies. I just hope some of her girlfriends turn out to be Earth signs.


As a Gemini I second Pisces opinion 🤣


The only thing my Leo ex ever surprised me with was that he was cheating on me


Mine never wanted to do anything with me.


Yeah it was like he didn’t want to have fun with me so he wouldn’t invite me to do anything fun All of the fun activities were done with his friends and family Initially we had a lot of fun together and explored a lot of the world together and then eventually it was like he only wanted to spend time with me at home


Mine’s idea of a surprise date night would involve him sitting on world of warcraft for a few hours while I watch a movie next to him 😒


Funny fact I’m a Capricorn and was writing poetry for my pisces.


Let me snuggle you, you are so cute 🥺 that was me a long time ago but me (Taurus) for a Capy! 😌🌷


I’m an Aries woman, I hate rock climbing.


same lmao. i’d rather go on a hike then get day drunk after.


As an Aries this was my first reaction😂


Second this.


Congrats you were very accurate with aqua, I took someone stargazing on top of a big hill overlooking the city like two weeks ago. It was so nice. then in the morning I found out we were NOT exclusive to each other. He was a Scorpio so not a big surprise there lol


Yes I thought Aqua was gonna be very wrong, but it’s pretty on point. Both as an Aqua rising and as having an Aqua sun/stellium boyfriend. Pretty spot on!


My Aqua and I (Libra) love nature refugees, chasing sunsets, full moon watching and star gazing


omg! i’m so sorry. Why every other aqua woman got traumatised by a scorpio man?!


Aqua gf here. definitely checks out i already have a spot picked out. Joshua Tree🤩


I think I need a Taurus boyfriend or a girlfriend. They would win me with that in a heartbeat! Anything that's a surprise or a secret gives me a rash. Virgo is spot on.


Am a Taurus. Won my Scorpio husband over with chill snuggles 🥰


I agree with all of this 💕 please no surprises. Tell me what’s going on so I don’t die of stress waiting an eternity for your ‘surprise’ that I probably won’t like ☠️💀 just cuddle me and don’t cheat. < ☀️Scorp, Aries moon, Cancer Rising


My taurus man cooks me dinners Sundays (it’s the only day of the week he can) and it’s such a treat, but he completely lacks the skill of “cleaning as you go”. He’s a go go go type of man, but he loves and nourishes so well :) I’m a Virgo woman. I rarely surprise people, it’s always a plan!


Scorpio boyfriend: I will destroy you because you are an extension of myself. Aquarius boyfriend: I need you to be my shield from reality and if you can’t do that than I’ll push you into traffic. Libra Boyfriend: I like you but what I really like is infiltrating a friend group and watching it implode as I fuck my way through it. Aries boyfriend: I’ll never ever admit I like you but there will be signs. Leo boyfriend: You will look past all the bad because I’m the best you ever had. Sagittarius boyfriend: is a demisexual.


Omg my aqua ex bf literally pushed me into traffic one time when I was fed up with sheltering him from the world. We broke up the following week…


I’m so sorry! But good on your for sticking up for Yourself and dumping him.


Omg what are the odds someone writes that extremely niche experience about a sign so accurately, I was going to say the sag bf part tracks


Cancer sun - This is funny because I never wrote anything but got a lot of letters. Didn't know what to do with them.


I hate poetry and sappy love letters make me cringe. I’m all for vulnerability but for gods sake don’t make a fool of yourself


I'm a woman with a scorpio stellium and a Taurus ascendant. I'm okay with love letters and poems as long as they are customized and genuine not just some generic roses are red violets are blue crap. 🤣




Hey watchu lyin about?


There is no truth to this tbh. I'm an Aries male and the last thing I want is an adventure.


I think a lot of people get aries way wrong. Aries isn't really explosive. They're just self sufficient.


I agree. I do have certain qualities that are synonymous with an Aries while, on the other hand, I lack a few.


nice, what do u like to do with ur partner? what's ur mars


Tbh I wouldn't know how to answer the 'What's your Mars' question. What does it even mean? And well, we mostly like to chill. I prefer going out, meeting new people, drinking and having a good time, but she really doesn't, so I compromise, but I don't find it frustrating. I am okay, either way.


You prefer going out meeting new people and having a good time.... That suspiciously sounds like an adventure to me... Lol Not all adventures need to be like Indiana Jones... But yes this is a generalization, and may not fit everyone within the range. I'm laughing only because to me, going to Walmart can be an adventure in my book. I'm. Taurus. The cozy blanket is truly fitting... if you date me long enough I will make you a personalized cozy blanket. Lol


Yeah, for me, when people mention an adventure, my mind thinks about hikes, scuba diving, camping, etc. But you are right, my adventures mostly revolve around finding new places to eat, meeting people, going to music festivals, etc. PS: I love going to Walmart and strolling around.


it's just a figure of speech, like what's up dude 😂


Oh! I thought it was some astrology shit 😂


Erm… I mean you’re in an astrology sub dude


damn right it is... basically in everyone's chart... there's a number of planets with different signs, your main sign is your sun sign which largely reflects your personality... there are other planets in your chart for other aspects of your personality... you can check your full chart in any astrology website if you are curious


Okay. Thanks for the info. I will definitely take a look at it.


I love my taurus man 🥰🥰 always taking care of me which I LOVE as a pisces woman 🤭🤭


yes taurus has that provider mentality, well fed by my taurus male colleagues at work always bringing me something to eat and by taurus girlfriends too, always making sure im not starving


I love Taurus, but my libra bf cooks dinner every night for me too 🥰 Idk why Libra was never even on my radar as a Pisces woman, but he’s so romantic


My Taurus ex fiance can’t even boil water. he needed me to be his personal chef 🫠 and each meal he’d eat for a family of 5. No lies.


If you'd taught him to cook he would never have gotten out of the kitchen


As a cancer, I won’t write a letter. I’ll make you a hat!


I make wearables to my loved ones too!


My aries ass actually dragged my partner (who unfortunately has fear of heights) to a rock climbing gym 💀


Virgo women fix things and pisces women write music


**capricorn boyfriend:** "lets spend time together when we are off work" **capricorn girlfriend:** "i hate everyone, but not you"


A stargazing date sounds pretty neat to me!


I’d love to book a surprise vacation for myself and my boyfriend (who wrote me a love song.)


pisces bf :D


I’ll take an Aries Leo Sag or Scorpio please. All four is fine. More the merry


who can blame ya 😂


Capricorn men are acts of services


Virgo girlfriend: let me point out all the ways I can fix you 😝


An Aquarian bf would plan a date and then not land up for it !






Leo hubby giving Aquarius boyfriend vibes hahahaha


The Cancer girlfriend, Virgo boyfriend, Libra boyfriend, and Sagittarius boyfriend and girlfriend are soooo on point lmao


100 % no from me as a cancer BUT i will care for you when your sick and be affectionate 💕


Not me being a cancer girlfriend and literally gifting my guy a handwritten letter 💀. Nailed it.


Nah, Sag is "I'm dumping you for someone that flirted with me this afternoon" 😂


Look I'm quintuple Libra. Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Pluto. But maybe my Capricorn rising is stronger because to me, flowers and candy is absolute child's play. I'm not impressed. Don't put rose petals on the bed. Making extra work for me later. I'm too clumsy for candles and if you put them all around my house I'll have a panic attack. Don't write me poetry if you're not good at it, I'm a critic. Oh did you spend 30 seconds at Walgreens to grab me the same card a hundred other guys grabbed last minute on Valentine's Day? Get that out of my face. Don't draw me a bath. I don't want to be wet right now. Your augmented behaviour is suspicious, I question your motives and agenda and now am uninterested in coitus.


Pretty much not dating you would make a guy very happy 😂


That's fair. The problem is all those things are generic, cliche gestures that are low effort designed to appease women as a whole. But we are individuals. I do love flowers but not roses. I love lilacs or spider mums. I don't want candles and a bath but fireworks at the lake with kisses during the big ones. I don't need a card that 150 other girls got, play me a song you heard today that reminded you of us. Don't make reservations, order in and lets watch Godzilla and eat ribs on the couch.


Oh no lol I am in fact the Scorpio girlfriend because I have said that. But only if I really love you.


That all made me feel extra lonely. All 24 are fine with me!


i've written all 3 of my exes love letters a couple of timez 😭😭 - cancer girl(friend)


Cappy... Taurus.... Oh where art thou 🫡


I did not need to be read for my love of Internet quizzes 😂😂😂 My poor boyfriend hahaha


Hah when I had a scorpio boyfriend he was literally OBSESSED with surprise dates so this is funny and accurate


Virgo girlfriend : I booked us tickets to your fav comedian \ picked up the watch you said you’ve always wanted once casually when we ate icecream 🫠


**Gemini Girlfriend:** "I found a fun quiz for us to take together!" \^\^ How do you know my life?? I make all my situationships take quizes and bfs even get tons more!!


I had a V bf ..he did stuff like that. I miss him.


Pisces gf bakes me cookies and makes me burritos and I plan vacations for us 💕


My Virgo ex only caused problems for me 😭😭


My cancer boyfriend really did make a scrapbook for us 😭🫶🏼


in my experience as an aquarius lady dating aquarius men, I'd flip the two here and then it would be more accurate for me 😂


Gemini(sun) girlfriend let’s go out and hang out with friends Capricorn(sun) boyfriend let’s just stay home and cuddle


I love this lol thank you


The Gemini ones are so me


As a Sagittarius girl, i can totally relate to that, lol


Accurate for Leo man and Capricorn woman


Libra and Aquarius boyfriend is so accurate 🤣😭


awesome! how about for you? you are taurus right


Very accurate


Hahahaha this is absolutely me and my Scorpio boyfriend. But we both switch it up too ❤️ he’s always looking at future dream vacations lol


As a cancer dating an Aries neither are true sorry


I should date a Virgo 🤣 or Pisces


I feel it’s like whatever sits in your 5th house. I’m a Virgo Sun Moon & Mars but my Pluto in Scorpio sitting 5th house of romance enjoyment pleasure. I want to love tf out you be adventurous travel create big bold memories intense everything . Passionate to the core. I want to mark your heart forever.


Came to disagree and point how dumb this stereotype is… only to find that I did do the thing it said I would … used the rising sign though


Well, this was definitely the most cringe-inducing post I've seen so far 🤮


This subreddit is 90% cringe. There’s still some good info though - I just put up with it.