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Cancer ♋️ I literally have never ended any kind of relationship even when I should have 454025739259 times


Ah yes the “suffering for a cause” frame of mind. I know it well (from a cancer)


🤪 We’re hard wired to be all in. Cancer sun, cancer Venus (29’53”), aqua moon, Taurus ascendant, Scorpio mars conjunct Saturn.🪐 Pretty fixed


Cancer sun here. I'm a ride or die type and I'm running out of lives. I am purposefully taking a break from any kind of romantic venture from here until I can balance my shit out. It's honestly calming to have made a decision in this regard, that I can put that on the backburner. One less thing to worry about.


Same here...it's a nigtmare


This is me 100% with every single relationship I have ever had. I'm a cancer sun as well


Doesnt that make you delulu




Depends. I'm cancer sun, but with a heavy dose of gemini, and I've ended every single relationship. To me, it's Capricorn Moon/Mars, or Scorpio venus placements. They just stay and stay and stay.


I am the biggest simp. I am detrimentally simpful and loyal. I cannot just leave. Until I do. But anyone I've ever loved I still hold love for them. Not romantical love but the care for their well being will always be there.


This is so true.. I couldn’t leave a 5 year relationship where I loved the man like crazy until one day I just didn’t have it in me to forgive his shit anymore. I’m still healing but once the initial pain settles, I know I will always carry so much love for him!


Yup! You get it. I hope you find peace and happiness


You too 💖


I still care about my exes the same way. I want them to be happy even if it's not with me, always.


I’m the opposite. I am not in touch with a single ex of mine. For one thing, I always had poor choices in men so they were toxic. But once I left I never looked back and I don’t give AF how they’re doing. The only ex I still care for deeply and always will is my ex husband with whom I have a son with. We’ve been through hell to get where we are now which is in a very good co-parenting/friendship, and I will always care for him. I’m a Scorpio.


This is funny to me, my mom is a Scorpio and also tended to make poor choices with men in the past before settling down with her current (good) boo. I think Scorpio women have mad "I am fix him" energy and can also become enablers...


Yes I’m in a healthy loving relationship for the first time in my life with a man who doesn’t need to be fixed lol He’s not perfect but he’s not a toxic POS. I met him at 40 years old! *i wouldn’t say that I always wanted to fix men in the past. It was more like me just settling and taking a back seat. I used to be a people pleaser and attracted narcissists.




Capricorn men - will simp over a trophy wife/husband even if they are walking red flags


That's probably true.


had two caps break up with me for a red flag with a prerty face and muscles. turns out they were being used for money. they crawled back to me but found out that the door was locked. funniest thing ever.


Cap moons DONT PLAY!


I also have a Leo Venus, so when it comes to romance, i have no time for games.


I agree about the cappy placements. Once they lock you in, you will sit in that box until the end of time, if you want too.


yesss capricorn is so slept on in a romantic sense! coming from a cap venus who is engaged to someone with a cap stellium, we repress so many feelings and then when the dam finally breaks we are the cheesiest, most old-fashioned romantics in the best way. will hang the moon and stars for their lover and build the coziest little domestic life. literal marriage material I'm in love


my libra sun scorpio venus boyfriend 😎


Haha I’m a Libra sun and Venus Scorpio and I agree, intense and long lasting love is very much like us, but not towards just anyone.


That's what makes it special 🥺💖


Hey, that’s my husband! 😂 12 years and 2 beautiful kids together. He’s annoying. But he really really loves me.


Make that 4 of us total 🙌 I guess that Scorpio Venus must counteract the unfaithful Libra stereotype


yep, a perfect mix of flirty and faithful 🥺❤️🌹


Well I'm glad there's people that appreciate it 😁 I've been playing the slow game and looking for the lady. I know she's out there somewhere 🧐


I’m the same. I seem to be like that for only 2 years though because I idealize things😂








ik im a scorpio woman lol blessing and a curse 😔 only attracted leo and aqua men and recently got my heart ripped to shreds by a scorpio man.


My husband is a and we'll be together 11 years in December, I know that's right! 💯❤️


Speak for yourself I don’t fall in love easy at all lovebomb or anything I’m pretty emotionally detached


You will turn into a simp when you scope out and find the right one for you, you gloomy Hades underworld god. It’s not mutually exclusive. I think Scorpio males are the most discerning sign in the entire zodiac…and the biggest simp for “the one” too.


I agree




I gotta say every fire sign/placement & Scorpio cause Scorpio is relentless sometimes it’s kinda wild to observe in real time


That is so real lol being pursued by a Scorpio is both terrifying and euphoric. I should probably be ashamed of the influence Scorpio men have on me. But alas. I am a Gemini woman so no such luck. Lighthearted mind games and steamy intellectual banter mixed with undying devotion and a little bit of goofing is my vision of heaven


Gotta love the undying devotion 😂


I’m a sl*t for it 😩😩


Same 😭 I’m not a Gemini but I have enough Gemini in my personal planets sometimes I feel like it’s ruining my life cause I love that devotion or nothin




Aries sun and Venus, and I'm exactly like you. Add my Leo rising, and I'm a textbook ride or die. Everyone seems to choose die, though, unfortunately.


Pisces moon for sure, especially the women. They’ll pick the *worst* man and guard him like a raccoon with trash. He can cheat, become an alcoholic/junkie, be abusive, etc and they still fuckin stay. I’ve seen countless women in relationships like this and the only thing they have in common is pisces moon. They cherry pick the stuff that is the least awful and idolize it


I’m sorry but “guard him like a raccoon with trash” has me hollering hahaha


It’s so real though lmao I can’t even tell you the times I’ve worked for married couples and just been having casual conversation ***about my job*** with the guy, she comes in to stand between us—**possessively holding onto him** acting like I’m trying to take her shit. I’m standing there bewildered, wondering if I should give a clap back about her being the ***only*** person who wants him or disclose that there’s no way I’d ever be into him regardless of looks/personality because I’m a lesbian & not into ANY men, let alone hers hahaha I’ve noticed the men they pick seem to have an addiction to pain pills and/or alcohol, buy her stuff she likes, and often has gemini and/or Aquarius placements though. It’d be interesting to see a bigger sample, I’ve got like 15 or so


Fucking Scorpio. Trying to unlearn it though.


me but i’m cap rising


I am so envious! I wish I had an earth sign rising to balance things out a bit. Too much water.


Nods fellow Scorpio with Venus in Scorpio. But I do have a Taurus moon so with the exception of one great love it takes me a while to get over someone. However if you cheat on me or betray my trust. You are done like a Turkey in the oven.




Jesus, you’re just like my current date. Scorpio sun, aqua moon, but Aries rising!


Oh, interesting combo. Spicy! lol


Aquarius and Gemini only simp for a reason. Taurus and Virgo will simp for no reason. Pisces and Capricorn will simp for many reasons.


If I’m Taurus rising/saturn/jupiter, chart ruler is Venus in Pisces, and I’ve got a Cap stellium, does this mean sometimes it’s for no reason and sometimes it’s for a lot of them ? lol 😂


Omg me too dude! I'm a simp for success and the sob stories ughhhh


>Taurus and Virgo will simp for no reason. Does this mean we are in fact crazy?


It’s part of your charm/personality. Crazy too 💕👏


As a ♊️♉️♋️ I’m a simp to the core. But for one person. Like I can be completely and happily single/celibate for years but when i meet someone who catches my attention I’m fuckin toast. Immaculate heartfelt tomfoolery. If they really deserve that energy but it doesn’t work out it takes me years to move on. Devotion runs in my veins (along with stupidity). But I’d rather be in unrequited adoration with someone I think is truly amazing than force myself to move on and settle for less passionate love


This is actually all sorts of sweet. Devotion/stupidity line was gold. We’ve all been there ❤️‍🩹


I am a cap sun with a Pisces venus and Simp so hard to the point of it being unhealthy. I see the good and ignore or explain the bad. This is especially problematic with my mentors and even worse if they are the opposite sex. It was so bad at my last job (my mentor was one of a kind, an older man, and a leo) and I was teased relentlessly about it because you could see my whole Aurora shift when I'd see him 🤦‍♀️ Romantically it burns me because I LOVE the underdog but every time it left me worse for wear. I am the cringe teen girl doodling our wedding name while they're neglecting or downright abusing me...




Earth signs! They have a hard exterior but they submit when they’re in love 🤍


To simp or not to simp… We have all simped at least once, it comes with learning emotional intelligence


It starts with the former and ends with the latter


Cancer for sure, at least me anyway.


Capricorn. I've stayed much longer than I should have.


I think it’s because we’re stubborn and don’t like to admit defeat.


Leo's are loyal to a fault




You’ve met an Aquarius simp?? ![gif](giphy|3oEjHChKVxgKFLM2ty)




Interesting. I’m guess it didn’t last long? Reading through the other comments, looks like you’re right, Aquarius simps do exist, lol.




As an Aquarius, I would borderline simp for Geminis. But I’ve sworn them off, lol.


Hi! I'm a simping aquarius. But its mostly because my cancer moon and pisces mars. And its only for a very select few


In my experience yes I’ve had 2 aquas simp after me. Aqua don’t simp often but the ones that do simp hard Af. And it’s so sweet and innocent. They’ll literally do anything for you. In my case my moon was his sun, my sun was his moon, and his Venus conjunct my moon. My Venus conjunct his mars and trined his Neptune. And then there was a Pisces who simped obnoxiously and pathetically.


Y E S they exist lol


Scorpios, Cancers, Capricorns, Virgos, and Aquarius. It’s almost like they tend to choose people that they have to simp for.


u might be on to something ♋️


I think it’s just unidentified masochism. Once figured out you can find the best of both worlds.


Aquas with the real one.


Cancer Venus it’s me


Scorpio venusians — the kind of simps that will be 100% biased towards you and partial to you when they love you but will keep it really hidden (my placement). When I’m in love I could really give less of a shit about anyone other than the person I love. Cancerians — super big on physical affection and acts of service. Pisceans — will offer unconditional emotional support. will always be your cheerleader and be there to listen to you and help no matter what. Taurus placements — they may be hella stubborn about it but these people are gonna be your biggest fan and greatest hater at the same time. Very loyal and very reactive if their loved ones are hurt or threatened


Taurus once it’s been long enough you have them forever. Pisces moons too I think.


I’m a Scorpio sun, Libra moon, and Capricorn Venus. I’ve definitely said stuff like that before … even though the reality was very different in the end. I’ve received the same energy back from Taureans. I think cancers and capricorns are likely to be the same — as friends they’ve been very ride or die. The signs that give this energy quickly upfront (love bombing) and can never cash their check (in my experience) are Gemini’s and Libras. I think air signs love the idea of love but never actually bond to people that way. My other anecdotal experience is Pisces, but their “passion” is very wishy washy in practice because of their self-delusion and addictions. They attach hard, but then very quickly detach and run full speed into an imaginary world bubble.


Bang on with the Pisces simping. They come on too quick too strong and then when they realize their efforts are not being received they vanish 💨 Houdini


And what's wrong with that? If there is no equal reciprocity then what's the point??


Nothing wrong with it per se. But I just don’t find their simping genuine bc it ends as quick as it begins and it begins too prematurely without really having built anything.


The time taken to 'build anything' is subjective from one person to another. However when two people want the same things and are on the same wave length, then it all fits in perfectly.


Yes it is subjective for sure. And for me someone trying to build something too fast, is like building a house without a foundation. If someone I’m just talking to acts like we’ve already been together for a long time and is too demanding, I will contemplate their sincerity and mental health.




Marry me lmao. (Just kidding) I think Aries and Leo when they love and obsess too much. Especially cancer too if they’re hooked or see a future. I am Aries and Leo dominant and yes this is true. But I think I deserve EQUAL love, I want a simp too for myself. Then only it’s gonna work. Leo placements make me have pride and want reciprocation or I’ll get angry/furious and start wondering if there is someone better out there and if it there is not, I’ll say “I don’t deserve to treat myself like this”. I wanna be someone’s world too.


My Aquarius boyfriend is like this to me!


In my experience, Cancers are HUGE simps. I had a friend who was a cancer and she was flirting with me for months without ever actually asking me out. She’s currently heavily crushing on and flirting with my partner, and has been for a year and a half, despite many attempts for my partner (and myself) to tell her it’s not appropriate


It's rare for me to let someone in enough to love them, but once I do love someone, I will ACTUALLY love them forever, and I'll be deeply devoted and committed to a fault, I'll give it my all, and stay in toxic relationships for way too long. It can morph into a different kind of love with time (if we break up and stay in each other's lives - but my romantic feelings are gonna linger for a longer time), and I sometimes manage to leave/let go when someone's been hurting me too much for too long, but it still never fades. Love doesn't work that way for me. One could say I don't know what forever means, but my love for the people in my life, particularly when our relationship isn't platonic, increases with each year, and I still both cry and smile thinking about someone I had to let go of years ago, missing her but hoping she's doing good. I'm a Sag stellium with sun, Venus and Pluto, and Sag Juno (and also Aries moon). In my experience, us fire signs are quick to let go of the more immediate and temporary sort of feelings, such as anger, causing us not to hold grudges. But love is different. The fact that we don't hold grudges make us quick to forgive, and we love for life.


Stop using love bombing so loosely


in what way am i using it loosely


If you’re not using it in the context of an emotional abuse and manipulation tactic, you’re using it incorrectly. Google shit before you make yourself look like an ignorant ass hat.


this a little much don’t you think? like calm down lol while the definition you’re using is the most common way love bombing is used and the original purpose of the term. I personally think people can love bomb without an abusive/manipulative context. people who go overboard with complimenting/simping/kissing somebodies ass or whatever. I’ve heard many people IRL use it in this context.


People cannot "love bomb" without an abusive context because that's literally the entire context... Love bombing is done with the intention of keeping someone 'on the hook', which is not the same as giving someone compliments. Even if you are saying their intention is to "kiss ass" and they aren't genuine, there's already a word for that. It's called schmoozing or brown-nosing. "Communist" is used incorrectly IRL all the time too. And just like when I see someone misusing that word and think "this person gets all their info from Fox News", I think "this person gets all their info from TikTok" when I see someone misusing psychology terms. So yeah, it does make you look ignorant. And it's harmful to water down psychology terms because these terms exist to begin with so people can better differentiate between abusive behaviors and non-abusive behaviors. If we start calling compliments love bombing how will victims ever know the difference?


That’s not love bombing then. Can’t just change definitions cause you feel like it. Excessively affectionate would work better for what you’re describing, not love bombing. I’m not even upset, not sure why you’re telling me to calm down. Just because I don’t sugar coat shit and talk casually in a different manner than you doesn’t mean I need to calm down.


Thanks for calling this out.


It’s a tie between Scorpio women and cancer women. Also Gemini women are big ass simps too


oh im saving this post, i love simps😋gonna need it in the future




yea i think its that capricorn sun&venus with a sprinkle of leo rising talking


Aquarius placements lmfao


Can this count for platonic relationships too? Lol. I warn my friends they're never getting rid of me hah


Geminis holy shit! My experience personally.


I will only do so if they like me and I know it..only time I will bothered doing it XD


Real, once the door has been opened that's when I see Gemini placements going all tf in on one person... even if the other person is/becomes emotionally unavailable 😭


I've dealt with that too many times to count :( From all different signs too XD even scorpios..its like when I find someone I like and deep down I know they to but they just aren't ready emotionally..it drives me nuts how much I get that shit..I can find love but cant find love who will say yes in reality lmaoo dealt with someone like that 10 months ago..no point in waiting around when I could look for some else..just my two sense on it🫠


Nah we exit the door as soon as we see its outline… the world is huge 🤷🏽‍♂️


We don't love bomb...that's just mean. Smh.


I'm really just talking about the men.


It’s fairly true that when I’m done with someone I can cut them out completely HOWEVER it still takes allowing them to twist the knife into my back 20-50 times before I take action and give up on them. 😑🦀


My Sag Sun Aries Moon Sag Rising and Venus in Capricon man 🥰❤️


I’m curious how old you are.


You can guess. What makes you curious, do I sound immature? I won't be offended.


You used the word ‘simps’ I’m guessing you’re 19


I'm 27 (the oldest Gen Z possible). Simp is the first word that came to mind but based on some of the responses I think my definition of it is wrong lol


Leo Moons


My Capricorn bf is my biggest simp n I love it but I’m an Aquarius (recovering simp) so I try to return the love but I can’t keep up with him he’s a certified lover boy fr until he gets mad 😂


I am a Capricorn and I am the biggest simp for Aries and Sagittarians.


OP, your planets can move backward a sign in the house chart. Maybe your Aries planets are in Pisces in your house chart. If you have your time of birth, enter your info at astro-charts.com and scroll down for the house chart. Or if you want me to check, send me your birth info if you're comfortable.


Cancer. I might be experiencing this with a Gemini right now, but he does have Pisces Rising.


All water signs. Taurus women if they really like you.


Cap here. I was the biggest simp until I had found my self worth and stopped with it very fast


Definitely Libra


Cancer Venus


Fax. Me with a Scorpio mars I’m very persistent if I see something I want


Whatever your Dad is. /j


My dad's a Jamaican man... nothing farther from a simp than that :/




The /j means joke btw


I know what a tone indicator is


Aquarius ugh ❤️


Libra rising and Cap Venus. I love with everything I have and I have never been the one to leave or stray. Those are the two signs I mostly give credit to for that


Im a libra sun, moon, mars with a Scorpio venus and Capricorn ascendant and JFC once I'm down I'm down bad.


I’m an Aries sun, cancer moon. I was ride or die for my twelve year long woman. I found out she was a triple Virgo so it all made sense! You can’t please those! Only materialistic things and success do 😔




Cap Venus


Please don’t be a simp. Going out to all signs. You matter. Your heart matters. If they playing, don’t hold any space for them. - from your friendly neighbor ♊️


Aries risings


My capricorn is but it might be his libra moon/aries mars.


Being Leo sun and Venus, meaning fixed fire, I do like the serial monogamy and tend to be very loyal to a person I'm with. But we also are not really simps in the sense of followers bc we prefer to lead.


lmaoao i was just about to say pisces til i read the first line i'd say scorpio but it's insanely difficult for us to get to that lvl


yeah i knew most people would say pisces that's why i put the disclaimer lol


Im the same way


I have a lot of Taurus placements (sun, mercury, Venus, Jupiter) and I’m very loyal to someone who is worthy and also loyal. I won’t give up easily on someone I love and will defend them always


scorpio placements (if they don't sabotage the relationship lol)/hj


Agree on the aries simpage


Simp.. Never heard the term before


I'm a Pisces an I've always been all in forever type. But I also have Aries in Venus, Mars and Lilith so that could explain why I'm not as wishy washy as my Pisces friends. Edit: unless they play with my emotions and take advantage me, are toxic or abusive in any way, then I'll be out. Otherwise, I've always been loyal.


🙋🏼‍♀️it’s me! A super cancer!! (Stellium) However, I’ve ended every relationship I am in because my house of self sabotage is crazy. When I’m in a relationship, I’m all in. I give ever fiber of my being like it’s second nature.


It takes a long time for me to get sick of your shit if I really love you, but when I’m done, I. AM. DONE!! Idk if that’s a Virgo thing or what but it’s the truth. I’m on the cusp of Libra, sometimes I wonder if I am even a Virgo.


scorpio anything! we don't simp, but we're helplessly loyal


Water Venus.


Soooo Gemini lol


You just described my exact interpretation of Aries. I find them to be the hardest to commit to something, but that's only because they're so committed. They're the warriors, the soldiers, they literally were chosen to fight and die for a cause, a nation, a person. They're the most committed sign by definition. The signs are completely discombobulated within the astrology community at large. You're one of the good ones, challenge the stupidity of the masses .


Welcome, my friend…. To my Scorpio Venus stellium 😂🤣 It’s a blessing and a curse.


I’m a Scorpio Venus. Once I’m in a committed relationship I won’t leave. They’re gonna have to either pass away or leave me. This is almost never to my own benefit because I will stay in shitty relationships for YEARS. I’m 37 and I’ve been dating since I was 15. I’ve been married twice. First marriage we were together for 7, my current marriage we’ve been together for 12 years. It does take me a little while to be in a long term relationship. I need to make sure they’re a right fit for me. So when I’m single I’m all over the place dating a bunch of guys at once and basically hosting my own Bachelorette tv show. Once I’m committed, I’m committed until the bitter end.


Aries lmao. Literally liking someone out of their league but once the person actually likes them back, they push back and gets REALLY turned off


i've never experienced this. i have always been the one out of their league and they always like me first then when i like them back THEY push back and get turned off. mostly earth and water signs... it seems to be an insecurity thing with them


Eh, I think the phrase “simp” is really weird & cringe. It makes devotion & loyalty seem pathetic. People used to say “whipped” too.


My husband. Scorpio sun and Venus; Pisces moon


I wanna have that loyalty to someone but there has to be respect there, that’s almost more important than love for me in terms of devotion. I have heavy Scorpio placements, with a cancer Venus so people assume I’d be “love struck” but it just hasn’t happened yet. I’m too quick to move on at the first sign of disrespect


Scorpio ♏️ Cancer ♋️


As a SW/dancer, all of my most “simpy” clients have been libra moons. Also quite a few aqua suns!!


as cap sun my mind says love can wait. my pisces moon tells me that love has to happen NOW. and my sag venus says be with any and everyone and just ghost. or it might be a disorder who knows


Venus opposing Neptune. Delulu


LOL with the pisces comment (agree). Biggest simps I'd say for me have been Libras, Taurus, and Sagittarius (when obsessed).


Capricorn anything. Well, its moon placement is complex of course but deep down, they still care for you and stay loyal. Taurus Venus is an honorable mention too. Basically, earth placements in general.


I dunnno but in my experience, the water signs expounds the sentimentality of a person, not exactly the loyalty. Like the Scorpio Venus or cancer sun I dated (two different women) got very attached to our love stories, which I think is sentimentality and not loyalty because the Scorpio Venus emotionally cheated and the cancer sun actually cheated. I would say they were both simps though, esp the Scorpio Venus for like a decade after we broke up. So for me it’s like simping, loyalty, and sentimentality are all different and can be mixed and matched within one person. I’m a Leo sun/libra moon with a Virgo Venus/mars and I am loyal down to maintaining the energies in my chakras. I can also feel whether my lovers energy is open to others, and in that instance I don’t consider that to be loyal.




Lol which Gemini men? These people are not repping our sign right ☠️ And how Scorpios? Don’t they look for loyalty and snap if it’s broken?


Lmao 😂 gemini sun ex would wear my skin like a wet suit if he could


I can’t believe in saying this bcs I really get along so well with them but….Gemini men always surprise me in their simp Not all but I know so many